레드벨벳_RED VELVET  ✕  김윤아

horyiah. ying. six. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
kim yoona
"she's not useless, she can set a bad example."
FULL NAME — kim, yoona ( 김윤아 ).
deriviations such as kim and yoon are used by friends and family.
yoonsagi sagi is literally 'fake', it's mainly because her name and girl's generations' im yoona sound awfully similar. as soon the group debuted, she's been called this as a joke by her best friend.
imposter this is used by yoona's anti-fans, mainly sones, because they're fed up with their similar names. doesn't help that both were born in yeongdeungpo-gu. im yoona in daerim-dong, kim yoona in singil-dong. 
2nd yoona by both media and fans alike, it's mainly because both have the same name and both's beauties have been taking korea by storm. some call this yoona girl's generation's yoona's successor.
DOB + AGE — june 21st, 1993; turning age 23.
BIRTHPLACE — singil-dong, yeongdeungpo-gu, seoul, south korea.
HOMETOWN — singil-dong, yeongdeungpo-gu, seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY — korean.
korean is her mothertongue, and she's fluent, channeling a seoul dialect. her voice is pretty hushed and her talking speed is slower than average. one word to describe her voice would be feminine, as she's developed fully. whenever the group appears on radio shows, listeners usually comment that her voice is especially pleasing and soothing to the ears.  
english is not a language yoona is good at. merely conversational, she wouldn't know the basics if it wasn't a compulsory subject at school. sm gave lessons, but she never really paid attention and only has the basics down. she fails to maintain daily conversation, and her accent is incredibly obvious.
 "thanks for the compliment, but I disagree with you."
FACE CLAIM — 임진아 : after school.
BACKUP김지연 : wjsn
the walking definition of  genteel delicacy, yoona is nothing short of being ethereal. having dyed jet black tresses that fall behind slim shoulders to a shockingly tiny waist as the black creates a stark contrast with her face which obviously lacks melanin, yoona fits the almost unattainable standards of korean beauty perfectly. long lashes frame wide eyes with natural aegyo sals that form a perfect ratio with her ( surgically altered ) straght nose and cherubic lips that are always stretched into a smile. yoona's figure, to be blunt, isn't especially curvy, but with long, slender limbs, she shows up on sites such as us pann and naver  regularly, mostly on posts talking about the prettiest rookies of the year. some fans complain why she isn't the visual regularly. with a svelte silhouette, yoona's been a beauty since young. her shoulders are always pulled back and her head held high with poise and elegance when she's sitting, standing or walking. when walking she keeps her arms by her side and rarely swings them. furthermore, you'd seldom see her with a spring in her step: every step she takes is even and sometimes she seems like she's gliding through the crowd. 

before debut, yoona's hair was lighter than the average korean and the brown was obvious under the sunlight. sm, however, decided to dye it jet black before red velvet debuted in order to highlight her facial features. while most don't really notice any differences between her and her pre-debut pictures, experts will be able to spot that she's had a minor rhinoplasty and as she's frequently using double eyelid tape nowdays, is considering double eyelid surgery as well. 
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 171 cm + 48kg; bmi 16.4
  it's safe to say that yoona's style can be summed up with one word: refined. feminine and polished, saying that yoona is a cultured fashionista would be an understatement. her wardrobe an organized array of plain colours and pretty much no patterns, she's frequently seen in ted baker and burberry. her usual everyday outfit, when not promoting as part of red velvet and when she's finally out of the dresses with frills and bright colours that she honestly hates wearing, is a white, chiffon blouse with black jeggings. however, just because she doesn't like the outfits she wears as an idol, yoona does wear dresses and skirts in her free time. it's just rarely her first choice of garment, but when she feels like it and finds skirts to fit the top she has in mind, she'd gladly wear one. yoona has a soft spot for long sleeves, and during summer you'd be able to catch her in long-sleeved,  thin shirts tucked in high-waisted shorts. her favourite season, though, is winter, because that's the time of the year where she can whip out her large coats and put them on her shoulders, strutting through the chilly roads of seoul as she enjoys being the center of attention, whispers of 'is that kim yoona?' and phones flashing around her. 

positive responsible, practical, demure, orderly. 
neutral trucelent, deceitful.
negative judgemental,punitive,self-deprecating,

an angelic chef d'oueuvre often alluded to perfection, kim yoona is a walking masterpiece, a mixture of good genes and respectable personality, a representation of how unfair god can be. the newest gem of sm and a rising visual in the idol industry, red velvet's kim yoona has been riding on waves of overhype as well as having the burdens of improving and harsh reality on her shoulders ever since debut. always put in the middle of group photos and dance formations, there is no denying that yoona was born to be in the spotlight. her introverted and feminine personality is loved and hated by many equally, and when yoona looks through the articles about herself and sees her fans defending her antis' words of "kim yoona just wants fame", she hates herself for agreeing with what the antis write. 

[+283, -51] kayoon really is very pretty and lovable, but she's useless. what was her company thinking?
[+548, -498] perfect example of debuting just because of a pretty face. ten years of training has done practically nothing. how very similar to twice's jihyo, but at least jihyo is an average singer.
[+108, -201] it's funny how she always tries to act like the leader when she isn't, and is the most useless one ㅋㅋ I think she's just an idol because she likes being famous.
[+309, -107] can't you guys give her a break? kayoon might not be the most talent idols out there, but I've met her once and she's a very reserved and sweet person. she's still a rookie, she has time to improve! 

associate with those of good quality with utmost grace and elegance in her step, there's a reason why yoona is one of the most popular idols of recent times. if it isn't because of the everlasting smile on her exquisite face, then it's because of the dignified aura she gives off. the living embodiment of rule and order, she's sometimes known as the 'father' of the group because of her need for order and her constant repression of the members' silly antics, and such actions, much to some of her members' chagrin, happen both on and off camera. another lovable quirk is her shyness- her embarassed smiles and heated face are simply make it easier for people to fall for her. she treats everyone with equality and as the oldest member, has the urge to take care of the other younger members, and sometimes ends up being imperious, taking up the role of the leader when sm didn't give it to her because of her, frankly, incompetence. while very introverted, yoona doesn't like sugarcoating the truth. if she has something to say, she'll say it without hesitating. her brain to mouth filter, or, her lack of it creates fights between the members a lot and needless to say, she's not exactly close with some of the louder, younger members since they think yoona honestly has no right to judge them. yoona just means well, but is incapable of shaping her statements into warm words.

for it is better to be alone than be in bad company hidden beneath the impeccable exterior the spotlights shine on is a shockingly insincere maiden who yearns for attention yet gets hurt by it. she knows when to say the truth and when to beautify it to be favoured by magnates, and is remarkably two-faced, putting on a smile and letting it drop when she's alone. since young she's loved being complimented for her beauty, which can be considered one of the largest reasons for her to step onto the journey of being a trainee and debuting. as if she was born to merely impress, yoona takes great care in shaping a flawless image for the fans to scream over and for the cameras to take pictures of. she loves reading the posts that rave over her beauty and the fanchants that say her name, but as someone who takes her image and fame very seriously, she's very sensitive to negative comments as well, and tends to be very insecure and belittle herself regularly, hating herself for being untalented and, to some, not pretty enough. 
born to kim jisung and nam hyeri on june 21st in 1993, yoona grew up with praises and endless admiration. an only child, she loved the spotlight and her dream was to be famous; many believed that she would be able to accomplish the said dream. her parents, lenient, approved and would excitedly drive her around seoul to attend different auditions when she was merely ten. to yoona's disappointment, she was rejected, albeit the sparkle in the judges' eyes every time they first laid eyes on her her — she noticed the sparkle died down as soon as she started singing. all the companies praised her visuals but said that her talent wasn't enough, and that she should try again when she was older.

thirteen year old yoona tried again in 2006, auditioning at sm, yg, loen and pledis. she was rejected from yg, loen and pledis, but sm was enthralled by her beauty, and decided that skills could be cultivatedso they signed her on. 

to their disappointment, yoona's skills could not be cultivated. simply put, she had no talent in performing. two years of extensive training in singing and dancing and yoona was average at best. needless to say, then the initial lineup for girl's generation was announced, she wasn't on the list. but she didn't give up, nor did she change companies. she was aware no other company would take such a trainee. 

when red velvet was announced, yoona was sure she'd finally be able to debut. to her exhilaration, she was training together with the girls and was told that she would train for one more year before being an additional member. but her world crashed down when she was pulled out and kim yerim replaced her instead. letting herself break down and scaring all the trainees with her anger, she cried when she heard the news, screaming and shouting and throwing a tantrum. the next sentence, however, stopped her short.

"I'm not done yet, kim yoona. you will be debuting in 2016 as one of the new members of red velvet."
yoona knows that this is sm's last resort. she knows that they hope yoona's face will rake in the fans and the funds. she knows that she's going to make a name for herself.

yoona returns to the dorms latest and leaves the earliest. sometimes it's because of her endless schedules, other times it's because she was practicing, hoping to improve. she never hogs the bathroom and showers the quickest out of all the members, using cold water even in winter. she's been on hold from school ever since she graduated high school and got into sungshin women's university's college of social sciences ( she was rejected from sopa for a reason ), but at age 23, she still hasn't finished her first year.

first to wake and last to sleep, yoona's lifestyle is nowhere as glamorous as the public think it might be. fatigue consumes her daily and if she ever gets hurt the company boots her out of hospital right after a checkup, ignoring the doctor's suggestions to stay longer for better treatment. she wakes up as early as five and can spend more than twenty four hours working. there is no specific way to pinpoint how her schedule or lifestyle actually is because it's just way too hectic.
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 best friends - joo sora (23) - financial planner - abrasive, acerbic, vivacious, altruistic.
sora and yoona have been friends forever. and by forever, I mean their parents went to buy baby supplies together. starting from forced playmates to genuine best friends, sora and yoona are the walking definition of opposites attract. if it isn't obvious by now, yoona is closer to her friends who aren't celebrities than her celebritiy friends, or even her groupmates. even though their different lives and busy schedules keep them from meeting up face-to-face, daily texts and weekly facetimes keep their friendship incredibly strong. sora is rather loud and playful, and when around yoona, she's usually the one chatting yoona's ear off, and joon thinks it's a wonder how yoona doesn't get annoyed at sora's endless rambling.

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members - bae joohyun (25) - idol ( red velvet ) -  
to say that joohyun is intimidated by yoona would be an understatement. the first time yoona was introduced as a new member, joohyun's heart had practically stopped beating as she saw the ethereal person in front of her. yoona was prettier, taller and joohyun knew that her visuals would no long be praised endlessly and no one would shield her horrible rapping skills by saying that she was a visual goddess. the new seven members would be an avalanche that floods her out of the top rookies. however, joohyun is nice enough usually, and though she's up for backstabbing, she is completely fooled by yoona's sweet demeanour. she knows both aren't especially talented and that they were only put into the group for their looks, and joohyun's motherly instinct is evoked whenever she's with yoona because she thinks they're very similar. if only she knew.


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members - son seungwan (22) - idol ( red velvet )
seungwan is probably the only member yoona genuinely likes... a little. seungwan is sociable and friendly and seems to be a third party in the whole mess that is red velvet. hailing from new york and not expecting the backstabbing industry, yoona harbours some affinity for the foreginer because of how helpless she seems to be, but that doesn't mean her guard is down. yoona costantly observes seungwan closely to see just what the blonde is really thinking. but out the twelve girls, these two probably are the few who get along pretty well.

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members - kang seulgi (22) - idol ( red velvet )
perhaps it's because yoona is a goddess and sure to garner a lot of fans, but so far seulgi has been nothing but sweet to yoona. and because of how courteous yoona is to her, seulgi thinks she's got yoona fooled. but the latter has seen through the alpha through and through and is just playing along. she's not going to become someone's follower just because that person's the company pet. seulgi wants yoona as a follower and finds her easy to manipulate, but if we're going to talk about deceitful evilness, yoona wins. sorry, seulgi bear.

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members - park sooyoung (19) - idol ( red velvet )
yoona knows every member of the 12 membered red velvet as well as the back of her hand- except sooyoung. sooyoung is an enigma, flying from one emotion to the next and till this day yoona hasn't fully grasped just what sooyoung's thinking and what kind of person she really is. it's frustrating but yoona is still as sweet as ever. she wants to lose her temper when sooyoung is being extraordinarily y but she tamps it down. she's going to get pretty little sooyoung under her wing and kiss seulgi bear goodbye.


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members - kim yerim (17) - idol ( red velvet )
yoona holds a petty, one-sided rivalry towards yerim. yoona was placed in the lineup for red velvet and trained together with the girls. but then yoona was dropped from the lineup and was replaced with yerin. yoona herself knows that, albeit she being one of thethe prettiest trainees sm has ever had,  yerim was way younger and more outgoing than she was. she knows that yerim deserves to be a member more than her, but just can't help feeling hurt whenever she sees yerim. the latter knows of her feelings, and tries to be nice to yoona, feeling apologetic, but not really sorry. yoona heself thinks she's being too petty, but can't help being cold and sarcastic to the younger. same with everyone else, yerim only thinks that yoona's salty from the past, but doesn't know how much yoona would do anything to kick her out of the group. she knows yerim is just following the stronger and sometimes sympathizes with her, but hey, the girl took her place.


notable idol friends include:
lee taemin of shinee, do kyungsoo of exo, yoon hyelim of hello venus, kim moongyu of hotshot, lee hyoeun of stellar, and yoo jiae of lovelyz.


both her instagram (531k followers) and twitter (494k followers) use the same username: kimyoona_rv. she rarely uses twitter but often posts on instagram. her feed mostly consists of selfies ( alone or with others ), unreleased cuts of photoshoots she's done, presents from fans, and places she's at. she's obsessed about her feed and uses c3 from vsco. she's considering opening a snapchat.

her profile picture for both social meda accounts is this.

it's welll known between fans that she can hold spices and alcohol really well. as in really, really, well. she downs alcohol without blinking an eye and shoves spicy food down without choking.

to say that yoona likes skinship would be an understatement. she's always backhugging the members and leaning on them. she pats their butts frequently as well, though she stays away from the members she's not friendly with.

on stage, she's always stuck in dresses and pumps. she's never worn pants on stage. 

sm didn't force her to go on a diet. in fact, they made her eat more. blessed ( or cursed? ) with fast metabolism and a small appetite, she's always been severely underweight and sm was afraid that rumours of them abusing trainees would float around if yoona was too thin.

she reads up comments about the group and herself daily. she squeezes time out between schedules and scrolls through pann and naver on the car, smiling at positive comments and fighting the urge to cry at negative ones.

while some choose to dance or go out to have fun to release their stress, yoona likes staying at the dorm and bounce a stress ball while watching dramas during their free days. she also watched movies, and the members have hinted at it during broadcast.

the only reason yoona isn't listed as a visual is because sm didn't want backlash.
STAGE NAME  kayoon; pronounced kay-yoon. using her birth name would draw backlash so sm gave her kayoon. using 'kim' and 'yoon' to form k.yoon seemed way too, I quote the staff, "rapper" for yoona, so they put 'k(ay)' and 'yoon' together. yoona's pretty content with it.
ON SCREEN PERSONA  yoona keeps up her sweat demeanour 24/7 whether on or off persona. she's caring, she's motherly, she's doting, she's perfect wife material- was that a smirk?
POSITION  vocalist, dancer.

VOCAL   nam jihyun + sandara park
DANCE   nam jihyun + sandara park

TRAINEE YEARS  ten years.
TRAINEE LIFE  having trained since 2006, yoona is undoubtedly one of the oldest and longest trainees at sm. her trainee life was incredibly tough for her, as she spent all her might practicing and training only to be slammed during every monthly evaluation. her singing was unstable and airy, her dancing lacked energy, and the rap trainer gave up on her after two months. now, her singing's gotten more stable, but her range is still pretty narrow, and her dancing is average. on the bright side, she was well liked by all the trainees and because of her courteous nature, the trainers had a soft spot for her as well. the main reason the trainees like her so much was because of the fact that they knew she was absolutely hopeless and didn't even see her as competition. because of that, they saw no harm in befriending the demure girl. 


                 replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
HOW DO YOU FEEL JOINING RED VELVET — /sits with her back straight and shoulders pulled back. her legs are crossed and her hands folded on her knees/ it's great. it's a very honourable honourable my foot this group is a mess opportunity and I'm glad I got to join the group /a serene smile appears on her face/
WHO ARE YOU CLOSE WITH IN THE COMPANY AND RED VELVET? — /the smile remains on her face as her back is as straight as ever/ I'm close with taemin and kyungsoo. in the group, I'm closer to the newer members than the older ones, but out of the original five, I'd say I'm close with them all equally because I've got them all fooled.
DID YOU EVER THINK YOU WERE GOING TO DEBUT? — /the smile promptly drops and she uncrosses a leg, holding in a sigh/ no, as I'm not talented as the other trainees yes of course, I'm pretty.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO, ALONE AND WITH OTHER MEMBERS? — I like to be alone more of course I do the others are toxic, but I welcome their company not. I usually like taking a good rest and curl up with a good book or a good movie.
DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE RED VELVET CAKE? — yes no, of course! it's really sickingly sweet, fitting my tastes.
IS THERE A SENIOR IN SM ENT THAT YOU LOOK UP TO? — yes, of course. boa sunbaenim. she's my role model. I've never listened to a single song of hers.
HOW DO YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS? — maybe introverted?
LASTLY, ANY WORDS TO YOUR FANS? — /her back straightens once again and a vibrant smile hangs on her face/ yes! I love you all foolish people.
 "I don't care about him."
LOVE INTEREST — kim, minseok ( 김민석 ).
BACKUP — kim, joonmyeon ( 김준면 ).
postive assiduous, courteous, attentive, autonomous.
neutral maladriot, acquiscient.
negative pessimistic, inarticulate, insensitive, captious.
dongjun and yoona met in the middle of 2008, when both were trainees, with dongjun being eighteen and yoona being fifteen, their personalities clicked and they became fast friends, being each other's pillar of strength during their trainee days. both were teenagers and it didn't surprise anyone when they started acting very ambiguous, sometimes being like friends, sometimes more. 

meeting each other to minseok asking yoona out all happened in a span of five months. both acted recklessly and their relationship was based on pure attraction. nevertheless, their romance ended when exo was announced and minseok was chosen as a member of the final line-up. minseok was intent on keeping their relationship, but yoona was more rational and knew that they were still in their honeymoon period and things would get ugly afterwards. furthermore, she was in no position to date a rising and promising idol. she broke it off, but they remained amiable and close friends.

till now, yoona still has feelings left for minseok, and vice versa. but with yoona telling herself that she couldn't drag him down and minseok telling himself that leaving yoona alone would help her focus, they both avoided the topic and believed they were doing so for the greater good. it still breaks yoona's heart every time he sees minseok kissing in a drama or acting chummy with other females, but she reckons that she has no place and no right to judge.
RELATIONSHIP — two noble idiots pining for each other but not doing anything about it.
STATUS — single and pining after yoona to be honest.
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — my heart hurts when I see you, it's alright, it's love. — davichi, it's alright, this is love.
it's like the stars are aligning for me I had originally decided for nana to be fc as irene can't be used then as I was searching one netizen pointed out bona sort of loked like nana at some angles, so here we are. if you're going to say that a 16.4 bmi is too horrifying, mine is 15.6, so. oh and for the interview the italics are what she's thinking. also! I'm really not comfortable giving away my social medias, so I didn't link anything to my timezone, I hope that's alright.
will add later if chosen. 
useless ; gmt+ 8 ; minseok
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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