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♔King Dancer : PRINCE

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BIRTHNAME : 주 왕자 (Ju Wangja)
OTHER NAMES :  Japanese: 周 明彦 (Shu Akihiko); English: Prince Joo

▸ Foreign (Sassy) Puppy — since Heekyung is from Japan and not Korea he gets called this by all his bandmates, fans, and just lots of other people (he's also very sassy)

▸ Jako — a nickname his younger brother and other family members use; it combines the last 2 syllables in his Korean and Japanese given names

▸ Ja/Ko — his parents call him by the last syllables in his names

DATE OF BIRTH : Januray 3, 1997 (19)
BIRTHPLACE : Ibaraki, Japan
ETHNICITY : Japanese/Korean

▸ Japanese — fluent; first language, he began learning it when he was little, but did not become fluent until his dad taught him more when he was older

▸ Korean — fluent; considered more to be his native language since he became fluent in it first, originally learning it when he was learning Japanese

▸ English — a bit more than converstional; learned in school

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : i'm the author
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 181 cm and 61 kg

▸ Wangja is an average height guy and his weight compliments his height perfectly. He actually eats a lot, but he works out quite a bit, having semi-muscular arms and a six pack. 
▸ Fashion: Wangja doesn't actually have a specific fashion sense or style, but as long as he thinks it looks nice and fits him well, he'll wear it, but he does hate dirty (not that way) clothes.




(+) charismatic, smart, creative, athletic, non-self-concious
(o) secretive, peacemaker
(–) sassy, stubborn, flirtatious, irresponsible, childish

"I have good traits? Really?" : For starters, Prince isn't self-conscious, he doesn't pay attention to himself, but notices a whole of things about other people. Thing is though, he's not afraid to show off or do anything since he's not self-conscious, so the can't inflect a negative vibe to him. It's kind of weird how he acts flirty though... With either guys or girls, but he doesn't actually mean too. Sometimes he'll just be trying to be kind and some how end up, technically, flirting with them. He's also very chrismatic and gets along well with other people, very easily. Being able to get along easily with people instantly makes him slip into the peacemaker of the froup, basically the only responsibility you will probably ever see from him though.
"No, no. No!" : He likes to be able to focus on school when he can, he's always wanted to be at least on of the top 10 students in each class, being called a nerd a few times. Balancing track (and track training) and school was kind of hard, but he's a dedicated athelete. Remember Prince is young and still a teenager so he is irresponsible and childish. Sometimes he just acts immature because he knows that's how quite a few people his age act, but also so that he seems like everything is fine. His life wasn't a perfect one and there are somethings he wishes he could forget and refuses to share things with others, remaining secretive.

Born on January 3, 1997 at 13:19 in a hospital in Ibaraki, Japan was a boy with the birthname of Ju Wangja, to a Korean woman and (1/2 Korean) Japanese man. Wangja lived in Ibaraki, Japan until he was 3, long after his little brother Heekyung was born. Wangja's family moved/returned to Mokpo, South Korea.
Wangja attended a regular elementary school, Heekyung following him into the school the next year. The summer after Wangja finished elementary school his family moved to Jeonju. Moving far away from where he thought they would stay, made Wangja devistated, but he found salvation in music. When Wangja entered middle school, he took band for all 3 years playing precussion. By the time he entered high school he continued to take band (in marching band) and took choir as his other elective.
Having found his salvation in music he started wanting to become a singer in his last year of middle school, his parents act like they didn't notice and continued to try to get him to do something else in the future; he is also to blame for not being straightforward in telling his parents to their faces. His parents even made him do a running start program (where he can take college classes during his last 2 years of high school), he took the opprotunity to learn English there and piano, as well as improve his vocals.
Once Wangja turned 18 he moved out of the house, despite his parents telling him not to and him being in school still. He had told his parents that he could afford his own apartment (paying for it with money from work), but really he moved in with his best friend Sho's family. By the time the two of them graduated, Wangja had done all the research he needed/wanted to on entertainment labels, deciding on KS Entertainment and being accepted there after his first audition.


▸ Likes: 
-Melon Bars; just not when they are too frozen
-Anime/Manga; loves to watch it during his free time
-Chicken; you can't forget about chicken, you just can't, it's the best food
-Descendants of the Sun; he started the show late, but he really liked it and is rewatching it
-SHINee; he's actually really fond of their music and likes to cover their songs and dances
-Onew; his favorite SHINee member, episode 6 of "Descendants of the Sun" was kind of (the most) painful to watch since Onew's caharacter was crying (for the first time)
-Sweets; he's to scared to actually buy his own sweets though, doesn't want people to find out actually (including pastries)
▸ Dislikes:
-Smoke; doesn't understand why people want to kill themselves with it, hates the smell, and hopes that his generation or a sooner one can be the one to end smoking
-Haters; there is no point in dealing with them so he ignores them
-Burnt Food; it taste bad and smells terrible (he actually cries when he burns the food he rarely even cooks)
-Chocolate; sometimes, because he tends to fear it a bit
▸ Habbits:
-Complaining; he actually complains about a lot of things, but not for too long
-Moistening his Lips; when they're dry, when he's nervous, for no reason, just all the time
▸ Hobbies:
-Basketball; his best and 2nd favorite sport
-Soccer; his favorite sport, he used to be really good at it when he was little, but after not playing for 4 years at sometime, he got worse at it...
-Cooking; he's been trying to learn how to cook; best at pancakes, omelettes, and meat
▸ Other:
- Doesn't mind looking or acting cute or pretty and is pretty good at aegyo
- Capable of dancing in many styles; including jazz, hip-hop, crumping, (some) ballet, tango, etc.
- Sho and him learned how to dance tango together, therefore Sho was his partner
- He often dies his hair, but his natural hair color is a dark brown (really dark brown)
- Still practices his English and continuing to learn it
- Also trying to learn Mandarin Chinese, but hasn't really gotten around to it yet
- Love dogs a lot, has really been wanting an Australian Shephard
- Can play classical piano very well
- Learned how to play guitar by himself when he was starting high school
- He was poisoned by a Valentine's Day chocolate he recived in high school
- After being poisoned he began fearing chocolates and having a crush


Who matters to you?




▸ mom — Ju Areum (47) / unemployeed / serious, strict / 5 (out of 10)
Wangja's mother, they have a very, on and off relationship. His mother actually has a certain condition which caused their relationship too be very bad. Areum never approved or said anything about Wangja's dream, other than some things he found rather rude. His mother also did not approve him moving out of the house right when he turned 18, but he did anyways.

▸ dad — Ju Shohei (42) / graphic designer / hard working, strict / 5
Wangja also has a very on and off relationship with his father. Shohei didn't approve Wangja's dreams at all, he really wanted Wangja to go to college and do the same work that he does. Shohei would force Wangja to learn the things that he did in his work which caused their relationship to be pretty bad at times, but when Wangja and his mom got into fights, he would reassure Wangja that he had done nothing wrong (at least when he did). His father taught him Japanese, hoping that Wangja would do anime production or be able to use it if he became a lawyer.

▸ younger brother — Ju Heekyung (18) [FC: B-Joo]  / occupation / personality traits / 20!
Wangja and Heekyung are really close, like really close (Heekyung sleeps with Wangja sometimes, that's how close they are), but Wangja is kind of jealous of Heekyung since their parents support Heekyung's dreams. Heekyung has a closer relationship with their parents than Wangja, mostly because they weren't as strict with him as they were with Wangja. Heekyung is able to tell His hyung basically everything, just not the name of the person he likes.


▸ best friend — Pak Sho (19) [FC: Hansol] / student / hardworking, charsmatic / 20!
Sho and Wangja have been really close friends for a really long time (since they met in middle school). Wangja's parents actually compare him to Sho a lot, asking why he didn't end up like him, trying to be a lawyer. On the other hand though, Sho's parents compare him to Wangja, wondering why he can't be as loose as him, not so stiff. (Full Korean, born in South Korea)


▸ bandmates — KING (1_-2_) / idols / varies / 9
He's very close with all of his bandmates despite the fact that he had a short trainee time with them, which cause that little gap between them. None the less they are all like a family, so they do get into their occasional fights. He probably annoys some of his bandmates, but it doesn't matter since they also annoy him.


▸ sunbae — Park Shinhwan (26) / idol / ... / 5
Shinhwan is the only idol under KS Ent. before the groups for the CHECKMATE project, there fore he would have to help them all when they first started out. He's also the one who helps with some of the language barriers for a while. Sometimes he seems really cold-hearted but is actually very caring to his hoobaes.

▸ projectmates — CHECKMATE, Queen and Rook (1_-26) / idols / varies / 7
He's close with the Queen and Rook members, not as much as he is with the King members, but more than he is with Sol-sunbae. He wishes that the ones who are older than him though would quit treating him as though he's the maknae, when he isn't. Enjoys being around them and trying to get through the few language barriers.

Why do you matter?


SUB-UNIT & POSITION: ♔King / Main Dancer and Sub-Vocals


▸ Singing Twin: Luhan (1) (2) (3)
▸ Dancing Twin: Xero (1 / 2) (3)<[black tank top] (4)<[red hair] (5) <[green flannel]
▸ Rapping Twin: Zelo (1) (2) (3)


▸ Wangja's trainee life was actually pretty short, around a year and 7 months. He got accepted into KS Ent after his first audition, which was right after he graduated high school (June 2015). It's actually kind of surprising how close he is to each member since he has the shortest trainee time out of them all.


▸ none, since he had a really short trainee time


▸ December 2015 / January 2016 - KS Ent. trainee, Wangja, drinking underage? | false | Wangja was just 3 days from turning (internationally) 19 years old
Wangja had gone out with some of his older friends (fellow trainees, old classmates) for New Year's Eve to a bar in China, where the drinking age is 18. The bar owner thought that there was a law saying that they had to follow the drinking age for where ever the forgiener came from (looking at Wangja's Korean driver's liscence).

Questions from the CEO


▸ "I just really love music and I want to share that with the world; nothing more, nothing less."


▸ "Well it's pretty obvious that I'd only be able to be part of Rook since I'm a guy... I can play guitar a little bit too, and just a tad bit of piano."
What about Knight, would you like to be part of it?
▸ "It would be an honor to be able to be a part of it. I'd love to dance with some of the girls too. I really think it'd be fun and great."


▸ "Isn't that how all the groups are chosen though?" *thinking everything over again*
Well he grouped you guys together during the trainee time, now there is no trainee time.
▸ "Oh! Then I guess I'd better work hard if I want to be part of it."


▸ "It's pretty awesome, but I'm also pretty nervous; we kind of set the bar for how their future groups will be, right? Other than that it's awesome, it's all 18 of us in this project, we are all pretty close to each other and I think everyone is really good, there isn't much to worry about really."


▸ "A reality show would be fun to do with everyone in the group, just not a long one because it would get in the way of our work... For myself though, I think I'd like to do acting and maybe a little solo work (without being removed from the group)." *smiles and tilts head*


▸ "...With kindness? I'd root them on when I can I guess. I'm not really sure yet, maybe when another group debuts after the CHECKMATE Project groups that are under KS I will fully know."


▸ "Anything else..? Not really, I think. Oh! I really do hope the fans anticapte everything we do and support us lots!" *winks*

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Rukia Kuchiki
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : anyone who wants to collab lemme know..


Initially born into a lower class, Rukia retains her modesty, even as an adopted member of the nobility. She is graceful and "clean", yet chooses to talk to ordinary people. However, her cool and lone demeanor often forces her to hide her personal troubles, even from her friends. According to Ukitake, Rukia never opens up her heart, and has difficulty making friends. Rukia is clueless about the ways of the modern Human World. She is very good at acting, having acted her way through a number of tough situations, such as getting out of trouble with school teachers and convincing the Kurosaki family to let her stay at their house. Rukia always has trouble finding clothes that fit her, especially when inhabiting a Gigai in the Human World, leading to her stealing clothes from Ichigo's sister, Yuzu. She likes to climb to high places. Rukia likes everything rabbit-themed, and becomes quite sensitive when someone insults her obsession with them. People often have difficulty understanding her drawings, which are typically rabbit-like, and doesn't like it when people complain about their quality.Rukia's favorite foods are cucumber, eggs, and rice dumplings.


▸favorite character in "Bleach"

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  anime character he likes

ENDING :  well if someone collabs with me hopefully they bring my character to stop fearing the thought of having a crush or fear of chocolate

_b-joo : Taka

LAST WORDS : Trying my best to finish Prince's stuff, but it's so much work
PASSWORD : "I am truly royalty," *wink* "annyeong, Prince imnida!" // solo / duet with... // Xero


▸ amusement park or beach
▸ here

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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