One Year In AFF

Warning: I'm not an English speaker so beware, there may be a ton of grammatical errors in this. Sorry in advance! 


Hello all! 

Well, the motive for this blog is to celebrate my one year anniversary in AFF, and that is by telling you all my journey through this one year I have been in this wonderful place! Let me tell you some things about me first though :) 

My name is Cony, but you can call me Canon/Caniwi ^^ I'm 17 years old, and I have been in this beautiful Kpop world for about 10 years now. My favorite groups (in no order) would be SHINee, f(x), EXO, SISTAR, DBSK, SNSD, Super Junior, Girl's Day, Mamamoo, Red Velvet, GOT7, BTS, TWICE, Teen Top, INFINITE, Lovelyz, Boyfriend, etc. I read all kind of fics/stories! I really like reading and writing, and specially, listening to music. When it comes to music, I like all genres :) *damn I like everything it seems lol* 


Well, that would be it. Now, to how I discovered this site:


One 7th of July I decided to create an account in this site. I wanted to read a fanfic my friend sent me, but when I checked it it said ''Members Only'', and that meant that I had to make an account in the site to read it. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to make an account in the site, mostly because I didn't think I would ever use the site again (how wrong I was lol). After some minutes of considerating my options, I decided to just it and create an account.


It turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made in my fangirl life. 

I've met awesome people. I have read stories that made me cry my eyes out. I have read stories that have made me change, and for the better. But the most important of all, I have come to love reading and writing again, all thanks to AFF and its authors (also LiveJournal but you get what I mean lol). I wrote this blog with the purpose of thanking all of you, authors or readers, just for being there. You have no idea how much happiness I felt when I read a funny or beautiful comment, and when authors responded to my comments. 

I have even been practicing to post my own stories, and that's something big, because I have always wanted to post them, but just couldn't. I couldn't, because I didn't have the courage to do it. 
However, after reading about some authors experiences and how some of them felt the same way as me before they decided to post their stories, I have come to the conclusion that the only impediment in my journey is myself. I'm the one preventing me from doing things I want to do, and that has got to stop. But, before posting any of my own fics, I want to recommend people some of my favorite fanfictions. Fanfictions that have changed me, fanfictions that have moved me, and fanfictions that have motivated me!


So, I will shamelessly advertise my recommendation list in this blog xD You are free to click on it or not, I will still love you, since you read this long blog haha


Once again, thank you all, I hope you all have a very good day/night!



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glee02 #1
Happy anniversary!! I hope you start posting your own fics, and I'm sure that people will appreciate the unique factor that you bring to your stories! Good luck~
happy anniversary,Cony ^o^
I hope we can spend the upcoming years together here ;)
aww this reminds me of the way I first joined aff and everything I've written and read and everyone I've met... happy anniversary XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Happy anniversary :)
Congratulations, Cons! It's people like you who inspire other to have courage to just write, let them feel the joy and proudness of writing a fanfic. Or just for escapism. I hope in the many years to come your story will get featured. Always happy to support fellow writers and readers in Asianfanfics! (Sending virtual hugs!)
awww such a cute blog post <3 congrats on your anniversary here! it always makes me happy when you check out my fics ^^
Happy anniversary!!
Congrats~~happy one year anniversary in aff:)
omggggg cony, congrats on your one year anniversary here on aff!!!
-brings lots of goodies and food-
are we gonna celebrate or what?? <333
And i really can't wait for you to write! I will always support you <3333 seriously, you're one of the sweetest people I know on aff! Good luck with your recommendation thread because I know all the fics there are going to be so awesome!
I really love reading about your experience! And I understand the constant fear of posting, I feel it all the time but I want you to know that if you ever write, do tell me. I'd love to read it :)

Ps, I love EXO, BTS and f(x) too! :D I'm happy since it's hard to find another MeU nowadays <3