Guess who is an idiot?




*Showes herself*

This bisch here!

Okay now I failed 2 of my classes, Finance and Financial Rporting (yes I am great with finance i know) in the final exams so I was going to take Make-up exams to pass them.

Ayways, Financial Reporting Tuesday and Finance was on Wednesday. I studied real hard for the one on Tuesday thinking I can handle Finance with studying one day.

So I wake up early on Tuesday to study some more. The exam was on 1pm as I remember so while gping to schooI decided to check if the time was right or not. The time, my friends, was right. The exam on the other... Can we get one of those buzzing sounds here? Yep, apparently I worked real hard for Financial Reporting for 3 ing days and guess what? Finance was on Tuesday and Financial Reporting was on Wednesday! 

So yep, I learned I have a different exam 20 fricking minutes before the exam and I had no notes with me either. So guess who got a 35 on her Make-up exam and failed? Yep. Me.


And why did that happen? Because Im an idiot! Thats why.


Have a nice day my friends, I will just passive aggresively laugh here! 




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Lol u are just like me XD don't take me wrong. I'm not imploring that ur situation is laughable but in the future; it will be ^^ now just let the past be the past and studies more harder in the future and learn from the experience XD I believe u can do it :) but what do u mean by final exam?
Aww thts bad..
U should've have checked it earlier..
bt don't worry...