"Would You" (Stolen from a lot of people)

*Been super busy so I haven't been on AFF a lot but I've seen a lot of friend blogs about this one. So here's my answers~*

  1. Sunggyu (Infinite)
  2. Soul (Lovelyz)
  3. Hoya (infinite)
  4. Kim Minsuk (Actor)
  5. Mijoo (Lovelyz)
  6. B.I (Ikon)
  7. Yesung (SuJu)
  8. Ailee
  9. Hara (Kara)
  10. Jiyeon (T-ara)

Q1. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with #8 or #9?

Oh come on.... This is difficult already.... But between Ailee and Hara I'd choose Ailee, since we can both converse in English xD If I'm stuck with Hara I'd probably just fangirl the whole time and won't be able to communicate with the goddess~

Q2. Would you rather have a cute first date with #8 or a night party with #2?

A night party with Baby Soul sounds...okay but I think a girls day out with Ailee would be a lot of fun xD I love Soul more but knowing her personality, I think by 10 we'd have nothing to converse about until bedtime (which would be at 4 am or something) xD

Q3. Would you rather see #1 giving you a seducing smile or #5 in a pouty smile?

A Sunggyu seducing smile or a Mijoo pouty smile? Gah this is so harddddd. I feel like if Sunggyu does give me a seducing smile then it'd be nice but insincere xD But I'd choose that insincere seducing smile any day xD

Q4. Would you rather have #7 as your boyfriend sharing a couple tee with your or #4 as your boyfriend sharing a couple necklace with you?

Oh Minsuk vs. Yesung! Ugh let's get matching necklace Minsuk xD

Q6. Would you rather be cheek-kissed by #5 or back-hugged by #2?

Cheek kissed by Mijoo or back-hugged by Soul? (I swear I should have put in some more thoughts in about the order of this list....) I'd love a back-hug Soul.... 

Q7. Would you rather have #3 piggyback riding you home at midnight or #4 driving you home at noon?

OH! A ride on Hoya's back or a drive home at noon in Minsuk's car? Hm, I know Hoya is strong but I wouldn't want to shorten him even more by putting too much weight on him. So how about that car ride Minsuk? xD 

Q8. Would you rather have a duet with #6 or a dance with #8?

Oh my gosh a duet with B.I or dance with Ailee?! I hate dancing and I'm not at all close to B.I when it comes to music style but ugh.... I'd love to try and work with B.I? Just because I've seen how he normally composes and run things? 

Q9. Would you rather receive an arm heart from #2 or aegyo & finger hearts from #1?

So bottom line is would I go in between my OTP GyuSoul and have a triangle affair with either one of them? Can I choose to rather have them do that to one another cause I'd love to see the sight of it :D 

Q10. Would you rather be wearing #2's hoodies or #5's pyjamas?

Mijoo's PJs are too bright, I'd take Soul's hoodies xD

Q11. Would you rather be proposed by #10 in a public place or by #5 in a private place?

I swear I should have thought about this list.... Mijoo or Jiyeon!? Uh....no comment.... 

Q12. Would you rather have #9 teaching you the choreographies of their mains songs or #10 suddenly disturbing you while eating, saying "Stop! Please hug me first!"

I'd love to learn KARA's dance by Hara but at the same time I want to hear Jiyeon say "Stop! Please hug me first!" I'm 50-50 on this one.... 

Q13. Would you rather fall asleep on #2's shoulder in the aeroplane or on #7's lap in the car?

I'm going with Yesung's lap.... Don't want to shorten Soul any more with my weight on her shoulders. 

Q14. Would you rather have a calm beach vacation with #1 or #3?

I don't think Sunggyu and Hoya are made for calm beach vacations xD But I'd definitely choose Hoya, he'd probably get in the water with me xD

Q15. Would you rather have #6 tying your hair or #8's removing your ponytail?

B.I. tying my hair or Ailee removing my ponytail?! To be honest I love it when people play and touch my hair so I'd go with B.I. If the characters were changed but same circumstance then I'd choose Ailee, but since it's tying my hair it'll be B.I. 

Q16. Would you rather be skydiving with #9 or be on the roller coaster with #10?

Skydiving with Hara for sure. 

Q17. Would you rather have a cute home-made breakfast surprise made by #4 or an outdoor lunch treat by #5?

Cute home-made breakfast surprise by Minsuk please! Or that lunch date with Mijoo could work--nah, the home made breakfast is enough xD 

Q18. Would you rather cook together in #3's house or play board games and watch TV with #6 in your house?

Hoya can't cook last time I check xD And I can't cook so it'll be a take-out order. So I'd play board games and watch TV with B.I. 

Q19. Would you rather ice-skate and holding hands with #7 or have a full-day rest in #1's house with him alone?

Yesunggie is awkward so....A whole day at Sunggyu would do~

Q20. Would you rather have #5 reading to you the love letter she wrote for you or #7 singing a song he composed for you?

Mijoo, please do not write me a love letter. Yesung, please sing to me the song you've composed. 


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