f/c goes here! no fixed height, width is 350.

full name. Park Min-u + 박 민우
Dorku - pronounced as either 'dor-koo' or 'dork-u'; used by bullies (or people who don't like him) at his school as a rude and degrading parody of his name, Min-u. At school, he's known to be a pretty  awkward but loveable, well-rounded dork. Bullies are often jealous of him being well-rounded and thus call him Dorku, which Minu doesn't find kind and hurts him, though he doesn't show it.
 Min - The first syllable of Min-u, often used by almost everyone save for the bullies. There's nothing special about this nickname, but he definitely prefers this nickname over Dorku.
Lucky U - Taken from the English phrase "Lucky you", he earned this nickname from his classmates, schoolmates, and teachers due to his great luck. During chance games, like Rock, Paper Scissors, he'll always be the one who wins. He also has an uncanny ability of getting out of sticky situations, such as when he's cornered by bullies, he always, somehow manages to get away. 
Baby - Not as degrading as Dorku, and Minu likes it... to an extent. His parents, family, and close friends use this often because of him being like a baby. He's an awkward and shy dork, but he has many capabilities that he can show; kind of like a baby who is cute and adorable but shows capabilities that no one knew he could do until they see him doing it. Often used in a form of endearment, Min-u appreciates the nickname though often pouts or complains about being called a baby. Mostly used in the privacy of home or away from school. ("Thankfully, none of the bullies have heard of this nickname...." - Minu)|

date of birth. July 18, 1998
birthplace / hometown. Daegu, South Korea / Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean
nationality. Korean
Korean + Native Language
English + Almost Fluent | He always had a genuine interest in the English language since Grade 2, and has been really studious in learning the language since, making him near fluent; he still has a few grammar errors here and there. His pronounciation still has a distinct accent though.

you seem familiar

faceclaim. BTS' Jungkook
backup faceclaim. GOT7's Youngjae
height / weight. 178 cm / 60 kg.

Minu doesn't have any tattoos on his body, and never will ("It's cool on other people, but I think it looks ugly on me." - Minu) He does however, have ear piercings, one on each ear. He usually wears one pair of earrings at a time - his favorite being small, silver hoop earrings. He has a toned figure, though not really toned; just enough to see that he exercises. He has a small mole on his forhead, which he usually covers with his hair. He also wears strong prescription glasses - a result of having bad eyesight from studying so much in the dark. However, he prefers wearing contact lenses, since glasses lowers his already low self-esteem. 

When it comes to wearing his uniform, he prefers to wear it comfortably and casually. His school jacket unbottoned, tie a bit loose, his inner shirt un-tucked, the collar unbottoned and black converse; he looks like one of those rebel students. Some females think he's doing it for their attention, and he's not sure how he feels about that. Mainly because he only wears his uniform like that because he's comfortable in it, but he has to admit that it's nice to see girls get affected by his outfit. 

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I WANT TO BE IN HEAVEN WITH HER  Adaptable, Alert, Well-Rounded, Ebullient, Dedicated BUT I'M STUCK HERE ON EARTH Dork, Determined, Self-Conscious, Reserved, Shy YET I'M THANKFUL I'M NOT IN HELL Anxious, Clumsy, Insecure, Hesitant, Secretive

"Family first. Then me. Then friends. And lastly everyone else." - Minu

Minu grew up with a cheerful and loving family, so you can bet that he's pretty adorable and good-natured. He's adaptable to whatever situation he is in, always opting to think on the good that could happen and be able to get through the current situation. He's at his best when he's happy and positive. Because of this "always positive despite the situation" attitude of his, he is seen as being very ebullient, or in other words, very cheerful, and full of energy; and he is.

Extremely dedicated to his family and determined to become a good brother and son, there's not one where he stops thinking about his father or his sister. He works hard to be someone his family can rely on, and usually helps them first before he helps himself. He maintains a good relationship with his dad and his sister despite his mother being dead. He puts his family above everything else.

He's also well-rounded; his dedication to his family is strong, he himself would make a good husband and father, has a likeable personality (though, of course, I'm not talking about people who dislike him), good looking (depending on the how he dresses and styles his hair, people would either call him adorable, cute, y, hot, or ugly) and smart (but he's no where near Taewoo's level). Minu often questions and wonders why people labels him as being well rounded, since he's not exactly talented in anything and he's too awkward. 

There are times however, where his cheerful personality vanishes and is replaced by a crying kid who misses his mother, but not long after he'll be cheerful again. Despite being alert of his surroundings, he is still pretty clumsy, and is anxious most of the time because of bullies always trying to sneak up on him and corner him. Speaking of bullies, the reason he's insecure and secretive is because of them.

He got bullied alot, even in childhood, and despite his mother and father's encouragements and advice, he still can't help but feel insecure, especially since his bullies keep reminding him of his flaws. He's so secretive because he doesn't want the bullies to use facts about him against him, which often gets him into situations because he kept things a secret. And people who try to be his friends often get put off by the fact that he can't trust them enough to tell them his secrets, even after they've hung out for a long time now.

Minu's pretty Self-conscious, so he always makes sure he looks presentable while still being in his comfort zone. Although he's very ebullient, he's still reserved and shy; his ebullient side of him that people sees is merely half of who he is, and he keeps his other half reserved to himself and family and is often really shy when actually getting to know a person. Because of his shyness, he's pretty awkward too, though he tries to still be ebullient, almost always resulting in the situation becoming even more awkward, and at times, amusing.

When it comes to making decisions, Minu is really hesitant in making a decision, he always thinks of the pros and cons of each decision and which one would be the best one for him to take. It oftens hinders him in making normal daily life decisions because he overthinks every decision he makes, much to the annoyance of others, and sometimes his sister.  Though once he makes a decision, you will see that he's very determined to see through that decision. 

[I might edit this part to make it better...]

- He doesn't make eye contact, bites his lip and rubs his neck if he's embarrased, nervous, anxious, or feeling awkward
- He's pretty handsome and good-looking, and could probably get a girl, if he wasn't so awkward in flirting.
- He's an awkward dork who everyone sees as an adorable guy whose not afraid to be himself. This is pretty much the reason bullies bully him so much. Because he's a dork with a pretty face and is a well-rounded guy.
- Is a natural family guy, and a good husband
- He's pretty good-natured and thinks positively 98% of the time.
- It takes a while for him to become really close with a person, but even then, he usually keeps his deeper feelings to himself.
- He's a er for Pokemon; his favorite Pokemon being Chimchar.
- He collects Pokemon toys, and he's not ashamed to tell people about it.
- He's not sure how to feel about his Lucky U nickname, since he himself doesn't know how he always manages to get away from bullies.
- He's a Christian, so he doesn't really believe in luck, and believes that God had planned this in this way for him.
- He believes in the notion of Heaven and Hell, and that Suicide would bring him to hell, so he doesn't really think of suicide.
- He's a pretty smart student, though if he were to be honest, he doesn't have much time to study because of helping around the house. Because of this he opts to stay up late into the night to study. Though... sometimes he just chooses to not study and rest.
- When he was 15, his mother died of Leukemia, and since then the topic about his mother brings him to tears. At 17, his dad received a job offer in Seoul that granted better benefits than his current job did, and their family moved to Seoul, though they go back to Daegu to visit his mother's grave on special days.
- He's probably the type who would be all flustered, shy and awkward if people were to confess they had a crush on him.
- Even though he's very cheerful, he's actually very alert... though he'd find it really hard to get people to listen to him because he doesn't have a very strong presence.
- Doesn't find horror movies and curses appealing, especially if he watches it or is experiencing it (if that is even real) though he's a religious Christian and believes that God would protect him if that were to happen to him.
- Before he went to Daegu to search out Taewoo for the 5th Floor of Myungdae High, he left a really long and lengthy message to his dad and his sister. It's a pretty sappy letter, but in it, he begs his dad and sister to continue living happily, and that he's with mom and that they both would continue to be with them in their hearts.
- He decided to join Taewoo in his goal of searching the truth of the 5th Floor to not only help his dad with the Myungdae High 5th Floor case, but also to prove the bullies that he isn't a coward. That and he's curious to know what the 5th floor holds.
- He was actually scouted twice by entertainment companies when they moved to Seoul, but he turned them down in favor of being with his family.
- He plans to become a doctor when he grows up
- He studied at Myungdae High for 10th Grade before they moved to Seoul, where he continued 11th grade. He applied for a transfer back to Myungdae High in his 12th Grade in order to invesitgate the 5th floor.
- It took him two nights to make the decision of helping his dad with the 5th Floor case, but ultimately he did choose to help him out.
- He has a habit of writing letters to his mom everyday, mostly about what happened in the day, what he achieved, how much he misses her, how his dad and sister is doing, etc.
- Pinches himself unconsciously when he's lying... or not teling the whole truth. 



"Mom, I miss you... Thank you for everything."
MOTHER - Kim Eu-Na - 40 - Deceased
"Baby, be happy!" - Euna
Min-u's deceased mother. Min-u was very close with her, and she taught him a lot about life. Her lessons had molded him to be the person he is right now. She also helped him with his bullies, telling him to "Let them be, baby. Their just jealous of your adorable dorkiness! Their afraid of you because your unique!" Whenever people ask him about his mother, he'd just smile tiredly and say "She's resting." with tears in his eyes. He's very thankful and grateful that he had a caring and strong mother who not only had helped him life, but his sister and father too. To them, she's their role model.

After giving birth to Min-u's younger sister, she had become weak and frail, which the Park family had soon discovered to be because of Eu-na having lukemia. Despite the shocking news and the revelation that she might not live long enough to see Min-U graduate, she kept her head held high and refused to be sad about it. Instead, she cherished the moments she had with her husband, and her children. They went out on outings, played together, and cherished the moments that they had together. A week after Minu turned 15, she died peacefully in her sleep, with a smile on face. Minu's family was strongly affected by this, because they had though she would survive, she had lived for 13 more years, but nonetheless they mourned for her and resollved to follow her example and continue living happily, Minu especially.
His mother's cheerful attitufe and response to the news of her possibly dying had inspired and amazed Min-u.

"Mommy? How can you be so happy even though you might die?" He had asked his mother one day, when Euna was still alive. "Baby... just because something horrible and bad is happening, or might happen, doesn't mean you have react badly to it. In these situations, it's best to just think positively, be happy!! Rather than thinking about the bad stuff, think about the good stuff and the good things that you can do. Just look at mommy, I'm very happy! Y-yes, even though I might die, you don't see me being sad, do you? I'm very happy because I'm able to spend the last moments of my life. With you. With Eun-Jin. With your dad. And all of us are very happy. And that's all I want. I want to die knowing that the last years of my life have been about all of us, being very happy." Min-u had a tears falling down his cheeks when he heard that, and when he saw his mommy crying, he hugged her.
"But why are you crying, mommy?" "I'm crying because even though I'm very happy, I'm very sad that I won't be able to grow old with your dad. That I won't be able to see you and your sister graduate college. That I won't meet your wife, that I won't be able to hold your children in my arms. That I won't be able to hold you and Eun-jin  in my arms again." Euna had said while crying heavily yet still managing to smile. "I don't... understand mommy.." Min-u said. He remembered that his mother had just laughed and wiped away her tears before replying. "One day, you'll understand baby... Just know that, life is hard, and can be unfair. But it's important to be happy with, what you're given and to make very happy memories even though you're experiencing something very hard and sad. But that doesn't mean that you can't cry, it doesn't mean that you have to be tough all the time. Because crying means that you're tough and strong. That you have emotions too, that you can feel. And if you cry, then let all the bad emotions that you have out, let yourself be weak, because after you cry, you'll find that you're stronger than you were before."
This moment has been a big, and significant event in his life. One that he always looks back to, and remembers when he thinks about his mother. This memory never fails to bring him to tears, and one that moves his closest friends when he talks about it. Minu's memory of her has been very happy; she was always very happy, cheerful, and playful, and his father would say that she had always been like that when he first met her.
"You don't need to act exactly like mom. You're amazing as you are, Eun-jin."
YOUNGER SISTER - Park Eun-jin - 17 - Alive
"I'm sorry, if I wasn't born then mom would still be here." - Eun-jin
Minu's sister who's 2 years younger than he is. He's really close with her, and is really protective of her. Despite the fact that she looks like his deceased mother, he doesn't let that fact deter him from loving his siter for who she is, as she is a different person from his mother. Although she does act like their mother from time to time, a fact that Min-u noticed. Other times Eun-jin acts exactly like their mother, in which Min-u would always tell her to stop, because he knows that she's just acting.
He would always tell her that she doesn't need to act like their mom, and that she's amazing just as she is. Though Eun-jin is quite stubborn and still does it; Min-u is very patient with his sister, he knows that she blames herself for their mother's death and helps her see that it wasn't her fault. He's currently helping her with her studies, since it's difficult for her to properly focus on her studies with her part-time job as a model. 
"Minu-oppa?" She had asked him at their mom's funeral. "What is it Euni?" "Is mom never going to be with us again?" Minu looked at his sister with a pained expression before he hugged her tightly. "Eun-jin... mom might not be here with us physically anymore, but she's definitely with us in spirit and in our hearts." Minu looked at the sky as he comforted his sister, who was now crying. 
Minu loves her to death, but he wouldn't want to die to keep her safe. He knows that his sister loves him just as much as he loves her, and he doesn't have the heart to just leave his sister. Though there are just some things he does without her knowledge.
"It's gonna be okay, dad."
FATHER - Park Changmin - 45 - Alive
"The case of Myungdae High's Mysterious 5th Floor.... it's too dangerous."
His relationship with his father is a great one, Minu's as close with his father as he is with his mother, despite the fact that Changmin's often busy with his work due to him being an investigator. But nontheless, he still finds time to be with his kids, especially now that his wife is gone. It was because of a job offer in Seoul that gives him a higher salary that they moved to Seoul.
"Dad? Promise you won't marry again.." Minu had said timidly at the door of his father's office. It was a day after his mother's funeral. Changmin looked up from his table, just staring at his son before he beckoned him over. "Baby.... I could never love another woman. Your mother is just so much more special than any other..." He said as he  hugged his son, tears in his eyes, and when he felt his son's hot tears damping his shirt, he knew, that Euna was indeed special, and Minu and Eun-jin were just as special as she was. "We're going to follow your mother's example and try to be happy, alright kiddo?" Minu wiped away the tears and laughed. "Dad, don't you mean be happy?" Changmin laughed as he ruffled his son's hair. "Right, there's no try. Only do."
He sees his dad as a cheerful, smart and faithful man, since he's never flirted with any other woman besides his mother. He has become his main pillar of support, though he had always been, along with his mother. The two often support each other, and know each other really well, which just strengthens their bond. 
Minu often helps his dad, both in taking care of his sister, and in filing all of the paperwork his dad does. (He hates seeing his dad having a hard time, and tries to help  ease it up for him) It's often their form of bonding now; while Minu files cases, and his dad fills out paperwork, they talk about anything; Eun-jin, school, memories of Euna, what they'll do in the future, sometimes even some of the cases his dad investigates.
It was because of his dad's work that he remembered the 5th floor of Myungdae High, a currently still unsolved case that has been eating away at Changmin. And seeing the case had just filled his curiosity, and filled him with determination to solve the case. "If I solve this case, then you'd have one less case to worry about, dad!! Plus, this is my chance to prove those bullies that I'm not a cowardly dork!" 
"..You...don't remember.."
??? - Lee Taewoo - 18 - Alive
An acquaintance of Taewoo, though Minu would like to say friend. He's not really sure, since it's been quite a while since he last saw Taewoo, and Minu didn't really have a signigicant presence, and he was still wearing glasses back then. Minu remembers him as a clumsy neighbor whom he got along well with when they were still living in Daegu, and seeing him now makes him realize that he still is quite clumsy. 
Currently, Minu admires him for his popularity now, and for his high grades. He's only sad that Taewoo doesn't really remember him that much, especially since they did interact with one another in the past. Though he does admit that he didn't have a strong presence back then and that he was still wearing glasses. But Minu doesn't really do anything, he'd rather wait for him to remember than tell him upright.
[I'll probably update this if others want to collab :3]


love interest.You decide haha. He's straight by the way. :D I'd like to see who you pair him up with if he gets chosen X3
about. Completely dependent on who you pair him up with
relationship status. Depends on you :3

how are you doing in school, what are your grades?
  I coughed as I shifted in my seat, trying to find a comfortable sitting position, of course, I couldn't find one, what with the professional like atmosphere Taewoo's giving and all...
"Well, their doing pretty good. I get mostly A's and some B's, it depends on the subject. Usually, I get B's in Arts, Chemistry, Mathematics and Practical Arts and tests I didn't study for, and I get mostly A's for the rest." I said, giving a shrug.
I stared at him before I heaved a sigh. I can't believe he doesn't remember me... well... then again it's been around 9 years since I last interacted with him, and I didn't really have a strong presence back then... but my face hasn't changed! Much. 

how did you hear of this group?
  "Well, a little digging here and there. I recognized Mygungdae High's school uniform on a student in one of Daegu's more busy locations and asked about Myungdae High's 5th Floor, and they kinda told me about the group." I said as a matter of factly, opting to lean back against the seat, though it's not comfortable.
"Which reminds me has Daegu changed significantly in the past few years or so? I recognized a few things that changed. The things that can chane in just 2 years...." I mused before I noticed he was staring at me. I coughed and rubbed my neck, not looking at him.
"Oh! Sorry, uhm, was I going off track there? Oh my this is embarassing, uhm you see it's been 2 years since I last lived here, but you're probably not interested in it!! Though I was born and raised here, okay off track again...." I said before I shut my mouth and looked down on my knees.
"....This is awkward uhm next question!!" To add on to my embarrasment, my voice squeaked a little.

what made you want to join this group?
  This is an easy one. "To solve the mystery of the 5th floor." I said, pausing a bit. A few minutes passed, and I looked up to see that he was looking at me.
"Oh! Uh, did you want me to elaborate on that? Uh, you see, my dad works as an investigator. The 5th Floor of Myungdae High is one of his older cases that hasn't been solved yet. So uh, yeah, that's kinda how I know about the 5th floor," It's technically not a lie... I mean, I did attend Myungdae High for Grade 10... "but then again I've lived in Daegu for 16 years of my life, I kinda already knew about the 5th floor- OW!" I yelped when I unconsciously pinched myself... hard. I winced as I rubbed my arm, aka, the victim of my pinch, and chuckled awkwardly.
"Uhm, basically I want to join the group to help my dad solve the case of the 5th Floor of Myungdae High...?" I smiled awkwardly. Ugh I must look weird, no! Think happy thoughts!! I look unique!! It's one of my charms!! Uhuhuhu, why must I be awkward!?

what will you do once you visit the fifth floor?
  I bit my lip... I never really thought that out when I came here...

"Well, I'd probably be really nervous at first, and if I'm nervous that means I'd be a bit of an awkward mess. I'd be trying to brighten up the situation, think positively, try to calm myself down and positive.

"Then... after I've calmed down, I'd probably steer clear of danger zones, like windows and balconies. I've heard that many students died because they jumped from them, so I'm probably not going to there unless I have to. I'd be able to help in solving the 5th Floor's mystery, and I'd probably send my dad pictures and any other clues and evidence we find to help with the case." I took a deep breathe.

"Generally, try not to get myself killed and think positively. Surely a place with history like Myungdae High's 5th floor would be more dark and gloomy and attract more negative thoughts." I said, getting over my awkward nervous breakdown from earlier on.

what do you think will happen once you visit?
  I took a moment to think about it before I sighed and stared at Taewoo dead in the eye.

"Anything, could happen up there. We either die, go insane, commit suicide, or manage to survive and live with the horrors of the 5th Floor." I became uneasy when I began to think of all the witness accounts in my dad's case file for the 5th Floor of Myungdae High. None of those who went up there came back, as what their friends had said.

"Well, it's more likely we'll be stuck there and die, since most accounts in my dad's cae file... well let's just say none of them came back. But hypothesizing the situation,  I'd say that we would be able to survive. But I'm not sure how, and there haven't been any accounts in this case to help us in surviving." 

and finally, what should this group be named?
  I stared at him and spluttered. After my speech about people who go up there with a small, hypothesized chance of surviving, and this is what he replies!? I blinked at him dumbfoundedly, opening and closing my mouth for what seems like a million times before I finally managed to find my voice.

"That was... uhm... unexpected... Uhm... well, the whole case is described as a 'Nightmare of a Case' by my dad and his colleagues so.... Nightmare 5? Night 5?You did say that only 5 students would be in your team, right?"

name. Min
comments / questions.
Ahhhh I can't believe I managed to finish him in just three days haha XD I tried not to get attached to him, but I ended up getting attached to him anyway, I cried way too much while typing his relationship with his mother for my own good. In my opinion, he's definitely not the best character I made personality wise (though it may be because I couldn't express his character fully and properly XD) but definitely the best character I made bakground wise. Huhuhu, this story is going to be difficult for me huhu, but nonetheless I shall prepare myself for Minu's death if he is chosen nd you decide to kill him off.
Hope you don't mind me making it seem as though Taewoo wouldn't recognize Minu hehe. He didn't really have a strong presence when they first met, and he was still wearing glasses. If I were to summarize Minu, he'd be the type of person to put his family above himself and his friends. He's pretty lonely at school haha. I'm also wondering if he's a Gary Stu? If he is please say so ;~;

Though question, is  there any possibility of any student surviving the 5th floor? And if so, would they be scared to go back to the 5th floor if they survived? Just curious! XD

UPDATE: 02/07/16 | Added to the trivia
UPDATE: 03/07/16 | Fixed a few things and grammar errors I didn't notice, added to the trivia, added to scene requests

scene requests. 
Minu visiting his mother's grave!!! You can do this anyhow, when he arrived in Daegu, before he goes to school, before he goes to school to go to the 5th floor, just let him visit his mother's grave ;w;
- IF and only IF he's going to die, do not make him commit suicide. He's really against the act of suicide. if anything get something else to kill him, just not suicide. And ugh I like torturing myself so please please please make his final words "Dad, Euni... I'll finally be with mom..." OR "Mommy... I'm coming." His dad and sis find out and they mourn before Changmin finds the letter his son wrote.
- If you pair him up with someone, make him awkward and adorkable when she confesses X3 
- Becoming all jumpy, extremely paranoid,  nervous and even more anxious than he normally is after he spends a good amount of time on the 5th floor (like four-five hours)
- more to be added??



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