
hey guys, i know lately i haven't been updating either cry or the epilogue of envy of serenity - i just haven't been able to find the time to work on either.

i thought i would have a lot of time to work on it after exams finished, but then summer school came so i'm super packed. but i promise, in august i have almost no plans so i'll definitely post at least a chapter of cry in august.

once again, thanks for being so patient, and i will try to write and update as soon as i can.

if the epilogue of envy of serenity takes too long to write, i might just make it into two parts so i can upload what i have so far and not keep you guys waiting for so long.

as for origami, growing pains and all the fics i'm co-authoring with Carcinogenia, sorry-it's mostly just me being super busy and senpai wanting to wait and write with me. we'll try to get a chapter of growing pains by next month?? we need to find the time to write together; we'll try.

thanks again for all of your support and for being so patient with me.


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As for our stories: it is not your fault at all bunbun. Tbh we're both rlly busy lately. And origami is more my fault than yours. Due to the brainpower GP requires, I cant get into the mindset for a cute/vanilla story like origami rn. And yahyah. I might just go ahead and start the new chapter?? And next month we'll deff have a new chapter. Im currently trying to scratch together a new dollhouse chap, and that fic is all kinds of y atm~~~.