☕ coffee on sundays ◦ Hwang Na Mi ◦ The Flower Girl

☕ application
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Hwang nami
//// the basics ////
full name / Hwang, Nami.
alias(es) /
► Princess Nami; Mostly by her cousins and classmates due to her Princess attitude.
►  Gongju; means princess, only her parents calls her this, and obviously because she is their one and only daughter.
► Princess of Justice; due to her being very defensive about whats good and not.
birthdate / 23rd May 1995
origin / Busan, South Korea.
current location / Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, South Korea.
OCCUPATION / Flower Delivery Girl
height / 165cm kg50
//// the appearance ////
face claim / Halla of The Ark
backup / Wendy of Red Velvet
appearance / 
►In the present she has strawberry blonde hair that falls on her hips.
►She has a navel ring since 3rd of high school.
►She has a mole on her right cheeks(like Marilyn Monroe)
fashion sense / 
► what he/she wore to the funeral: She wore a simple black sweater and leather skinny.

//// the facts ////
character traits / 
► positive: Generous,polite,naive,out-spoken
► neutral:Optimistic,diligent,childish,persuasive
► negative: Haughty, self assured, egoistic, cunning

elaboration /
► Nami is a very haughty girl and it takes more insults and bullying to bring her confidence down. She knows she's pretty and always looks down on people who are below her, appearance wise; she is childish like that and thinks having being pretty is good enough to make a living. Nami is good with her words and very persuasive,but she is not good at it when it comes to herself. She is very strong, even if shes down about it; she'll be normal in an hour, she's very self assured and sometimes too self assured and forgets about other people's feelings. Same thing like her ego, she never admits her mistake out loud but acknowleged her mistakes and fixes it by being very diligent. Nami is very out spoken but in a polite way, but that usually backfires.  Nami is also naive, if someone apologizes or treat her really well, she would put her trust on them and would only believe what they say from themselve and not from rumors or other people; easily impressed by a magic trick or anything bright and colourful. She is childish when it comes to fun, she rather go have fun at an amusement park or the zoo; she hates serious talk and would always says something childish to enlighten the mood.

Nami is very cunning when it comes to getting what she wants, she uses her ability to persuade someone to do something or give her something; girls hate that about her. You can say she's two faced, but she does and says whatever she's feeling. Since she met Hoon, she never let herself be nice to the person she dilikes and if its someone she likes; she'll be extra nice and polite.Nami is diligent for her dream, she will do everything to achive it or even sacrifice for it.Nami also has this problem where she can be very bossy and whiny, everyone calls it a princess syndrome.
► Nami was born in Bucheon,South Korea to a wealthy family, Hwang Do Joon and Lee Mi Ran. She is the only daughter and youngest of 6 siblings. Her grandfather owns a flower arranging school and her parents owns a flower shop while her eldest brother inherits the school. Ever since she was born, she pampered by her parents and elder brothers. She is always praised for her beauty and anything she wants, her parents gave; except freedom. But by the time she was in middle school, she notice that she wasn't 'normal'. She started wanting to do things on her own, even though it was a huge shock to her family; she did everything on her own. No more maid, no more drivers to drive her to school. But even she did that, no one wants to be her friend. Girls hated her guts while boys wants her. She couldn't take being isolated by the girls, she said something. But that lead to physical bullying, although she fought and always won. Nami was popular around the neighborhood for being the haugty and out spoken girl from the rich family. Everyone was afraid of her, except the elders;they adore her for her generousity and politeness. But for her it was a benefit to be the ideal girl to everyone, she is generous but with ulterior motive. By the time she moved to Seoul with her brother, she enrolled in the same school as Hoon.

She created another mask in order not to make girls hate her, she puts a smile to everyone and agrees to everyone. She was popular girl loved by both male and female students. But Hoon noticed her mask and confronted her about it, but she denies it and ignore Hoon like he was invisible. Then when she was 17, there was a misunderstanding between her and her female classmates that. She was always agreeing with people and her friend overheard her saying her real opinion to her teacher. It was about another girl from another class, her classmates were saying she was whiny and annoying while Nami just thought the girl was shy and cute. Her classmate thought she was making fun of them and physically bullied her, that was when Hoon stepped in and cleared the misunderstanding; but she didnt went back to being friends with them but instead she hung out with Hoon and the others. She apologized to Hoon and told him why she did what she did. Hoon told her she was good at defending people but not herself, and commented her how she would be a good lawyer someday. That made her focus on study and decided to become one. She moved out on her own and started working to be independent, she became distant after being blinded by her dreams; she forgot her friends and the time to have fun and live.
triva / 
► Unlike other she likes Tea
► She never speaks to anyone with casual speech, even when shes angry
► She dislikes dogs and loves cats
► She's terrified of the Business Partner but doesn't show it
► She likes singing and has a voice for it and Hoon was the only one who had heard her sing
► She works as a part time model in college beside her job as Flower Delivery Girl
► She's very bad at cooking and but loves it
► The first coffee she ever tried was Ice Caramel Frappuccino made by Hoon
//// the plotline ////
funeral / She didn't cry but she was completely froze in shock. She was questing herself if he died because of her and denying it to herself. But after everyone left, she stayed. She thanked him for everything and left without crying.
past / It wasn't good since, Nami dislke him at first and ignored him for a long time until he helped her. After that she would always find him at lunch and ate with him, she followed him around and always tells stories about her and Hoon always listened.
present / She felt guilty and didn't want to admit anything, she took a month break from college due to her guilt and she couldn't concentrate at all. Nami kept putting the blame on the others and she did cried saying "you guys should've done something" but she was saying it to herself.
►Ice Mocha
►Ice Caramel Frappucinno
//// the end ////
FINAL WORDS / optional
Suggestions / optional
► It would be awesome if the Business Partner get yelled at when she was blaming everyone else.


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