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kim hwee eun

〈blinded-- : may〉

BIRTHNAME : Kim Hwee Eun

「✕」Hwee Noona — her younger brother, San Ha, calls her this. It was supposed to be 'Hwee Eun Noona', but he said that the latter was much too long and is seriously a waste of energy to say (seriously, though. Sigh) so he shortened it into 'Hwee Noona'

「✕」Yi Baek — some really annoying people who just didn't know how to respect one's name calls her this. It all started pretty small, only because somehow word got out about Hwee Eun's IQ being 200. Since then, some of the university students called her 'Yi Baek' or 'two hundred' in Korean

DATE OF BIRTH : January 20th, 1996
BIRTHPLACE : Bali, Indonesia
HOMETOWN : Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
uality : straight/heteroual

ETHNICITY : 101% Korean

「✕」 Korean — fluent; because seriously? her whole family speaks it
「✕」 Indonesian — semi-fluent; the first six years of her life was spent in Bali, so of course, with that computer brain of hers, she'd pick up some of those stuff. Besides, language isn't something you just forget as you grow up. Is it?
「✕」 English — fluent; her father is a Harvard graduate and teaches Accounting and Management at some private university that uses English as their medium of learning, so he expected all his children to excel in this language. Hwee Eun, of course, flourished the most compared to her siblings
「✕」 Mandarin, Japanese, French — semi-fluent; after realizing their daughter's extraordinary capability, her parents began going crazy on stuffing Hwee Eun's little mind with legitimately everything they could possibly think of. These three just happened to be on the list. Her parents made her watch educational shows, news, and anything of that sort as long as they were spoken in those three languages and English. Hwee Eun's brain absorbed everything quite quickly, and coupled with continuous practice, she spoke them.


FACE CLAIM : Jung Chae Yeon (I.O.I)
BACKUP : Choi Yu Na (G-Friend Yuju)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 162 cm (could've been taller but her father made her carry five 6-inch books to read everyday and it didn't really help on the growth sprout) / 47 kg (the kid's food seriously just pass through her body without turning into anything else other than some small amount of energy she used to live)

appearance : Despite what you might believe, Hwee Eun's actually pretty much into fashion. Even though she likes to dress very simply, but she could work with it so her daily fashion always looked neat and put together. On a day-to-day basis, she would usually rock the button down shirts, cute cardigans, skirts, skinny jeans, and sneakers, or coats, scarves, and boots when it gets cold out. The makeup she wears (yes she wears makeup why are u so surprised) glows around only the palette of and skintone colors to soft pinks and peaches, while her shoulder-length hair would usually be down or braided to the side to make it look neat. Hwee Eun is a firm believer of 'your body is your sanctuary', so she never went around piercing and tattooing her body here and there (well, aside from how mad her father would be if she ever dared to ink her body, but that was beside the point). x x x x x x x x x x 

personality traits : calm, persuasive, skeptical, submissive, withdrawn

personality :

「✕」 being a genius has its pros and cons. Let Kim Hwee Eun tell you that. The good stuff, of course, always comes with all the homeworks and tests that you can excel in effortlessly. But the bad part? Of course there are bad parts. Having an IQ of 200 doesn't just come when there are tests, of course. It also comes with the weird looks people would give you, the impossible expectations they give, and the fake friends they would be to make the most out of your brilliance. Hwee Eun lived with all this, and these things eventually shaped her up to be the person she is today. Growing up, Hwee Eun gradually lost her trust in people. She found herself always questioning the motives of people who approach her. She had hoped in the early years that someday, someone would step up to be her friend because she was her, and not because she's the girl with the high IQ. But being proven wrong time after time after time, Hwee Eun changed. She closed herself in from the world, not wanting to let anymore fake friends see the best in her and eventually break her. She became quiet, unsociable, and lonely. She became the girl who didn't want to make friends.

Hwee Eun talked less. Not that she talked that much before, but you get the picture. In any case, she'll only open to say only what is needed, when it is needed. Being naturally soft spoken, Hwee Eun was used to smooth talking her favor out of people. Whether it be finding out infos or persuading a tantrum-throwing little cousin to take a bath, you wouldn't even know Hwee Eun had it in her until you see it for yourself. She never used that mouth to argue, though. She thinks it is useless. Even when other people would take advantage of her, she'd only smile while doing what was asked, and moved on. She never thought too much of it. Even when it starts to get really annoying, the last thing Hwee Eun would do was to lose her composure. She was just that kind of person who could think clearly even when a gun was pointed to her head. Her calm nature helped her a lot in any case, even when it sometimes gets to the border of laziness.

But amidst all that, Hwee Eun was secretly still the Hwee Eun she left while growing up. That Hwee Eun who was still pure and unexposed to the cruelty of the intelligent world. That Hwee Eun who was still very child-like, so shy and sweet. That Hwee Eun who has the smile of an angel. That Hwee Eun whom no one ever bothered to find... yet that Hwee Eun is still here, inside the facades of the tainted version of her, and she is simply waiting for the right someone to find her and bring her back...

trivia :

「✕」 i don't need a tour to go there — she was born in Bali, Indonesia, and had stayed there for six years before her father was summoned to teach at a university in South Korea
「✕」 just a big ball of brains — with an IQ of 200, she was practically a genius. She began reading at the age of two, and could converse rather well in Korean, English, and Indonesian at the tender age of four. She spoke six languages by the age of six, and solved a set of college entrance exam when she was ten
「✕」 yeah, i'm a mouse — has a thing for cheese. She eats those with absolutely everything. Ever heard of miso soup+cheese combination? Ask her about it
「✕」 broccoli, anyone? — she's a vegetarian. Well, actually, it's just that she dislikes meat and chicken (weird? I know) so it's way easier to tell people that she's a vegetarian rather than to bluntly state that she simply hates meat (and pork. And chicken. And the way people would stare at her weirdly after she said that)
「✕」 I'll just have a glass of water, please — can't drink alcohol, coffee, tea, and sodas. Don't ask me why. I feel weird just talking about it
「✕」 lectures are exhausting — has an odd habit of always yawning 15 minutes to the end of lecture and saying "I'm hungry" afterwards (a person who yawns when she's hungry. You wouldn't get that one even on Noah's Ark)
「✕」 huh? what were you saying, again? — has a problem with focus. Especially when she's in the middle of a conversation (aka listening to someone else talking). I guess her brain is just too wide that her focus can only stay for, like, 30 seconds before her mind starts to wander everywhere. Mostly to places she didn't even want to talk about (because trust me, you do NOT want to know where). But when the rare time comes when she can completely focus (like when she's listening to a lecture in class or when she's working on a school project), she wouldn't notice even if a bomb exploded beside her. Okay, it's not to that extent, but close enough.
「✕」 if you can't find me, i'll be at the library — the library is like her second home (her first would be her real home. her dorm room is more like... a rest area or a hotel for her) since she spends so much time there. during school days, she would only be found in one of these 4 places: the dorm, the cafeteria, the classroom, or the library. make that 3 on the weekends, leaving the classroom out (poor poor outcast. I know right)
you can choose your own major??!! wow. — she has no dreams. Surprisingly. Okay, well, you know what, it's actually not that surprising. Since her whole life was like already planned out ahead in front of her by her parents (*cough*daddy dearest*cough*), she really didn't even have the chance to think about what she wanted to be or what she wanted to do when she grew up. She just... went with the flow.
「✕」 can i shine too? — her username @azuleora was the combination of two words: 'azure' which means 'blue', and 'leora' which means 'shine for me'. So together, Hwee Eun liked to translate her username as 'shine for me from the blue sky'. Honestly, she didn't know why she chose that name, but it just felt fitting, somehow. The name made her feel free. It gave her hope. Freedom and hope. She needed those.
「✕」 ssstt... don't tell anyone! — nobody really knows who 'azuleora' is. Well, except for Yoongi and Eun Bi, but they don't really count
「✕」 mommy is my hero — her father wanted to send her to study overseas when she hit middle school, but her mother refused to let her go, saying she was still too small to live alone in a foreign land (bless her heart) so instead, she started school a year early
「✕」 forever under shadows — her brother was an alumni of Himnae. Even though he wasn't as smart as she was, but was more good looking and pretty popular during his time (actually, both of her brothers were good looking and rather popular. But San Ha's still in high school so let's leave him out for now). This is why Hwee Eun didn't like to show off the fact that Kim Joon Myeon was her brother: because she was afraid that the fact alone may attract unwanted attention that only wanted to use her all over again. She still loves her brother, though. Just not his popularity


social network :


「✕」 "yes, father, You know what's best"
father - Kim Tae Beom - 1965 - university professor

↳ personality: perfectionist, ambitious, daring, generous, independent
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: growing up in a home where he had to do everything himself, Tae Beom turned out to be someone who expected all the best from others. More so from his own family. He'd always pushed his wife and children to their limits, breaking it, and asking for more and more. The way he educated his kids were strict, but he raised them to be the best. Even though sometimes he could turn into the fatherly figure he was supposed to be, but those times were scarce and most of the time, Hwee Eun and her brothers could only pray that they'd do at least one thing right for their father

「✕」 "Mommy, can you sing a lullaby for me?"
mother - Lee Sung Ryung - 1970 - surgical nurse

↳ personality: moody, fussy, passive, melancholic, patient
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: mothering two boys and a genius little girl wasn't easy. Still, Sung Ryung gave her best, pushing herself beyond the limits and more. Unlike her husband, she was the one who used her heart while raising her children. She was the one who made sure that her children would grow healthily and happily. She was also the one who had stopped her husband's intentions of enrolling Hwee Eun into college at the age of ten. She was the one who defended Hwee Eun's childhood, and Hwee Eun would forever be thankful for that. Even though as the years went by, she got busier and busier due to work, but at the appropriate times, she would return as the three's mother who was not perfect, but was all they needed.

「✕」 "oppa will never let go of my hand, right?"
older brother - Kim Joon Myeon (EXO) - @guardianangel - 1992 - lawyer and enterpreneur/alumni of Himnae's law school - alumni of Student's Union and Debating Society

↳ personality: generous, protective, permissive, composed, insecure
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: since they were little, Joon Myeon has this nature of spoiling his sister. Her wish was his command, and he'd do absolutely anything to make it come true. Even now, when he's earned his own money, he'd still take her on unlimited shopping sprees once in a while (he'll just have to take care of the swelling bills later). He is the person Hwee Eun trusts the most in this world, and the one she'll turn to whenever she needed someone at any given time

「✕」 "yah kim san ha?! is that how you speak to your noona?!"
younger brother - Kim San Ha - 1997 - third year high school student

↳ personality: naive, resourceful, protective, reticent, impatient
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: Hwee Eun pretty much 'bullies' San Ha on a daily basis. All the things she couldn't do when she's angry with other people, she'll take upon San Ha. Nonetheless, there's pretty much nobody else in the world who loves San Ha nearly as much as Hwee Eun does, and everyone knows it. That's why despite all his whining and protests whenever Hwee Eun would start teasing and hitting him, he never really got to the part of actually being mad at her

「✕」 "Eun bi-sshi, can i borrow your room key? i forgot mine"
roommate - Hwang Eun Bi (G-Friend SinB) - 1995 - 2nd year Urban Design, opt Acting Lab - Theatre Club member

↳ how you met: it was a week before school starts. Eun Bi was the first to move in to their room, and Hwee Eun came two days later. At first Eun Bi had tried to talk to Hwee Eun, but the latter only answered everything with 'yes', 'no', and 'I guess so'. So Eun Bi pretty much gave up at that
↳ personality: sociable, sophisticated, indifferent, frank, outspoken
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: even though they've shared a room for almost two years now, it looked more like the both of them lived in different worlds. Eun Bi, unlike Hwee Eun, was quite popular and was a social butterfly. She had lots of friends that Hwee Eun didn't. Their interactions were limited to the mornings when they wake up, the evenings when they were getting ready for bed, and the rare times when one of them had to run across school to find the other to borrow her roommate's room key because she somehow had forgotten it

student card

〈a dream, huh? what must it feel like, having a dream?〉

academic information

YEAR FOR 2015 : 2nd

SPECIALISATION : major Complex Analysis and major International Business (double degree programme)
DEPARTMENT : sciences & mathematics, law & management
GRADE FOR 2014 : 100 %



campus life

APPLY FOR A DORM? Yes [ X ] No [ ]
NUMBER OF ROOMMATE(S) : 0 [ ] 1 [ X ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ]
INDICATE A SECOND CHOICE : 0 [ ] 1 [ ] 2 [ X ] 3 [ ]
ROOMMATE(S) : Hwang Eun Bi (G-Friend SinB) and/or an applicant would be nice too

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR ROOM? Neat [ ] So-so [ X ] Messy [ ]



DO YOU WORK LATE IN YOUR ROOM? Only if I have work due the next day or if I have tests. Almost every day.

ANYTHING ELSE? I have this weird little thing about grammar. It bothers me when other people said things that are grammatically incorrect. However, I am currently trying to tone it down. I realized that cutting in when other people are talking to correct every other sentence is rude


DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ACTIVITIES? No, I don't. I don't have time to do that.

DO YOU WORK PART TIME?  No. I don't need to. My parents are well enough to support my studies and my daily needs. It is better to use my time to study more.


hello, valedictorian!

〈thank you for taking the time to answer this anonymous survey.〉

have you heard of the website "hello stranger!"? please tell us your impressions 

「✕」 Seriously? Then how would I be taking this survey if I didn't? Hwee Eun shook her head.  I'm starting to regret agreeing to take this survey. With an exasperated sigh, her fingers moved to type the answer to the first question, when a blonde head popped out at her door.

"Hwee Noona? Whatchu doing?" It was her younger brother, San Ha. Without waiting for the elder's answer, San Ha casually invited himself into Hwee Eun's room and tried to peek at whatever she was doing with her laptop. He squinted his eyes at the words written on her laptop screen. "Hmm? What's this? An online psychotest or something? What's 'Hello Stranger'?"

Hwee Eun, already being used to San Ha's trains of questions, didn't seem to bother answering even one of them at all. She knew her brother's questions were rhetorical most of the time. She scratched the top of her head that actually didn't itch at all. "It's none of your business. Stop trying to get involved with every little thing in my life!" She retorted, pushing him lightly for effect. San Ha pouted. Hwee Eun fought hard with the urge to squish his cheeks and coo at him.

"Seriously Noona? I came here because I was concerned about you!" He threw his hands in the air comically. "You haven't gone downstairs at all since this morning! What's the point of spending your weekend at home when all you do is this stupid psychotest?"

Hwee Eun mentally facepalmed. She shook her head, not sure what to make of this third year high schooler whining to her like a five-year-old. Yet, she tried to shake it off and typed.

yes, I have. My older brother used to be on it and he loved it a lot. I guess it is a pretty nice website.

do you visit hello stranger often? was it ever helpful for you?

「✕」 "Hey, hey, what's all this fuss about?" At that time, another person popped into Hwee Eun's room, and into the conversation. It was her and San Ha's older brother, Joon Myeon.

Great. Just what I need. Hwee Eun puffed her cheeks. Now I BET San Ha's going to rat me out to Joon Myeon oppa. Great. Juuuuust great.

"Hyuuung!!!" San Ha whined in an exaggerated dramatic way. "Hwee Noona is SOOO MEAN TO ME!!!"

Joon Myeon crinkled his eybrows together as his hand went up to massage his temple. He was so used to San Ha's whining about being 'bullied' by Hwee Eun that it didn't surprise him anymore. However, the only question left now is "what is it this time?"

Hwee Eun was just to open to answer, but to her annoyance, San Ha beat her to it.

"I wanted to play with Noona! Spend some brother-sister bonding time or something. But she chose to lock herself here and do that online psychotest instead!" San Ha whined again. This time clinging unto Joon Myeon's arm and shaking it like a little kid. It was quite a funny sight, actually, with the younger boy being a whooping 8 cm taller and all, yet he looked (and acted) more like a kid right out of kindergarten.

An amused smile rose on Joon Myeon's lips. So it was all about an online psychotest? He wasn't even going to comment on that. "A psychotest?" He asked, trying to hold his laughter. He obviously found this very funny, but unfortunately, San Ha took it a little too seriously because the boy started nodding his head so vigorously he looked like a bobbing head toy.

Hwee Eun let out a frustrated sigh, her feelings clashing into each other inside her head. She was supposed to be upset or something because of San Ha's childish behavior, but she couldn't. I mean, come on, who can be mad at that boy? So instead, she took a deep breath and mustered the best understanding smile that she could, and softly answered. "It's not a psychotest. It's an online survey from school. You remember Hello Stranger, right oppa?"

Joon Myeon smiled in acknowledgement. "Aaah, of course I do. I had some of the best times there," his smile grew even wider as he recalled his happy memories.

Hwee Eun chuckled. "I knew you did. Hold on, let me answer this question first,"

「 I think I visit it often enough. If I was not too tired or lazy in the evenings, I would make time to visit before I go to bed. It is a nice place to take my mind off all the studying for a change although I never really post anything there.

if hello stranger were to close, would you miss it?

「✕」 "HYUNG! Now you're taking sides with her?!" San Ha's pout grew more intense. If that was even possible. "YOU BOTH ARE SO MEAN!"

And with that, San Ha stomped out of the room, leaving Hwee Eun and Joon Myeon alone. A few seconds later, the siblings were startled by the sound of a door being slammed.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Joon Myeon and Hwee Eun started laughing their asses off like there was no tomorrow, holding their stomach and wiping tears from their eyes.

"Wow. That was so random. So like San Ha," Joon Myeon squeaked, still not fully recovered from his hardcore laughing session.

Hwee Eun was no better. Holding her aching stomach, she nodded. "He is SO going to throw another tantrum knowing we laughed at him again," she added, earning another laugh from Joon Myeon.

"Oh, he'll be fine after eating Mom's samgyetang later. As always," Joon Myeon winked. "Anyways, I think I'll just see you at dinner. Good luck with the survey!" He gave his sister one final smile before he casually strolled out from the room, hands in pockets.

Hwee Eun heaved a sigh, then smiled. Oh, how he loved his brothers. Despite all the ruckus they (or San Ha, mostly) would cause everyday, she still loved them.

"Never leave me," she mumbled, before typing away the answer to the last question.

「 I think there would come a time where I would miss HS once in a while. Mostly when school starts getting on to me. But it is not like I cannot live with it. I am not saying it will be pleasant, but it is survivable.


Min Yoongi

〈i try not to make it obvious but all day, i keep smiling because of the love you planted in my heart (i love you)〉

academic information

YEAR FOR 2015 : 3rd

SPECIALISATION : major Architecture, opt Photography
DEPARTMENT : fine arts
GRADE FOR 2014 : 79.5 %



campus life

APPLY FOR A DORM? Yes [ X ] No [ ]
NUMBER OF ROOMMATE(S) : 0 [ ] 1 [ X ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ]


DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ACTIVITIES? I'm in the University's Basketball team and the Photography club

DO YOU WORK PART TIME?  No, I prefer spending my time in the library. (me: *raises eyebrows* really now?)

love interest : Min Yoongi
dob : March 9th, 1994
back up love interest : Lu Han
dob : April 20th, 1993

personality traits : cunning, tactless, outspoken, sassy, protective 
personality :

「✕」 Min Yoongi is a sadist. That I can tell you. The boy simply says whatever the fudge is in his mind without actually thinking it through. Although at times what he says may hurt another person's feelings, he never meant bad. Yoongi wasn't a flatterer, so what he says, you can count on it as the truth. At least the truth he sees from his point of view. His (sometimes mean) bluntness was a way for him to express himself, and everybody else just has to live with it. Besides, his words weren't the only thing he never thinks through. His actions too, most of the time, were outcomes of his tactless nature. He does everything spontaneously, instinctively. Even so, Yoongi always knew what he was doing. He knows what he wants and he's not afraid to do something about it. There was no end of the surprises he could offer to the things he could do to achieve his goal. His mind worked in ways nobody else could ever thought of before, and that was what made him unique. Yet, however much he seems to think only of himself, Yoongi was a person who knew love. He was someone who cherishes each and every person he cares about. Even when from time to time he'd sass and insult his friends to absolute annoyance, you can always count on him to step up first when you need him. He was the person who can bring the absolute worse of someone, but sometimes, he can bring out their absolute best too.

relationship status :

「✕」 "I LIKE YOU. NEVER FORGET THAT" — like a dog and its tail (forgive me for lack of better comparison #sorrynotsorry). The 'tail' (aka our little Ms.Kim Hwee Eun) is actually always close to the 'dog' (aka Mr.Min Yoongi), but however much the 'dog' chases its 'tail', it will always run away. Nonetheless, it is not entirely impossible to catch the 'tail'. But only time will tell the outcome of that. So for now, all we can do is only to wait and see how this one will turn out.

love story :

「✕」 they first met at Hwee Eun's second home, the library. He was working on a project at that time, and had to sit in the library for hours and hours to get it done. On that day, the library was quite packed, and the only seat he got was in front of her. From time to time he noticed how she would get so immersed in her work while other people would come and go all around her. He noticed how she seemed like she was all alone in the library, not paying attention to anything else. He decided that day that she was interesting. Eventually, his curiosity got the best of him and so the very next day, he came back to the library to look for her, hoping that she would be there. And of course, she was there. He was so overjoyed that without even thinking twice,  he immediately approached her and tried to become friends with her (of course, he just HAD to choose the dumbest topic to start with. As in "excuse me, can I sit here?", pointing at the seat next to her when in actuality, almost none of the other seats in the aisle were occupied. The look she gave him at that was priceless). She nodded (even though obviously disinterested at this guy who shamelessly disturbed her studying session), earning a smile (a grin, to be exact) from him that was so huge you wouldn't even believe it. But all her apathy only made him want to get to know her more. And so he began coming to the library on a daily basis, only to watch her work while he pretended to read some random book and continuously attempted to talk to her. But of course, she ignored him. Two weeks and three days later, though, he finally got a chance to get closer to her when he saw her at the cafeteria at lunch time. He noticed her as she sat alone in the quiet corner, spooning some rice and a chunk of rolled omelette to . He asked her "are you alone?" (which is pretty obvious) and she answered "yeah," and he said "can I sit here then?". He did not realize at that time how thankful she was of that offer because honestly, eating alone all the time can get pretty lonely sometimes, so she agreed. They spent that lunch time talking and laughing at the littlest things, and Hwee Eun swore that it was the best lunch she had ever had in her life.

After the cafeteria thing, it seemed like she finally decided to warm up to him a bit. They got to talk more nowadays (mostly when Yoongi would try to catch her attention by whining about Calculus. That devil's invention). And they started to sit together at lunch too whenever they get a chance. It became quite a routine, and the both of them became used to each other's presence. So much that it almost felt weird if one was missing. their relationship went by so smoothly that Hwee Eun didn't even realize that she was slowly crawling out of her shell; the shell she had put around herself through all of these years. But by the time she did realize it, she was already out. She was scared, of course. Scared of heartbreak and betrayal. But at the same time, she felt free. And for the first time in so many years, she felt genuine happiness. She realized that it was all because of Yoongi, but she didn't tell him that. She wasn't ready to trust him yet.

Yoongi, on the other hand, didn't take that long to realize that he began to feel something more for Hwee Eun than just curiosity. He was falling for her, and he was falling for her fast. At that time, Yoongi, being Yoongi, bluntly told Hwee Eun that truth; that he liked her, more than just a friend. Of course, with his explosive personality, he had hoped that she would jump up and down in glee while screaming "I LIKE YOU TOOOOO!!!!" and then they'd become a couple and live happily ever after, the end. But what he didn't realize was how his ways were much too fast for the still-timid Hwee Eun. She hasn't fully been able to let people in too deep into her life. She still needed time. So she rejected him. But Yoongi wasn't ready to give up. Even after getting rejected once, he still tried to get close to her day by day, reminding her again and again about his feelings without stopping, just to make sure she never forget that he was there, and was waiting for her to open her heart up and to finally let him in.

trivia :

「✕」 mom? i miss you —his mother died of thyroid cancer when he was three. His father married a second wife four years later
「✕」 doesn't matter what my dad does. i'm still awesome — Yoongi's father is actually the Dean in his major, but he didn't like to talk about it since he disliked the way people would look at him if they knew who he was
「✕」look out for min yoongi, scoring the winning basket — his number in the basketball team is 9
「✕」 i know i'm hot. no need to scream it to my face — being quite above-average-looking, Yoongi was definitely anything but an outcast (*cough*unlike someone*cough*). He actually hung out among the popular bunch of students and was pretty popular himself. Even though he wasn't that blindingly gorgeous, but enough to get a few girls to crush on him here and there
「✕」 wanna eat lunch with me tomorrow? and the day after? and the day after?  — their first cafeteria lunch date was the closest thing these two got as a 'first date'


social network : (aside from the HS squad and the basketball team)

「✕」 "oh come on, man... you know i love you, right?"
roommate and high school best friend - Kim Tae Hyung (BTS) - 1994 - 3rd year State Politics, minor Social Psychology - Anime Club (member), Himnae Radio (anchorperson)

↳ part time job: McDonald's waiter
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: knowing each other since high school days, these two pretty much clicked like a seatbelt and a buckle. Even when they hit university, Yoongi and Tae Hyung agreed on going to the same campus. Being the sane one out of the pair, Tae Hyung would often be in charge of cleaning after Yoongi's . Although it can get pretty annoying at times, Tae Hyung didn't really think much of it. After all, it seemed like aside from Yoongi's friends from HS, he was the only person patient enough to deal with Yoongi's sassiness

「✕」 "i'm sorry. it's just never going to work"
high school hoobae and ex-gf - Bae Joo Hyun (Red Velvet) - 1995 - 2nd year Stage Management - Creative Writing club (secretary)

↳ part time job: office aid
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: being each other's first love, their breakup almost a year ago was obviously one of the most painful heartbreaks both Yoongi and Joo Hyun had suffered. After all, their relationship-that started so beautifully-had to end up in a separation agreement just because it was getting dull and boring. And it hurt. At least to Joo Hyun it hurt. Why wouldn't it, when she was still pretty damn much in love with the boy. It didn't help that they had to bump into each other from time to time, being in the same university and all. But they were trying. They were continuously figuring out how to deal with the pain and how to mend the relationship so that someday a happy friendship might bloom instead.

goodbye, stranger!

register on hello stranger : visit hello stranger

LAST WORDS : I'm actually more of a dog person who doesn't really know the difference between Digimon and Pokemon (Tokyo Mew-mew FTW!! xp) and has never watched Sailor Moon before (if that's what u're talking about??)

aaaannddd... I am exhausted. spent a whole day and 2 nights working on this piece of -__- author-nim, you have to take responsibility xp (jkjk)

p.s. I may or may not submit a second app... just you wait for it muhahahaharrr


「✕」 Yoongi introducing Hwee Eun to his HS friends
「✕」 Hwee Eun being pestered by Yoongi's fangirls (but then maybe her gorgeous Joon Myeon oppa found her and was like "hey, hey, what's going on here" so the girls' attentions completely turned to this unknown hot bod GYAAAA)
「✕」 both Yoongi's and Hwee's dads getting invited to an academic party or smth, where they both forced their children to tag along. Yoongi and Hwee seeing each other and going like "what are you doing here?!"
「✕」 Joo Hyun ending up with Joon Myeon in the end
「✕」 a student coming up to Yoongi and Hwee and called her 'Yi Baek'. Confused Yoongi asking the student what it meant and the student going like "oh, we call her that cos her IQ is 200". Yoongi going like "WTF UR WHAT IS WHAT NOW?!"

stars you want to see as teachers? 

「✕」 this guy (I have no idea who he is, but having him as an English teacher would mean a dream come true)

password : hello, valedictorian


layout made by mintcream, please do not steal or use as your base code


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hello! thank you for applying :-)
i just have two comments but it's nothing to get you rejected don't worry!

- you can't make idols siblings when they aren't in real life because it'd be too complicated if everyone does that (& you can't change the idol last name either)
- what do you mean by yoongi is half gay? i'm not sure if it was supposed to be a joke? or a slang i didn't get?

and well at first glance that's all i had to say :-)