✤ THE_LUCKY_ONES // SUSPECT #70395 : Park Dambi 박 담비



 — A quick and simple way to call her name. Her friends and family like using it to or make her feel better.

        naBI — She really loves butterflies. Sometimes wishes to be like one and fly away to other places. The neighnors from the neighborhood gave her the nickname. Always smiling to all and giving everyone  good energy.

birthday — January 4, 1993
birth place — Seoul, South Korea 
hometown —Seoul, South Korea 

ethnicity — Korean-American 
nationality — Korean 

language spoken —

  • Korean: Fluent- Born in Korea, so grew up speaking the language. Still practiced it when living in the US.  
  • English: Semi-fluent - Learned basics at school in Korea. But learned more when living in the US. Still practices with dad and sibilings.
  • Mandarin: Conversational- Grew interested in the language on her return to Korea. Since she already knew english, she decided to take chinese in school and university.




park Dambi

by lexxiluvkpop (lexi)


face claim — MissA Suzy  X X X X X X
back up — Red Velvet Irene x x x x x  

height — 165 cm
weight — 50 kg.

A model like body with long legs and flat stomach, but has some small and noticable curves. Rather tall comfortable height, enjoys the liberty of not having to wear heels at all times, but loves the chance to wear them just the same. She has a nice pale complextion and does not mind a slight tan on her skin. Enjoys having both her hair up or down. Be it up in a ponytail or bun and down straigth or wavy. Prefers having her hair in layers and shoulder or mid-back length. Her hair color does change every so often, but only to different shades brown or golden brown, nothing too crazy. She uses as little makeup as necessary, usually only wearing mascara, eye liner, and lip balm. She keeps her nails simple, a manageable length, french tip or solid color, and maybe a few rinestones when shes in the mood.   

fashion style

She calls her style "whatever i feel like wearing". They are outfits she feels can be worn anytime of the day, that are both work appropriate and casual. Like even if she has to  change her shoes from sneakers to heels, the clothes still look complete. And yes she does have an extra pair of shoes just in case, rumor has it she keeps some in shop storage! She enjoys wearing what she pleases and since the shop has no real dress code, she can. Anything from dresses, skirts, shorts, jeans she loves; just leggings aren't her cup of tea. though he really enjoys wearing them for sleeping. Boots and sneakers are her favorite. While heels and sandals are her guilty pleasure. She's not too fond of flats, thus only wearing them occasionally. She loves the chilly weather because she gets to wear long or short overcoats or jackets and scarves. She loves to accessorize with simple jewelry and headbands. Wearing prescribed contact lenses when working and wearing her eye glasses when she's tired or feels lazy putting her contacts on. At work, she usually wears closed toe shoes and an apron on top of her clothes for protection. Gardenig gloves come on when she has to trim the flowerrs bushes or re-plant  plant on to bigger pots. 


— "C'mon, a smile, no atter how small, can change any ones day."

Dambi is hardworking, respectful, and sometimes gets in trouble eventhough she really didn't mean to. Might seem shy at first, but can be outgoing and fun when comfortable and excited. Is highly affectionate and caring towards those she finds dear. At times reserved and rather thoughtful. She likes thinking things thru, and is passionate about what she wants. Adaptable to any sudden change or situation, is witty and silly with her comebacks and comments. Friendly and approachable allows for those younger and older than her to confide in her and be their close friend. She is confident in her abilities, but tactful and couscious of her actions. Rather patient and tolerant of her dongseangs and hyper oppas. When in a good mood sometimes joins in causing mischief. Is self-couscious and insecure of her future as a result of her illness. She worries her health will take over her and that her family adjust themselves too much to her needs.   


— likes

one — Sweets: She might be slim and must watch what she eats, but she loves her sweets. Especially cookies and ice cream. She'll love you if you buy her either of them. Candies are acceptable too, but preffers sour worms or watermelons and dark chocolate.
two — Flowers: She loves flowers, would she be working at the flower shop if she didn't?. Always surrounded by flowers and plants at work and at home. And she still likes receiving them. It could be a bouquet or just a single simple flower, she'll love it. There is always a small flower or mini bouquet in a vase on her bedside table.
three — Food: She loves a good meal. Like a full meal. Its amazing how much she can eat and not gain weigth. Anythings good pizza, burgers, french fries, sangyetang, bibimbap, fried chicken, sangyupsal, and kimchi jigae are some of her favorites
four — Music: Nothing calms her down or pumps her up like listening to her playlist. Her phone and laptop are full of her music. Raging from Classical, Piano Instrumentals, Pop, Hip Hop, R&B, Kpop, EDM, Ballads, all genres are good. She makes an effort to purchase some of her favorite artist albums or merchandise and even attend some concerts. Having been bed riden for  a while youtube was a great door of discovery.
five — Hot Chocolate, Tea, Iced Coffee: These are the drinks that keeep her awake. For some reason she can only enjoy drinking iced coffe or those frapps, even in cold weather. And she's more than happy with a cup of hot chocolate during a hard day. If she has to work late, hit her with some cinimin tea or lemon grass tea.
six — Fall, Winter, Spring: She loves these seasons. Being able to wear her favorites. The smells those seasons bring. Being able to stay indoors or walk around with a different sound each step you take. The holidays spent with family or close friends. Being able to do nothing even just for one day depending on the mood the weather brings. She loves when it rains or snows, preferably lightly of course.
Seven — Skinship: This girl loves to cuddle. She's not clingy, but if she notices you suddenly sulking or stessing out she won't hesitate to pat your back or head, massage shouders, or give hugs. Back hugs are her specialty though. She often greets with hugs wanting to give off some of her good energy to the person. She likes receivng them as well, but will blush if kissed on the forehead and given an unplanned hug or back hug.
eight — Books, Magazines and Blogs: Being illl, she needed ways to keep busy and be up to date on what was going on outside her hospital room. Once she was released, she continued to do this but now as relaxation and keep with current flower trends.
nine — Films and Dramas: She enjoy watching them and became a bit of a comfort when she was from Korea. They helped her keep her Korean language from rusting. And she sure didnt mind seeing the handsome actors on screen. 
ten — Family Time: The fun she has with family and the release of some tension and frustration is great. Not only is it great bonding between them, but it helps remidnd them to appreaciate each other. It doesn't happens as often anymore, since she is in good health. And her brothers are almost as busy as their parents, but when they do, they are great memories.

— dislikes

one — Summer: She dislikes the heat of that season. She hates how sticky she gets and the humidity it brings, especially in the flowr shop. She struggles enough to keep her hair on check and the heat does not help. The summer weather makes her want to shower more than twice the day. She thanks whoever invented air conditioners for making the season bearable.
two — Salty or Too Spicy Food: She loves food, but she can't and won't eat it if its salty or too spicy. Eating too much salt makes her feel extremely thirsy and wake up with a bloated face. She likes spicy food and normaly enjoys it, but there is only so much spice she can handle. if she reaches the point were her tounge goue goes numb at the first ite, she'll drop the spoon and never raise it to again. 
three — Hot Coffee: She dislikes how it feels going down . Its too bitter for her taste buds. Its weird she can drink it with ice , but thats because the ice waters it down to a cleaner taste. Just don't hand her hot coffe and you'll save yourself from seeing her glare at you.
four — Messes: Sure her room might not be the neatest, but all of her things are neat and easy for her to see or reach. She knows whats is where and why the stain on the floor was not her fault, but her oldersibilings fault. Fell free to ask some other time.
five — Medicine: As a result of her illness, Dambi must take her medicine each time sge feels a pain. She dislikes having to swallow the pill and the fact that she must sit or lie down until the effect kicks in. She knows the medcine is for her own good, but hates te thought of having to be dependent on them to live.
six — SIST: Not only her, but her entire family have a grudge against the company. Having one of their workers visit once a year to plead for their slence on the matter does not help permenantly close wounds.


— habits

one  Nose scrunches up and pout a bit when focused.
two  Blushes when emberrased or teased.
three  Bites lower lip when upset or worried.

— hobbies

one — Walking or Sitting in the Park: With or without music, its all the same as long as she feels the soft breeze play with her hair, some well desrved sunshine (or moonlight), and the smell of nature. The best way for her to forget about her concerns and stress. A good way to think if she needs to or to not think at all.
two — Taking Pictures: This doesn't mean shes into photography or that she takes great pictures. NOPE! She just likes taking pictures of things she finds pretty, cool, or interesting. The pictures range from flowers, food, animals, that cute baby or kid over there, Grandma working or Aunt Hana angry, Hyeri pouting as he reads, or others doing their job or chatting, and selfies. Pictures were the only way she could see the outside of her room when very sick.


— other facts

one  She is youngest of three children.
two  Family involved in the medical field somehow.
three  Attended Seoul National University and majored in Nursing.
four — Unfotunately due to teh stress a nurse job has , was suggested not to work at a hospital due to her health.
five — Since younger has suffered from Cardiomyopathy, a heart conditon were the heart can stiffen and lead to a lack of oxygen. Causes chest pains and breathing difficulties, must take immediate medication to prevent heart attack.  
six  Dissapointed in not being able to practice nursing, but is the go to nurse in the neighborhood. Usually for quick first aid, children being the common visitors for scratches.
seven  Since working as a full time nurse is not possible, settled for working at her ggrandmothers flower shop. 
ight  Moved in with her grandmother and aunt in the outskirts of Seoul, since she wold arrive to an empty home most of the time.
NinE  In charge of opening and closing the flower shop. 
tEn  Has monthly check ups at her brothers internsip practice. Usually leave her tired and have a slight fever.
Eleven  Since diagnosed with illness was home schoold until High School.
twelve  Her grandpa was important to her, his death led to a distrust and hesitance in anything SIST related.
Thirteen  Kinda looks foward to owning the flower shop when the time comes.
fourteen  Enjoys the oppportunites to help clean neighborhood childrens scratches and elderly medicine consuption. 
fifteen  SIST has been keeping tabs on her family since her grandfathers death, in order to keep their mistake and grtandfathers cause of death in the dark.
sixteen  Working at the flower shop is like a right of passage. Her mom and older sibilings all worked there before finfding their current jobs. Older sibilings still show up to help.
seventeen  Flower shop specializes on flower crowns and special orders for fan clubs, both idols (singers) or actors. Bussines partnership with a wedding and event planner.
Eighteen  Shop has two floors, first floor is shop with a storage in the back. Second floor is the work stations for large orders. 
NinEteen  Grandma's house has two spare rooms for each brother.
twenty  Parents have a country home, where Dambi would spend most of her time due to cleaner air. 
tweny-One  Her hands are very cold during the winter. Shes warm all over, but her hands don't seem to heat up. Gloves don't help much either, but enjoys messing with others by placing her hands on their warm neck.


social class — High Middle Class
education — Seoul International High School,  Seoul National University (Nursing Major) 
employment — Non-practicing Nurse, Song's Flower Shop employee

 Dambi was born to a very hardworking couple of the medical field. She and her sibilings grew up watchiong their parents work in helping others and aspired to be lke them one day. Dambi had always been a weak kid and could not play easily with others her age. She was six when she could not breath one day, and was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. Since then was stuck going from home to hospital and back in forth. Everyone began treating her as if she were made of glass, everyone but her grandfather. He was her best friend and helped maintain  her smile and child mind distracted. He was her eyes and ears outside the house and hospital. He too suffered from a heart condiion, so he blamed himself for having passed on his weak heart to his precious granchild. Around that time SIST had developed a new medicine from the "Regeneration Project" that was under testing and had the potential to regenerate sickly cells. Unbeknowts to the family grandfather singed up for medical trial. Due to its early stages the medicine ended up being a fail and resuted in many volunteer test subjects worsening in condition, but grandfather had it worse, he died from an unknown side effect of the medicine. The famly took he news pretty hard, especially little Dambi who was now ten. Worried her condition might worsen, her father and mother decided to take Dambi to a specialist in the US. The four years spent there, her illness was controlled and she was well enough to do some athletic activites. When she returned to Korea and was reunited with her mother and sibiings, the hardly recognized Dambi. She no longer was thin and pale, she was slim and even had a slight tan. She gladly attended school and made many friends. Dambi felt normal an healthy, but there were days when her heart would remind her to slow down. Add to that she was remimded of her grandfathers death with an annual visit from a SIST worker to make sure the family did not speak of his true cause of death. She still powered thru and even graduated from a very prestigious university. Unfortunately could not work in her chosen major for risk of over stress, so she resorted to working at the family flower shop. A job she gladly does now.     


current events

Dambi works at the family flower shop helping her aunt and grandma there. But still acts as a nurse with all the neighboring people. She used to live with her parents and brothers in the apartment, but decided to move with grandma and aunt in the outskirts of Seoul, near the shop. Living a well off life from the shop money and the allowance she gets from both parents. Her days are spent at the shop helping customers. As well as any first aid she can provide for the elderly and children of the neighborhood. Talking to the other workers to pass the time and ordering lunch from the family restaurant down the street. once every two or three days, depending on any order size, visist the flower distributor to get flowers. There are days where she feels terribe and just sits and days she has to stay at the house, usually after her monthly check ups.  On the night of June 8, Dambi was probably getting ready to close shop. Both her aunt and grandma had left earlier. She was waiting for her brothers to get there to all walk to granmas house, they wanted to sleep over that day. The lights went out when she was locking the door. Scared by the sudden bright lights of her older brothers car. Quckly got on an drushed home to check if grandma and aunt were okay. Didn't notice shadows running around.


GRANDMOTHER — Song Jieun // 75 // Owner of Song's Flower Garden // Wise, Loving, Understanding // Dambi's confidant, her go to person to speak when she has alot in her head. Both were greatly affected by Grandad Junsu passsed away. They share that pain and like to reminece about him often. dambi cares for her grandmother, but worries for her health.

AUNT — Song Hana // 50 // Co-Owner of Song's Flowers Shop // Sweet, Organized, Worrisome // Despite their , the two act like sisters. Hana is glad to have an extra hand to help out in the shop. Especially someone that can communiacte well with the so much younger than her workers and customers. Dambi appreciates her aunt and wonders why the elder didn't remarry after losing her husband so early in their marrige.

Older Brother #1 — Park Jong Suk  // 30 // Cardiology Doctor // Patient, Hardworking, Silly // The eldest tan the youngest share a comfortable sibiling relationship, were Dambi seems to act more levelheaded than him at times. But when it comes to Dambi's good health, he is very serious about his suggestions. Then aain he just likes messing with his younger sibilings.

older Brother #2 — Park Siwan  // 26 // Medical Lawyer // Dedicated, Stubborn, Caring // These two sibilings get along very nicely, if out together often mistaken as a college couple. Dambi hats it, but Siwan enjoys pushing hopeful guys away. he cares for his family, and his sister especially. After granfathers death he grew interested in helping people like theres that had no say in going against a medical error. Hopes to reprimand SIST with enough evidence.

father — Park James // 55 // General Doctor // Diligent, Firm, Stubborn // Used to work at busy hospital, but now along with some colleges, opened a hospital that regularly donates surgeries to those who cant afford it. Dambi admires her dad for his passion in his work and willingness to help all. James feels sorry for her daughters heart condition and works hard so others like her have the same oppotunity to live.

mother — Park Sora // 52 // General Nurse // Loving, Softhearted, Observant // Sora loves her baby girl and sometimes treats her too much like a baby. Which Dambi hates and has confronted her about it to stop such emberrassing acts. Dambi knows her mothers just loves her and admires her ability to share that love and sweetness with all her patients. Sora is relived to see her daugter healthy and wishes for her to stay that healthy.


best friend — Lee Hyeri // 22 // Nursing Student // Optimistic, Energetic, Warm // The shop would sure be quiet without her, but no one can really replace her. Which is why time goes slowly when she has a day off or has to take hertest.Despite the year difference the two are surprisingly close. Being a worker in the flower shop helped strengthen their friendship. Hyeri is always ready to reach out for Dambi's medicine if she ever gets pain. Dambi is glad to have some one to take care of her.

close friend — Lee Jinki // 26 // Intern Doctor // Clumsy, Hardworking, Smart // When he is not too busy at he internship, he still makes time to work some hours at the shop. He enjoys the the atmosphere both his sister and Dambi give off at the shop. Dambi liked having Jinki aound for the heavy lifting and the laughs he would bring from his clumsyness. Jinki hopes to be a doctor and repay her former employer (granny) by watching over her health.

Best friend — Jung Soojung // 23 // Fashion Student/ Intern // Cool, Confident, Sweet // High School best friends, its surprising how the two still kept in touch despite the fact they studied different majors. Stops by the shop often to chat with both girls and forget her sressful internship. Dambi likes her friends company and is more than thankfl when she helps out in aranging.

friend — Choi Minho // 25 // SIST Intern // Diligent, Focused, Softhearted  // Used to work at the shop as a a full time employee until he was accepted at SIST. He was in charge of the heavy lifting and delivery, as well as the opening and closing of the shop. Dambi was saddened at his leave, but couldn;t be that excited for his internship. She cares for the boy just like a brother. Likewise Minho cares for Dambi as sister and hopes to help find the cure to her heart condition.


lunch provider — Nam Mina // 60 // Nam Ajumma Kitchen Owner // Wise, Nosy, Caring // In charge of providing the flower shop with their lunch. Really close with Granny Jieun and treats the emplyees a her grand children. Often treating them with extras. She might be nosy, but she has a good heart and is willing to give a helping hand to those who ask. 

SIST Annual Visitor — Kim Taehee  // 36 // Director of Ethics, SIST  // Smart, Dedicated, Firm // Ever since she began working at SIST, Taehee has been working hard to rise up the ranks. If that ment making sure to cover up SIST mistakes not matter the cost, she would do it. So going to meet with the Park-Song family at an almost annual ritual was her duty. The companies name and recognition was on the line and she will help make sure it stays intact.


— Please answer all question to the best of your ability. 

HOW did you first meet the experiment? — Ahhh...well it was by chance. One day, I was at the family flower shop by myself, both my aunt and grandma had left home early and the part timers had the day off. The doors to the shop were open like usual. And like usual, the neighborhood trouble makers were causing a ruckus. And while trying to save the plants placed outside, I noticed them chasing someone who managed to avoid crashing into two children. But the trouble makers had no luck. They lost their prey and hurt the children, after sending them off with some scolding I took the children into the shop to clean their scratches and noticed some boxes from the storage were moved and relized that the fella ran into the shop to hide. So after I sent the kids away, I took my unopened water bottle towards the boxes. I called him out to take it and if he needed anything else.

How do you feel about meeting someone who has superpowers? did you believe him at first? — I was obviously surprised. I mean, I thought it impossible but not any more. And its Yixing, I don't think he'd hurt anybody with his power. Well I don't know if his power can cause harm at this point, he says he's still figuring that out. Did I believe him? I guess I always knew he was different, since the first time we met. And when he started working at the shop, the flowers seemed to live longer and my granny didn't get as sick nor did I. So I really didn't hesitate to belive him.

How do you feel about sist after hearing about the experimentation?did your perception change? — My family has never liked SIST,  well they more like held a grudge towards them. So I never really saw them and some of their work in a good light. And now with the new found knowledge about the human experimentations, I'm disgusted at the cruelty of it. And they they were the only nine successful lab rats. What of th other failed experiments, what are they? Nothing, the boys aren't monsters, the true monsters are the SIST scientists who changed them.

what are your plans for the future? — I plan to help  Yixing and his friends in as much ways as possible. I can't say for sure we can end up together, but I sure wish we do. Hopefully he will not just trust me, but grow to care deeply for me. Like I have.


last comment — Thank you for the extension annd im sorry if this is still late. I swear I tried, but since im in the west coast, it was hard for me to remeber the time difference. Probably not the bst excuse,but that really happened. I didn't think i'd be so busy this week end or even these last two days. But I finished and I hope you like what i came up with. if you dont understand soemthing or wish to change some things fell free to ask or do what u must. I look foward to the story. FIGHTING!  

scene requests —

  • Maybe meeting the other experiments, be it all at once or one at a time.
  • it be interesting to meet all of the othe charecters at some point.
  • the two going for a walk late at night.
  • Yixing taking her to one ogf her scheduled check ups and spending the rest of the day at the house taking care of her.
  • Dambi taking a day off with Yixing and showing him how to have fun and lossen up a bit.
  • Yixing freaking out when seeing Taehee at the shop and Dambi follows him when he runs out the shop.

password Lucky One 

 zhang Yixing 

— back up:  Kim Joonmyeon 

personality before — Yixiing was a sweet guy, who would always strive to make his small family proud. His family only consisted of four, both of his parents were orphan, so he really didn't have any other family. Since young, Yixing wanted to become a doctor to help maintain his parents and younger sister in good health. With dedication and his smarts, Yixing managed to graduate top of his class in high school and was accepted at Seoul National University as a foreign exchange student. Friendly and with a smile always on his face, he quickly made friends. Dedicated to his studies and responsible with his work. Known in the university as a gentleman and a respectful hobae. The approachable senior who gladly stopped to help first years. Sure he did not have the best korean, but he worked hard to learn and master the language. He would diligintly work part-time jobs to save money to visit his family during breaks. Unfortunately, the visits came to tragic end when his family passed away in a terrible car accident cased by heavy rain and terrible road conditions. His last visit home was to bury his family and pick up the few things he could bring over to finish studying in Korea. 

PERSONALITY after  — After four years of being experimented on. Yixing tried hard to stay positive, but the more they tested him, the more he began to change. His sparkling eyes were now dull. He was cold and observant. Tactful of his actions and would keep his thoughts to himself. When the others began talking about of escaping he hesitated in accepting to join. But his close friend Jogin convinced him other wise. Once outside, the two friends quickly find a change of clothes from a store whose electric lock is undone from the power outage. The two go seperate ways, and Yixing is left alone and confused of what to do. Wali=king among people again makes him feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. Some of the noise irritates him a bit. Finds peace in quiet atmosphere, whihc would be why he allowed himself to open a bit to the flower shop girl and her family. 

relationship / history  —   Dambi was the first person not to yell at him for doing something he shoukdn't. She also was the first person i n a while to keep her distance from his personal space and ask for his opinons. Being treated as a human instead of an object felt weird yet refreshing for a change. Dambi tries her best to make him feel comfortable. Before she found out about his abilities, she thought Yixing was just a lost foreign student in need of help. Dambi convinced her family to not only hire him, but to let him move in at her grandmothers house. They did have two pare rooms and needed a man in the house when her older brothers could not make it, reluctantly agreed. Yixing hesitated in opening up , but slowly did. He enjoyed the warmth he felt not only from Dambi, but from her family as well. He missed his own and seeing the Park's famly bond was heartwarming. He would practice his ability by reviving some of the drying plants and flowers. Yixing first used hia ability on a person when granny jieun got sick. Dambi scaared him when she suddenly got a chest pain and hyeri was quick to give her the medicine. Dambi them aditted to her illness that he had suspected when she first gave him a hand. Yixing likes how the entire neighborhood treats Dambi as their daughter and the children like going to the shop when they injure themeselves. Grandma and aunt like sending them ogether on errands for he shop, like delivery and material restocking. Her family has really warmed up to him as well. Especially her older brothers and co-workers. After seeing the SIST worker come to speak with Aunt and Granny, he freaked out and dambi could not help but notice and confront him about it. Yixing was relieved when, she didn't react afraid of him when he exposed his regeneration abilities to her. Instead, surprisingly she asked if Yixing was alright. 

ending —  Dambi and her entire family were told by Yixing about the experimentation done to him by SIST. They all took it quite well, surprisingly, after obviously lauging it off a bit as a joke. They promised to help out Yixing and the other experimented boys in what ever way they can. Yixing finally felt at peace about having to hide the truth to them all, especially to Dambi. The two finally found the courage to confess and admit their felings to each other. Yixing tried to convince Dambi against anything serious,m since they never knew when he would be captured by SIST again or if he would hurt her with his power. Dambi admitted she was scared, but of losing him and her health had opnly gotten better with his presence. She promised to help him and his friends, but if he wanted her out of the way, she would leave him alone. The night SIST set out for the capture of the experiments, Dambi and her family, except parents who were working, were immediately on their way to the countryside home. All she could hope for was the safety of Yixing and his fiends. And that hopefully Jogin remebered to teleport to the country house if possible. After everything was solved, thanks to evidence collected and organized by her brother, Yixing and the experients were free to live how theey so saw fit. Yixing thoguht it best to finally call their relationship a serous relationship.

other — ​

  • The began to bond after Yixing found her grandfathers old guitar. He would play it late at night and brouth Dambi warm memories of her grandad.
  • Enjoyed long silent walks back to the house after closing the shop.
  • Hyeri and Soojung enjoyed teasing both of them on their side glancing. 
  • Yixing likes staring at Dambi as she works on arrangements.


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