Rest Easy, Christina.

Today when I woke up, I was greeted with the news of Christina passing. I didn't believe it at first, I mean who would? She was a young aspiring artist who has been in the Youtube community for many years. It was when I glanced at the hashtag 'ripchristinagrimmie' did it hit me, hard. It was all over my timeline, many youtubers, celebrities and fans were tweeting about it. It was trending no.1 in the UK. I felt many emotions rushing to me at once. Sadness, anger, confusion. And all I could ask was, why? Why did she have to die? Why at such a young age? You're probably wondering why am I am so affected by this, about someone who has no idea I exist. Let me get straight to the point.

You see during my secondary years in school, from the age of 11 to 15, I used to watch a lot of Christina's videos. She was one of the first Youtubers I watched. I remember the amazement I felt when I saw and heard her talent for the first time. Her voice was so beautiful, enchanting and sweet. I was addicted, so I clicked on the next. From then on I often watched her videos and was always excited when a new video was uploaded. Whenever, she covered one of my favourite songs I felt happy, satisfied and proud. I watched her a lot during 11 - 14 however, when I became 15 I didn't watch her videos as much. I used to watch it from time to time as I got interested in other youtubers like Marcus Butler, NigaHiga etc.

But, despite all of that I still did come back to her watch her videos. And then I saw her audtion on The Voice USA and the same proud feeling rose. She shined brightly with her talent, I was captivated once again by her voice. The excitement when all four judges turned around as they were intrigued just like me. You see, by watching Christina throughout the years and then to suddenly hear about this news breaks my heart. It's as if my older sister had passed away. And what a coincidence that I had been watching her audition for the hundreth time last week. An interesting coincidence it is.

With all that has happened today I have some questions for the man, the shooter who killed her. Kevin James Loibl. Why did you travel all the way to Orlando to kill her? What did you achieve from this? But most important... just why? What did she do to you that you decided to end her life? After commiting the crime, why did you kill yourself? Did you not think of how many people you would be hurting by doing this? Her family, her friends and her fans. And to the US government, when will you ban your gun laws? There is enough evidence and points on why they should be banned. Oh they're for defence? Defence my . How many more innocent people have to die until you realise? 

It is really a tragedy that it had to come to this. And all I can say is you don't deserve this Christina but I hope you're happier now. Thank you for sharing your beautiful talent with us. I'm sorry you weren't able to live your dream until the very end. That is all I had to say, I will leave you with this short video that breaks my heart whenever I watch it and tweets from people she had an impact on. 

Rest easy, Christina.

March 12, 1994 - June 11, 2016


"My heart is absolutely broken. I miss you Christina" - Selena Gomez


"There are no words. We lost a beautiful soul with an amazing voice. Our hearts go out to the friends, fans and family of@TheRealGrimmie." - The Voice


"At a loss for words and absolutely sick to my stomach. So lucky to have had a friend so purely good and impossibly talented." - Sam Tsui


" 😰😢my thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones.." - Demi Lovato


"This life is so unpredictable.. it's scary how within a second it can be taken away. My prayers go out to her family members. " - Zaid Ali


"I'm sad, frustrated, and ill over the loss of an innocent, good person. This world is so unfair. Pls be safe. Pls be kind. " - Connor Franta


"Can't believe some sick person would do this to such a beautiful soul who shared her gifts and love with the world... " - Arden Cho




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Oh my gosh, I'm so devastated right now :( I used to watch all her videos after being a fan of her since The.Voice :( And I really just can't believe why would people target an innocent person like her :'(
rawrebelsroot #2
RIP Christina.
I was so surprised upon hearing this :|
Anniofire #3
Rip Christina you will be missed. I first heard of her passing through drama alert, I didn't believe it until i actually googled it. I hope she is in a better place now.