☆ 〈 just a little bit of stardust 〉+ felicity kwon & discography

horyiah • ying • six
birth name – felicity kwon.
other name(s) 
  • kwon jineul (권지늘) is felicity's legal korean name. it was rarely used back in the states except by her parents, but back in korea, lots of people use it ( naturally ). bandmates, company staff, everyone really. felicity actually really likes her korean name and finds it rather pretty, but is more used to responding to felicity, and thus likes using her english name more.
nickname(s) – 
  • feli is a nickname used primarily by her peers back in the states. it's really merely a short form of her name and she responds to it pretty quickly. 'felicity' is quite a mouthful so people actually used 'feli' more than her whole name. that includes some of the younger, more easygoing teachers.
  • city is the nickname marisa claimed to be her private pet name for felicity. some people tried to use it and got screamed at by marisa, so there's that. this nickname is marisa's and no one else can use it.
  • neul is the the common nickname the people including company stuff in korea call her. it's just a short form and an endearment, really.
  • mineul is a horrible pun thought up by seth, combining the words 'mine' and 'neul' from 'jineul'. felicity cringes, but she reponds to it. he insists on calling her that even though they aren't dating... yet?
  • unnie is used by the '95 line even though she's one of the younger members, mainly because of her more cultured personality.
birthdate – december 27th, 1995.
birthplace – euljiro-dong, jung-gu, seoul, south korea.
hometown – auckland, new zealand.
ethnicity – korean.
nationality – korean new zealander.
language(s) – 
  • english is her first language. although she was born in korea, she moved to new zealand when she was two, so she basically grew up speaking english. perfectly fluent, felicity has a soft voice that still seems soft no matter how loud she tries to be. intonation is present and she enunciates very well. her talking speed is slower than average but at her young age, she has a surprisingly mature and feminine voice. naturally, she can speak, read, write and listen perfectly.
  • korean is a language felicity was forced to learn by her parents since she was six, because they found it ridiculous a korean didn't know korean. and so they mainly spoke korean to her at home. needless to say, she can also speak, read, write and listen very well, but she isn't very updated with slang.
  • japanese is a language she's been learning since 2011. she can manage daily conversation and not slip up on japanese shows, she understands japanese mcs, and can read and write very little. amour thought that stardust might gear up for a japanese debut and it would be a horror if the main vocalist sounded terrible in japanese, so.
faceclaim – 신혜진 ( shin hyejin of oh my girl ).
backup – 김미현 ( kim mihyun of oh my girl ).
height & weight – 165cm & 48kg.
MBTI the mediator
idealistic, open-minded, creative, placid, passionate, dedicated
pushover, self-deprecating, sensitive, mysterious, inarticulate, emotional.
when people first set their eyes onto stardust, felicity is rarely the person they notice first. even though she's the main vocalist, she's always tucked away into the corner. in group pictures, she's always to the side with a small serene smile on her face, and naturally, the people would be drawn to mio or aeri. the only time she's in the middle would be during the dance formation of a song's chorus. normally, main vocalists get a lot of attention but felicity is undoubtedly a special exception.

there is no denying felicity's introverted nature. instead of getting everyone's attention as soon as she walks into a room, most don't even notice her walking in. she hangs around in the shadow and fans often complain about her lack of screen time in variety shows. more like a flutter of wings on a dewy spring day than the tenacious gales the members are, she likes going with the flow and accepts everything that's thrown at her without complaint. a genuine soul who treats everyone with equal kindness and patience and much loved by everyone around her, felicity is the older sister figure you never knew you needed until she walzted in. tidying up the messes the girls leave behind without claiming credit, she hates too much attention and likes spending her days off curled up in a ball and laying on a beanbag in their dorm, just lying there, listening to the traffic and revelling in the comfort of the fatigue leaving her body.  but that doesn't mean felicity is a dismal person. when felicity's on stage, her face is illuminated by a gorgeous glow that no one can see off stage ( except maybe seth when he starts being annoyingly cheesy ). you'd rarely see felicity angry as she mostly tamps down her negative feelings and pents up her emotions inside. it's not healthy, and with the stress of being an idol, felicity is now a rather emotional person and borders on being bipolar. she can be all smiles and butterflies one second and the next her smile would slide off her face as her face darkens and to be honest, hyeri is worried. but as usual, felicity says she's fine.

she's extremely devoted to music and singing in general, and when anyone talks to her about such topics, her eyes light up and a wide grin spreads across her face. she's always open to criticism and is a perfectionist. she doesn't expect everyone else to reach her own high standards, but is very hard on herself and is very insecure about her own abilities. she always beats herself over tiny mistakes and even when moonshik assures her that she's good enough- superior as a rookie, in fact- she refuses to believe him and stands her subjective ground that she's just not good enough. she'd overlook the thousands of compliments about her online and focus only on the negative ones, letting them make such a mark on her mind that she's convinced she's not good enough and is just a burden to stardust.

in addition, felicity always lets people step over her, letting the negative comments get to her head and believing that she deserves it all. it doesn't help  that she's not good at conveying her emotions and every time she tries to divulge them she ends up tripping over her own words and would just decide to let it be. she knows that she's exagerrating her own problems but just can't help but worry. she's not good with words and every time she tries to comfort people she ends up worsening the situation, which makes her even more reluctant to speak up. with a severe lack of confidence despite obvious talent, she's very unsure about herself and tends to tread very carefully through life, but also overthinks a lot and can be described as paranoid. she lets valuable chances float by and away because of her tendency to think about all the consequences that could follow instead of living in the moment.
background – born kwon jineul on december 27th, 1995 in seoul, jineul was a peaceful baby who refused to cry and scared everyone in the operating room to near death before the doctor smacked her four times. as a child she had already been mature and composed,  and all the other toddlers would always crowd around her. her parents were incredibly doting and many were envious of how lenient they were, and also marvel at how they were able to hold such a parenting attitude but bring up a child who wasn't spoiled.

when jineul was two, her whole family moved to new zealand in order to give her a better future. she was homeschooled by the same young woman ( the name felicity was also given by that tutor ) for four years before she started her first year at school when she was six as a first grader. although she received weird glances because of her ethnicity and because little children are ignorant, her seamless english broke down all barriers and she was easily accepted as one of them. her parents had it harder, as although their english level was intermediate, they still had to face racism from some adults. as a child, felicity had always loved singing, and seeing her parents smile after a tiring day at work when she sang gave her a great sense of accomplishment. and so as soon as she was eight she asked for professional singing lessons, promising that she'd work incredibly hard at it. she started lessons and the instructor praised her raw talent, giving her even more motivation to continue. fulfilling her promise, she spent all her free time practicing and by eleven, she was well known in the neighbourhood for being an astounding singer. everytime the school needed someone to perform, felicity was always first choice. despite her introverted nature, she still loved being on stage.

felicity grew sure of her dream when she was thirteen. she knew she wanted to sing as her profession and tentatively suggested it to her parents. they weren't exactly supportive since they knew it was going to be hard when they had zero connections, but they wanted their daughter to be happy. so every time record companies were holding auditions, they'd drive her to one. many approved of her talent but stated that she probably wouldn't get far in the american industry, so felicity turned her sights onto the korean industry. her parents reckoned that actually heading to korea for the auditions would actually be better than auditioning at overseas ( also, more options ) so they actually organized routine trips to korea just so she could audition since she was fourteen.

nerves prevented her from excelling the first few times, but the summer when she was sixteen, she had gotten used to the whole process and completely blew the judges away by singing kim wansun's the pierrot looks at us and laughs. she was accepted into every company she auditioned at, namely sm, yg, mystic89, woollim, cube, loen and amour. it was something that pushed her onto cloud nine and she was elated to have so many big companies acknowledge her talent ( the woollim judge had gasped really loudly as soon as felicity opened and sang the first few sentences ). she chose to join cube in february 2011. she was briefly transferred to a cube and put into the lineup for a pink before she was replaced with eunji. both were strong vocalists but the company found eunji's stage presence stronger. having studied the patterns of entertainment companies, felicity knew that she'd have to spend numerous years at the company before they decided to make another new girl group, and by then younger trainees would be favoured. so after a short eight months of training, she left the company and after contemplating her choices, re-auditioned at amour. she knew the founder was an ex-trainee and knew trainee life there would be the best.  so she joined amour in october 2011, and has remained loyal to the agency ever since.

pretty much everyone agrees that felicity was pretty much born to be a star - if only she had a more outgoing personality. felicity, except for being a wonderful singer, learns new dances very easily and is also a pretty decent dancer. a trainee who everyone saw as competition, it was obvious that felicity was going to debut. it was just a matter of when. she was a superb singer and a good dancer, but she lacked stage presence. greatly. her face darkened every time she underwent monthly evaluations as she concentrated on her parts, and when she finally managed to remember to smile when she danced, it was way too bright and obviously forced. however, she got over the problem and successfully debuted as stardust's main vocalist, feli, though she was the latest member to be added.

likes – 
  • children; she finds them absolutely adorable and gets along really well with them, using snapchat filters to get them to listen to her when they don't she wants children in the future.
  • warm colours; bright colours hurt her eyes and she likes dressing in warmer, earthly tones, so hyeri often jokes that she can't find felicity when she's at amour because she's wearing camouflage.
  • romance; be it romantic movies, novels, or romantic notions, or just her own imagination.
  • showering; weird, yes, but felicity enjoys having water rushing down on her and finds it very refreshing, claiming it washes away her fatigue. she's also the type to spend half an hour in there just thinking and singing. the members always complain on shows she hogs up the toilet. all the time.
  • autumn; it's definitely her favourite season. spring's too humid, summer's way too hot and winter freezes her to death. autumn is just right and also finds that the sweaters and hoodies one wears during autumn to be extremely comfortable. she also likes seeing the autumn leaves.
dislikes – 
  • text language; she finds it improper and has vowed to never use it. in the squad's group chat, she's the one who seems oddly formal with her capitalizations, punctuation and perfect grammar. but she's a fast typer at 83 wpm, so she's still able to argue over text, seeming more convincing because of her way of typing.
  • caffeine; she doesn't like the taste and nearly spat her mother's latte ( that she insisted she wanted to try ) into her mother's face. 
  • aegyo; she's often described to have a very cute face but is the least reluctant to do aegyo. she's actually pretty good at it, but just doesn't like doing it. when asked to do so, she'd sigh, look down at her feet, before blowing everyone away with her aegyo.
  • darkness; as a child she'd already need a nightlight and now she still has to sleep with the nights on. if she wakes up at night and there aren't lights it triggers panic attacks, to her chagrin.
  • horror/action movies; are the type of movies she detests. she genuinely gets terrified because of the suspense and the jump scares and the gore in the horror movies. as for action flicks, she's fine with some, but ones with lots of action and noise and scene cuts give her headaches ( see: tranformers: age of extinction. )
fears – 
  • vocal cord nodules; or anything that would hurt her voice and render her useless in general. she's suffered so much and gone through so many panic attacks just to have to give up being an idol? yeah, uh, no.
  • failure; it's always something she hates, and now as an idol, a main vocalist at that, the pressure is even more suffocating and she's terrifed as she knows one failure means everything she's worked for would go to smoke.
hobbies – 
  • lyric writing; she can't compose, but does have a knack for writing and strong literary sense. she's written a few lines before and the trainers have praised them, and hopes to be able to write the lyrics for a stardust song in the future.
  • stamp collecting; the collection is huge. don't ask her about it, she'll rant for three hours.
  • cross stitching; marisa has stated that felicity's hobbies make her seem like a grandma. those in rocking chairs with a knitted hat on their heads.
habits – 
  • she tends to stick her right thumb into to nibble on it when she's anxious.
  • she rubs her ear lobe when she's agitated, causing frequent ear infections.
  • she bites the left side of her cheek when she's frightened. 
  • when something gets on her nerves, she her lips. repeatedly.
  • when she sits she pretty much always sits with her legs crossed and back hunched. it's something she's been trying to change and usually on shows she has perfect posture at first but halfway through you can't even see her anymore.
trivia – 
  • extremely insecure, felicity doesn't like her own face. many compliment her to be pretty but in all honesty she disagrees with them. that's why she rarely takes selfies alone, and if she does, she uses filters that cover her face.
  • for around half a year now she's been having immense mood swings, panic attacks, and near meltdowns.
  • it's welll known between fans that she can hold spices and alcohol really well. as in really, really, well. she downs alcohol without blinking an eye and shoves spicy food down without choking.
  • to say that felicity likes skinship would be an understatement. she's always backhugging the members and leaning on them. she pats their butts frequently as well, and finds aeri's the best to pat. it's probably because she dances a lot and has sturdy muscles.
  • on stage, she's always stuck in dresses and pumps. she's never worn pants on stage. 
  • amour didn't encourage her to go on a diet. in fact, they made her eat more. blessed ( or cursed? ) with fast metabolism and a small appetite, she's always been severely underweight and amour was afraid that rumours of them abusing trainees would float around if felicity was too thin.
  • she reads up comments about the group and herself daily. she squeezes time out between schedules and scrolls through pann and naver on the car, ignoring positive comments yet fighting the urge to cry at negative ones.
  • while some choose to dance or go out to have fun to release their stress, felicity likes staying at the dorm and bounce a stress ball while watching dramas during their free days. she also watches movies, surprisingly, and the members have hinted at it during broadcast.
  • her back is hunched and her bones are actually slightly askew because she's always hunching. it's not that severe and surgery is not necessary, though felicity does want better posture and is contemplating one.
  • she has such a huge celebrity crush on jennifer connelly she fangirls a lot when asked and has stated that someone should invite connelly to korea and she'd be her guide.
  • she falls asleep easily and is a very deep sleeper. alarm clocks prove futile and the members blare loud edm in her ear to wake her up.
education – 
  • high school: korea kent foreign school.
  • felicity has successfully entered seoul university as a performing arts major but has not started her studies yet.
relationships – 


  • best friends : marisa shin aehyun ( fc: oh my girl's hyojung ) : 20  : sociology student : genuine, allegiant, realistic, acerbic, intuitive, flippant, adamant, captious.
    marisa was the first to reach out to felicity when they first entered elementary school together. marisa sat next to felicity and almost rambled the latter's ear off. by the end of the day marisa shoved her hand into felicity's face and asked to be friends. felicity felt weirded out but shook her hand anyways. that was pretty much how their friendship started. marisa practically leeched onto felicity every day and blabbered on, and even though it's hard to get felicity angry, she got annoyed and asked just why marisa kept on sticking to her. the girl had immediately started crying and through choked sobs she cried that she was scared and felicity was the only other korean around and she had agreed to be her friend and- felicity shut her up with a hug.  
    marisa was terribly supportive of felicity's choice to be an idol and when felicity notified her of her debut, marisa had called, despite the telephone fees of a long distance call, and screamed into the phone at how excited and happy she was and how she was going to be the first liker of stardust's debut music video. she really sat there, albeit the time zone, and refreshed the page untilt the music video was up. she was the third liker. the time difference and the distance have definitely made them grow apart, but when questioned about their best friend, each others' faces always spring into their minds. they skill skype about once a week ( less when stardust is promoting ) and keep a very slow-paced text conversation with each other as they reply each other when it's around 2-3am in their timezone. marisa is still loud as ever and felicity continues to be the wooden figure who wonders to herself why the hell she's marisa's friend.
  • good friends: ashley chae : 21 : idol ( acadia ) : unknown
    when felicity first entered amour, she found solace in ashley. both spoke english and had similar ages. they grew to be fast friends and in all honesty, not counting their group members, ashley would be felicity's closest friend, but in her heart, she'd only identify her as 'good friend' or else she'd feel guilty to marisa. they talk about everything and have a very sisterly dynamic. when felicity first entered amour and was a scared, mousey girl, it was ashley who coerced her into letting go of her worries and ashley is probably the reason why felicity improved her facial expressions on stage. they also frequently appear on each others' instagram and their friendship is very well known by the general public. when shows ask her about felicity's idol friends except for her groupmates, ashley's little chibi head always, always appears at the bottom of the screen and she always has a funny story of them two to divulge.
  • good friends: park junseok : 20 : idol ( imbue ) : affectionate, dynamic, ebullient, impratical, well-meaning, reckless
    many can't stand junseok, then you have felicity. the eccentric male, for some reason, has gained himself a soft spot in felicity's heart. his zany ramblings and the crypic words he says are often ignored, but to everyone else's wonder, felicity actually responds to him. when the artists lounge around together at the company, junseok is always talking to himself as everyone dwadles and just talks to their friends, and felicity almost never speaks up. however, she found junseok amusing and replied to him once, and as everyone gaped at the fact that felicity actually spoke up for once, junseok officially proclaimed felicity to be his favourite dongsaeng and probably his favourite person in amour ( except maybe minsoo ) as seth seethed silently. junseok often starts rambling his head off in his own little world and felicity is able to step into that world and keep up with his thoughts, humouring both him and herself. their weird relationship is known by the staff ( and gasped at ) and some fans have noticed their interactions on stage and they're shipped with the ship name of #feliseok, they both know about it and got a good chuckle out of it, with junseok saying seth would be angry as felicity blushed furiously. 
  • role model: shin yoomi : 29 : vocal trainer : unknown 
    felicity admires yoomi with a burning passion. she loves how the older woman can put so much emotion into her singing and aspires to be like her someday, though moonshik has actually stated that felicity is near yoomi's level. yoomi lovingly addresses felicity to be her protégé, to the younger's glee. she also admires how yoomi's able to be so benevolent yet be able to get the trainees to perfect their singing. after she saw moonshik flipping his lid, felicity's admiration for yoomi's constant kindess just tripled.
  • exes: choi donghoon ( fc: halo's dino ) : 21 : reliable, pragmatic, altruistic, dutiful, slightly neophobic, inarticulate.
    previously known to be the sweetest campus couple back at dwight, the two were a grade apart but met through choir. donghoon was leader for male tenor and felicity for female soprano and the two often hung back after leader meetings and their friendly senior-junior relationship soon blossomed into something more. donghoon often complimented felicity on how she was able to balance school and training so well and felicity just adored the refined and composed aura around him. they were the couple who enjoyed walks hand in hand at the school's garden and would hang back after school in a secluded classroom, felicity's head on donghoon's shoulder as they just talked about their day with their hands entwined.  they were each others' first love and first kiss. their relationship went on for around a year before felicity got way too caught up with training prior to debuting and basically didn't talk to donghoon for two months. donghoon told himself he would wait but he got impatient and soon after broke up with felicity. felicity was heartbroken but understood where he was coming from and so they split. however, they still care about each other very much and are walking proof that first loves are forever. they definitely don't like each other as lovers anymore, but are on good terms and would chat reguarly. donghoon is also stardust's fanboy and sends her texts before her shows wishing her luck. 


  • felicity was sure that she'd be shunned or outcasted since she was the last to join the group, but it's the total opposite and so she loves all her members equally and is sure that they'll be able to last for a long time and hopefully reign as a top tier girl group.  since she's one of the youngest members, the older members have guided her without complaint, even though their experiences were about the same. they've doted on her a lot and never lose their temper at felicity's mood swings, and even run over to comfort her whenever she starts having panic attacks. felicity often feels the need to make them proud of her and thus is always pushing herself, ignoring their words of "you're better than good enough, jineul-ah,". the older members all love her as well and it breaks their heart to see felicity not believing in herself. 
  • if felicity had to rank her closeness with the group, she'd sappily say it's equal, but if forced, it'd be chaewon>min>aeri>miok.
  • groupmates : shi min : 25  : idol ( stardust ) : observant, curious, loyal, introverted, self-conscious, unpredictable, envious
    despite the five year , felicity is rather close with min. min has always been there for felicity and the former sees felicity as her baby and constantly dotes on her. she's always hanging around when felicity is practicing by herself till late at night and is forever the first to reach out before felicity herself knows she's about to crumble. min is envious of felicity's vocal talents, to be honest, but every time she looks at felicity and notices the fatigue in her eyes and the lack of spring in her step her motherly instinct takes over and she gathers felicity in her arms, her hair. felicity finds min to be the perfect leader for stardust and often contemplates what would happen to stardust if min wasn't part of the group. she loves min with all her heart, but has never told her that, and instead, they both like using their actions to show their affinity for each other. with similar personalities, it's not a wonder they get along, really.
  • groupmates : kim aeri : 23  : idol ( stardust ) : sincere, passionate, benevolet, aware, temperamental, resentful, outspoken
    one might expect the two english speaking groupmates to be the closest, but nope. in fact, the group likes telling the story of their first meeting. the first time felicity met aeri, she was intimidated. terribly intimidated. aeri was losing her temper at chaewon for joking around when felicity was introduced to the group as their main vocal and the poor girl just stood there in the doorway like a log before aeri broke into a smile and welcomed her with a gentle smile. trying to not let the question marks in her mind show, felicity walked over and meely introduced herself, never once looking aeri in the eye. obviously they're much closer now, and if min is the maternal figure of the group then aeri is the tough older sister who beats up the people who bully her sisters. at times, felicity is afraid when aeri loses her temper, but she knows that aeri just wants the best for the group. furthermore, aeri keeps her temper in check when it comes to felicity because she knows the younger is even more sensitive than her and is more prone to breakdowns. she'd still criticise felicity at times, but does it in such a gentle way the other members' jaws drop every time.
  • groupmates : ahn miok : 23  : idol ( stardust ) : kind, amiable, easygoing, clumsy, self-critical, naïve, eager to please
    the first impression miok left on felicity was not a good one. felicity had been standing there introducing herself to aeri when miok enterted the room, cup of water in hand, and bumped right into felicity, spilling the water all over her. miok didn't even apologize and just checked herself, before complaning that she was thirsty and ran back out for another cup. felicity was slightly offended but min had went to help dry her up and when miok arrived aeri had glared so hard at her she went over and rambled about her clumsy self and asked for felicity's forgiveness. it was given, and that was that. nowadays, felicity adores the older member but sometimes finds her antics getting on her nerves. however, they aren't awkward when alone, and miok sees felicity as her baby sister and lots of skinship is present. in fact, miok probably hugs felicity the most and the latter definitely isn't complaining. they're close, but at times felicity feels annoyance. 
  • groupmates : kwon chaewon : 21  : idol ( stardust ) : hardworking, humorous, caring, awkward, blunt, indecisive,  insecure
    having similar ages, it's not a surprise chaewon and felicity are friends. however, since their personalities are quite different, many are shocked at just how close they are. in korea, chaewon is pretty much felicity's closest friend ( ashley right behind ) and the two share all their secrets and worries and dreams and are literally the walking definition of 'opposites attract'. chaewon reminds felicity of marisa, and it's great to find someone like your best friend in a place you're not familiar with. the two share a dorm room and often chat late into night, their laughter so loud aeri and min march over to tell them to shut up. both are insecure about their idol journey and because of that, they find comfort in each others' presence.


  • '95 line: oh seunghee of clc, kim nahyun of sonamoo, kim taehyung of bts, park jimin of bts, song yunhyeong of ikon, yoon jeonghan of seventeen, lee yooyoung of hello venus, jo youngmin of boyfriend, jo kwangmin of boyfriend, and no minwoo of boyfriend.
    thanks to junseok, who's a part of '95 line, felicity got roped into one of their gatherings and the "95 PEEPS" kakao group had one more new member. they know each other pretty well and are friends, and the '95 line has been so popular between fans that it's overtaking the famed '91 line. felicity is the newest member despite debuting earlier than some of them and they all love her because of how kind and gentle she can be. being the second youngest ( taehyung is three days younger than her ) yet being one of the more mature people of the group, they lovingly call her unnie ( to oldest yooyoung's chagrin ) and it's something felicity enjoys being called.

    the twelve are a pretty tight knit group ( felicity revels in the fact she has friends outside amour ), but those who are closer to felicity would be seunghee, yunhyeong, jeonghan, and yooyoung.
    seunghee is the leader of clc and naturally has this certain aura to her that reminds felicity of min, and the two get along very well, both enjoying giggling over light-weighted topics in hushed tones and are able to just sit there in silence without feeling awkward.
    yunhyeong is one of the older members in the group and that is reflected in his maturity ( or at least, he seems mature next to the bts and boyfriend boys ) and is kind of like the dad of the group. he takes care of felicity a lot and knows of her insecurities, and as he shares similar sentiment, they're undeniably good friends and routinely hang out together, watching movies together and meeting at cafes just to talk. 
    jeonghan, the 'angel' of seventeen, deserves the name with his benign nature. he's like the older brother felicity never had and with similar personalities and the two also have another serene relationship. this time round, however, the whole '95 line believe that they're secretly dating without their knowledge because of how extra comfortable they're with each other. they very naturally hug and jeonghan often puts his arm around felicity's shoulder without even noticing ( nor noticing minwoo's darkened face ) and they don't even know why their friendship has progressed that fast, but are happy with the presence of such a close friend of the opposite - outside their own company.
    yooyoung is a fiesty girl who packs more than a punch and the oldest of the '95 line, and is the tigress who protects all her fellow '95 liners from harm. the first female to debut in the bunch at 2012, she willingly shares her experience to the group ( though the jo twins often argue they're her sunbaes and she should shut her trap, especially to rookie seunghee. she knows the industry pretty well and even the groupmates of the liners like to turn to her for advice. felicity loves her unnies, but they lack in experience, so when she needs more solid advice, she turns to yooyoung.
stage name – feli.
persona – the breeze. "hello, I'm stardust's breeze, feli!"
position – main vocalist.
fanclub name & color – flutters + slightly desaturated cyan / lime green (#84b794).
talent twin(s) 
  • Singing Twin: 고윤하  ( go younha; soloist )
  • Rapping Twin: -
  • Dancing Twin: 박선영 ( park sunyoung; luna of f(x) )
  • Speaking Twin: 고윤하  ( go younha; soloist )
pre-debut experiences – 
  • background dancer for some of 4minute's heart to heart promotions.
sns – 
  • all her social medias have the same display picture currently. her bio is always the same as well: stardust's main vocalist, felicity kwon jineul. 1995. 12. 27. followed by the new zealand flag emoji and the korean flag emoji.
  • instagram: stardust_feli. set up june 9, 2013, to commemorate their first month and she has around 50k followers. the username unoriginal, yes, but that was the only username she could think of when she set up her account. she mainly posts selfies of her with stardust members and labelmates. sometimes she also posts the food she's eating and the places she's at. there are a few selfies of only her and seth, but there hasn't been dating rumours yet. she has posted images that includes some of the couple items they have, but thank god seth doesn't have instagram...yet.
  • twitter: stardust_feli1227. set up january 18, 2014 and she has around 54k followers. she had planned on using the same username for all her social media accounts, but stardust_feli had been taken by a twitter roleplayer, to her chagrin. so she just tacked her birthday to end of the username. she's not that active on twitter and mainly posts links to teaser and videos. to fans' delight, however, she reguarly replies to statements the fans have tagged her in. since she's fluent in both korean and english, she's able to converse with them.
  • snapchat: stardust_feli. set up may 9, 2015, to commemorate stardust's second anniversary. she mainly uses it to interact with international fans and thus uses english in every snap she posts to her story. she checks every snap sent to her and sometimes even replies.
  • weibo: STARDUST 的權智娜  with a little official tick behind it. it's the only account she doesn't manage personally, but by amour's pr team. she just sends them the pictures and the things she wants to say and they translate it and post it for her. it's a lot of work and so her account is highly inactive.
hopes & dreams for stardust – she wants stardust to be a name everyone knows. she wants her unnies to be proud of her and she wants recognization as a main vocalist ( it exists, she just refuses to acknowledge it ). she doesn't need first place trophies, she doesn't need millions of fans chanting their names. she wants a tight knit community of fans who won't pick fights with other groups and fans who are rational enough to criticise stardust when needed. she wants to improve with her members and celebrate more years than she can count together. she wants to grow herself, she wants her fans to grow, she wants stardust to grow and slowly climb their way up, shaking off amour's bad reputation as well. and she sure hope stardust doesn't undergo member changes. 
love history & experiences – because of her reserved personality, felicity's had affinity for people but they've never really developed into crushes until donghoon came along. he wasn't a whirlwind, but wrecked felicity's heart enough though he didn't even mean to. ever since then felicity hasn't really experienced anything of sorts until she met seth, but that's a story for another day for you to read below. 

she is, however, a big er of romance. she often imagines dates and candlelight dinners and large bouquets of roses and enjoys romantic novels. she loves the idea of having that someone love you more than anyone else and really hopes that she'll soon fully move on from donghoon. she believes that love is blind and completely agrees with the chinese saying 情人眼裡出西施, which means that one always appears to be perfect in the eyes of those who love them no matter what flaws they have. she misses the exhilarating feeling of being with someone and knowing that your feelings are returned and hopes that she'll find her one. 
love interest – imbue's seth pyo wonshik ( axis' jang minsoo).
date of birth – june 16th, 1994  ( may 13th, 1995 ).
occupation – idols.
personality – kind, courteous, impartial, dubious, secretive, distant.
you would know him better than me tbh.

first meeting – even though they were both former cube trainees, they didn't actually meet each other until felicity entered amour. when felicity entered cube, seth was almost leaving, so when the trainees were all chatting and introducing themselves and miok had went "oh, two ex-cube trainees!" but the two had stared at each other, utterly baffled. both awkwardly blinked before exchanging shy smiles.

history – perhaps it was because the both of them were korean new zealanders and were the main vocalists of the group, but the two clicked so fast everyone blinked and missed it. felicity had always gotten along better with people of similar personalities, and seth was no exception. seth was felicity's first friend at amour and he was the one who cheered her on and supported her throughout the years. whenever felicity felt suffocated, she'd actually think of seth first, and would call him and he'd run over without another word, staying with felicity and listening to her rambling and holding her in his arms when she cried, her hair and reassuring her everything would be okay. 

being with seth gave felicity the most intense camaraderie she had ever felt. being with him made her feel... light, and well, happy, to say the least. she loved being around him and sought seth out more than the stardust members. there have been some subtle teasing about her feelings towards seth and all the while she's been sure that she just sees him as a very dear friend and when asked, she'd just smile and say she's not really over someone yet and that she just feels comfortable around seth because they're just similar in so many ways.

the time felicity felt the strongest connection to seth was when she had her first panic attack. she had been with seth, alone, in the stairwell, just sitting on the steps chatting light topics, when they approached the topic of training. felicity's eyes had widened, her pulsed raced, and her mind was clouded with thoughts of how afraid and insecure she was. when she calmed down her cheeks were stained with tears and she was in seth's arms, the latter soothingly her hair as he patted her back and calmly told her everything would be okay and she needs to breathe. they'd stayed in that position for a long while before they heard someone open the staircase door a few floors up. when teased felicity always mentions that story to prove that they just have a very strong bond.

seth, however, has a different view on that incident. he's had a pretty massive crush on felicity ever since the first few months they've met, and his feelings have gotten even stronger after that. he's always thought felicity to be perfect, but seeing her like that told him that she was a living, breathing human as well and she needed someone to be around her supporting and loving her no matter what. to be honest he's in love, but he doesn't want to admit it. he knows about donghoon and how hurt felicity is over him and he can't bring himself to do anything about his feelings. the emotions have been going on for years and his heart still jumps and butterflies still appear in his stomach every time felicity appears in front of him. when she's gone he strains his neck to find her and when she's back he acts completely normal. the sudden change is incredibly obvious and the imbue members have a jolly time teasing him about it. seth knows that confessing his feelings would just confuse felicity and he sure wants their friendship to persists ( more chances to hug her as well, yay! ) and he's fine with just watching over her in the shadows.

the reality is felicity harbours the same feelings for seth. they're more recent compared to seth's longtime emotions, but felicity is incredibly confused about what she should do. she's sure the feelings for seth are something more than friends and he's definitely not a rebound, yet every time she thinks of donghoon her heart still aches and tears still sting her eyes. she's exasperated at the fact that her heart hasn't moved on but has fallen for someone else anyways, and thus is refraining from doing anything. she knows seth likes her, he's made it terribly obvious, really, and all the trainees know how smitten he is.

further along the story, felicity and seth are just chilling at the cafe near amour, occupying a window seat with felicity's feet resting on seth's lap across her. seth notes that she's glowing that day and felicity excitedly says she's over donghoon. seth blinks a few times before a huge boyish grin seeps over his face and he asks to take his place. 

felicity's smile slides off her face, and seth has never felt more broken. I don't deserve seth, not with my panic attacks and my insecurities and our careers. it's what she's been telling herself every day, and when she hears seth trying to chuckle and pass it off as a joke, she abruptly shoves her feet back into her pumps and leaves.

interactions – in all honesty everyone can see they harbour feelings for each other. but it's also obvious he likes her more than she likes him. the way he looks at her, the extra gentleness, the light touches, everything is incredibly obvious and hangil gets a hoot out of being matchmaker. like all of felicity's relationships it's serene, quiet one where they enjoy each other's presence instead of being loud and rowdy. but the difference is the spark between them. the subtle glances they throw at each other when they aren't looking, the urge to be near each other and so they end up finding excuses to go into their respective training rooms, the way seth naturally draps his arm around felicity and holds her to him, the amour trainees believe that there's an underground romance brewing. they contact each other a lot and their names are always first on each other's chat lists. instead of pestering each other to no end they just like sitting together, enjoying a book or a coffee as they sit across each other, felicity's legs in seth's lap.

after the confession though, felicity has been ignoring seth like the plague. "oh wow did our resident couple break up?" "shut up, noah," "...I'm sorry, feli," he's been trying to reach out to her but every time felicity sees her she actually makes a u-turn just to they don't have to cross paths and seth doesn't have a chance to stop her. it pains them both, but felicity is dead set on believing that she shouldn't even like anyone as an idol and that she doesn't want to hurt him lest she finds out she's still hung over donghoon.

in short felicity is being a noble idiot and is hurting them both.

relationship – idiots who like — love, even, each other but don't do anything about it -> cold war -> reconcilation -> your choice.
love interest – boyfriend's no minwoo ( seventeen's yoon jeonghan ).
date of birth – july 31st, 1995 ( october 4th, 1995 ).
occupation – idols.
personality – cultured, dedicated, genuine, paternal, affectionate, forthright, sensitive, austere, captious, mischevious .
a true troublemaker at heart, the main dancer of boyfriend is a huge ray of sunshine who brings smiles to everyone's faces. while a sunbae to many people, he's still the maknae of his own group and is naturally doted on quite a lot. but even so, he isn't one to whine his way through things and in fact, during dance practices, he tends to be the strictest one, screaming at the leader to do things right. however, his cheerful nature makes him a person who's adored by many and his hyungs can't get angry at him no matter how ruthless he gets. he tries his utmost best in everything, be it dancing, pranking, or pitting the jo twins against each other. he tends to speak his mind and shows his affection in every way possible, from verbally to actions, and never shys away from the feelings he has. at times, he shows a strict manner and tends to find lots of faults and raise lots of petty objections, but this stems from his awareness of those around him.

first meeting – junseok, ever the social butterfly, or the social catterpillar as he likes to call himself, naturally knows most of the '95 line in the industry. after becoming close friends with felicity, he dragged her into the group, and suddenly the '95 line's kakao chat had a new member who rarely said anything. nevertheless, they had planned a hangout and although felicity first planned on not going, junseok dragged her to it anyways, and it was there felicity met the idol friends who would make up a huge part of her life. 
history – minwoo and felicity used to be completely platonic, and weren't even that close. felicity was closer with the quieter, older members of the group, and minwoo liked causing trouble with the jo twins and the two from bts. they had chatted in private before, but it was just a few sentences and if anything the two were merely friends. but that all changed when felicity started ignoring seth.

minwoo, ever the attentive soul he was, noticed something different about felicity. she had begun to talk more in the group and was starting to really build connections with them, but all of a sudden it was like she had reverted back to her former self. the rest didn't really take notice of it, as they just reckoned she was being herself, but minwoo was sure that someone like felicity, who would need a long time and lots of trust to open up, wouldn't just close up like that again. out of worry, he and felicity started their private chat again, and this time round the conversation didn't stop there. 

maybe felicity treats minwoo like a rebound, she herself isn't very sure. she knows that she has genuine affection for the boy, but nowadays she runs to her phone whenever there's a new message and she feels disappointed when it isn't minwoo. nowadays she keeps thinking about him and she dislikes how he's in a different company. nowdays she wants to see him alone, maybe catch a movie or just have fun together. yet she feels incredibly guilty for feeling all those things because she'd be grinning at her chat with minwoo and then seth would flash through her mind and her smile would gradually disappear.

minwoo likes felicity. more than friends, at that. he never thought that he'd fall for someone who he found to be mundane at first, but over the course of their chats he'd been so drawn to the gentle and benevolent aura felicity gave off even through her messages and found himself to be very attached to the girl who was actually around five months younger than him, but acted like she was older. felicity would chide minwoo to eat properly and wear warmer clothes and to not pressure himself too much and he loves having a female care for him as much as that and loves that he feels like his heart's about to burst every time felicity's name appears in his notifications. he's still hesitant about confessing, but has been dropping hints here and there, always smiling like a fool when felicity becomes noticeably flustered at his words.

interactions – their relationship is rather ambiguous, to be frank. minwoo is becoming increasingly flirtatious and felicity is flustered but she loves the attention and starts blushing so hard whenever she sees the messages the members actually thought she had a fever once. there's obvious strong affinity between the two and it shows in how they act around each other. like seth, minwoo sneaks glances at her and finds every other excuse to touch her hair or her cheek or her shoulder or even grab her hand and felicity feels horribly guilty but she likes it. a lot. but the situation also reminds her of how seth and her were and she's starting to contemplate becoming reclusive again lest she hurts both seth and minwoo.

but every time she tries to ignore minwoo and the latter sends emojis asking for attention her resolve breaks and she's back at it again, min describing 'it' as 'two twenty year olds acting like pre-teens in puppy love' as felicity practically pounces onto her phone and sets a selfie of her and minwoo as background... all the while having seth in her mind as well.

to some, minwoo seems to be in a noona romance before he has to say that his crush is someone younger. it's probably because of how he talks about her- he's basically describing an older sister figure and it actually causes the both of them discomfort, especially since felicity is very skeptical about starting anything with less mature than her. but then she figures that following the same pattern all her life would only cause regret in the future. then seth appears in her mind. and she doesn't know again.

relationship – very good friends with affinity and confusion.
comments – no positive or negative traits because all the traits can be seen in different lights. normally I like using one person for all the talent twins, but I really like younha a lot...yet she doesn't really dance. I think it's really obvious I rushed the personality, but hopefully you get the gist of felicity. the trivias are so rushed I'm crying;; also! I honestly don't mind who felicity ends up with, though I may have some bias towards seth. or more of their horribly written story.
  • a duet " lean on me ", by seth and felicity after hyeri knew of their relationship. the decision came from a simple conversation.
    hyeri: "
    they're having a very special relationship /coughs/. that means chemistry. chemistry equals good sales. also, more time for the two to see each other despite busy idol schedules and canoodle. I'm such a thoughtful ceo."
    taehyo :"
    they're both very sensitive people, I'm sure they don't canoodle,"
    hyeri: "
    they have hormones."
  • oh my girl songs for stardust.
  • snuper and halo for axis/imbue.
scene requests 
  • felicity having a mental meltdown and having fans incredibly worried about her mental condition. she takes a short hiatus. 
  • dating rumours between yunhyeong and felicity / jeonghan and felicity, leaving her two love interests glaring at the reports.
layout by -switzerland
amour's first soloist, feli!

debut mini album: feli's city, released october 10 2015. 
  • "her city of music", apparently. thank sangwoo and xavier for the album name, really. the album was filled with soft songs that normally don't setlle that well with the korean public ( which is why amour had to make her sing a upbeat title song ) and to be honest she did kind of ride on the other artists' fame. the album actually charted pretty well and she was automatically granted later places in music shows. however she didn't receive first place nominations. critics didn't really like this album a lot but praised illa illa and found her very promising.. this album was mainly for the public to see felicity as a serene and girly soloist. however felicity found this image very restricting and hoped to be able to grow.
  • boo is the title track and even today she still doesn't like the song.
  • illa illa was self-composed and she was elated when hyeri gave her the green light for the song. 
  • ugly duckling was composed by the composers but she wrote her own lyrics. she loves hyeri for giving her this much creative freedom with only her debut album.
  • face to face ( after looking at you ) was a song given by the company. she likes it but the song isn't very popular. 
  • boo ( instrumental ) is just here to make the album more expensive and to seemingly have more tracks.
single: fool, released november 10 2015. 
  • imbue was about to come back and amour decided that they should please felicity's tiny fanbase and attract new fans so a collaboration came up. they then decided for for felicity to release a single for every month for three months straight until her next mini album was released. all such singles would not be promoted to ensure she got her rest but also new fans.
  • fool ft. seth of imbue is the song for november and imbue's star power pushed felicity up the popularity scale. a lot. it also set off ships. the promotions were well received and she was actually first on charts for a day. it became an instant fan favourite and roped in a nice amount of fans. many are led to believe that the song was written by felicity because she was playing the guitar the whole way through, but it was actually a present from moonshik for one his favourite students.
single: you & I, released december 10 2015.
  • starring axis' minsoo, the music video was praised for its creativity, storyline, and 'aesthetic'.  some also said it was creepy and immoral, but either way the discussion got attention for the song. despite being unpromoted it still stayed on charts for a considerably long time.
  • you & I continued amour's special publicity tactic which obviously worked out pretty well for felicity. she's not an exceptionally talented dancer so the dance for this song is still her favourite because it's simplest.
single: good day, released january 10 2016. 
  • the music video for good day was actually filmed before felicity's debut as it was originally her debut song but amour decided to keep the wonderful high-pitched three notes for later when she had some sort of fame so she could attract even more.
  • good day had seth, again, in a few shots. it's why the shippers have stayed strong for so long because they think even amour ships them. hyeri actually kinds of does.
mini album: growing, released may 10 2016.
  • fans were disappointed when they checked amour's official channel on february 10 and failed to find a new single. the same thing happened in march and april but amour posted a teaser on may 10. felicity transitioned into a more mature image with this album. this album, again, charted pretty well and the title track received first place nominations at show champion at music core.
  • bad man is a song written by sena, was and is still one of felicity's favourite songs. she gets reminded of her ex and actually cried during a performance, the video of said performance going viral as netizens began to guess why she cried. the reason was correctly guessed but no one has ever came close to guessing who it is because her ex wasn't a celebrity. either way, it was publicity.
  • sorry is the title track and music video had seth screaming in fury when he saw felicity in the bathtub merely covered by bubbles and her lovey dovey scenes with peyton- he knew peyton was in felicity's newest music video but didn't expect such sweet scenes. the fans were shocked too and felicity had to comment on instagram that she was wearing a swimsuit when filming the scene. amour stans often comment on how lucky felicity is as she's had all the pretty boys of amour in her music videos or songs.
  • love you more than ever ft. junseok of imbue and hiro of axis had felicity and junseok singing with kazuhiro rapping. it garnered quite some attention from axis and imbue fans and you can practically see sangwoo and xavier patting each others' backs because they were the one who suggested having the boys featuring.
single: heart, released october 10, 2016.
  • heart was released courtsey of felicity's first anniversay and was unpromoted and also had no music video. it was also a thank-you gift to her fans.
first studio album: les temps modernes, released december 10 2016. 
  • ever since the good reaction with felicity's three unpromoted singles sangwoo decided 10 was felicity's lucky number and that every song or album she dropped would be released on the tenth. modern times signified felicity's breakaway from her girly and sweet image as she venturned into swing, jazz and bossa nova. it was her first full length and fans and felicity were both incredibly excited. she was happy she could break away from her former image and thus experiment with other music genres instead of having to have her guitar with her always. the album blew everyone away with the new sound and it pretty much pushed her to the middle of the first and second tier of female soloists in korea.
  • love of b was a wonderful new venture for felicity and the song is her baby because it was the first song of to be approved for her album.
  • everybody has secrets ft. jinah of alice  felicity was elated when jinah accepted her invitation to feature in a song. a longtime fan of alice she'd actually ask by wandering into alice's training room and mumbling her request at top speed before running away. clarissa had picked up the words "studio album" "feature" "longtime" "honour" "thank you!" and the four girls had guessed that felicity hoped jinah could feature. jinah had then went to find felicity and saw the latter shrivled up in embarrassment in the corridor.
  • between the lips (50 cm) the sensual lyrics created a stir within the fandom because it was so different from what felicity used to sing about. some described it was ouright provocative when really, it was just a song about a kiss.
  • the red shoes is the title track of the album, and felicity took part in creating the song. it's her treasure and she loves how the music video, starring seth ( again ) came out. however the dance is incredibly tiring and sometimes she dreads performing the song.
  • modern times 
  • bad day had lyrics written by felicity and was also produced by her.
  • obliviate had been partly composed by felicity.
  • walk with me, girl ft. kim moonshik the production team had originally wanted to find a veteran male singer but felicity wanted to feature moonshik instead. it's rare to see felicity being so stubborn so they relented and felicity had never been happier recording a song. she wanted to repay moonshik and the song was perfect.
  • havana
  • a gloomy clock ft. v of bts when told that this song would be even better with a deep male voice singing behind her vocals, felicity's mind jumped to taehyung. both of the '95 line and taehyung having a horribly deep voice, he was the perfect and easily-convinced-to-feature fit. also, armies are terrifying, so, publicity.
  • daydream ft. yang heeeun when told she needed an older and stronger female voice in this song felicity automatically thought of yoomi, but as it turns out hyeri had already pulled some strings and got veteran yang heeeun. felicity was delighted to have the opportunity to sing with yang heeeun but swears that one day she'll get yoomi to feature on one of her songs.
  • wait had lyrics written by felicity.
  • voicemail was a bonus track with lyrics written by yoomi and was produced by felicity.
mini album: chatshire, released september 10, 2017.
  • the album that will cement felicity's status as a top soloist, hyeri will give her complete rein over the album and felicity will write the lyrics of every single song in the album. which is also why she had no new songs for nine months as she carefully wrote her own lyrics for seven songs. she was determined to show a new side of herself and the album was incredibly sucessful.
  • shoes
  • zezé will be controversial when it is released due to hinted ia that felicity had not planned on hinting at. all the backlash had felicity suffering from panic attacks but she still performed the song.
  • twenty three is the title track and she is so incredibly proud of this song. she's still sometimes uncomfortable doing the choreogaphy as it borders on being y but she doesn't mind because it's twenty three.
  • the shower is a song produced by felicity solely.
  • red queen ft. seth of imbue in all honesty felicity didn't want seth featuring on the song because she didn't think he suited it ( this album is her baby she needs it to be perfect! also they were in a cold war, but. ) but seth assured felicity he'd try until he met her standards and sangwoo thought that having seth again could make fans and shippers excited and push sales. so she went along, ruefully withdrawing her invitation to zion t.
  • knees is also a song produced by felicity solely.
  • glasses is, again, a song produced by felicity solely.
single: friday, released october 10, 2017.
  • friday ft. jaehyun of axis was released courtsey of felicity's second anniversay and the kiss scene between her and seth had fans screaming. 



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