New president

Okay so for anyone who doesn't country just got a new President and Vice President.......

President Rodrigo Duterte....known to use guns to kill criminals and the former mayor of Davao before becoming President.....his exterior look is like......strict or something.......he already did a lot of stuff in his first few weeks.He also has been known to joke around and stuff but is serious in times neccessary.....that's good right?

1.He made some drug lords parade around the streets.....idk where it was tho but they called it "Flores de pusher" because of Filipino tradition Flores de Mayo which comes every can google it....

2.He implimented a curfew for underage kids without adults with them.....

3.Drugs were banned from like.....everywhere but it's not completely gone yet but there's slow progress....

4.Lessened in events like concerts and stuff you can still bring liquor but there's a limit....on how much

5.He.....well.....he made certain lunishments for curfew push ups....paraded on the street and's quite appropriate but at the same not at the same time.....weirdly....

Vice President....Leni Robredo......well there's nothing anybody can say negative about her......she's really nice.....they said she helped a lot of women and farmers........I don't know anything about her since she's a the tv and internet.....but it seems like a nice combination....a vice pres like that and a president like that......

It makes me excited for a change......

We're finally gonna change


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emmetropia #1
I don't live in the Philippines, but I am filippino, and I know that he was the president of Davao. Davao was once the murder capital of the philippines, but because of duterte, it's now ranked the fourth safest place in the world. Duterte has received a lot of criticism from the media, but I think that he will bring change to the Philippines. I have a feeling that over his term he will focus a lot of crime, and even now he's done a lot already. The philippines' government is so flawed, there's so many corrupt politicians and police, and then there are gangs, drug trafficking - it all needs to be sorted or the philippines will continue to fall .The previous president focused on the economy, and the economy is steadily rising, but now we need to focus on crime rates and security. I'm don't agree with the reintroduction of the death penalty, because although it will significantly lower crime rates, what would happen if someone was falsely accused?
But, we'll just have to wait and see what he will do.

"I don't care if I go to hell as long as the people I serve will live in paradise." For some reason that really hit me. Well, whatever happens, I hope that the Philippines will change for the better.