❛ seoul cheer camp 2016ㅤㅤ 》audition ⋮ jeup minki ❜

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elite audition : Jeup Minki

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BIRTHNAME : Jeup Minki

MIN—a shorten version of her name. Close friends and relatives usually call her this when in friendly situations. Meaning, if it's something serious, she's called by her full name. But anything friendly wise, she's called Min.

DATE OF BIRTH : December 9th, 1998 (18)
BIRTHPLACE : Buk-Gu, Busan, South Korea

KOREAN—Fluent—her native tongue, she speaks with an Gyeongsan dialect. Which means she sounds 'country' and has frequently been laughed at by many of her Seoul "city" classmates.


BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Park Jimin of 15&

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : Despite what many assume, Minki is only 162cm in height. She's small, and super short. She caters to this by wearing heels as much as she can (and when her coaches allow it). She tries her hardest to keep her weight slim, and healthy which is why she's down to her slimiest weight of 43kg but frequently has diets because her body has slow metabolisim and she struggles to keep her weight down. 


Minki isn't one for changing her looks often. Most of her life she's had slim features, a rectangular shaped face, with tinted pink lips, a turned-up nose, and slim hazel eyes that turn-up in the corner. When she was young, she had a large amount of baby-fat that she still has to this day (mainly in her cheeks and arms). Her hair used to be the color of auburn but when she was eleven, she decided to die it a a light tinted orange. Which she's had ever since. Once in a while, she trims her hair; but, only by a few inches nothing dramatic. The shortest she had it was just below the shoulders and the longest was just below her . Your extremely likely to find her wearing make-up. She tends to be uncomfortable in her skin, and tries to make herself look better and feel better by applying lots and lots of make-up. That, honestl, she doesn't need. 


Casual mode for Min is wearing whatever is clean in her closet. It usually tends to be a white cropped shirt, and denim overalls. Sometimes she'll wear one-toned-color sweaters (usually yellows, oranges, and blues) with high-waisted denim shorts. During the summer she keeps to wearing airy shirts with denim shorts and slim fitting belts. She enjoys wearing baseball styled caps over her hair, to keep it covered during the summer and bucket hats during the winter. She despises beanies because they don't look good on her, at all, and it makes her feel bad.
 Practice mode for Min would be wearing any kind of legging, with a sports bra covered by a thin white shirt. She's not one for showing off her body because of her insecurties of a child and only ever does so when she's told to. During times in which its cold she might wear a thicker sweater or hoodies over her sports bra. Her hair is usually placed into a bun or ponytail.
 Dorm mode is similar to casual mode but more laxed. She's often found in sweatshirts and sweatpants (but still wearing make-up and her hair is always perfect). If there's people (besides her roommates) over, she'll wear nicer clothes. Maybe a sundress or a cute t-shirt with jeans and flip-flops. She never wants to be seen at her worst, and the only time she is ever at that moment, is when she's in her own room with the door locked. Alone and watching k-dramas while eating a tup of stolen ice creams from the mini-fridge in Hyorin's room. 

"Ladies don't start fights; but, they can finish them."  




calm, firm, hard-working, polished, serious

that drunk aunt | chaotic neutral | indpendent realist

callous, devious, grim, insecure, petty


Sitting alone in the middle of the cafeteria, hair perfectly placed cascading down her slouching shoulders, legs crossed underneath the table, a tray of organized food in front of her body, with a large glass of what looks to be pink gatorade directly to the left of her. She stares at the glass, and you stare at her. In two seconds tops, she grabs the glass, swishes her hair over her shoulder, and down the contents as if she's drinking champagne out of a wine glass. You're confused, as what seems to be such a polished young lady begins to pound through mounds of noodles, rice, veggines, and soup. She looks like something out of a comedy movie where the beautiful but mean female begins to hound down on pounds of food. Thankfully, she doesn't burp at the end. But, instead, fixes her hair, straightens her shirt, and leaves the cafeteria. For a mere minute she glances at you, and it feels like the whole world stops. Goosebumps arise on your arms as it feels like she's looking into your soul and learning everything and anything about you. She's seen to people as the girl who can define you in a mere look, and that scares you. People are scared of her. But, honestly, that's just Jeup Minki.

 If you're meeting Minki for the first time, you'll probably hear all the rumors that have always circulated around Min. "Did you know she was once a famous iljin in her hometown?" or there's the one about her previously being a part of a gang when she moved to Seoul. Apparently, she has thirty known kills and assanations. Kids go wild with their imagnation when it comes to her past. Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions. She seems cruel, so she is cruel. She seems y, so she is y. If you actually move past the rumors, you'll find yourself wondering who she truly is. Is she cruel? Is she y? The answer would be, yes. But, only to a degree. She wasn't part of a gang, she hasn't killed anyone (nor does she aspire to) and she's never been a bully. She's just mean, twenty-four-seven. She won't help someone if they fall down. She won't care if someone begs her to stop spouting insults. And she's never actually apologized to someone if she's in the wrong. She's a pessimist, and she's not one for ever being fake. She thinks that the cup is half empty rather than half full. And she's not one for showing off the side of her that people will actually like. That may be because she's not a likeable person. 

 The next couple of times you meet up with Minki, you'll think you'll have come to know who she is. That's not true. You've seen her downsides, but, you've never see her good sides. You haven't seen the side of her who seems like the daughter of a diplomat, or the side of her who constantly does her homework five days early and is always on time. You haven't seen the side of her who is equally as calm as she is serious. And you haven't seen the side of her that is scared. Scared of you, just as much as you were once scared of her. When she was younger, she was bullied—both for her 'country' accent and chubby weight. She's been nervous about herself ever since. She's worried people will be mean to her. So, instead, she's mean to them. She's worried that people will hurt her. So, instead, she hurts them. She's worried people will hate her. So, instead, she hates them. And you, you don't know this; but, she doesn't want to be like this. She doesn't want to be so cynical and rude. But, she's scared that if she isn't, she'll wined up being the hurt little girl from middle school and yonder. So you assume, just like everyone else, that she's just as bad as the rumors say. And you, yourself, decide that she's not worth your time or patience. So you go with what everyone else says. You dislike her, but you have interest in her. You, just like everyone else, wait for a mistake. A mistake that will never come; because, Jeup Minki doesn't make mistakes. You do. And you made the biggest. By being like everyone else, you made her believe what she's always believed. That people are cruel.


Born as the oldest child to an extremely lower-class family, who owned a small bakery that the family lived a top. For the most part, Minki loved her young life. Being lifted onto her father's shoulders as he made dough in the back of the shop, or drawing pretty pictures for as she sells pastries at the front counter. At age three, she was delievered the best gift she's ever been given: her baby brother. While her parents were constantly working in the bakery, Min had the advisory role of babysitting her baby brother. She might've been three; but, she was a hell of a lot more trustworthy than any other baby sitter there was to be. Minki truly loved her family. She loved her dads hugs, her mother's nagging, and her baby brother's giggles. Busan was the perfect place to grow-up as a kid who didn't have anything other than the back of her own shirt. When she got a bit older, she was allowed to explore the land nearby. The countryside as it's called. 

 Sadly, seeing as her father was only thirty when she was ten, he was forced to join the military (as he avoided mainly for his health problems and frequent asthma attacks). The family moved to a small apartment complex in Songpa-Gu, Seoul. Just a few miles from the base her father was located. Her mother found a job as a receptionist at a nearby law firm, making small wages enough for tiny amounts of food and for the bills. Her and her younger brother began to attend a public school nearby. That's where everything happened. Minki was an easy target for city iljin's. She was chubby, quirky, and had an odd accent. She was constantly teased, prodded, and poked at. She was like a science experiment gone wrong. They pulled constant pranks on her, and soon enough her mental state detioriated. She wasn't depressed, nor sucidial. She was just sad, and not her normal happy self. While her brother fit in; because, he was cute and sweet. She was an outcast. 

At some point, maybe age thirteen, she was tired of being bullied and wanted a way out. She constantly listened to the way people talked in the city, and copied so that she has the same accent. She joined yoga, and dance classes to get fit. She hardered her outershell, and became the cruel she's known for today. Entering high school wasn't a big deal, and to solitify her y persona, she joined the school's cheerleading squad. She was an okay asset, since she did dance, and was now fitter from all the workouts she did. Because of her strong arms and legs (thicker than most girls) she took the position of Base and dabbled in tumbling every once in a while. As the years went on, she greatly improved and became one of the best members on the team. It was a no-brainer that the coach recommended her to join the camp and it was a no-brainer for her to agree to go. Sure, her mother had reservations, as did her father (who, might I add, stuck with the military even when his time was up) but she (and her coach) were able to convince them to let her go and so she did.


Never learned how to swim
Finds it hard to make friends, so she doesn't have many.
Enjoys being by herself; reading, while listening to music.
Considers herself above the law.
Finds most people to be narrow-minded and inflexible.
Believes luck determines wealth.
If people try to act funny with her, she'll ignore them.
She hates ignorant people.
She doesn't like confrontations.
She will only cry in front of people she cares about.
Her favorite thing to do alone, is watch k-dramas.
Her ideal type is someone who won't judge her.
Pasta is her favorite food.
She thinks that her friends are stupid.
Will forever love her brother, even if he does something irrevocable.

"ohana means family. And family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."



Younger Brother—Shin [ 15 ]—High School Student—Kind, Gentle, Oblivious—[ 9/10 ]

Minki packs her light orange suitcase, one shirt at a time. Her younger brother stands in front of the door way, a pour on his face. "Do you truly have to leave?" He mutters with a sigh. She doesn't say anything but instead nods her head. He watches sadly—nearly on the brink of tears—as she finishes getting her bag together. When she's done, she gathers her things toward the front door, that way she'll be ready for when the bus comes. Shin and her barely talk in the moments before then, one's too upset to talk, and the other doesn't know what to say. But when the bus honks, and Min stands up to leave; the younger instantly wraps her in a tight hug. "Promise me you'll be back soon!" She mumbles a quiet 'promise' as she hugs him back just as tight. With one last 'I love you' she leaves; not daring to look back in fear that Shin is crying. If he's crying, she wouldn't be able to leave.

"I'm Surronded By idiots."



Idiot #2—Choi Junhong [ 19 ]—Backspot—Obnoxious, Loud, Carefree—[ 8/10 ]

Junhong and Minki go to school with one another. He's widely known for being the type of guy who doesn't have many friends but can get along with everyone. People tend to find him odd, and weird; but, Min guesses that that's why she likes him. He's one of the only ones who've never judged her by what other's have said, and she loves him a lot for that. She treats him like a younger brother, despite being older. He tends to be that guy who, when she get's hurt, is there instantly and trying to put the blame on everyone even if it wasn't caused by anyone but her. When she told him that her aunt had passed away recently, this was his response. "I'm going to find him." He states and she looked at him confused. What? His look hardens, "I'm going to find the guy who killed her, for you." If it wasn't for his whole seriousness, she would've laughed. "Jun, it was cancer." He nods his head and crosses his arms. "Cancer done ed with the wrong people." She gave up after that.


Idiot #3—Moon Byul [ 18 ]—Tumbler + Spotter—Funny, Nice, Loud—[ 7/10 ]

Byul and Minki met last year at a cheer convention and hit it off despite Min's cold behavior. Byul is that type of person who's awkward enough to be adorable. Min felt bad for her, seeing as she was alone at the convention and wasn't talking to anyone; much like her. Little did she know that the girl was a talking time bomb who wouldn't shut up. Needless to say, they kept in touch afterword, and Min found herself actually liking the girl. Despite herself. When Byul saw her at camp, she was instantly happy that she galloped (litterally) over to her and wrapped her into a hug. "My baby, when were you going to tell me that you came?" She screamed in her ear. Minki shrugged but the girl continued. "Now we can have sleepovers, do each other's make-up, paint out nails, and plan the murders of all the people we hate!" One thing was efintetly not like the other, and Min noticed.


RIVAL(S) :  


Idiot #1—Ahn Solbin [ 16 ]—Flyer—Rude, Selfish, Obnoxious—[ -0/10 ]

Solbin made the biggest mistake by dumping Minki's younger brother and breaking his heart. Min loves her brother, beyond anything. At first, she was fine with taking care of Shin when he was devestated over the break-up. But when she went to school the next day, and found out the details of the break-up: she was pissed. Apparently, Solbin was bet to go on a date with Min, make him fall for her, and then break his heart. She wasn't even sorry when she confronted her. Minki was blinded by rage, she grabbed Solbin by her hair, and threw her into the lockers. Ripping out pieces of her hair, and screaming at her. Solbin was then, just as pissed. "What the you ?" She screamed, going after Min and grabbing her by the strands of her orange hair. "So what if I messed with your brother, who cares? No one even cares about him or you. You insignificant bug!" Thus the competition between the two started. There is no way, in absolute hell, that Minki will forgive Solbin. Not after breaking her brother's heart. Not after hurting him the way she did. And finding her at camp, was like a blow to the gut. Now, all she wants to do, is bring her down ten notches and bury her six-feet-under. Why does she get to be happy when her brother is still hurt by what she did a year ago? 




⇒ "Hello, it's nice to meet you both." She pauses to shift a hand through her hair—she barely smiles. "I've been on a cheerleading team since I was thirteen, so about five years of training. I also did moderate dancing before then as well."


⇒ "Well, seeing my weight," She points to her body; but, that confuses the instructors. She looks rather skinny not fat at all. "And physicality, I'll be applying for the base and tumbler position. If, still avaliable."


⇒ "Obviosly," She mutters but they don't hear her and she's thankful. She doesn't want to sound too cocky. "I think so, I've been doing this for quite a while, and feel as though I'm in a good position to do good for your team."


⇒ "I hope to grow better as a person, and create lifelong friendships and bonds with people on the team and overall here at camp." She knows she's spouting a line of bull; but, the truth is, she has no goal.


⇒ "It seems as though they have talent." She mutters with a nod.


⇒ "Lovely, thank you." Minki bows quickly, and leaves soon after.

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Kim Himchan of BAP



The first thing Minki learned about Himchan, was his quiet tendencies and observational skills. Compared to the most on his team, he didn't talk loudly. He wasn't rude, nor was he an attention . He seemed kind, and had a boyish vibe. If there was anyone on that team that she thought she could get along with, it would be him. Sadly, he happens to be the older cousin to Solbin, which meant, he was off limits. Not to mention that he's a part of her rival team, and dating isn't really permitted. Although she liked the way he smiled at the corners of his lips, and doesn't talk as frequently as her friend does, and he seems like the type of guy who listens well; she can't, and won't like him. Maybe from afar, but nothing more.

 The second time Minki saw Himchan, she was amazed at his kindness. Although he looks quite gruff, and firm, he was so kind. She had bumped into him, spilling all of her gear onto the floor. He couldn't stop apologizing, as he helped her pick up every last piece. Bowing over and over again, he said that if anything was broken, he'd pay for it. Then he apologized and said he had to leave. She was stuck there staring and watching after him. Feeling her heart flutter once again. How can someone be so nice and kind to her? It's unusual. 

 It was the third time that Minki found herself actually falling for him. Between his quietness, kindness, and handsome looks; she was surprised to find that she even liked his upset side. He doesn't lash out when he's upset or angry, he moves away and takes time to himself. When she stumbled upon him, she quietly asked him what was wrong, and he instantly spilled his concerns with no mind that he was talking to a practical stranger. Right then there, she knew she liked him. Damnit. 


 After Minki realized that she began to actually like Himchan, she created a distance with him and their team. Especially Solbin who would, obviously, hate the fact that Min likes her cousin. Instead she spent her time practicing more, and trying to befriend the people on her squad. Though, most of the time she spent by herself. Again, she's not good at social interaction.

 She wasn't sure if Himchan likes her, if he did he had a good way of hiding it. But, when she stumbled upon (by complete accident) on a walk, he seemed to perk up and ask if he could walk with her. She couldn't deny him when he seemed so happy to see her. So she ended up taking the whole walk around the camp with him. Awkwardly making conversation and trying not to show her feelings toward him. At the end, he asked if they could do this again some time, and she hesitantly agreed.

 This did lead to taking many walks together after their respective practices and when curfew was called (sneaking out of their cabins to meet up near the quad). They'd talk about anything; but, one day she got caught up in talking about her family and how much she loves them that she didn't even notice that Himchan was now holding her hand. It was a good tactic, she thought to herself later on. Getting her to talk about something/someone she loves that she's too distracted to feel him holding her hand. But, she knew, from that day onward: that he carried the same feelings she had for him.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Acquaintances ]—they've met on three different occasions; but, don't know each other. She likes his personality, and handsome looks; but, she's unsure of how he feels. 

ENDING :  I have absolutely no clue, so I'm leaving it up to you. One thing I will say, is that Himchan has no clue about what happened between Minki's brother and his cousin. Solbin probably won't like their relationship and would, most likely, try and convince her cousin not to date her. I think, honestly, there'd be a lot of tribulations in their relationship beside being on rival teams.

Bapoverflowers : Jacey

LAST WORDS : I had a lot of fun creating this; but, I'm not sure if I got everything you wanted in this. I might've messed up somewhere. Please do tell me if I need to fix something. ^^



turn in : story : cheatsheet


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