RUSH to Debut, Lily :: Sub-Rapper, Main Dancer


161 + 250




✩ Lily - while it is the meaning behind her Korean name, Nari uses this back in England as her English name.
✩ Sulli - her friends thought Nari looked similar to  Sulli, the former f(x) member) so jokingly, they'd call her that whenever they look over photos
✩ Pug - Nari has a very flexible face and a puppy-like appearance. When her friends mix those two traits together plus squishing her cheeks, a pug image was created. 


✩ Korean (native) - the language strictly used in Nari's household and family.  
   English (fluent) - she was born and raised in a english-speaking country


✩ Standing at 170 cm and 45 kg, Nari has a slim figure. She is considered 'underweight' although her fitness and muscle mass convinces her otherwise. Her body is of a dancer's body with long sun-kissed brown hair. 


✩ Nari always liked a mix of comfort and style. She often prefers pants over skirts but she wouldn't consider herself to be a 'tomboy'. She likes to stay classic and simple outside of her home and use old clothing to sleep. When it comes to formal wear, she has an interest in dresses with dark colors (maroon, navy, etc.) and the length always varies based on the style. 
✩ CASUAL — 01, 02, 03
✩ AIRPORT — 01, 02, 03, 04


✩ For someone who's a dancer, Nari is flexible to the point that she's able to move her body in unhumane ways. She was aware of her doublejointed body as a kid and has always used it to show off. 


Kim Nari. The girl who has traveled across the globe from the heart of England to the heart of Seoul to achieve her dream of becoming an idol. The dancer has come a long way ever since she steped into the entertainment world as a trainee five years ago. Nari is in it to show everything to prove her potential. 

BIRTHPLACE: London, England

BACK UP: Actress Moon Ji-ln


I hope it's interesting...

( positive ) — cheerful, protective, ambitious, sentimental
( neutral— high-spirited, skeptical
( negative— dishonest, single-minded, childish, transparent


If there's anything Nari wants to reflect off on, it'd be the sun. Like the sun, Nari would be described as bright, active, and around everyone. She is the hyperactive one in the group whose purpose would be a comedy relief like any other drama. Around her friends, she looks out for them, even if they don't need to be looked out for. She makes sure everyone is safe and sound from any danger, despite others being stronger than her. She's the type to easily create a deep bond with new friends where every memory matters. It's shown through her gifts and letters how much she thinks about her friends in the smallest of ways. When she does show it, she makes sure it's perfect in everyway. Every present should be given every thought according to Nari and that side of her shows in her workstyle and dancestyle. Perfection is something Nari wants to obtain as much as possible even if it's be impossible. 

When there is a sun, there are shadows. People don't notice it but Nari has a very narrow mindset. Once she is set on one thing, she will only work towards that one thing despite any other conditions. Any other solutions become doubtful in Nari's head. One mindset Nari always had was putting friends before her. She always believed that and occasionally she'll sputter a few white lies where the truh will hurt. Even if she is in the wrong, fighting with her is similar to fighting with a child, stubborn and overreactive. She wears her heart on her sleeve without noticing so everyone can see through her lies and dishonesty even if she doesn't want them to. 


Born from the English land of England, Nari was born on the Summer Solestice with two loving parents and an older sister. Her mother was a music teacher and her father was the breadwinner of the family by being a professor at a college. The four lived happily even if they didn't have all the riches of the world or air conditioning during the summer. 

Nari's passion started in a family trip to Korea one summer. She saw bright colors and sparkly outfits on T.V. as the adults sat around and chattered among themselves. Dancers. It was love at first sight when Nari saw how their bodies moved fluidly to the music, to every beat. Since Nari was a small child then, anything seemed possible to her. 

Ever since, her parents gladly signed her up for dancing lessons. At first it was ballet, then it was modern dance, and then it was all these type of dances. Before Nari even knew it, she became a natural at dancing, to the point she was considered a 'prodigy' at the age of ten. She couldn't help but intake the smiles from her family at every recital they went to, every clap she'd receive and the proud bragging from her parents to their friends. She knew she could be something with her talent, so she took it to where her dream originated from, South Korea. 

She'd live with her aunt as she auditioned at countless companies, hoping one of them would at least take her in. By the time she became a trainee, her time at the company outweighed the time back home. She would practice endlessly and eventurally started to forget her meals, started to sing and rap more then snoring in her sleep, started to drown herself with training and the uncertainty of being an idol.

It wasn't long before the problems start to worsen. Eventurally, Nari developed an eating disorder and starting getting IV treatement to continue on with her training. The physical check-ups weren't any better when the idol industry demands every idol to be under a certain weight. The smiles she saw on her parents through video chat eventually dissappeared and most importantly, her smile started to dissappear. Hospital visits became more mandetory and eating became harder to accomplish.  Even if Nari was born on the longest day of the year, it was uncertain if she could last any longer in her state. 

"Just come home."

"Please take care of yourself."

With clenched teeth and a lowered head, she couldn't figure out what went wrong. What happened to the supportive parents urging her to achieve her dream? What happened to the pride, the smiles, the applause? What happened to her dream?

A small voice in her head whispered "Are you happy with yourself?" and it clicked. 

She forgot it all; the joy behind dancing. She danced because she was happy. She was happy from everything dancing gave her and look where she is now, unhappy. 

From that day on, Nari tried to fix herself. She tried to sleep more, eat more, play more. In order for her to achieve her dream, happy must be part of it. 

It was a struggle. The progress was slow, but surely there was improvement. 



✩ insects
✩ roller coasters
✩ fruits
✩ literature
✩ flowery scents


✩ winter
✩ caramel
✩ peanuts
✩ history
✩ lettuce


✩ dancing
✩ sewing
✩ cooking


✩ brushes her hair behind her ear whenever she's nervous
✩ crosses her fingers whenever she needs to remember anything
✩ hits the nearest person whenever she laughs
✩ tapping her foot while sitting
✩ practicing her dances mindlessly while standing around


✩ despite her history, Nari often snuck in and ate snacks inbetween breaks
✩ the only pun she makes is 'now you see me, nari you don't!' Nari sounding similar to 'now'
✩ she often leaves her phone in her bag and forgets where she places it every morning (which is usually her bag). 
✩ she would bring little oranges and share it among everyone
✩ when it comes to bugs, Nari is the first one to volunteer removing it
✩ modern dance is Nari's strongest point but her habits originate from her ballet days
✩ when it comes to pictures, she often scoots to the back
✩ she shamelessly bursts out into song even if she doesn't know the lyrics
✩ back in her trainee days, she'd only eat at one spot because she was scared to try anything new at the time
✩ Nari is frugal with her money.


✩ Partner - Yu Jaili (22) / Trainee / warm, quiet, sensitive / 6/10
When it came to practicing together, Jaili and Nari were inseperable. The two shared the same dream so it was obvious they decided to work together. Despite the language barrier, the two are always lending a hand with eachother even if they don't see the latter outside the practice room. 

✩ Ex-Lover - BAP's Zelo (20) / Idol / shy, blunt, tough / 2/10
Zelo was Nari's star-crossed lover without the dying part. Ever since they broke up, awkward nods and weary smiles were shown whenever the two were together. They were shaky about eachother, knowing the idol life was the reason why they broke up. 

✩ Aquaintance - GOT7'S JB (22) / Idol / friendly, playful, manly / 3/10
At first, the two often greeted eachother in the halls. Then, as their greetings got more common, fingers got pointed and rumors started spreading. Of course, Jaebum felt bad for being the reason why a valuble idol-to-be got kicked out, but he puts it behind him and let the two try and build up their friendship again. 

✩ Friend - Choi Hansol/SVT's Vernon (18) / Idol / prideful, quiet, introverted / 5/10

Even though Nari was fluent in Korean, she often lacked friends who spoke English. Hansol was one of the few who did and they bonded over their differences. As Nari hailed from London and Hansol hailed from New York, the two communicated frequently despite one's busy schedule. 

The Idol-To-Be

Be a Barbie doll, honey

STAGE NAME: Lily - It is the meaning behind her name, Nari. 
PERSONA: Summer Sun - Nari was born on the day of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Her personality reflects off of how the Sun shines, brightening everyone's day and giving light when there is darkness (on stage, at least). 
✩ TSENT - 2 Years (2011~2012)
✩ JYP - 4 Months (2013)
✩ LOEN - 4 Years (2013~Present)

TRAINEE LIFE: "Grit." That's what Nari lived by for years. She passes auditions with her dancing capablities but that appeared to be nothing when it came to the real deal. She knew she was at the bottom of the barrel with the talent of others around her. In order to change that, she devoted her life in the practice rooms. Her friendships often begun from helping eachother out and losing 'rock, paper, scissors', causing her to buy food for everyone. But due to the heavy schedule of juggling school, practice, and occasionally a few other obstacles, it led various times where she wanted to give up. Even then, her ambition and 'grit' has carried her to where she is now. 

SINGING TWIN: Red Velvet's Yeri (EXID's Junghwa)
RAP TWIN: Kara's Youngji (T-ARA's Eunjung)

✩ School Dance Team (2008 ~ 2012) - Even before she became a trainee, she was involved with her school's dance program. Her school was always above last but never in first so not much fame was produced. 

✩ Back-up Dancer (2013 ~ 2016) - After becoming a trainee, she was put in the back of the perfomances. She was usually hidden due to the spotlight shining at her superiors instead. 

✩ FORBIDDEN LOVE | TRUE | Articles arised as pictures of BAP's Zelo and an unfamiliar girl stood together, hands held with lips pressed on one's cheek. Soon, it was later found out that Zelo's precious lover was TSENT's very own trainee, Kim Nari. It was a very slim chance that the company allowed a happy ending between an idol and a trainee. The lovestory came to an end where the company pushed them apart by kicking Nari out, ending their relationship. | 2012

✩ A BAD LOVE STORY | FALSE | A chain of unfornuate events came in Nari's way as she entered one of the famous three, JYP Ent. Rumors arised, referencing back to her incident in 2012. Suddenly, Nari is in a web of lies as her co-trainees spread rumors. It varied dating JJ Project's very own JB to being an ex-lover of JJ Project's Junior and using him to enter the company. Luckily, the company was able to resolve the issues with an offical statement. On the downside, Nari was kicked out to prevent anymore issues between her and the company. Her time at JYP was measured in months instead of years. | 2013

✩ N/A

100 * 200

The Interview

Be truthful or let it come back to bite you


✩ Hello! I'm Kim Nari! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm currently 20 years old in Korea and I came from the humble land of London. 


✩ My best skill? It would have to be dancing! I have been a dancer since I was a wee child and it has been my passion ever since. If there's one thing I can improve on, it'd be singing. One of the important aspects of being an idol is singing, isn't it? So I should be better at that. 


✩ Because I believe LOEN Entertainment has a lot to give seeing how it produced a lot of sucessful artists. Since I was accepted as a trainee, I would only think LOEN has a lot in store for me!


✩ A side of me? Mmmm. Well, I hope the viewers and judges can see me in my best light. I want to put my best foot forward so that side of me would have to be a side that someone can look up to as a role model. 


✩ I am! Life isn't easy, I sure know that. Although, I can't really say I'm prepared for the worst case scenarios, who knows what can be thrown at me. 


✩ If I were eliminated, I guess it's back to square one. Being eliminated isn't the end of the world, it just means I need to get back on my feet and try again. 

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int




✩ ( positive ) caring, lovable, objective
✩ ( negative ) inconsiderate, insensitive, moody

✩ Kim Mingyu, the ideal main lead in any romantic story. He's sweet, lovable, everything anyone can ever dream of. He was always seen trying his hardest and treating all of his friends out after practice. There was high expectations for his future lover to even come close to have half of his qualities. He was always lending a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. Anyone who looks at him can tell he's a good person. 

✩ But, Kim Mingyu, is also the boy who no one wants to face. Many admire him for his righteous trait where he believes in what's right.  But being full of justice can have a lot of faults. Despite his warm character, he is rather insensitive. There's no such thing as a subjective opinion when it comes to Seventeen's Mingyu. He can easily cut others off from his life in a blink of an eye. He acts cold and distant from those who've done wrong even if he wasn't included. 


✩ It was a hot summer's day when Nari walked out of the Fantagio auditions. Maybe, she thought, maybe she could pass this time. But that was besides the point. She turned a corner with her head down until she heard hushed voices and bickering. Looking up, she saw two figures alone and quickly jetted to hide. 

"I'm breaking up with you."

"Wait. But-"

"We're through, Mingyu."

"What did I even do?"

"It's not you, it's me." The female voice sighed as foot steps clicked until the sound faded. 

Nari quickly went on her phone, pretending to look at her social media feed. Eyes quickly darting for a signal to check the corner, only to see the male left behind. That poor soul. Dongwon? Was that his name? Nari peeked, wondering what happened.

It was just in that moment, Nari got caught with the fellow's eyes staring back at her. 


✩ Ever since that day, Nari never saw the heart broken male. The world was big so she couldn't even imagine meeting him again. 

"Don't tell anyone what happened." Were his last words before he stormed off. Nari could only simply nod and look at him speechless. By the time he was out of her sights, Nari can only say, 

"That poor guy."

And now here she is, a few days later with the same eyes staring down at her. Who knew fate can be so cruel? A sparse second paused the two before they quickly walked away.

And then it happened again. And again. It didn't help when Nari was friends with one of the members in the same group as him.

It took Nari a lot to step up and say, "We've been seeing eachother a lot nowadays." She inhaled, taking a deep breath, "Here, let me treat you to some coffee." 

Afterwards, the coffee meet-ups became common and the chattering increased. As the chattering increased, it soon turned into love advice and Nari found herself cattering to the boy's woeful sorrows. 

Before she knew it, she became protective over Mingyu. He was the type to be perfectly capable by himself. But, slowly she wanted to hold him and tell him it'll be okay, that his feelings are valid and that he deserves to be loved.

If only Mingyu would stop looking at his past love and looked for someone new instead. And that's what Nari wanted to do, help him move on. 

Too bad, Nari got caught up in the second lead syndrome and started to push her love away to find love for the poor boy.  

STATUS: Friends / One-sided love?
ENDING: Everyone has a happy ending, even the second-leads who always fall heart broken. Nari knew she was avoiding her feelings. But, she spent too much time avoiding it that she didn't notice the pair of eyes on her. The feeling of endearment from the other side. What Nari didn't know among the mess, was that the person Mingyu wanted to move on with was with her, Kim Nari. 


minnamsoom ✩ magi

LAST COMMENT: wheezes, hello! i hope this is good for you ; v ; i might go back and revise the presonality because it's not my best work- but the general idea is still there! also eunjin was the lead rapper but there weren't that many solo performances for her rapping so. .. . o/ i didn't add any pictures because i was worried about not making it you see.. .. so i'll let you know if any changes occur! if there's anything you want me to fix- please let me know! i hope you like nari <3. 


✩ Nari's fascination with bugs and how it kinda creeps out the other members with how comfortable she is with them.  

✩ Mingyu finding JB and Nari together and automatically assume she likes him- and tries to be her wing man until she tells him the whole story (might be too much- completely optional tbh)

PASSWORD: Thank  you for letting me be me.



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