+ 홍지영 is on the cheer squad! // wip

replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
hong jiyoung
"how dare you call me fake; just look in the mirror and you'll find the fake one in this school."
FULL NAME  hong jiyoung  ( 홍지영 )
PERSONA  spoilt princess
jinyoung + her original name was 'jinyoung' but last minute changes by her mother made the n in the name go away, due to it being too masculine sounding. her father however, uses this name purely because of his need for a son and uses this anywhere, any time when refering to jiyoung. she's rather embarrassed about it.
• barbie or princess + the whole school population uses these nicknames behind her back. it was after jiyoung bleached her hair, and also getting away with it at school, she started to resemble barbie and look like a princess. her demanding and irrational behaviour seems fitting as she looks like a spoilt diva. some people call her 'sharpey evans'.
floor queen + she's quite flexible and can do multiple handsprings and flips. jiyoung is known for her floor routines in gymnastics and therefore is called the floor (routine) queen.
GENDER  female
DOB + AGE  08 • 13 • 99 ( sophomore )
BIRTHPLACE  gangnam, seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN  gangnam, seoul, south korea
• korean + it is her only language that she could speak fluently and it is her native language and mother tongue. 
FACE CLAIM  kim mihyun
BACKUP  lee suhyun
• jiyeon has pale skin and a small button nose. she has long straight hair which she had bleached to a platinum blonde hair. her eyes are cat-like and slanted and she has the neutral-korean eyebrows.
• her body is even and healthy, though her legs seem to overtake everything as they are long. jiyoung usually has a few bruises from gymnastic training but usually covers it up with make-up.
• speaking of cosmetics, jiyoung wears make-up everyday. though she doesn't use a lot, it's a small layer of concealer and bb cream so she doesn't break out with pores and pimples. jiyoung owns an array of coloured, mainly pink and red, lipstick and lip gloss and wears the latter to school. she also puts eyeliner to give focus to her cat-like eyes.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT 165  centimetres & 47 kilograms
• pictures would be ok but pictures and description would make me swoon

when the flowers bloom : challenging, forthright, insouciant.  
when the petals wilt : blunt, haughty, irrational
• oh yes writing that's my favorite thing. details. details. details (at least 2 paragraphs)
• jiyoung was born to wealthy parents, who owns a publishing firm known for publishing the best books from the best authors and illustrators. her father had always wanted a son, who would later on take responsiblilty of the hongji publishing firm in the future but after jiyoung's birth, he was deeply angry at himself for not checking the gender of the child before the birth. the family lives in a highrise suite in gangnam, seoul. 
• relation - name (age) - school year - personality traits - relationship with your character (elaborate on what they have)
•  important details about your character
• likes, dislikes, hobbies, fears, and other things like that
SO, WHAT YOU'RE SAYING, IS THAT YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EXPLOSION IN THE GYM? IF THAT'S TRUE, WHY WERE YOU THERE?  'like i'd want to be there in the first place,' jiyoung scoffed and threw her hair over her shoulder, 'it's filthy, disgusting and full of sweat. why would anyone want to go there?' the interviewer gave a stern look which jiyoung rolled her eyes at. 'i was there to get my blazer, some idiot left it there on the bleachers after physical education. i didn't know that jungkook-joongki-jooyoung, whatever his name is, would pull that prank. i got myself splattered with red, foul stuff!'
WELL SUBSTANTIAL PROOF HAS BEEN GIVEN THAT THE FOURTEEN OF YOU PARTICIPATED IN THE PRANK. WHY DO YOU FIND THIS UNFAIR?   jiyoung gaped and her nostrils flared, 'why would i be in that gross prank?! this is unfair, completely unfair! what did i have to do with this anyways?!' by this point jiyoung stood from her seat, infruriated. 'show me the proof! it's all fake! fake!'
AND YOU BELIEVE THAT THE CHEER SQUAD PUNISHMENT IS TOO MUCH?  'why make a cheer squad when we originally didn't have one?' jiyoung quizzed, calming slightly from her earlier outburst. 'i'd rather have a year full of detentions than a cheerleading club. what is this, america?' the girl smirked with her eyes full of hatred. 'what will us girls wear, skimpy cheer outfits? there are boys, they'll have to deal with us ya'know? i guess the school didn't think it through, huh?'
DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'LL BE ABLE TO GET ALONG WITH YOUR MEMBERS?  'no.' jiyoung states bluntly. 'i don't even know them. none, at all. seriously, who even are these people?' she furrowed her eyebrows and made a gagging motion, grunting quite femininely. 'i hate this already.'
AND, I'VE BEEN HEARING FROM A LOT OF PEOPLE THAT THEY HATE MISTER LEE JOOHEON. DO YOU AS WELL? AND WHY OR WHY NOT?  'that's his name?' jiyoung raised her eyebrows and snarled, 'yeah i hate him, he ruined my life now! cheer squad punishment, all because of him, of course i hate him.'

   her first detention was in her freshman year, in which she supposedly called a girl overweight and fat on numerous occasions. this was her only detention to date.
   jiyoung's first suspension was later in the year after her first detention; a girl came up to her, calling jiyoung fake and was scared to at least lay a finger on her. so in retaliation, jiyoung ripped the hair extensions out of the other girl before repeatedly pushing her into the door of the girl's locker. apparently, jiyoung needed a punishment more harsher than detention, so a suspension was taken place.
PLOTLINE + BACKUP  lee jooheon  +  shin hoseok
SQUAD POSITION + BACKUP  tumbler  +  flyer
REASONS THEY GOT THE POSITION  she's adapt at doing flips and handsprings easily; jiyoung is quite good at somersaults and is quite flexible from being on the school's gymnastics team. she could've passed as the flyer of the team but she really couldn't trust the boys at catching and throwing her up in the air. jiyoung couldn't be trusted by the others to be a backspot, frontspot or the captain. she insisted on doing things herself anyways, so opted for the tumbler position.
LOVE INTEREST  lee jooheon
BACKUP  shin hoseok
GENDER  male
• jooheon's reputation around the school isn't very good. he's known to be very childish, selfish, rude and sly. 
• right after the fourteen students were convicted on doing the prank, jiyoung stormed right after jooheon and raged at him. how long? it must've been at least ten minutes straight as they stood in the middle of the courtyard as other students watched the one sided fight. throughout all of jiyoung's raged yelling and stomping and what not, jooheon simply stood there with a goofy smirk. after jiyoung had calmed down, jooheon shrugged before saying, "that was cute, see you later at practice, barbie doll."  although this comment enraged jiyoung even more.
• there are days when they both are calm and reluctantly work together, then there are days when the two go at each other and fight over constant little things. this mostly happens in the hallways and in cheer practice. it was until they were alone in the courtyard, waiting for their ride home when jiyoung confessed that she wouldn't have been rude and y towards jooheon if he hadn't had done the prank and that they would've been good, sort of, friends too. "it's not like i like you or anything but, you're not so bad if you haven't had done the prank."
• ever since that moment, their fights had decreased and they work slightly more better. the members of the cheer squad suspect that something has happened between the two, mostly that they've forgiven each other romantically. they still verbally attack each other though, but their actions prove otherwise.
a solid week after their reconciliation, jooheon unintentionally admitted to liking jiyoung in a romantic intention. 
STATUS  single; on and off
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT  their love turns from hate, to platonic and then to romantic in just a matter of weeks. they aren't official and are in an on and off relationship because some days, the hate for each other is real.
sorry if i got any terms wrong, i'm not familiar with american levels of education nor cheerleading ;;
• i mean i won't get them all done but i'll attempt it
"oi barbie! watch out before i smack you with my foot!"
"princess, mind getting your 'pretty little' face out of the way?" 
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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Minini #1
Hey, just stumbled upon this and I have to say, I like your character a lot!