마녀 SILVER RAP —  사라‎용 #ffbfc3 #f5c9cc



aimashou • tilda • eight


the basics.

NAME  sara young   ( 사라‎용 )


  winey the pooh sara at a young age had a fascination with winnie the pooh and also her father's job, which was working at the winery. sara would often ask her dad how wine was made and would whine when he wouldn't tell her if wine was alcholic or not. for a six year old girl, the nickname suited her in a very punny way. sara's father uses this to .

  sarang her unnofficial korean name used by her korean grandparents and relatives. they thought that there was a mistake sara's hangul for her name and opted to use the name 'sarang'. 

  kiwi or fruity tootie are another of sara's nicknames and thankfully, this time by her friends. kiwi is because of her nationality as a new zealander slash kiwi and the fruity tootie part? sara had a fascination for the candy tootie fruities and her friends simply twisted the name around for sara.


BIRTHDAY  january 18th, 1992

BIRTHPLACE  blenheim, marlborough, new zealand

HOMETOWN  blenheim, new zealand     ( 92-10 )

    seoul, south korea             ( 10-present )


ETHNICITY  half korean, half new zealander ( kiwi )


    english it is her native language and mother tongue. she learnt the new zealand or british way of writing things and even has a kiwi accent. she's not very eloquent with english but is still fluent in speaking and writing with the language.
korean having a korean mother, she was forced to learn korean. sara enjoyed learning korean at a young age and is fluent in the language. it proved to be extremely helpful when sara moved to south korea. 


FACE CLAIM  uji of bestie

BACKUP FACE CLAIM  hyuna of 9muses


APPEARANCE  sara is 172 centimetres tall, weighing at 51 kilograms. she's quite slim around her torso and arms, having wide hips. her thighs however are thick and are stated to be 'honey thighs' as they are nice and toned. sara also has a thigh gap, though she didn't do anything to achieve it; it was just naturally there in her structure. now since sara is a halfer, you'd expect her to look more western than asian but if you look closely, you can see the western traits that sara has.


sara's skin is not pale but a light natural tan from her father's side. her long oval face shape and pointed nose also comes from her father's kiwi genetics. her long legs have no explanation to as why they are there as both sara's parents have short legs and literally 70% of sara are legs. thee rest of sara's features are korean, from her mother's side. sara has dyed and bleached her hair multiple times from a beachy blonde, bright red, back to black, dark chocolate and even silver.


as for sara's fashion, it's very laid back and has lots of denim involved. it's an understatement to say that sara just likes denim. she often wears boots or sneakers with a graphic shirt and denim pants. sara doesn't usually wear hats or anything on her head, unless it's a headband or a flower crown, though if it's really sunny than she's be forced to wear a hat. sara doesn't like wearing shirts that don't cover her arms, so she wears cardigans and flannal over the top of her shirt.


" if you want to acheive something, you have to work hard. you can't slack off and if you do; do you can't really get what you want, right?  "


" when people say 'i want to look like her' or 'she looks so pretty, much more so than myself' it makes me sad to think that people dislike who they are. i want people to be comfortable in their own skin and not who they want themselves to be. "


" it's okay if you don't succeed the first time. just try harder each and every time until you get what you want."


the girl next door.

STAGE NAME  sara  (사라 )

PLOTLINE + POSITION  silver rap; lead rapper, lead vocalist

BACKUP PLOTLINE + POSITION   aesthetic; vocals, visual


SINGING TWIN  elsie or eunjung of t-ara

RAPPING TWIN  elsie or eunjung of t-ara

DANCING TWIN  jungyeon of twice

VARIETY TWIN  goo hara


TRAINEE LIFE  as soon as sara reached south korea, her sister begged her and persuaded her to join a company since she could not sing nor dance. it has been six years since sara has auditioned and has been accepted into starship entertainment. she treats everyone fairly, even seniors and juniors in her division. with those who had already debut, sara really didn't see them but when she did, sara treated them with the utmost respect she could muster. for her audition, sara sang a soft ballad off the top of her head. she knew that the audition was very rushed and planned, courtesy of her sister jasmine. during her second year of training, she discovered that she could rap quite well and focused on rapping too. 


home is where your heart is.


      white petals appreciative, capable, optimistic

         pink stem reserved, hardworking, undemanding

red thorns stubborn, cautious, hesitant


sara always was appreciative of the things that she had recieved. she didn't recieve much and adored the simple lessons of korean that her mother gave her on the weekends as a child, unlike the other kids recieving toys to play with by themselves. she's quite independant, proving to be capable with just herself and without help. sara is also optimistic, always thinking the best of others and their future, alongisde herself as well. 


though very optimistic, meeting sara for the first time may be hard. she's quite reserved and is slow with showing her emotions. but sara is hardworking, making up for her quiet yet not shy personality. she works her hardest for everything and unless she gets results, sara will continue to do what she thinks would contribute for the cause and for everyone else. because of her appreciative trait, sara is undemanding. she knows very well that there are people who are in need and she's not one of them, so sara doesn't demand the things that she needs or wants. she'll get them herself, but quietly.


also tying in with her reserved trait, sara is cautious and hesitant. she's always trying to avoid certain problems and or dangers that pop up and will try to remove herself from the situation if that does happen. sara is also hesitant in making descisions, as she tries to have the best option for the benefit of herself and others. her belief on family and friends, particularly those around her, are very strong as it is what made sara who she is; as she always thinks of others before herself. though because of this, sara can be stubborn at times. 


BACKGROUND  sara was born in blenheim, new zealand. her parents, a new zealander father and a south korean mother both lived their life in the city peacefully. her father was very adapt at playing the guitar but despite his talent, he worked in one of the local wineries. sara's mother worked in the city's airport as borders' security. sara and her mother had a very close bond with one another.


in 2000, when sara was eight; or nine by korean age, her parents split and sara was separated from her mother. she never really noticed that her parents were distancing themselves away from each other and was later notified that after she went to school, then her parents would fight. sara grew quite independent at her young age and even got a babysitting job. she babysat, is that even a word (?), diana boonspi duanphen, a thai girl who was obviously her neighbour and was six years younger than she was. sara continued to take care of diana throughout her childhood and eventually became best friends with diana, despite their .


sara's father soon found another woman, who already had a child, and grew a strong connection with her, soon marrying her in six years time. sara and her new step-sister, jasmine were very alike. they were both half-korean, except jasmine was american-korean, the two had a passion for the performing arts and another passion for pissing each other off. however, sara mildly liked her new american step-mother because she was very laid back like her father. sara and jasmine were forced to like and bond each other, as they had to share their own room with each other. 


in 2010 when sara was officially starting her last year in highschool, her birth mother called her family and asked for sara to live with her for a few years. since sara already had a korean citizenship, courtesy of her mother and that sara's father didn't terminate it, he reluctantly agreed to let her go with jasmine. regarding her relationship with diana, the two were very upset that sara was going to leave new zealand for south korea but they agreed to stay in touch.


as soon as they landed in south korea, jasmine kept pestering sara to audition for starship; since she loved starship entertainment. sara soon agreed and auditioned.  she lived with her birth mother, im youjin, in her songpa-gu apartment. sara and jasmine once again share rooms and they both have studied in s.o.p.a or are currently studying there under a paid scholarship.  sara graduated whilst studying regular music whilst jasmine is studying drama and musicals. two years after sara finished highschool, 2012, she moved out into her own small apartment with the money that both her birthparents and step-mother gave her. sara continued to live there until w:tch's lineup was confirmed. 


diana, during the timeline in the previous paragraph, also came to south korea a few months after sara had left and became a trainee for sm entertainment after she was scouted. the two met up after hearing that they were both coincidentally in south korea in the same city, i mean what a coincidence, and always talked to each other daily throughout their electronical devices. when diana quit the trainee program in 2015, sara offered for her to come and audition in starship entertainment.  ( more is explained in rudenėja's app )






jasmine young is sara's younger step-sister. they orginally didn't get along at all but soon bonded after their parents forced them to. jasmine and sara both are similar in many ways; being both half korean and adapt at the performing arts, this made them have a little friendly and family competition, even though they were different ages. when they moved to korea, jasmine continued to study drama and persuaded sara to audition for her favourite company, starship. sara and jasmine act like they've known each other for life, even if they are sisters by marriage, putting their teenage hate for each other in the dust.





now most people dislike im jaeyoung for her overwhelming presence and that she calls herself the queen bee; sara thinks the opposite. she thinks that jaeyoung is what everyone should be, confident of themselves, and that was one of the reasons she befriended jaeyoung. they aren't strangers to each other but they aren't best of friends either; sara and jaeyoung are simply in a good friendship with one another. after debut, sara would often stick by her side whenever drama goes on in the group and will practice with her since they are both vocalists. 





diana is sara's best friend despite their . they were next door neighbours' and sara even babysitted her when she was young. their stories intertwine with each other, both influencing one another throughout their lives. they're the best of friends, learning from each other and they often do things as if they were siblings. they both are passionate about what they do and they love to meet up and have a little platonic chat. it's strange to think that their relationship began because of sara's babysitting job and now they are in south korea, best friends with each other and now living out their dreams together. crazy, huh?




what do you like? salads, fruit scents, spicy foods, sleeping, green tea, travelling, new zealand, family, friends, movies, disney & pixar, reading, singing, sports, beautiful things, anime, sailor moon

don't you like this? sweet foods, metal rock, make-up, bubble tea, tight clothes, exposure to sunlight, the dark, action movies, horror, not doing anything, meat, weapons, ual innuendos, the kardashians+jenners

what do you do in your spare time? sleeping, reading, eating, singing, repeat

do your habits always show? brushing her hair when bored, touching her ear when lying, listening to music or watching tv for background noise

what devices do you own? black iphone 6s; sara has the sailor moon case for the iphone 6s,  macbook air; sara uses a brown leather bag slash case to carry her laptop at all times. she's quite addicted to using her mac.

what more do you want than your fans? sara is known to be more of a 'hands-on' idol. she tries to get as many of the gifts that fans hand out to her when trying to reach her destination and to give hugs and selfies with the fans at the same time. whilst online, since sara only has two sns profiles, she does her best to communicate with her fans throughout comments and such.

that's your fan account? sara also follow's w:tch's fan accounts and casually likes them, including individual member's fan accounts. 

your image on stage? she's also known to be a y idol too, though more on the graceful side of iness. this side of sara comes whilst onstage but if anyone asks to do it off stage, sara would most likely fail and send everyone in a laughing fit.

are you behaving in school? sara was always an obediant student but was more of an average graded one. her best subject was music but the highest she recieved in it was more or less a minus a.

what's that smell? she has a quite sensitive nose, so strong perfumes irritate her. though if she smells what she really likes, flower or fruit scents, sara will try out the perfumes one by one to see which one she likes. you can often see sara in the perfume section of the pharmacy or beauty shop.

what's your position? sara originally thought that she was going to be the lead or main vocalist of w:tch and another trainee thought she was going to be the leader, which sara laughed off

where can i contact you? instagram: hisarayoung & snapchat: yoimsaraxxx 


the one and only.


sara does not have a love interest. it's not like she's not interested, it's just that sara didn't have time to have a boyfriend. you could even say that music is her love....that's it, i'm done. 


last words.

comments/suggestions  i don't like it when my apps turn pink so why the hell do i continue to do so? urgh. so anyways, thanks for creating this story and i hope you like sara! wow there are a lot of halfers/half korean applicants aren't there? anyways, im giving you another one...teehee. <3 <3



oh my god, are you jaeyeon's brother? w:tch embarrass and tease jaeyeon in front of got7 and her brother, which leads to fans shipping the two groups together

urgh, the outdoors! w:tch has a little outing in which they have to camp or at least stay outside to do activities in the forest or something like that

reality television? the group has their own mnet or onstyle show? since both monsta x and wjsn have their own debut tv show thing




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/lowkey stalks
your app because
it's good af/
babe, lets collab <3