So many tards

This past monday there was a radio show that's basically a dating site. Like, you send them a message, include something about yourself, who you are looking for and your number and wait for the response. I was really bored at work so I thought 'why not?' and sent one. Goddness gracious. I never knew there were so many idiots in my nearest viccinity.
A guy over 15 years older than me wrote to me saying he is 'currently living alone' and if I wanted to meet up 'for some action'. I politely refused. He still writes once a day to ask just in case.
31y.o. guy with a 9 year old child. Pretty sure she wouldn't be too happy to get a step-mother. He's basically just looking for a mother to his children.
Now this is where things get freaky. A guy, much olderthan me, wrote to me, saying he is a writer that wrote a book about one of the things I'm interested in, works in as a security, etc. I told him many times that I don't want him to look for me, I only want to talk. He searched through the entire ing town just to see me at my workplace. Jesus Christ, I've never been so freaked out in my entire life. He brought something to drink and left. Then he proceeded to send me messages saying that I looked like my heart would stop and 'I'd piss my '. I sent him back one message telling him to never contact me again. I'm still freaked out.

Not to mention the many, many questions about how I look like, how much I weight and to sent photos. There was also this guy that said he wants me to send him a photo of myself to see, if I'm 'innocent'. I'm seriously regretting ever getting bored.


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My_Type #1
The last guy sounds way to creepy! Be careful!!