New Idea for a story... wells it started as a dream

So I had this dream last night. It was pretty much a story. I want to know if it good enough to write as a fan fiction...


So heres the dream


The girl is a gamer. She likes every game possible. The guy is a superstar. A famous idol. But hes a gamer as well. These two met while playing the game Black OPS. They played together. Chat together. Exchange converstion together. Eventually, they fall in love. As a idol, he gave her a fake name fearing she might be a fan. But then she found out who he is? Is she a fan? or is she the same gamer girl he knows? Will she forgive him for lying? Or will she understand his reason?


What you think? should I write it?


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Jkitty_123 #1
Awesome something new like the storyline kinda different but kinda the same as other like she doesn't know Kpop but in totally looking forward