hi guys!

Hi guys! Just wanted to tell someone this. 

Im almost at my limit. Im tired of pretending. I want an escape. Imtired of everything. Im a ing failure you know. I cant ing get a job and got rejected three times!!! Can you ing believe that?! I want to die. I hvent done any cutting YET. But someday i will. Im into punching my head for now. I punch my head when imupset or stressed. Im already stupid anyway. I just want a happy family and a big circle of friends. I want everything to be okay. I want freedom, happiness and love. I dont care if i growl old alone cause i know i dont deserve someone wholl love me. Im okay being alone. 

This life is what I call my DREAM. And I want to wake up from it. My REALITY is where im free and everyone is happy. Everything is perfect. Where i have a job and im smart and dont get judge. I want to wake up from this dream. And i know how to. Im a coward thats why i cant do it. 


Thank you for reading! Just want to get this out of my head or im going crazy. Well im already crazy in the head. Bye!!


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rawrebelsroot #1
Hi there,
We've never met before but I only want to say, please don't say you want to die.
I don't know how stressful it is since I'm not yet graduated -- but trust me, hurting yourself isn't the answer. Remember that your life is precious and will always be precious just like the first time God created you.
Don't hurt yourself.
Stay safe.
Take care.
Don't lose hope. :)
- rawrebelsroot