Bias Thing or Whatever XD

I've seen this like 12 times now, the world is trying to tell me something XD

Start by ranking or listing your top 10 biases, then put them in a randomiser. You can use this.


  1. Ryeowook (Super Junior)
  2. Sunyoul (Up10tion)
  3. Hyemi (FIESTAR)
  4. Solar (MAMAMOO)
  5. Ricky (Teen Top)
  6. IU
  7. Hyuk (VIXX)
  8. Dokyun (History)
  9. Jieun (Secret)
  10. Sooyoung (SNSD)

Q1. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with #8 or #9?

- Ah, that's hard D: I feel like both of them would be really calm about it, which I would need because you better believe I'm gonna be freaking out. I guess I'd choose Dokyun just because he looks really huggable and he's such a mom that he'd probably let me hug him in terror until it was fixed XD

Q2. Would you rather have a cute first date with #8 or a night party with #2?

- I can't see Yein being any good at parties (have you seen the poor awkward child? XD) so I gotta go with a cute first date with Dokyun <3 I imagine he'd be super sweet too, if Panda PR is anything to go by XD

Q3. Would you rather see #1 giving you a seducing smile or #5 in a pouty smile?

- Changhyun is famous for those adorable pouty smiles so I gotta give this to him (not that Wookie smiling seductively wouldn't destroy my life OTL)



Q4. Would you rather have #7 as your boyfriend sharing a couple tee with your or #4 as your boygirlfriend sharing a couple necklace with you?

- I gotta say couple's necklace. They're just more my style, and also Youngsun as a girlfriend is basically #lifegoals XD Sorry Hyukkie~

Q6. Would you rather be cheek-kissed by #5 or back-hugged by #2?

- I'm way more of a hugger so backhugs from Yein for sure ^^ I am the ultimate cuddle honestly, Changhyun didn't stand a chance XD

Q7. Would you rather have #3 piggyback riding you home at midnight or #4 driving you home at noon?

- I don't think Hyemi could carry me XD If it was just taking a nice starlit-stroll home I'd probably choose that, but car karaoke with Youngsun wins this round ;P

Q8. Would you rather have a duet with #6 or a dance with #8?

- Dokyun is so tol and awkward I feel like we'd be tripping over each other XD So a duet with a goddess it is! (Though I'm nowhere close to being able to sing like her ;;)

Q9. Would you rather receive an arm heart from #2 or aegyo & finger hearts from #1?

- I can't stand aegyo from most people, Wookie included XD So an arm heart from Yein wins!

Q10. Would you rather be wearing #2's hoodies or #5's pyjamas?

- I like my own PJs, thanks XD Yein, gimme your hoodie~ Guys hoodies are so much more comfortable OTL

Q11. Would you rather be proposed by #10 in a public place or by #5 in a private place?

- I can only imagine what Sooyoung would do for a giant proposal XD I'm not usually into that but also getting proposed to by Sooyoung so... <3

Q12. Would you rather have #9 teaching you the choreographies of their mains songs or #10 suddenly disturbing you while eating, saying "Stop! Please hug me first!"

- CUDDLE MODE ACTIVATE. I'm an awful dancer so  hugs win automatically XD Also Sooyoung. Ryeowook may be my ultimate bias but Sooyoung wins every round by virtue of being Sooyoung.

Q13. Would you rather fall asleep on #2's shoulder in the aeroplane or on #7's lap in the car?

- I feel like they'd both be super awkward in these situations XD But honestly I'd love both OTL Totally copping out here, but Changhyun has realy nice broad shoulders that look super comfy, and of course Hyuk's thighs. Need I say more?

Q14. Would you rather have a calm beach vacation with #1 or #3?

- Haha, probably Hyemi XD I don't think anyone is SJ is capable of being calm for long periods of time XD Also Hyemi in a bathing suit. I may be ace but girls are pretty and I can appreciate that XD

Q15. Would you rather have #6 tying your hair or #8's removing your ponytail?

- Urgh, can I say neither? I don't like people messing with my hair unless they're professionals. I guess between the two I'd choose Jieun to tie up my hair since I'm sure she's got lots of styles from her years as Korea's Sweetheart ^^

Q16. Would you rather be skydiving with #9 or be on the roller coaster with #10?

- Okay I LOVE skydiving, but Sooyoung. Rollercoaster with Sooyoung. It's not a competition.

Q17. Would you rather have a cute home-made breakfast surprise made by #4 or an outdoor lunch treat by #5?

- Oh that's hard. Fun picnic with Changhyun or breakfast in bed with Youngsun????? AGH how am I supposed to choose under these conditions?? ;; OTL Prrrrrobably Youngsun just because ants happen at picnics and while I am the Ant Queen I don't wanna deal with them XD

Q18. Would you rather cook together in #3's house or play board games and watch TV with #6 in your house?

- I'm a hot mess in the kitchen, but I actually think I'd cook with Hyemi in her house. I feel like she'd be super patient with me and we'd have a lot of fun ^^

Q19. Would you rather ice-skate and hold hands with #7 or have a full-day rest in #1's house with him alone?

- I'm really good on skates, so I wouldn't want to hold hands with anyone and screw up my balance XD And anyway, a chill day with Ryeowook sounds like heaven. He'd make lunch and I'd help by cutting stuffs and then we'd mock Korean dramas together, preferably ones with Siwon in them XD It would be amazing~

Q20. Would you rather have #5 reading to you the love letter he wrote for you or #7 singing a song he composed for you?

- HYUKKIE SINGING. HYUKKIE SINGING FOREVER. I fell for Hyuk's voice way back during Hyde <3 Plus you know he'd get help from Ravi and I've never disliked a song that brat has come up with ^^

And since poor Jieun didn't win any of the questions:

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