Short Hiatus

Alrighty, so I don't know how many people get notifications for my blog posts buuuut here is what is going on. I have recently become addicted to a game called Mabinogi (if any of you play, add me), which was the first reason my updates started getting slow. And then my birthday happened, and then I got all of my wisdom teeth pulled a few days ago. Therefore, I have felt like and writing is not my forte at the moment. I have written a little and I have oneshots ready to upload but I feel backed up with writing and such that I won't be posting until Hyuk's birthday. Hopefully by then I'll have some good stuff up and I'll feel inspired to write. As well, I hope to join a writing contest *wink wink*. But yeah, that's what's going on and why I haven't been updating or reading stories I've suscribed to but I'll get around to it eventually. I'll be back in a week or so, bye bye~!

Stay healthy and happy <3


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animeraven259 #1
Feel better! Wisdom teeth removal haha I'll be patiently waiting