Something I Want to Do

If there was one thing I could do, it would be auditioning for a company. Whether K-Pop or not, I just want to pursue my dream.

I've had this dream way before K-Pop. I was probably around six when I wanted to become a performer. My dreams changed since then, but my mind always fell back on that. 

My mom would never support, this I know. I still have a hope one day that one day I could. 

If I would never audition at all, I'm pretty sure sure that I would regret not trying. If I don't get in, I know that's not the end of the world. Sure it might be devastating for me at first, but I'll just practice more and try again next time.

I wonder if I should just go take that chance even though my mom won't know. It won't her, but I know she'll get angry with me if I get in. She will never allow me to pursue that dream. 

Avance Auditions or the JYP Auditions are ones I might go for. I wonder what I should do?

Should I pursue my dream, or finish school and regretting not at least trying.

I think I just answered my own question, didn't I?


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