Top 10 Underrated Songs.

As some may or may not come to realise, pop isn't the only kind of music Korea has to offer. Actually, there are some pretty great songs that most people don't even give the time of day. Well, that is why I'm here to stop this endless cycle and throw you guys some songs and artists that deserve a little bit of love too. Forcing you actually bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha cough, unless you... well.. move off the blog... But eh, I have my hopes. Anyway, here they are:



10.00) Dickpunks - Goodbye Girlfriend

09.50) Broken Valentine - Down

(R.I.P Kim Kyungmin.)

09) Guckkasten - Pulse

08) Kream - Dalla

07) The Nuts - Love Note

06) Princess Disease - Goodbam

05) Blue Near Mother - Change

04.50) Outsider - Hero ft LMNOP


04.00) Outsider - Acquaintance

(Shhhhhhh, I'm not biased I swear.)

03) Most Incredible Busters - Nod Along

02.75) JACE - Goodbye My Ray

(If you want to watch the video, pick the one on top. If you just want the song, pick the one below.)

02.50) eAeon - Bulletproof

02.00) eAeon - My Anniversary

(Yep, totally not biased)

01) LEDapple - Someone Met by Chance

(They are literally my childhood, along with my mother force-feeding me TVXQ songs.)


If I could put in all of the songs I feel are underrated, the list would be called: top 10000000 underrated songs. However, since it's three in the morning and I have church at ten, I should be off to sleep now. Peace out foetuses.


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