❀B.GALAXY✿Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist❀Lizzi (Zhou Wei)

- Author's notes:
- Follow the plotline's page.
- Replace all Jimin's gifs and icons with those of your faceclaim.
- Replece Suga's gif with those of your love interest.
- If your character hasn't a love interest , please erase the section. - You could modify the application form , changing the layout colours and adding more gifs and icons . ^_^

replace with face claim or anything you want 500*240


replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80

BIRTHNAME : 周 伟 (Zhou Wei)

OTHER NAMES : English name: Zhou Kate

Korean name: 주 예지 (Ju Yeji)

▸ Mei/May — her American friends think that it is very close to her birth name and some started calling her Mei

▸ Lizzy — some of her other American friends call her Lizzy because they think it is similar to her Korean name

▸ Foreign Puppy — she gets called this by pretty much everyone around world; her friends in America call her this since she was born in China; she gets called this by her bandmates and most fans since she isn'tfrom Korea; gets called this even in China since she hadn't lived in China for very long

▸ Chengshu — "mature" in Chinese, she looks older than how old she really is; once when she was in the 6th grade she got mistaken to be a sophomore

▸ Sunshine/Sun/Star— her parentscall her this sometimes because she is their "little ball of sunshine/starlight"

DATE OF BIRTH : April 13, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Tianjin, China
ETHNICITY : Chinese/Japanese/Korean

▸ Mandarin Chinese — can speak, but not read; it's her native language, but since she didn't go to a Chinese school for long she didn't learn how to read anything besides some basic words

▸ English — 100% fluency; due to moving to America when she was 6, she learned English from her parents and those around her when she was young and it became her second language

▸ Japanese — conversational; since she is part Japanese her parents taught her Japanese as she was growing up

▸ Korean — conversational; since she is also part Korean her parents taught her Korean as well

FACE CLAIM : Han Sunhwa
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 165 cm and 52 kg

▸ Wei is actually somewhat muscular, especially for her age group, despite her skinny frame. Also she has some pretty big chest given her body size, a 34B. Her light brown hair can sometimes look a dark brown, depending on the lighting, and same goes for her eyes.

▸ The fashion sense Wei has in somewhat a male-ish style, or so called by her sister. Her older sister had asked her to model all of the girl outfits that she had made, making Wei dislike wearing girly outfits. Her fashion sense has been compared,multiple times by her sister, to that of BTS' Taehyung and Jungkook as well as all the B.A.P members; she doesn't mean to dress like them actually.. it just happened...




(+) creative | courageous | funny | nice | active

(o) childish | sassy | 4D

(–) messy | slightly shy | careless | vague | lazy

PERSONALITY : expand the traits listed above (so , describe her personality)

Creative and dangerous. Wei is a very creative person, but it can be dangerous at times. When Wei used to draw and write a lot, she'd often disappear to try to get inspration. Her room would also be very messy and when a friend of her's came over she almost stepped on a blade she had forgotten to put away when she cleaned her room. She's the messy clean type of person, organized things can actually lead to her losing lots of things and misplacing them even more.

Courageous and careless. Wei is very courageous and like to take risks, but that can also be pretty careless and clumsyat times. There was once were she went ahead and took the dare to do parkour from her friends, she did a pretty good job, until she got cocky and tripped on something, landing flat on her face. Sometimes she's just careless and is stuck in thought; during school, when she leaves a classroom, sometimes she walks into the door or the doorframe or wall...

Slightly shy, but still nice and funny! Being slightly shy can be bad, but there actually is a positive thing about it, she can be more reflective and observant than others at times, this actually came in handy for basketball (making observations about the oppisite team, too find weaknesses, and her teammates, what they all need to work on). She has a lot of friend but only a few that she's actually really close too. The ones that she is close too always say she is funny, kind, cheer her on in everything, and ask for free tickets to her concerts.

Being young is being childish. Remember Wei is younger than she looks! She's only a teenager so she still acts like a child at times. At times she can be very immature and inappropiate. Since she is not a native Korean speaker, sometimes when someone is talking to her in Korean she can mishear or think they said it in another language (mixes up language sometimes) and can think it the wrong way. Sometimes she can be sassy and at times she doesn't mean to, only every once in a while though.

Active yet lazy? Wei is active and likes to play sports, but there are times where she has been to active and just goes into "lazy mode," where she pretty much does nothing. Her lazy mode usually activates when she is told to go do something she doesn't want to do. She loves to play sports and run around though.

Just keep going straight. The vagueness of Wei often makes people feel lost, but this is only part of her 4D personality. When Wei is most vague, is telling how to get to her house ("just keep going straight until you see the stop sign, and then when you get to the stop sign keep going straight, down the little dip and up the hill and my house is right on the top of the hill, inside the fencing") and telling someone where something is ("oh yeah, I saw that just over there").

What do you mean? Wei can be slightly shy, but once you really do get to be friends with her, it can be hard to understand her and this is all because of her 4D personality really. Sometimes she just blanks out for no reason, like when she's in the middle of watching a movie she likes. Her speech is also confusing sometimes since she mixes up words, no matter what. Her friends also consider her being able to recognize that someone trying to speak to her, no matter which name they use, is part of her 4D personality.

BACKGROUND : Wei was born in the Tianjin Medical University Hospital to her parents and an older sister and brother. Wei's family lived in Xingtai, Hebei, China until after she finished kindergarten, when she was 6 years old, her parents found work in America and moved to Houston, Texas, USA. Her parents found out that theu were going to start working in America, given a 6 months notice, and started teaching Wei some English. Wei's English began to improve at school and at home from interaction with native English speakers and her parents.

She finished elementary school in Dallas and continued middle school there, taking choir as her elective, rather than band like her father recommended she do, but either way she was happy since music became her life anyways. When she entered middle school she came in touch with some music from her home country, a band called EXO-M, falling in love with Luhan; she also came across a group called B.A.P, falling in love with Jongup. After listening to more KPOP she decided she wanted to become a singer in a group rather than a band like ONE OK ROCK made her feel like doing.

After Wei told her parents that she wanted to become an idol and explained what she planned on doing. Her parents took her to LA the summer vacation after the 7th grade, to audition for SM. When she made it into SM, her parents decided to move to Seoul, South Korea; her brother staying with their sister in Dallas because he only had 1 more year of school left.

A year after making it into SM, Wei's school came into concern since her grades were falling to where her parents didn't want them. Because of how much time Wei spent training they figured it'd be best for her to be in a different entertainment label, one that isn't as intense as SM (since SM is the most intense and strict). That's when she auditioned for Big Hit, because they only have one group and that's a boy group that is very successful. Making it into Big Hit Ent., her parents removed her from SM Ent. knowing she'd still be able to achive her dreams.


▸ Likes:
Food; "I basically love food more than anything." fav food are ramen, sushi, dim sum, and siopao.
- Smoothies; "Do I need a reason to like it?" fav flavor would probably be mango, strawberry, or lychee; enjoys them best with rainbow jelly or coconut jelly; doesn't like tapioca pearls too much..
Anime/Manga; "It's interesting." likes a variety of anime/manga, but there are a few she doesn't
Tea; "Relaxes the body." green tea is her favorite, the green tea frappuccino from Starbucks is pretty nice turn on it.
Bandanas; "They are cool looking!" do you need more explanation?
Hats and Glasses; "Look at my new hat!" loves to top off outfits with a pair of glasses or a hat, but doesn't actually have that many..

Smoke; "I don't get why people what to kill their insides by smoking, it's gross." also hates the smell of it.
Burnt Food; "No! My sandwich!" ( - Children; "I don't qualify to be an older sister." she is still a teenager herself, she doesn't havethe patience to deal with little children

▸ Habbits:
Complaining; will complain if she doesn't like something or feels something wasn't done right
Talking to self; "What was I doing?" tends to talk to self about multiple things
Eating; "I feel like I eat too much..." eats when depressed, angry, happy; basically all the time
Getting lost; "Where am I?" be it in thought or physically (often gets lost at stores)
Biting bottom lip; "Uh.." bites her bottom lip when deep in thought. most of the time

▸ Hobbies:
Being active; "Pass the ball!" before becoming a trainee she played sports for her school and for recreational leagues. now she plays when ever she cans, or at least runs.
Photography; "The sky is beautiful." takes pictures of what ever she feels like really

- Elective in middle school was choir
- Played soccer, basketball, volleyball and track/field in school
- Enjoys basketball most
- Favorite NBA team is the San Antonio Spurs
- Isn't used to beingcalled pretty, cute, etc. even though she has been called them multiple times
- Would like to visit Japan and the Philippines
- Wants to go to an amusement park with friends
- Says that if she gets to do V App (V Live) she'd probably end  up doing it at a restuarant while eating or walking around the dorm and goofing around
- Used to draw and write a lot
- Almost got lost at the zoo when she was 7, great thing her brother stuck with her
- Wants to live in Japan when she's older




▸ gege — Zhou Cheng (19) / chef / cautious, caring, devious / 7 out of 10
Cheng-gege is a very caring older brother towards Wei, but theyaren't too close because they are both busy with their own lives. Cheng-gege was the one who was watching Wei when they went to the soon years ago and made sure she didn't wander too far away from their family. He tries to encourage Wei at times when she needs it, sometimes he can be devious and say that she mixed up the chorus dances when she is practicing. There were also times where after sport practices Wei would go to her brother's work, he never brought her any food even though she'd be starving and when he did it was always something she disliked...

▸ jiejie— Zhou Lihua (21) / fashion college student / creative, funny, stubborn / 5
Lihua-jiejie has always wanted to be a fashion designer, design clothes when she was little and making Wei model them, she is the reason Wei doesn't like to wear girly clothes anymore. Their relationship can either be all close and kind or very much hatred, it just depends on the atmosphere really... Lihua has begged Wei to ask their CEO-nim if she could design outfits for B.Galaxy, towards the point that Wei got annoyed and said she'd ask sometime.

▸ faquin— Zhou Duyi (41) / orthodontist / humorous, smart / 6
Wei's faquin actually had a small effect on Wei wanting to be a singer, when she was entering middle school he told her she should take band and play the clarinet because that's what he had done, she didn't want to so the closest to that she did was take another music class, choir.

▸ mama— (Park) Zhou Sakurako (45) / garden manager / green-thumb, willful / 6
Wei's mama is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Korean, she met Duyi when she got a Chinese scholorship in plant science. Mama likes to listen to Wei singing and watch her dancing, not hesitating to let her audition when she asked to. She owns a nursery in Dallas and is starting one up in Seoul too.



▸ Best friend — Cortes "Alex" (14) / student / funny, lazy / 8
Mei'sbest friend who likes to go by the nameAlex ever since she turned 13, started going to school with Wei in the 6th grade. They are very close and basically act like sisters. She is one of the friends that she always sings in front of and shares stupid stories with.

▸ Best friend's sister — Cortes Minsoo (11) / student / creative, stupid / 8
At first Mei first hated Minsoo, because she thought she was very annonying and didn't have the patience to put up with her. After a year though she got used to her and they are actually very close to. The 2 of them would sing and dance together, but Minsoo isn't very confident in doing them... So Minsoo just cheers Mei on to do her best and bring her so meet BTS sometime.


OTHERS : rivals /mentors/important acquaitance/etc... (only include those who are important and matter to your character)

▸ 2nd mom — Cortes Mela (47) / stay at home mom / understanding, kind, caring, funny / 6
Mela is Minsoo and Alex's mom, her mom's friend, and basically her 2nd mom. Mela likes to make fun of them for liking things from Asia, even thought she is Filipino, but always encourages her.

▸ 2nd dad — Cortes Rai (54) / truck driver / funny, caring / 6
Mela's husband, Mei's dad's friend, and basically her 2nd dad. He always encourages her as well.




STAGE PERSONA : Daring and Energetic 4D Member

POSITION : Triple T (Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist)

BACK-UP POSITION : Lead Vocalist, Sub-Dancer, Sub-Rapper


singing twin: Luna (1) (2) (3)

rapping twin: HyunA (1) (2) (3)

dancing twin: Jun Hyoseong (1) (2) (3) (4)



TRAINEE LIFE: Wei first auditioned for SM Ent. in LA when she was 13. After making it into SM Ent. her family moved to Seoul, South Korea so she could be closer to SM headquarters. Once a year passed though, her parents had her audition for a different company because they thought that SM's trainee training was to strict and difficult. So her parents had her pick which entertainment label she wanted to audition for, she chose Big Hit Ent., when she made it in her parents removed her from SM Ent. She began her trainee life at Big Hit Ent. at the age of 14 years old.


▸ 2016 / Jungkook of BTS was being an MC at Music Core and Jin requested Wei to MC as well for practice.

SCANDALS : did she do something wrong before or after debut?

▸None she's an innocent child



It seems that you are finally debuting? What are your thoughts about it?

▸ "Uhm.. I'm very, excited?" *looks frantically at CEO since her Korean is pretty poor, getting a nod from him to speak in English; get told the question in English and has a big smile on face* "I'm very excited! I just feel as though I should have had more trainee time though, you know? I was only a trainee for 2 years and there's G-Dragon-seonbaenim who had been a trainee for 11 years! Then again not all sucessful artist had long trainee periods..." *looks off at the wall in thought*

Why did you chose to start the training in order to become an idol? ANd why did you end up in Big hit entertainment?

▸ *sits up and head to the side* "Do you not have to be a trainee to become an idol? Anyways, I decided to start training because I want my skills to be improved with teaching and not just self teaching and my parents agreed to that. How I ended at up at Big Hit Ent. though, is because my parents and I weren't too fond on SM ENt.'s stricted training. I kind of liked SM's training, but they made keep practicing dance even though I twisted my ankle once... So I auditioned for Big Hit, got in, and here we are!~" *smiles and eye smiles*

Many people has already started to compare your group with your sunbae, BTS . What do you think about them? Are you close with them? :

▸ *pouty face* "Honestly I've never liked people comparing groups at all... or people... But yeah, I'm pretty close with BTS-seonbae. They all are so kind to us members of B.GALAXY, even when we first started being trainees here. Sometimes they can be annoying thoug," *crosses arms* "mostly when they act childish, but that is why I feel so comfortable around them, because they act my age sometimes. I think I'd probably be closest to Taehyung-seonbae and Jungkook-seonbae though, they encourage me most and can understand me best." *uncrosses arms and sits back*

A lot of new group has debuted recently ? Do you think your group will do well? ACCORDING TO YOU , WHAT IS B.GALAXY CHARM ? :

▸ *pinches cheeks* "Just because they're are other new groups doesn't mean that we won't do well. As long as we perform as hard as we practiced, there is no doubt that we will do a great job and get some fans!" *gives thumbs up* "I think our charm though is mostly our leader..? Mari-unnie really is a great person and anyone would fall in love with her!"


▸ *bites bottom lip* "I think it'd be cool if we, as a group, could do a variety or reality show? For myself though, I'd like to try out acting sometime and probably beingan MC, it was fun last time."


▸ *raises hand and bringsit back down quickly* "If and when we do promotions in Japan can we go to DisneySea? I'd really like to go to an amusement park! I mean, with the group..."

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : none, if she can't be with Jongup I'd rather you had none actually...




▸ Wei started off admiring Jongup before she was a trainee since she was a big fan of B.A.P, even more so of Jongup's. When she went to MC at Music Core she met Jongup in person and truly fell in love with him (after he saved her from falling off the stage).

RELATIONSHIP STATUS : One-sided love, as the fact that Jongup still doesn't really know who Wei is..


_b-joo  Taka


LAST WORDS : I don't know what I am doing with the love interest, you can remove it if you want XD


▸ here
▸ here

turn in : story : cheatsheet



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Sorry for the late but I finally reviewed your application!

Please check the reviews chapter ! I'm not very good in doing reviews but I hope you like it. ^_^
I've just briefly read your application I've just noticed a minor error in your application:

Sunhwa seems to old to be the faceclaim to a 2001 liner .
If you still want to use her as Lizzi's faceclaim you should change her age.
Sunhwa can pass for at least a 1999 liner .

For the rest it seems a very good application. ^_^

Lizzi is a very interesting girl with a lovable character (and I actually adore your love interest. I have already a lot of ideas regarding the relationship between Lizzi and Jongup ) .

Anyway , the full review of your app is coming soon. Please , wait a little bit.

Lots of love,
