Got7 Issue: Bambam's use of the N-word (Not a rant)

Hello, guys. 

As you know I'm not the  one to be all serious about matters but I've decided to speak up about this as a BLACK kpop fan. I may lost subbers or followers for this topic, but I'll still sleep at night. Warning, do not get over what I'm going to say. It's me simply stating what I feel as a person of color and a BLACK person at that. So if you got this far, have a seat because it is about to get real.*sips tea*


As all of you may be aware, Got7 has gotten to some trouble while they were in the US. I don't really care about Yugyeom drinking or Mark's tattoos because those things are typical for the US. The main focus of this post is Bambam and how he used the N word. To keep is more appropriate I will not use the word myself, because I'm not trying to get into trouble with any admins. It was caught on film him saying the words, this may or may not be true but it was said that one of Mark's friends told him that the word meant "bro" or "friend", leading me to thnk it was done on purpose to probably fool him, but who knows? Now lets get down to word itself.  The word has always be a derogatory words, since its first use, First with "er" then black people shortened with an "a",  What makes it a racial slur is because non-black people or non biracial black people are using it. People will say, "but it's in your music, you say it all the time." Yes, that is true, but the music is geared towards the black demographic. There's also "I have a black friend, they let me say it." Don't every play that race card, Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves because that is ignorance on both of your parts and you should know why. There maybe some black that aren't affected by this, but that is not general population, They live in ignorance and not knowing their own history. Let's honest, kpop has a lot of history with anti-blackness and majority are not accountable for their actions, especially when it come to blackface and N-word. Many you never even hear a word from. Kpop idols praise and worship black artists and musicians, but don't realize that they are insulting the very race that they idolize. Don't give that bs about "They don't know any better!" Yes, they do! As much as they try to emerise themselves in the culture, you can't tell me they didn't look our history. It's basic ignorance, that's just what it is. I know, you know, we all know that Bambam was wrong for what he said, but don't try to justify what he did. Yes, we got the IG apology, so there was some accountablity on his part. When Lee Hi said it herself, she was ashamed and issued an apology, she too was taking accountablity for her actions. It's a pinch of prgress but here is what kills me. There are non black people that are accepting his apology. Why is that? His apology wasn't for you. It was for the black people to which he used the slur against. The situation was about black people and they anti-blackness that we encountered. I even know that there are video's being posted up about this, mainly one from Hallyuback which is two white people, trying to speak on behalf of black people about the N-word, to which it was used so casually and worse, tried to be justified according to them. Does that even make sense? Even as black people, we can't put all our eggs into one basket because idols will always be problamatic and that's nothing knew. Only difference is, it will target the black kpop community more.



So that's everything I had to say, but I hope this was understood. Feel to comment if you wish but don't be rude or butthurt. We can have a mature coversation about this topic.



- Julez


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lovelyrai #1
Girl you better go!!!!!! I'm probably do late but who cares *slurps tea* It is what it is truth is truth
I won't support him but I do think there's a bit of ignorance on his end. He simply didn't know. He asked people to correct him when he is mistakenly offensive. I could wish that he wouldn't do/say such things without knowing that they mean, how well (or not) accepted they are, etc but in the end, everyone has that desire to be well liked. He didn't know. We can't hold that over his head when he doesn't know the culture and whatnot.
ohhhmyyygoshh THIS!!! I was so pissed off that SOOOOO many people on IG were telling bambam that they forgave him for what he did, but they were the ones who never cared about him saying the word in the first place!! I'm like ????? uhmmm werent you just telling blk pple to get over it??? This was NOT for you. I hope that what ever he was planning on doing in Korea, he gears towards his black fans because all these nonblack fangirls are hopping on his stick and telling him that he's good when really it is our job to do so.

I agree with everything you said by the way. If he can dab and nae nae and whip and milly rock then he can at least have the respect to learn about the culture it comes from. The "he didn't know any better" excuse is not only dead, but it's disrespectful because it proves that all he does is take from our culture without learning about it.

And Lee Hi is a perfect example of why bambam SHOULD have known better. He knows more about hip hop than she does, his english is better than hers, yet he "didn't know" what the n-word meant? PUH-LEASE!! This boy even said it prior to the incident to indian youtuber Dee Kosh! He knew about the word before Mark's friends came into the picture (but fangirls are ignoring that tho. I wonder why??? -_-)

I'm sick of the fans victimizing him too, like calling him "precious baby" and "angel" like girl BYE this boy is not checking for you or thanking you for "protecting" him!! He made a mistake and handled it without thanking those who defended him because he realized that he had to own up to it! Stop treating idols like your children!!!

And did you see the twitter of that "popular" (i aint never heard of her lol) youtuber called "Jess Lyfe"?? She pretty much blamed all us black people for making other races "too comfortable" to say the word and then when she got backlash, she made a vlog saying that "we always have to attack eachother" and that we "aren't unified" -_- chile please...
Let's all just admit it. A large portion of idols(if not all) are actually pretty ignorant about other race's culture and can be very anti-black without even knowing it. It's hard to say that I'm not disappointed. :'(