LOCK ℓ Leader, Lead Vocalist ℓ Miran

lilshocker8 - lils
Rin-Rin - A cute short-form of her name used by her brothers. She acts like it annoys her, but she doesn't really mind it.
Ms. Robot - Used mostly by netizens but started by her group members. A (usually) teasing reference to her overly logical nature.

ℓ BIRTHDAY - February 6, 1993
ℓ BIRTHPLACE - Seoul, South Korea
ℓ HOMETOWN - Seoul, South Korea

ℓ ETHNICITY - Korean
Korean - Fluent - Native Language
English - Basic - Studied in training

ℓ FACE CLAIM - Serri (Dalshabet)
ℓ BACK UP - Cathy (DIA)

ℓ WEIGHT - 48kg
ℓ HEIGHT - 165cm

Since people have always told her she's pretty, Miran feels extra pressure to dress well. She mostly just buys designer labels that her best friends say look nice on her, since she's a bit of a black hole when it comes to fashion. She does favor dresses and skirts over pants, since she feels confined in pants. She prefers looser clothes in general.
(+) Logical, Humble, Passionate
(/) Shy, Snarky, Passive
(-) Judgmental, Perfectionist, Overly Cautious

Miran more often than not could be mistaken for a robot. She looks at things from a very logical standpoint and makes her decisions based on facts rather than feelings. One could accuse her of over-thinking her reactions to things, but she could counter by pointing out that very few of her decisions turn out to be the wrong ones once made. Of course, the flip side to this is that sometimes she misses her window of opportunity to even make the decision. She's hesitant about diving headfirst into situations without careful analysis first, and it has cost her in the past. It's not that she's reluctant to act, but more that she worries about acting incorrectly.

Miran is a perfectionist on her good days, and downright obsessive on her bad ones. She gets extremely wrapped up in whatever she's doing and has a habit of vanishing for hours at a time to work when she's in this mode. Though she does get things done well when she's like this, she often forgets to do anything else. Nearly anyone who's around Miran on at least a semi-regular basis has a story about someone, whether them or another friend, having to force the singer to get some food and rest. This mostly happens when she's working on a new vocal technique, or more recently when writing or improving her lyrics. However, she's not prideful. From a young age she has been taught that it's okay to ask for help, and she does. Constantly.

Miran is a very shy person. She's the member that keeps to the back as much as she can and gets very embarrassed on variety shows. She often serves as the fans' representative, begging her bandmates to stop when they're being ridiculous and often burying her face in her hands in sheer disbelief and denial. Generally she has the least amount of screentime on shows as well simply because she doesn't talk much. She gets uncomfortable when there's a lot of attention on her (save for when she's singing), and she prefers staying close to her friends and letting them do the talking. Even in small groups of people she's comfortable with, Miran remains a quiet observer. She's more likely to be a supporter than the activist.

Miran can be very judgmental at times. Most are surprised if they find out, since the stereotypical shy girl doesn't judge. But Miran isn't stereotypical. She lives under the belief that with enough training and hard work anything is possible. So when others are struggling she often assumes they're simply not trying hard enough (she categorizes asking for help as trying). It's a bad habit that she mostly keeps to herself, but she does have a tendency to be a bit dismissive of people when she's deemed them 'lazy'. Conversely, this means she doesn't let herself get away with anything. If she doesn't understand something, she works harder to figure it out, or searches for people who can teach her. She doesn't give up and she expects the same from those around her. Her high expectations, both for herself and for others, can be a bit over-the-top and she's often disappointed because of it.

Miran is actually a very snarky person once she's comfortable with you. She's that one girl who stays quiet for hours just to make a random sassy comment when you least expect it. Her humor can be quite dry, often composed of her sarcastically deadpanning. This humor really only comes out when she's fully comfortable with everyone around her, so it often comes as a surprise the first time she does it. And when people look at her oddly her first reaction is always to apologize for it, only to do it again later on. Eventually you just get used to it.
ℓ Coffee and Tea, both with a cloud of milk and no sugar
ℓ Singing/Writing Lyrics
ℓ Reptiles/Snakes specifically - Miran has never had a pet but she's always wanted a snake
ℓ Dresses and skirts
ℓ Mystery Novels - she's read every Sherlock Holmes

ℓ Bats - she has a deep-seated fear of them
ℓ Halloween - She spends so much time stressing over finding the perfect costume she forgets to have fun
ℓ School - Miran is good at singing, but not much else unfortunately
ℓ Makeup - she's okay wearing it (kind of) but she's really bad at putting it on herself, so she generally claims a dislike of it since she's a bit embarrassed
ℓ Rap-heavy music - She knows rapping is a genuine art form, it's just not her cup of tea
ℓ Skinship - she has her personal bubble and please do not invade it without permission thank you.

ℓ Composing– though she has no formal training, Miran is really interested in understanding music at it's base level, so as to make her singing better. she's not good by any stretch, but she's learning slowly.
ℓ Working out – Miran likes staying active when she can, since she feels like just sitting around accomplishes nothing. So she works out in her free time if the vocal rooms are occupied.

ℓ Apologizing – Miran apologizes for everything, even if there's really no reason to.

ℓ Miran blushes easily, but rather than her cheeks heating up it's her ears that turn red.
ℓ Miran really isn't squeamish so she's the official bug killer in the dorms.
ℓ Though not a clean freak, Miran absolutely cannot stand when people don't at least put their dishes in the dishwasher.
ℓ Her ideal type is someone she can relax around and not have to worry about being perfect with
ℓ She absolutely adores watching Korean Dramas, but she always denies it when asked.
ℓ Miran doesn't ever want to get any part of her body pierced. she has nothing against piercings, but she just personally doesn't see the point.
ℓ Miran's movie genre of choice is romantic comedies. This surprises most people since rom coms are so illogical, but Miran likes just being able to relax and laugh at the stupidity happening onscreen since she knows there has to be a happily ever after.
ℓ Miran is borderline underweight due to her bad sleeping habits and high stress levels
ℓ Miran is openly bi with her family and close friends, but no one else knows as she knows the stigma non-heterouality has in South Korea. She only tells people once she's become quite close with them since she feels like it's an important part of who she is and something they should know about.
Miran is from a rather well-off family living in the heart of Seoul. Her father is a banker and her mother a voice teacher. Don't ask how they met, Miran doesn't know either. Something about a charity ball. She's the middle child and only daughter in the family. As such, she's often referred to as the family's "little princess", and both her brothers are extremely protective of her. She started voice lessons at her mother's studio when she was 10 years old, and she never left, falling absolutely in love with singing. When she was 12, a new girl joined her point class. Joo Hyemi had never sung before, but she loved it nearly as much as Miran did, and the two bonded over their shared passion. Miran often stayed after class to help Hyemi with her technique, and sometimes the other girl would even come over to practice the performance pieces. Since they spent so much time together, the two naturally became best friends.

School was the bane of Miran's existence. She was a good student, being an overachiever, but she absolutely hated it. The only class she tolerated was English, and only because she liked reading. She struggled in most subjects - her natural talents were not in the realm of academia - but she got through relatively well. She never failed a class, and her teachers couldn't complain about her work. Her brothers often had to help her get through her homework (Munsik is a Math and Science prodigy and Moonsoo loves History and English). Once she graduated high school, she decided against attending University at all, instead putting everything into singing.

Miran knew from the moment she started singing that she wanted to do so professionally. She just wasn't quite sure what path to take. Then, when she and Hyemi were 15, she heard Pretty Girl, Kara's breakthrough single. Although the girls had of course heard KPop songs before, it was the first time that Miran really fell in love with a group. She ended up becoming a Kamillia and attending every fan event she could. A few months after becoming a fan, she went to a fansign and got to talk to her bias in the group, Seungyeon. She used her question to ask how she could get into the idol industry as a singer. Seungyeon replied with information about DPS's upcoming open auditions and encouragement for the nervous Miran to attend. With support from her idol, Miran gathered enough courage to audition with a cover of Pretty Girl - and to her delight she was accepted.
MOTHER Cho Saeun 52 Saeun was the one who introduced Miran to singing, so the two are naturally quite close. Miran is always ready to ask her mother for help or for her opinion on a composition. Saeun is always frank with her daughter about everything, whether it's singing or just life in general.

Lee Sangmin 54 Though they aren't as close as Miran and Saeun, Sangmin still sees his daughter as 'daddy's little girl'. Which she is. Sangmin spoils her rotten whenever he can, and is fully supportive of her career choice, even if he doesn't fully understand it. He is prone to the occasional comment about whether or not singing is really useful, but an earful from his wife and daughter quickly has him backtracking every time.

Lee Munsik 26 Munsik is always looking out for his quiet little sister. He has a tendency to treat her like she might break at any moment, which can annoy her sometimes though she never says anything, not being the type to stir things up. She does love him dearly though, and appreciates his protectiveness, annoying as it can be.

Lee Moonsoo 21 Moonsoo also looks out for his big sister, though in a different way than Munsik. He's a goofball who takes it upon himself to make everyone around him smile. He doesn't always think things through, which has gotten him into some trouble in the past, but he's resilient. He's always trying to get Miran out of her shell, which she does appreciate, even if it's never going to work.

BEST FRIENDS/FUTURE SISTER-IN-LAW Joo Hyemi 22 Hyemi and Miran met when they were 9 years old and have been inseparable since. Both are rather quiet, but are more talkative with each other. Their main bond is dancing, of course, but they discovered a lot of other interests together, including kpop. Hyemi's family isn't as well-off as Miran's so the Lees often invited their daughter's friend over for dinner. As such, Hyemi and Miran are really more like sisters than best friends, and with Hyemi's recent engagement to her two year boyfriend Munsik (Miran's brother), they soon legally will be.

Kim Chanshik 24 Miran and Chansik met when they were both confused new trainees. He was primarily a singer where she was more focused on dance, and they ended up helping each other out. They became friends rather quickly since Chansik's personality was big enough to fill the spaces left by Miran's more meek tendencies. They started out as just friends, but after only 5 months they started dating. It was a rush of confused teenage emotions mixed in with poorly-thought-out impulses and of course the looming pressure to outdo each other to get a debut slot. They only lasted 9 months total, with the last two months basically being composed of nothing but arguments. Chansik broke it off officially when he left DSP for YG. They haven't spoken since, and Miran has become quite cautious about relationships since then.

ℓ POSITION - Leader, Lead Vocalist

ℓ TRAINING TIME - 6 at DSP, 3 at Jellyfish
ℓ TRAINEE LIFE - Miran's trainee life was pretty average as far as it goes. She learned to be best friends with coffee thanks to her (self-imposed) long hours of training everyday. Some days she never went home. Her training especially focused in on dancing, since she'd never had lessons prior to starting at DSP. It was during a dance class that she met Chansik. She trained at DSP for 6 years, with 3 2-year contracts. After the third one she thought she might have more luck somewhere else. She heard Jellyfish was holding open auditions, and as she liked VIXX as a group she decided to try her luck.

Training at Jellyfish wasn't that different from DSP for Miran, who still didn't make many friends. She was entirely too focused on improving her dancing even more, since Jellyfish has much more intense dancing than DSP. When her 2-year contract with Jellyfish was up and she still hadn't debuted, she seriously considered just walking away and going to university after all. Her parents said they'd support whatever choice she made, but pointed out that it had been 8 years since she'd started. Miran debated for a long time before announcing she'd sign for 2 more years, and if she still didn't debut she'd know it wasn't meant to be.

ℓ NAME - Biual

ℓ PERSONALITY - Someone kind-hearted and patient.

ℓ RELATIONSHIP - How do they act around each other?

ℓ CONCLUSION - 2 years younger, 5 years older
COMMENTS - Miran is a reworked character from a longer story, so feel free to only use what's logically possible to put into the story :)

SUGGESTIONS - But Go by A.Kor and Bad by Queen B'z are both great darker concepts by underrated groups~

SCENE REQUESTS - Up to you :)



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