So I've started applying for internship. I handed out my resume two two institutes. The first one is a really small institute, and I personally gave them my resume (you know without any connections and stuff) and I got accepted and I'll be doing the work I would actually pursue when I graduate which is WRITING. While for the second institue (a really BIIIIIIG one), my uncle submitted my resume to one of the CEOs (his cousin) and I also got accepted, obviously because of the "connections".  Now, this is my problem, I actually want to have my internship to the option 1 which was the SMALL instititute, but I am worried about my Uncle, I might embarras him to his cousin's company just because I did not choose them. you see, everyone in my family is telling me to go to option 2 which is the BIG institute. Do I have to follow my family and choose option number two or the one that I really like which is option number one. Comment your opinions below. I really need it guys. Thank you very much. 



A <3


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It's easy to say go with your heart but there's more to that. If you really want to go for option 1, do it and do it with confidence. Also, talk to your uncle/family and tell them that this is what you want. If they support you, great. If they don't, take it with a pinch of salt and don't hold it against them, they were just looking out for you in there own way. Perhaps, to make a good impression, formally thank option 2 and decline politely that way they know you didn't take their consideration for granted. This is how I'd go about it anyway. Good luck xx