student identification #1144910
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eliza ki is a household name in gaehwa academy. how could it not be? the girl had been in gaehwa since she was fivem and she's choi jinyoung's niece. not to mention that she's been in missions since she was seven. she'd long since lost her innocence which had died the moment she stepped in gaehwa, but that doesn't stop her from being the brightest, friendliest, and happiest soul you'll ever meet. well, at least in gaehwa.
FULL NAME ki seoyeon (기서연)
OTHER NAMES includes nicknames and other aliases
elizabeth ki      english name. she prefers this name over her real name (ki seoyeon) because she thinks it sounds prettier
eliza      the name she prefers to be called
ella      stage name derived from eliza (e-lla-i-za)
name      lorem ipsum
GENDER female
DATE OF BIRTH december + 28 (15)
BIRTHPLACE los angeles, california, usa
UALITY panual
korean      second language, she learned it from her parents prior to coming to korea, and her skill in the said language has only improved
english      her first language, she lived in la for roughly six years, so she has a pretty good grip on the language
italian      she learned this language way before she was in gaehwa. she just developed an interest in the italian language from an italian neighbor who was speaking the said language when she was four and convinced her parents to sign her up for classes. she continued learning the language in gaehwa
german      she started learning this on her first year in gaehwa. she's yet to master it, but she's getting there. she can actually pass for a native speaker, until you realize that she can't hold any complicated conversations
japanese      she originally didn't want to start studying another language until she has mastered the current one she's learning, but with japanese, she was practically forced by hyunjung, her language instructor. she said that eliza only knew western languages, and she should learn another asian language. she's learning japanese much faster than german because of the small similarities the japanese language holds with korean language
FACE CLAIM 강미나 (아이오아이   /   구구단)
BACKUP 권은빈 (씨엘씨)
FASHION SENSE how do they wear their uniform? what do they wear outside of class? also include if they have tatttoos n piercings n such
eliza is no rebel. she didn't drastically shorten her skirt, or cut holes out of her blouse. in fact, she wears gaehwa's uniform like it should be worn; confidently. occasionally, she would roll up her sleeves, especially if it was a warmer day, but that's just about it. though she does wear a coral bow in her hair to match the uniform's colours, but that's the most she will add to the uniform.

when not wearing the uniform, her outfits match her true personality. if you would describe it with one word, the word would be cute. y'know what those cutesy rookie girl group members wear when they're on their way to music shows?
cheerful, friendly, optimistic, playful, childish, tactless, talkative, stubborn
"she's a spirited girl isn't she" 
born the only child of ki sunho and ki eunbi (nèe choi), a well-off korean couple whom recently migrated to the city of angels, elizabeth ki (or eliza as she preferred to be called) has had a quite privilaged life. she was a happy baby right from the start, so much so that their household was more often filled with soft giggles than loud sobs. she was a fast learner as well. she took her first steps at nine months old, and uttered her first word half a month later. she was a happy and bright child. she played with some of the other kids in day care, and she would go on playdates with the neighbor's kids. eliza (of course with adult supervision) frequented the park, and would make new friends there.
"yes, she is very talented" 
at the young age of three, eunbi had signed up eliza for some martial arts classes. she thought that the overly energetic girl could use something to pool her energy into. after all, eunbi herself started going to martial arts classes at around the same age as well. eliza was signed in for aikido, eunbi's personal favorite. a year later, eliza. met some neighbors who just moved in. the said neighbors had a child she played with so she was around the family often. soon enough, she noticed that the said family was occasionally speaking in what seemed like gibberish to eliza. a million questions later to her mum, eliza discovered that they were just speaking in another language. more specifically, italian. eliza immediately pestered her parents to teach her the language, but since neither of them speak italian fluently, they just signed her up for italian classes. they thought that it would be benificial to her to learn lots of things while she was young.
"please don't take her away from me, i beg you" 
when eliza was five, ki eunbi's sister, choi jinyoung, visited their family in la and stayed in their house for a month. of course, that wasn't jinyoung's only reason to visiting la. she was there for a small mission completely unrelated to the ki family. they were just in a conveniently near the place where her mission was due. in jinyoung's month-long stay, she of course, noticed eliza's potential. jinyoung spoke with her sister, to ask permission to take eliza to korea to train in gaehwa. eunbi, who had also studied in gaehwa alongside modelling for three short years, thus knowing all the things that happen in gaehwa immediately refused. eunbi wasn't going to let her daughter, her sweet innocent daughter get exposed to the darkness that was the espionage industry. eunbi knew even if she didn't give her permission, jinyoung would still take her eliza, so eunbi did everything to convince jinyoung not to take her daughter, she truly did, but what jinyoung wants, jinyoung gets. a week later, eliza and jinyoung was on a plane to korea. (eliza's father was told that eliza was going to go to a borading school in korea, and he accepted it without complaints. he was never the smartest potato in the sack anyway lol)

"i heard she's been here for almost ten years" 
eliza adapted quite well to life in gaehwa. she didn't think it was odd that she was more often training in martial arts than theory. after all, she's never been in a proper school before. she'd only been training in aikido and italian classes, both of which she only continued to practice. she was enrolled to the grade school division of the academy, with her aunt pulling some strings to let her in early as eliza was a bit too young. eliza got on fashionably well with the other students. after all, she's exceptionally good in making friends. eliza rose to popularity just the first year she was studying in gaehwa because of her ability to make friends with seemingly everyone. part of her popularity could be attributed to the fact that she was choi jinyoung's niece. there was only one person whom she was unable to befriend. who was that girl, you ask? well, none other that jeon haejung, a girl a year above eliza. at first, eliza was confused. the other students were confused as well. how could some one hate sweet sweet eliza? was the thought running in everyone's mind. eliza would smile brightly at the girl, only to be met by an icy glare. eventually, eliza learned not to wonder why haejung hates her. she just continued smiling at her, especially because she knows that haeujung's mood turns foul when she does. if she's gonna hate me, why not enjoy it?

"she's doing quite well, you don't need to worry" 
eliza's first mission was when she was seven years old. yes, she was still a young girl when she did her first mission. it wasn't a big mission, well at least not to eliza. she was just used as a sort of accessory. she acted like a sweet lost girl to lure a target to be interrogated and later killed by a student about ten years older than her. how did eliza react when she watched as the older girl snapped the old man's neck? did she freak? did something inside eliza change as she watched a previously alive man die by the hands of one of her trusted unnies? the answer to those questions is, nothing changed in eliza's reaction. nothing. she had already a couple of years to be taught that this was the natural way of life. she was taught that she has everyone's life laid on hands, and she could take it away if she deems necessary. the missions only continued from there, accumulating a sum of eighteen missions since then. (though she only had a mission that she was required to kill when she was ten)

 STUDENT #1144910 FILES  (inspired by lilico's app lol)
best subjects   ;   martial arts, foreign languages, physical education
worst subjects   ;   firearms, sciences, poisons, seduction
missions   ;   eighteen since she was seven years old
specialties   ;   martial arts, grappling, breaking bones (cause reason)
weapons used   ;   the only weapons eliza uses is her own body since she is terrible at firearms
AGILITY / eight of ten   ;   since she was three years of age, eliza has been training for hand-to-hand combat. it would be ludicrous to think that the girl was not agile. at this point, being agile is just part of her that nobody could take away.
INTELLIGENCE / six out of ten   ;   eliza is not the conventional smart person. in fact, she's bad in the traditional kind of smarts. her worst subject is the ones that require more thinking than instinct, like science. instead, eliza's intelligence comes from the fact that she's a fast learner. she's really good at learning things that she usually practices, that's why she's good in her martial arts and languages becuase she gets to use them a lot in missions.
STRENGTH / seven out of ten   ;   it would just be silly if a martial artist like eliza wasn't all that strong. of course she's strong! 
GREATEST STRENGTH / if we're talking about idol related strength, it would probably be aegyo. the girl is practically oozing out aegyo every waking moment. if it's spy related, it's her mastery of multiple martial arts(muay thai, capoeira, and aikido just to name a few).
but her most useful strenght actually lies in the fact that she's a quick learner. after all, it's the reason why she has mastered four martial arts and three languages in the span of nearly sixteen years.
GREATEST WEAKNESS / her idol related weakness is her voice. she can't sing. her spy related weakness is her carelessness. she doesn't give a about getting seriously hurt, and it has nearly cost her, and occasionally her team's, life, and it probably won't change anytime soon. also she tends to deviate from the plan and up bigtime, but usually, her natural instincts save her from major . you would think that someone who had been in missions since she was seven would have her be a better spy by not ing up the mission, but no. eliza's just an idiot that way. an incredibly careless, but lovable idiot.
TALENT / she'll probably debut in a group because her voice is not that spectacular. main dancer, lead rapper probably.
BALANCE / eliza's was not unaware of the fact that she needs to balance idol life with spy work. she's had ten plus years of lessons, classes, you name it, on this specific subject. but that's not the question. would she do well balancing the best of both worlds? she'd do well, of course. her personality is not what you would expect a spy to have. she's just like a normal person at first glance. of course, she'd have trouble with her idol schedule conflicting with her spy life, but she'd probably fix that by feigning sickness, or just doing her missions at nightfall when everyone's asleep.
REASON / eliza grown into this industry, thinking it was normal for herself to be a spy and an idol at the same time. she knew that it was the right path for her even before she knew that boys and girls made babies.

   eliza has mastered four martial arts in since she has started training when she was three in aikido (her parents signed her up because they thought that eliza should have a medium to release her excess energy in, and aikido seemed like a great sport at the time)
   the four martial arts she has so far mastered are aikido, capoeira, judo, and muay thai)
   there are three more she is trying to master at the moment namely, brazilian jiu jitsu, krav maga, and ninjustsu (yes, ninjutsu cause it would be useful for espionage)
   eliza has a tendency to mix up her languages. she can use all the languages she knows in one sentence, and it would be basically impossible to decipher.
   eliza's aunt is none other than choi jinyoung, the very person who brought her to gaehwa a year too young.
   eliza stands at the height of 158 cm, weighing in on 43 kg
   she loves sweets and eating, but really, who doesn't?
   eliza is an extrovert, if that wasn't obvious enough. she likes people
   except heajung. haejung hates her, and eliza has long since given up trying to make haejung like her so eliza just spites her
   ironically, one of eliza's worst subjects (seduction) are the ones her aunt teaches
   but then it's not that weird because how could a cute looking person like eliza seduce someone that isn't a e
   eliza seems like the polar opposite of her aunt who is strict and uptight, but they actually a good relationship
   can't hold her liquor. don't let her anywhere anywhere near something even a little bit alcoholic, she'd be tipsy by her second shot.
   lorem ipsum
FINAL WORDS sorry my app is a tad weird, my mind is not right cause no sleep. (i swear i can write coherent sentences sometimes)
idk homie
   "maam, please call me eliza. i haven't used that name, well ever!" eliza lets out a small giggle, taking a seat in front of the headmistress. taking the headmistress's offer for some tea, she poured hreself a cup and added 3 sugar cubes. taking an experimental sip, she scrunched up her nose, and proceeded to add couple more sugar cubes. she took another sip, and smiled as the tea was now to her preferred sweetness.
   "miss misun!" eliza exclaimed, eyes brightening up.

"she's really pretty, and she''s really nice to me!" she chuckled softly, remembering about the said instructor.
   'it was miss misun who reccomended me? why didn't aunt jinyoung reccomend me? does she think i'm weak?' the thought passed through her mind in a split second, making her frown briefly. shaking her head to push the thought out, she focused on thinking about the headmistess's question. eliza thought about it for a moment, humming a low tone under her breath while she did.

"i think it's because she knows i have skills that can be useful in this project?" eliza said with a tinge of uncertainty, fiddling with her hair.

"i'm not too sure, exactly, but she has put her trust in me, and i won't let her down."
   "yeah lots of my friends are taking part! one of them is haejung-unnie!" eliza replied, eyes brightening once more. that last sentence was a bit of a stretch. actually, it's a lie. it was well known around gaehwa that haejung hated eliza's guts. she was the only one to openly hate the girl because eliza was everyone's friend. (also a stretch, but eliza's really friendly to everyone) eliza just mentioned haeujung as sort of a joke.

"also i do trust them, it would really be silly not to!" eliza laughed with her eyes forming cresent moons, tilting her head backwards just a fraction of an inch.

   "i'm incredibly ecstatic! in gaehwa, there isn't any boys so i'd like to meet some more people from bang-gi!" her eyes shone like the brightest stars in the sky as she spoke those words.

"i think it wouldn't be hard to get along with them! after all, they're just the boy version of the school"
   "no, i don't think so," eliza said. "if was under lots of pressure, i must be good at dealing with it because i don't feel pressure at all" eliza said with a huge grin plastered to her face.
   eliza was caught a bit off guard with the question. 'how could she think that i am the traitor? i've been in this school for ten years. hell would freeze over before she betrays gaehwa,' she thought, but she voiced none of these thoughts, instead just shaking her head silently.

"i would never betray gaehwa like that, headmistress," she said honestly, eyes flashing with determination.
   "thanks for the tea headmistress. i had a pleasant time," eliza remarked politely, values ingrained by her slightly uptight aunt. eliza bowed once more before fully exiting the spacious office.

once she shut the door, she was met by the very girl she mentioned just a few minutes ago, haejung. the older girl flashed a deadly glare at eliza, to which the younger girl contered with a bright smile. eliza knew that haeujung hates seeing her smile, so why not.


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