Mpreg fics

Sorry for the rant I just had to get this off my chest as a friend of mine called me immature for liking Mpreg stating my mental age must be under 10-13 if I don't find something wrong with making males in fictional stories pregnant wrong both immorally and logically.

Can I just say people who hate on Mpreg because it's illogical is ridiculous. It's fanfiction. It's not real, fiction isn't always super realistic. Especially not fanfiction. How can you find the logic in hybridAUs, genderbending, shape shifting, supernatural beings, super powers, the perfect world with no conflict, making everyone in the story beyond wealthy or all powerful, etc. but yet find Mpreg completely illogical and hate it because it doesn't bend to your specific way of thinking. I dunno maybe the male pregnant is a hermaphadite, theoretically speaking if a hermaphadite has a complete set of reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, cervix, Fallopian tubes) then it's plausible for them to carry a baby. Also not all pregnancies have occurred where the baby is carried in the womb some have been found to be in Fallopian tubes or other parts of the body and the baby(s) have survived in some cases after being transferred or closely monitored depending on his/her location.  Geez maybe the character(s) are alien and these said aliens have no set genders and everyone or certain aliens carry the genes for baring children. Maybe they're like certain animals that can develop the proper parts to carry children like some frogs and fishes do when the opposite isn't around to reproduce with (ex. clownfish, why do you think Marlin wanted to find Nemo so badly? Get it cause clownfish parents mate will with children when their SO dies and they need to reproduce..kidding I just watched Finding Dory and I think that joke is a twisted humor kind of funny ).

You can dislike Mpreg all you want but please don't bash and hate on others because they like the concept and take pleasure in reading/writing about it. Not all the writers and readers of Mpreg are immature or not as intelligent as those who prefer more traditional settings in stories.

You shouldn't stunt or disrespect the creativity of others just because you don't like something. Be respectful but constructive of your criticism don't just start bullying others or try to put them down. As a reader/writer of Mpreg if I so desperately crave a logical take on the situation I just imagine one of the scenarios above in my head for the story.

You can always build and add more to a universe in your head if you're open minded enough to try doing so. Not saying you're not open minded if you don't like Mpreg I'm just saying what a author writes for a particular plot doesn't have to be the be all end all to the story sometimes I think it's cool to add in your own twist to it. This is fanfiction and fanfiction is built upon stuff we take inspiration from, if you feel the need build on other fanfiction in your mind as ideas are ever changing and growing. 

Do you, do you. Do the fxxk you want. But at least please be respectful of others likes and dislikes. 


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Definitely agree with you. I read this outloud to my sister because she despises Mpreg and always give me a side eye when I read it lol. But yeah, this was on point! Those are my thoughts.