Update on my life

Hi friends, So lately I haven't been very active on AFF because I've been really depressed this past year. A lot has been going on and there's been a lot of changes. First thing is that my parents just got a divorce. They announced it just before homecoming last year and then to top of that sandwich my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend, broke up with me. The ed up part about that was that he told me he loved me and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me the night before he broke up with my . He took me somewhere private and I thought he was asking me to homecoming but drops a bomb on me instead. I miss him very much and I wish I could change the past but I can't so I have to live with the guilt and pain. Not long after that I met anoth guy. He was really sweet and he called me baby girl. We were talking for months and feelings grew for each other. After we hung out a few times this summer we kissed and started doing stuff(if you know what I mean) and a week later he tells me he got a girlfriend. So yeah that . Then I meet a 21 year old man that really liked me and I really liked him. At first he wanted to wait until I was 18(I'm 17 now) to meet my dad and make our relationship official. Apparently he couldn't wait until December when I turn 18 to have with me and stopped talking to me. So yeah I'm done with guys now. And every time I meet a guy and I start developing feelings, they drop a bomb on me and I never talk to them again. Then I end up turning back to my ex and all the memories we made together after dating for 7 months. It still ing hurts. But there's the update of my life. I know my life balls but eh that's life for ya. Anyways happy 4th of July everyone! Have fun and be safe!


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