The Guy

I don’t know why.. all I know is it hurts... he used to be someone who I usually fought with. The person who used be special. The peron who I used to call best friend. . My first suitor. My life changer.. but before we even step up our relationship... as friends.. I'm letting him go.

I need to let him go.

I choose to let him go.

And I choose wasting his time for waiting for me...

But I have to do it. I'm not strong enough.  I'm not tough enough.

I'm a coward potato..

And now I hurted him like a million dollar slap on his face... it was just one chat. No proper talk..

I'm mean and I know I am.. but I just don't want him to be hurt more.. now... I'm going to put on my pride once again....

Cry on my own.. lock myself up.... stare in blank space...

Maybe we aren't for each other..

Maybe I'm not his so called "The One"

I'm mean. Idiot girl...

I'm sorry.


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oh no, i hope you're ok. please don't put yourself down like that. stay strong ok!
My_Type #2
I know how you feel