♦ Suite — Clubs' Lead Vocals, Guitar, Rap — 오혁진 | Oh Hyukjin ♦

Nate : Oh Hyukjin

BIRTHNAME : Oh Hyukjin

▸ Nathan — His English name is what his father and his father's side of the family refers to him by, so he responds to both Nathan and Hyukjin equally well.

▸ Jin — People call him this when he's with Hyeokbin. They call Hyeokbin 'Bin'. It's literally just to differentiate them since their names are so similar.

DATE OF BIRTH : November 23, 1993
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY : Korean/British

▸ Korean — Native; He grew up in and attended school in Korea

▸ English — Fluent; He visited his father's family in England every year since he was born so he grew up speaking both languages.

FACE CLAIM : Lunafly's Sam Carter
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : I can't think of another half-white half-korean with the right look for Hyukjin... Maybe Royal Pirates' James? Though he's full Korean. But him I guess XD
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 177cm and 62kg

▸ Hyukjin knows he looks old, you can stop telling him that now, thanks. He also looks more caucasian than Korean, and he likes to keep his hair dyed blond when possible. After embracing his different heritage he started highlighting it that way, and now he just thinks he looks better blond. He's pretty well filled-out in the muscle department as well - attractive buskers just get more attention he found, plus working out was a good way to let out his frustrations.




"Just tell me when it's over"



(+) Patient, Hard-Working, Supportive, Passionate, Calm

(/) Introverted, Tired

(-) Unsympathetic, Awkward, Distant, Sarcastic, Impersonal

Hyukjin is often referred to as "the eye of the storm" by some of his less zany relatives, who like to take shelter around him when the rest of the family is being... themselves. He's a very calming presence as nothing seems to be able to phase him. Frog flying around because one of the cousins thought it would be a fun pet? Hyukjin just closes his door. Aunt Naeri throwing a dramatic fit over her husband's latest affair? He walks right by without batting an eye. His unshakable calmness is almost his defining characteristic, and a lot of his family praise it. However, a lot of Hyukjin's ability to patiently sit through any tantrum or other mess comes from a genuine lack of caring about whatever is happening. Hyukjin does not care about your personal drama, and he will continue to not care no matter how many times you throw it in your face. You do you, and he'll do him, and he doesn't see a problem with that, though many people get frustrated over how cold and unhelpful he is when they want his opinion on anything non-musical.

However if it is music you want to talk about, Hyukjin is your person. His passion for his craft literally changes his personality. When talking about music, Hyukjin is animated and eager, happy to bounce ideas off of others and talk well into the night about musical arrangements and the benefits of different makes of guitar in different songs and how each produces it's own sound and emotions. His eagerness is usually pretty infectious, so long as the other person does have some interest in music, otherwise his rambling probably gets annoying. But unless the topic is music related you can count Hyukjin out. He's really an introvert at heart, and having grown up constantly surrounded by people he now takes care to keep his personal bubble clear of living creatures. He honestly doesn't know how to hold a proper conversation about anything else and gets highly awkward and distant when people do try to get him to open up, making him a very difficult person to befriend.

The fact that Hyukjin is basically tired of people doesn't help the fact he's bad at talking to them. He was surrounded by a hurricane of humans for most of his childhood so any and all alone time is a blessing. He keeps people away simply because it was so rare growing up he's come to treasure it, despite logically knowing he doesn't really need to fight for private time anymore. He does have his moments though, again usually relating to music, which also stem from his hectic home life. Having been an older brother figure to a lot of his younger cousins as well as his older cousins children, Hyukjin is very patient with even the largest of annoyances, and he's also a very supportive person, something he learned from his dad. He's always happy to offern constructive citisism and words of encouragement to his younger relatives, something that has extended to everyone in Yunrae as well. He enjoys helping, especially since he knows he's not the easiest person to get along with.

It take a lot to get the unflappable Hyukjin angry, but when he is mad he does it in a style that matches him perfectly: passive aggressive sarcasm. Hyukjin knows tantrums and loud anger don't get anyone anywhere, so when he's annoyed by something he become extremely sarcastic. Being highly impersonal to begin with, his sarcasm is aloof and generally very below-the-belt, though so subtly he's often left before it's fully sunk it what he's just said. He usually cools off after a couple of snarky remarks though, Hyukjin doesn't much like being angry. It consumes energy that could otherwise be put to better use, usually practicing. Hyukjin is very hard working in all aspects of his life, musical or not. The way he sees it, what's the point of doing something if you aren't going to do your best with it?

Most children born out of wedlock from a one night stand only know their mother, or end up in the adoption system. But Hyukjin's mother, herself from a huge and very closeknit family, didn't want her son growing up without a father. And luckily for Hyukjin, when she hunted down Adam Richards he was more than willing to be in Hyukjin's life, having always wanted a son. So Hyukjin spent his childhood going back and forth between England and Korea. Living full time with his mother meant living full time with her entire extended family as well, and Hyukjin very quickly came to anticipate the calm of his father's house during his two week breaks during semesters and the month between the spring and fall semesters.

Childhood was hectic for Hyukjin. Aside from the flying between countries, he was bullied quite a bit for being a "halfie". It upset him a lot as a kid, and he has a lot of memories of hiding in the bathroom and crying during breaks. He couldn't tell anyone in his family because there were no secrets in the Oh household and there were certain cousins and grandparents he didn't want knowing about it. So school was a big struggle for him, and his grades reflected that. Of course, being from a Korean family, none of his relatives were happy he wasn't even close to the top of his class, but he always figured all things considered being average was pretty good. He did tell his dad about things and Adam was great about comforting his son and distracting him with tours of England, horseback riding at his grandparent's farm out in the country, or, most commonly, with music.

Adam was a failed composer who still loved the craft even after settling for a boring office job, and he shared his passion with Nathan. He gave Nathan his guitar and piano lessons and Nathan loved them, even risking talking to his mom about continuing lessons in Korea. She instead decided  that if he was going to pursue music he was going to be a prodigy if she had anything to do about it. SO instead he found himself with violin lessons on the weekdays and voice lessons on the weekends. Of his four musical pursuits guiar and singing were his favorites. It's not that he hated classical music, he just got sick of playing it really quickly. Doing music did somewhat appease the Korean side of his family - he didn't have the best grades but he could possibly make something of himself in the growing music industry.

He did go to university, though it wasn't on his list of things he really wanted to do. He double majored in music and business - music for himself, business to shut up his Grandma Yuri's grumbling that he was never gong to accomplish anything with a "wimpy" profession like music. He graduated on time at 22 years old, and immediately took to busking for money. He did a mix of covers and original compositions, and he ended up catching the attention of one Yoo Hyeri on her way to work at Yunrae. Hyeri suggested he audition at Yunrae and take his music to the next level, and since he hadn't had a better plan (flying to LA to try and make it in America was too expensive, as he'd found out) he agreed. He auditioned with a original song and he began his training soon after.


▸ Music. Just music in general. He'd marry music if he could
▸ Horses - his father's parents had a ranch and he loved going to ride
▸ Busking/Performing in general - he has natural stage charisma which is unexpected
▸ Statistics. It was the one class he actually liked in his business major.
▸ RnB music - of all the styles (and he loves all styles) he feels RnB is closest to his own personal composition type and he really enjoys listening to it as it inspires him.


▸ Being crowded
▸ Having to talk or think about his extended family for any amount of time
▸ Every business class other than Stats
▸ Skinship. This is his personaly bubble, please stay outside of it.
▸ People being "weird" about his parental situation. They hooked up in university, it happens, move on.


▸ Tapping the side of his nose with his pen if he's stuck during a composition
▸ Humming under his breath to whatever song is playing - but not to the melody. He likes to hum the baseline for whatever reason. He doesn't even realize he's doing it most of the time.
▸ Rambling about music always


▸ Composing and writing lyrics. Also playing his instruments. Basically music.


▸ Along with guitar Hyukjin plays both violin and piano
▸ Yes he has a British accent. Please stop asking him to say weird english words just to hear how they sound. Please.
▸ He doesn't feel he deserves "rapper" in his position title since he only picked it up to better understand word flow to includ raps in his songs.
▸ Hyukjin does his best to not go on music rants when there are cameras around, so on shows he often just sits quietly and watches everyone else make fools of themselves.
▸ Often times when he talks about music he gest so wrapped up in what he's saying he completely forgets what he was actually supposed to be talking about, or what he said prior to launching into the rant.
▸ He says 'please' and 'thanks' a whoel lot more when he's being sarcastic than in normal conversation, for no apparent reason other than to be that much more sassy.
▸ Although he really doesn't mind being the result of a drunken night of fun, he still avoids drinking as he doens't want to be making any similar mistakes.
▸ He knows zero Kpop bands and will embarrass himself quite often backstage when he doesn't know someone. That said he's very familiar with bands like Drug Restaurant, Lunafly, Royal Pirates, and FTIsland, all who he cites as inspirations for his own musical style and passion.
▸ He has low blood pressure so he keeps snack bars on hand at all times just in case, usually multiple ones because he's used to the little cousins stealing them out of his bag when he's not looking.
▸ Along with his calmness, Hyukjin is fearless. If he's going to die he'll die, but most things are very safe so if it fails it was a freak accident and was probably meant to be.
▸ He is a believer in fate to a degree, though he also says you can shape your own fate, it's just the weird accidents and impossible coincidences that are meant to happen as they do.
▸ Someone once asked him how he stayed so pale. He did not deign to answer. If anyone asks him again he's planning to say "Because I'm half white" as sassily as humanly possible because really. That is a stupid question guys, you can do better.
▸ Though he has embraced his heritage that doesn't mean he likes people asking questions or making comment blatantly pinting it out (such as the "how are you so pale" question)
▸ His ideal type is someone who's extremely hardworking and cute. As for what constitutes 'cute'... *shrugs*
▸ He's a hot mess around girls he does find cute though, it's embarrassing for everyone.




"I don't hate people, I just don't like them usually."





▸ Father — Adam Richards (49) / "Boring office stuff" / Encouraging, Enthusiastic, Empathetic / 10/10
Nathan absolutely adores his father. Adam introduced him to music and represented the one bith of calm in his life for a long time, easily earning him the favorite parent award. And Adam loves Nathan as well, always sending him messages on Skype and checking in whenever possible. He's extremely supportive and encouraging of Nathan's passion and musical ambition and does what he can over the long distance to show it.

▸ Mother — Oh Misung (45) / Ticket Agent for United Airlines / Fussy, Meticulous, Aggressive / 8/10
Hyukjin loves his mom, he really does. It can just be hard to get any time with her with the swarm of family constantly around them. However, of his relatives Misung is the most gungho about supporting his idol career and though she doesn't always understand her son's passion she does try very hard as she loves him dearly.

▸ Extended Family — Hyukjin refers to them as "The Oh Hoard" (92-5) / 3/10 as a general rule
They drive him absolutely insane, and that's all he cares to say before changing the subject.
A few notable members:

Grandma Yuri: The head of the household and the oldest, Yuri is getting stubborn and cranky in her age and disagrees with everyone just because she can. Hyukjin can't go against her though - no one in the family can.

Cousin Hyeri: At 22 Hyeri is the closest in age to Hyukjin, and in her head that means they're automatically best friends, even if Hyukjin finds her to be one of the most annoying members of the hoard with her shallow obbsessing and proclivity for constant whining about the smallest things.

Little Nam: One of his cousin's kids looks exactly like his father Oh Nam, so no one calls him by his actual name. Hyukjin thinks Little Nam is cute, especially as he seems to have an interest in music - drums specifically.



▸ Music Buddies — Jo Hyeokbin (23) / Poor Musician / Zany, Impulsive, Passionate, Curious, Invasive, Friendly, Often misses obvious social cues, Incurably optimistic, Loud. So very, very loud / 7/10
There aren't many people who can keep up with Hyukjin when it comes to music, but Hyeokbin manages it. The two met when they were in first year, and both were taking a third-year music theory class. Being the two "young prdigies" in the class they were stuck grouping together constantly. Luckily, Hyeokbin's general weridness allowed him to not care about Hyukjin's own awkwardness, and Hyukjin was happy to talk music with his partner every time they hang out. Somehow Hyeokbin found Hyukjin on campus the next year despite them never having exchanged contacts, and the two continued talking music. Hyukjin will openly say there's probably something wrong with the way Hyeokbin's mind was wired, but he a musical genius and that's enough for Hyukjin to talk about him with fondness. For his part Bin is quite taken with Jin and enjoys randomly showing up and bothering him because it's not like he has anything better to be doing.



▸ Friendly — Yoon Daehoon (23) / Yunrae trainee / Patient, Happy-Go-Lucky, Emotional, Sensitive, Brooding / 5/10
Though Hyukjin and Daehoon wouldn't go so far to say they're friends or anything, as both are in the sound booth composing or lyricizing pretty regularly they do know each other, and Hyukjin wouldn't be opposed whatsoever to working with Daehoon on songs in the future. (He knows Mirae as well but something about her puts him off)

▸ The Boss — Yoo Hyeri (32) / CEO of Yunrae / Intelligent, Friendly, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Stubborn / 4/10
Hyeri was really the one who got Hyukjin into the whole 'idol' business so he's aware of her and will greet her in the hallways. He finds her to be a bit much sometimes but she has good business sense so he's happy with her as CEO.

▸ relation — Jeon Jinhyuk (34) / Producer and Vocal Coach and Yunrae / Eccentric, Clever, Open-minded, Skittish, Quiet / 7/10
Jinhyuk is easily the staff member Hyukjin considers himself closest too, and it's no surprise. As a vocal coach and a producer Hyukjin has a lot of questions for Jinhyuk, and he's not afraid to seek the elder out when he's musically blocked. Hyukjin really has a lot of respect for Jinhyuk and sees him almost as a mentro figure, though he knows the man deals with all the trainees equally.

▸ Manager — Ahn Seohyun (25) / Manager for Suite and Clubs / Cute, Feminine, Curious, Naïve, Tardy / 3/10
As with the other two managers, Hyukjin didn't know Seohyun before their debut. But since she's also the manager for Clubs he ends up getting to know her fastest of the three managers. He thinks she's trying, but does get a little frustrated with her lack of punctuality.

▸ Unfortunately Not Great — Henry Jung (30) / Dance Coach and Choreographer for Yunrae / Dedicated, Observant, Confident, Strict, Brash / -1/10
Henry is a nice guy, Hyukjin can acknowledge that. But he's also the dance teacher, and if there's one part of idol life Hyukjin honestly hates it's dancing. This leads to him trying to avoid dance practices if possible, which didn't eactly put him in the choreographer's good books.

▸ Nice Guy — Jeon Minseok (28) / Lyricist and Rap Coach for Yunrae / Eloquent, Witty, Sassy, Funny, Clumsy / 4/10
Since Hyukjin does some rap, mostly picked up since entering Yunrae and wanting to learn more about it to include in songs, he does interact with Minseok every once in a while, and he likes to run lyrics past the other if there's time. He likes Minseok's lyrical style quite a bit, so although they aren't necessarily close he does enjoy spending time with Minseok.





"You'll get to sing while we're there."

"... Fine."


PERSONA : The Cool Composer (He's completely unflappable, no matter how idiotic the others are being)

POSITION : Club's Lead Vocals, Guitar, Rap (Backup: Keyboard, Synthesizer, Vocals)



▸ Vocals: Sam Carter (Lunafly) (He's blond in this one~) (Also he's the idiot dressed as a cowboy here, and the blond in this one)
▸ Dance: Sam Carter! But in all seriousness Ryeowook (Super Junior) (He starts in the back so it's kind of tough to see him but he comes up front after about a minute. Basically dancing is not something Nate likes or is good at he can decently follow choreographies, though he'll trip or fall behind every so often because dancing man. Dancing is hard)
▸ Rap: Sam Carter (Lunafly)
▸ Speaking: Sam Carter (Lunafly)
▸ Guitar: Jonghoon (FT Island)
▸ Piano: Ryeowook (Super Junior)
▸ Violin: Sam Carter (Lunafly) (Towards the end)


As old as he was when he started at Yunrae, Hyukjin was already awkwardly out of place with no prior training and a general aversion to spending time with anyone outside of practices. Add that to his bilingualism and obvious heritage and training was just a giant ball of awkward for Hyukjin. He mostly kept to himself, practicing his instruments and composing in his spare time. He did have to learn how to dance but it was a painful process that he avoided as much as possible. He constantly asked himself if it was really worth it, but with no other ideas he stuck it out, and he's hoping the debut will prove a worthwhile reward. (Spoiler alert: It totally will. Music is life.)


▸ Some busking, but it's doubtful anyone would remember him. He'd just talk about it.
▸ He and Hyeokbin did a duet (Bin on piano and Jin on violin) that ended up on the main page of their old university's music program. It's off of that now since they graduated but it's probably still floating around the internets somewhere.


▸ Suites' Hyukjin has a girlfriend? | Early debut | False | In the words of Hyukjin "Goddamnit Hyeri don't randomly attack hug me in public, honestly." Fans see her attempting to cuddle up with her cousin and automatically assume she must be a girlfriend because of course they do. Yunrae and Hyukjin both make statements explaining she's his cousin, and he asks his mom to try and keep her away from fan events from that point forward.
▸ I'm so bad at these ;; If you can think of stuff feel free to throw him into all the messes OTL He'll probably not care though XD




"I hope you don't expect me to be funny or anything."


why did you pick yunrae entertainment - or to be an idol at all in that case? : 

▸ Well, um, you guys scouted me I guess? I'd never thought about being an idol and I'm really more here for the band you know. But I guess I like it here, there's definitely a lot of musical talent, which I really appreciate. Everyone is so involved in everything and that's a sure sign of a good song. The best songs are usually written by several people you know, different tastes and styles coming together to create something new and usually really good. Of course something tastes clash and people clash as well and that's not- *The interviewer coughs and Hyukjin blinks and stops* Oh sorry, I was rambling. I'll watch that.

If you could pick another sub-unit to be in, which one would it be and why? : 

▸ I mean, I like being in a band, but I guess Spades only has two members. I wouldn't be against only have to deal with one other person. But I still prefer the band, playing guitar is just a really nice feeling for me- *he stops, catching himself*

Is there a particular activity you'd like to try in the future (like acting, musicals, variety)? : 

▸ I'd love to compose and lyricize one of Clubs' title tracks someday. I don't think I'm there quite yet since I need to learn more about the drums. People think drums are an easy instrument but they forget that drums are actually multiple instruments being played simultaneously. Even I forget that when I'm composing and I don't give the drums enough to do, which does work sometimes - simple songs can really be powerful, but copmlex rythms often lend themselves as a solid baseline to build up a song that really moves musically, you know? *He looks at the interviewer, who returns the look with an annoyed one.* But that wasn't the question, I'm sorry. Continue.


▸ I really respect Cosmos. They all contribute to their songs and albums, and I think that's amazing. I've spoken with Ina a few times when we were both in the sound both composing, she seems nice. I think I might've talked to Eunhwa a few times as well? I'm not as sure about that though. I talk to a lot of people while I'm composing and I don't always get their names. If it was her I'm think of I'd actually like to get to know her better, she seems like a very nice girl. *he's proud of not going off topic this time, and the interviewer seems pleased as well*


I guess the same way any senior group would? Like, I'd promote them and stuff on shows. I'd love to compose songs for them as well, the female register actually compliments different tones than the male one, did you know that? It's why most of the time when guys sing girl songs or vice versa the arrangment is actually changed slightly, because the vocal release levels are different in the larynx *the interviewer coughs loudly, intterrupting him* Ah, I'm sorry I got sidetracked again.


▸ Hm, nothing I can think of at the moment. Oh, I should probably tune my violin soon before it gets too out of shape. I know I don't play it often but orchestral sounds in songs are really making a comeback and it's bad for the strings to leave them loose for too long anyway- *The interviewer gives up as he goes into another musical rant*

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : Someone from YRT2016 maybe?


▸ Shy, Creative, Imaginative, Hard-working, Passive


▸ Fun fact about Hyukjin: he's terrible around cute girls. Or at least girls he personally finds cute. So the first day on set when he saw Xuixin getting things organized his mouth went completely dry and he was literally unable to talk for several minutes. He ended up kind of creepily staring at her whenever he wasn't doing anything, and he got insanely red and flustered everytime she caught him. The shoot eventually ended successfully, but Hyukjin suitbaly embarrassed himself in front of Xuixin in the time between meeting her and wrapping things up.

He did become more aware of her after that. While he can normally ignore people in the halls unless they make first contact, everytime Xuixin walked by he was acutely aware of it. His crush annoyed him honestly, but there wasn't much he could do as he's bad at making the first move and she's both shy and also not one to make the first move.

The alleviator of this awkward stalemate comes in the form of Bin because of course it does. Hyukjin's one real friend outside of the company likes to randomly show up to see if Jin is around. And if he isn't, Bin usually makes himself at home until his friend returns. During one of these invasions he runs into Xuixin and takes a liking to the shy director, following her around and asking with genuine interest about her work. With all of his usual Bin charm he gets her to engage and open up, so when Jin does return Bin is only too excited to "introduce" his old friend to his new one, not quite realizing that they probably already know each other.

After Bin breaks the initial contact barrier Hyukjin finds the courage to talk to Xuixin the next time he sees her without his friend. It's just a quick "hello, how are you." but he's very happy about it. It becomes easier to talk after that and he finds he likes learning about her work amost as much as he likes talking about music (though that could have something to do with how cute she is when she's talking about it). He'll always say they're just friendly but everyone remembers his crush and know that it's probably still a thing.

It totally is, but he doens't want to push anything because he likes being able to talk to her comfortably.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Practically Stranger/Coworkers

ENDING :  Well she is your character, so this is 100% up to you ^^ I just left everything from his POV so you can decide if you think she'd like him back or whatnot~

lilshocker8 : lils : 8/10

LAST WORDS : I couldn't choose one link I'm sorry ;; I'm in Lunafly hell, feel free to join me OTL Or, you know, get annoyed because I kept linking these s everywhere XD Also the Hyeokbin link is to show that he's very musically passionate as well. His FC is the guy singing/playing piano, Teo.

PASSWORD : "Hello, I'm Nate, Clubs' Lead Vocals and Guitar." "Psst, Nate be more engaging! And you rap too-" *Nate glares* "Or not, okay."


▸ Nate just being a giant nerd about music and someone having to shush him
▸ OH FAMILY INVASION that's probaly asking too much XD But I'd love for someone to see the chaos of the Oh household and just being like "Okay, I get why you want personal space"
▸ Bin. All the Bin. I made myself like him too much while creating him oops XD
▸ Just Hyukjin and his awkward obviousness about Xuixin
▸ The group being nuts and one or two of the other members taking shelter around Hyukjin and his dont-give-a- attitude XD

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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