Music Shuffle Writing Challenge!

1. Put your music playlist on shuffle
2. Write a story per song (or for every two songs, in my case)
3. Stop writing when the song stops

Disclaimer! I wrote all these drabbles based on songs I don't even know. I've never heard any of them till today, LOL. I used a random YouTube playlist so as I wrote, I tried to grasp lyrics of the song, but for some I did just go based off the title. I did a horrible job, I'm so sorry Mel and Via~ I really tried to match the songs! Mel's went from a happy hopeless romantice to swaggity daddy, Via's went from angsty cry on the streets dramatically to grind your body on a pole kind of y music and mine went from highschool love story to angsty lacking love song. Omg. I had a hard time. I will make part two for a few other ships tomorrow!


WooMi (Woohyun x Hyunmi)

The wind blew through her hair and a soft smile grazed across her face. Her hair flowed with the wind and so did the fluff like petals of the dandelion she was holding. The thought of seeing him again after a whole month of being apart was enough to make her smile like a child and feel butterflies in her stomach. Her mind was filled with him, the way he had said he loved her each night. She could finally hear his voice in body and not through a video call or phone call. It filled her tummy with butterflies.

She had so many things she wanted to talk to him about that she couldn't over the month he was away on his business trip. She wanted to tell him how her family was, how Namu was and how much she missed him. She wanted to hug him, kiss him and just let him know that she loved him more than anything. Though Woohyun probably already knew, Hyun Mi was just dying to let him know physically.

Finally she saw him enter her line of sight at the entrance of the quiet little park. It felt like she was cloud nine just seeing him walk towards her with the wind blowing his hair perfectly. No matter how many times she saw him she would fall in love with him over and over.

"Hey," that single word that came from his love struck face made her tear in happiness.

It felt like she was on a plane ride of emotions.

(KILL ME, THAT'S ALL I COULD WRITE? Now that's a drabble. 3 paragraphs OTL)


HoBi (Hoya x Bi Ah)

Hong Dae Kwang - When in Hongdae // History - Queen

The streets of Hongdae were crowded as usual and Bi Ah was walking home from class as usual at 7pm that evening. She had her earphones in, listening to very melancholic music. She wasn't sad but the song was really perfect with the scenary in front of her. The lights of Hongdae made everything seems so drama-esque and the music just added to it.

She stopped right at the pedestrian traffic light which she would cross over everyday to the cafe where she would pick up a cup of warm tea or coffee. She didn't fancy tea or coffee all too much but she went there after classes most days after she discovered her senior and long time crush was a barista there - Lee Howon. Her face would always light up at the sight of him at the counter.

She pulled out the earphones that were still playing the sad song and allowed the music to be replaced by the song playing in the cafe. A sudden dance song came on and she watched as Howon and the other baristas began to dance to the music. It was surprising but she knew that the cafe had special performances like this. Although she knew, she definitely couldn't help but be surprised as Howon jumped out from behind the counter and continued his beastly dance.

Bi Ah blushed hard as she watched her crush move his body to the crazy music and he finally grabbed her hand and pulled her to make a few turns as a part of a spontaneous dance. She was caught off guard and really shy but she couldn't say she didn't like it. And they ended with their faces close together as the song came to an end.



Taemaerin (Taemin x Maerin)

GFriend - Rough // Park Yu Chan - How Much Love Do You Have In Your Wallet

The trained swayed from side to side and Maerin's body followed a long in the rhythm. She made her way to school as usual, looking forward to almost nothing but her friends and the shining love of her life - Lee Taemin. Everytime she saw his face, it felt like a dream. She never thought she could fall for someone so hard and the age of 18. She always told herself to do as her parents told her, 'Don't fall in love until you graduate from college'. She thought that she wouldn't fall for anyone anyway, but look at her now.

She was always finding for time to spend with Taemin after school during dance practices or at clubs since they shared many similar interests. He always made her want to grow up just a little quicker so that she could fall harder in love with him and get her parents' approval which was very important to her. Every now and then she just wished she could have already graduated with him. But even if they hadn't she honestly still felt like confessing to him. The things that he did to her heart were just unexplainable. He made it flip and skip a beat. He practically had her heart entirely.

But what broke Maerin's heart was when she saw him spending time with Son Naeun. She was the school's queen and her friends always tried to set them up although they were known to be good friends. Without giving up, Maerin still held on to her love and looked to confessing to him soon enough. That is of course before she found herself in the situation she was in right the moment she stepped into the classroom.

On the blackboard, written in colored chalk and covered in hearts and pretty doodles, "Ha Maerin, will you go out with me?"

Her eyes that were glued to the blackboard then shifted to the boy who walked in to her class through the back door and pulled out a small box and a single rose.

"Will you go out with me, Ha Maerin?" Taemin said with a shy smile.

(FISH POOP I COULDN'T GIVE HIM AN ANSWER BECAUSE THE SONG ENDED. This was horrible. So horrible. I don't like it. It's all over the place ; n ; Because from Rough to some sad angsty song, omg. I can't transition.. Am I just having bad luck with song transitions?)


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WooMi's story is like a romance poetic~~ soo romantic~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Kyaaaaa~~ but I lovee HoBi's storyy, Maeee~!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I feel dugeun dugeun now~ >///< (but why cliffhanger~?? you are really Mel's daughter~~ xD)
Like mother like daughter~~ Taemaerin and SooHa are soo cuteee~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
HoBi omg. we really do see them as the dancing couple XD