카드의 집_정은채 。


< // : STUDENT FILE #273 >

120 x 119  


< / FULL NAME > : jung eunchae ; 정은채
×   she doesn't do nicknames
×   ice queen/elsa - because of her cold personality, people call her this behind her back
< / DOB & AGE > : 04 / 08 / 1998 (18)

< / ETHNICITY > : korean
< / NATIONALITY > : korean
< / HOMETOWN > : seoul, south korea
< / PLACE OF BIRTH > : seoul, south korea

< / FACE CLAIM > : kim yerim
< / BACKUP > : son juyeon
< / HEIGHT & WEIGHT > : 158 cm & 40 kg

< / APPEARANCE > : cursed (or blessed) with the eternal "resting face", eunchae's face doesn't betray any emotion other what seems like permanent discontent. currently, her hair is dyed a blonde. after all, people are calling her elsa. why not play the part?
< / OTHER > : eunchae dresses like she's the embodiment of femeninity. dresses, heels, you name it. she probably has that in her large walk-in closet. of course, she's is not the type of girl who dresses in all hot pink or something. she more or less chooses sensible colors. like beige, or white. she dresses like a proper young lady, who's has years worth of etiquette training.



< / ARCHETYPES > : intj - the mastermind
< / TRAITS > :
+ smart, confident, determined
- apathetic, arrogant, judgemental
= independent, reserved, observant
< / EXPANSION > : this is optional, and any format you like is allowed.
×   smart - it's simple, really. eunchae studies a lot, therefore she knows a lot. it's not rocket science. she's also very observant and analytical. she a good problem solver, and she knows how to piece different pieces of facts or observation to form a coherent answer. well, i don't know why i made it very complicated. she's just a really smart, straight a student. she's possibly smarter than 90% of her peer, but let's be real. teenagers usually aren't very prudent anyway.
×   confident - despite being a relatively silent girl, she isn't exactly what you would call a shy person. on the contrary, she is a rather confident girl. she isn't someone who would shy away to any circumstance that she faces. she holds herself with such confidence, that people would actually think that she's a royal class instead of just high class.
×   determined - one thing you should know about eunchae is that she doesn't mess around. in whatever she does, she gives her all, even though that may not seem like it. she is really passionate person, and will see to it that she is able to do her task whatever it might be
×   apathetic - looking at her mostly blank facial expression, you don't have to be a genius to tell that this girl cares little about the things happening around her. eunchae cares nothing much. she only cares about herself, and surprisingly, her warriors. yes, all twelve of them. everything else that doesn't fall into those categories could go to hell for all she cares. eunchae hasn't put her trust in care into another person, well, ever. of course, that doesn't count her warriors. maybe there is someone out there capable of earning eunchae's care and trust. maybe there isn't. we don't know.
×   arrogant - she isn't a humble girl. with all her smarts, you wouldn't even think that she's humble. eunchae may not be so upfront about it, but make no mistake. she holds herself higher in regard than anyone she knows. the only person she holds higherin regard than herself is her mother, who taught her all she knows
×   judgemental - it comes as a package with her arrogance. eunchae knows how to read people with one glance, and she is often quick to judge people. may it be good judgement or not, eunchae is just the type of person to judge.
×   independent - eunchae doesn't like people. you don't have to be a genius to come up with that conclusion. eunchae prefers solitude more than anything else. she also isn't the type of person to ask for help or guidance. she especially doesn't like crowds.
×   reseved - it comes with her independent streak. she's very reserved when talking to people, mostly just saying a few words at a time. even if she's okay with the company, she isn't one to speak a lot. 
×   observant - instead of talking, eunchae likes to watch. she is the type of person who could and would nitpick at every little detail in her head. she's good in remembering details to nearly everything as well.

< / BACKGROUND > :  
×   one to five years old - born into the most acclaimed family of intelectualls in korea in this century, eunchae's path had always been set to academic prosperity. thus, she has been signed into multiple classes as soon as she could talk and understand the world. three was the magic number. that was the age when she started taking specialized class. piano, french, etiquette classes, you name it. poor three year old eunchae was probably being taught of it. eunchae didn't experience a real childhood because of this. that was probably the reason why she absolutely detested the idea of other people, or a social life for that matter.
×   six to fifteen years old - six years old was eunchae's age when she was enrolled to a proper educational institution. there really isn't much to say about this. eunchae was just an honor student who more or less didn't make any friends. well, there is one friend she made about the middle of middle school. gyeong binnada. the girl became her seatmate in homeroom, and binnada developed interest in the slighlty younger girl. then bloomed a weird friendship, but it worked for both of them. oh and these were the years she received her first two cards from her mother. she was twelve then, and she completed her spirit deck a couple of years after that.
×   sixteen to eighteen years old - her senclair years. years that she would remember forever. freshmen year was when other students started calling her ice queen and elsa. because of this, eunchae dyed her hair blonde. well, they were already calling her elsa, why not play the part?

×   mother | jung eunjung | 40 | headmistress of senclair academy | strict, smart, analytical | eunjung is probably the only person eunchae looks up to. why wouldn't she? eunjung taught her everything she knows about card weilding. but other than exchanging brief greetings and nods in their house or senclair, they don't interact much. eunchae knows to gives her mother space to work and vice versa. they generally stay out of each other's way. on the rare chance they do talk, it's usually severely formal with small and brief words.

×   classmate/kind of best friend | gyeong binnada | 18  | student | vain, also smart, stoic | binnada and eunchae have a good relationship with each other. well, as good as it can get with two rather cold people. eunchae considers binnada as her closest friend. well, she has no other choice since binnada is her only friend that isn't her mother or her warriors. eunchae feels that binnada is the only person that she can ever feel comfortable with, even with binnada trying to get her to like at least more people. also eunchae and binnada has an unspoken competition on who can get a higer grade every year, and each year it's a draw. of course, eunchae knows of binnada's bratty and y nature, but eunchae does nothing about it. after all, eunchae is bratty and y herself.

< / GRADE LEVEL & AVERGE > : junior with stellar grades not dipping below an a+. yes, her grades are brighter than your future.
< / SCHOOL & OUTSIDE LIFE > : she acts the same no matter where she goes. she's always independent, quiet, and holds herself with such a regal air that you'll mistake her for a royal class.
< / CLASS > : eunchae is an individual that is part of the high classes. she got in mostly for her brain, but probably also because her mother is the headmistress of the school. not to mention she was high-class. so she was probably set to be a student from the start.

< / TRIVIA > : 
×   her favorite color is white
×   she doesn't like neon and crazy colors
×   eunchae is an avid reader
×   eunchae also has trouble with insomnia. she can't sleep for more than three hours a night.
×   in solitude, eunchae likes singing. her voice is a sweet soprano
×   after completing her spirit deck, eunchae stopped claiming cards. why? she didn't think she can handle more than 12 people
×   lorem ipsum
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×   lorem ipsum



< / CARD DECK NAME > : phasma
< / OWNER DECK AGE  > : started her own deck at the age of twelve. completed the deck only three years after. so like six years.
< / CARD DECK PERCENTAGE  > : one comlete spirit element deck (twelve cards)
< / WARRIOR(S) > : hover over pics for names and backup fcs


×   suhyun - bubbly, carefree, determined   ;   suhyun is eunchae's most powerful warrior, but make no mistake, she actually have a nice personality. she acts very much like a child with her general bubblyness and her carefree nature. of course, suhyun can also adapt to more serious situations. she, for one, is a very determined person. she can do anything if she sets her mind into it. but outside fighting, suhyun acts like a normal teenager, a very bubbly teenager.
×   chanhyuk - protective, serious, responsible   ;   chanhyuk is probably the poster child of responsible older brothers. he has all the traits of the perfect older brother. one problem though, he gets too protective which results to invasion of personal space most of the time.
×   jessica - temperamental, stubborn, cynical   ;   jessica is a stubborn one. she's the type who wants everything done her way. her personality is something that could change any minute without warning. one moment she'd be sweet and friendly, the next she could be planning everyone's murder. she's also rather cynical, and is vocal about it.
×   seunghee - secretive, reserved, quiet   ;   seunghee is the quietest of the bunch, and is the one who holds more secrets. seunghee is pretty much like eunchae in the company of other people, just quiet and replying in short sentences. the only difference is, seunghee is actuall really shy even once you get to know her, and eunchae isn't.
×   nayoung - smart, caring, protective   ;   nayoung is the type of person who would put people's needs before hers. she's very selfless, and would have probably made a great parent if she weren't trapped in the card. she's over protective as well, but she's not as extreme as chanhyuk. she knows about personal boundaries more. nayoung is also smart and analytical, and has a skill in reading situations
×   mijoo - calm, eloquent, open-minded   ;   mijoo is the type of person who would still be calm after a nuclear bomb exploded on a neighboring city. she doesn't ever freak out, or show any facial expression other than a pleasant smile to anyone. she's also rather good with her words, and sees everything in a lot of different angles. that's probably why chanhyuk likes talking to her. actually, anyone would do well talking to her.
×   zn - adventurous, fearless, optimistic   ;   if she wasn't trapped in a card, zn is the person you would see in discovery channel or something doing all kinds of crazy . she thinks that her life is meant to be an adventure, and an adventure it shall be. she likes going to a lot of places and do alot of daring stunts.
×   elkie - responsible, disciplined, diligent   ;   if elkie still went to school, she would easily be the top student. she's responsible, and would do a task that you assign to her with outmost care. she's also very diligent, putting every ounce of effort into a task. she's probably the most disciplined among the warriors.
×   hani - careless, laid-back, persuasive   ;   hani is the resident troublemaker of the lot. she just likes making chaos (mostly harmless chaos though). she achieves this with her superb power of persuasion. she's also very laid-back and relaxed, the complete opposite of elkie.
×   sejeong - sweet, talkative, friendly   ;   sejeong is everyone's resident friend. she's so friendly, it would be nearly impossible to not be her friend. she has this charm that makes you like her. she's very talkative as well, and she would be the friendly popular girl in school if she wasn't trapped in her card.
×   mina - cheerful, excitable, careless   ;   mina is the decks youngest probably. well, if she wasn't, she still acts that way. she has this childlike innocence to the world that's still surprisingly present, even though she's been trapped in the card and been fighting for centuries (?) she gets excited easily by the tiniest of things or events. also, you'll almost never see her without her bright smile, unless it's really a super serious situation.
×   moonbyul - lazy, apathetic, honest   ;   basically, she's like eunchae except she's lazy. also she's much more talkative than eunchae ever is. moonbyul isn't afraid to say anything she wants, and you can expect her real opinion from what she's saying. she never lies or even bother to sugarcoat her words.

< / HISTORY > : 
×   suhyun - suhyun, along with chanhyuk, were eunchae's first warriors. they were passed on to eunchae by her mother. suhyun was ecstatic that eunchae was her dealer. suhyun has always wanted to have a dealer that was a young girl, and despite eunchae's natural "ugh-i-hate-people" personality, suhyun managed to make eunchae open up. from then on, they began their beautiful friendship.
×   chanhyuk - suhyun and chanhyuk came in a pack. their cards always stayed together since they were first trapped. he was less excited on having a new dealer than his sister, suhyun. eventually though, he grown to like eunchae's dealership.
×   jessica - eunchae got jessica's card in her first fight, just one month after getting both suhyun and chanhyuk. a student a year above her challenged her into a fight, and long story short, eunchae won and got jessica. jessica was unsurprisingly apathetic on her change of dealers. 
×   seunghee - eunchae found seunghee while she was browsing in her school library. seunghee had been unclaimed for quite some time, but seunghee quietlly conceded to eunchae's dealership.
×   nayoung - eunchae got nayoung in her greatest fight to date. she went against this big arrogant man who didn't think a tiny girl could defeat him. well, she did, and got nayoung. it was more epic than i'm making it sound though. nayoung was happy to finally have a nicer and also female dealer. 
×   mijoo - eunchae got mijoo in a minor fight with a younger dealer. mijoo didn't have any major reaction at the change of dealership.
×   zn - enchae got zn while she was in the london eye while she was taking a european-wide tour. zn had been left unclaimed by apparently a young man who have also visited the london eye just an hour before eunchae got there. zn was glad that she only got to be unclaimed for merely an hour.
×   elkie - eunchae got her from fighting someone who was trying to talk to binnada through her. long story short, the guy pissed eunchae enough to make her fight him and she won (unsurprisingly, the guy was a pushover). elkie didn't have much of a reaction to eunchae's dealership though.
×   hani - eunchae got hani from the same fight as elkie. they were from the same dealer. hani was happy to have a change in dealership because her previous dealer didn't let his cards out often.
×   sejeong - sejeong had been a gift from her father her 13th birthday. sejeong was happy to have eunchae as her dealer because sejeong is always happy.
×   mina - mina's card was flying through the air when eunchae found it. well, the more accurate story would be, when mina found her. mina's card literally landed on her face as she was walking through campus. the card was unclaimed, so eunchae just claimed it. mina was ecstatic that she was claimed by eunchae. she had been flating around unclaimed for a longtime, so eunchae was her first dealer after a long period of nothingness.
×   moonbyul - binnada gave her moonbyul because she found that moonbyul was almost exactly like eunchae except she was lazy. moonbyul couldn't care less about the dealer change, but eventually she sort of warmed up to the group. that said, moonbyul is a royal card that has her abilities locked up because eunchae is not of royal class.

< / SPECIALITIES > : all spirit.

< / INTERACTIONS > : eunchae feels that her warriors are people who are closer to her than her actual family, as disfunctional as it might be. she generally lets them out when it's light out, and puts them back to their card when it's time to sleep (though nayoung often goes out of her way to stay outside her card to ensure that eunchae actually sleeps)
i ranked them for their closeness one is the warrior closest to eunchae and twelve is the most distant to eunchae
×   suhyun - two   ;   eunchae and suhyun has a strong enough bond that suhyun can come out her card willingly. their relationship resembles more of childhood friends, than the standard dealer to warrior relationship. suhyun will often stick around with eunchae when eunchae is alone. why? suhyun doesn't like to see alone, so she talks to her. nayoung often joins her with accompanying eunchae. suhyun and nayoung are the only people (or warriors) whom eunchae will sing for. suhyun is also eunchae's main warrior. why isn't nayoung the main warrior, you may ask. it's because eunchae is scared that she might lose nayoung if she fought using her too often. she would do anything not to lose nayoung, and suhyun knows that, so she offers to be the one fighting instead.
×   chanhyuk - seven   ;   chanhyuk often prefers to stick to his sister when he is let outside the card, or any of the other warriors (like mijoo and elkie). mijoo and chanhyuk often like to have long and deep conversations about god-knows-what with  elkie joining occasionally.
×   jessica - eleven   ;   jessica doesn't like to be summoned out of her card often. she more or less likes napping or resting more than anything. if she is summoned during a particularly long nap, she'll be really cranky, and would show more of her y side.
×   seunghee - twelve   ;   seunghee is still just quiet when summoned. she wants solitude most of the time and would often separate herself from the other warriors.
×   nayoung - one   ;   nayoung is basically eunchae's right hand woman. if suhyun was in any way incapacitated, nayoung would be her main warrior. nayoung is the only other warrior that's not suhyun who has a strong bond with eunchae that she can come out of her card by will. nayoung's also a bit protective of eunchae, often she would come out her card to stalk eunchae to make sure was safe, or to make sure that eunchae eats and sleeps enough. tbh, nayoung is probably the only reason that eunchae even gets some sleep (nayoung sits by eunchae's bed till eunchae falls asleep). nayoung is like the mom eunchae never had. sometimes, eunchae jokingly calls nayoung mom because of her motherly streak. also nayoung and sejeong are kinda dating. i say kinda because they're still in the awkward state that's unsure if they're girlfriends or something.
×   mijoo - nine   ;   mijoo's level-headed most of the time. she's probably the only one who'll keep her cool when the world descends to nuclear winter. she's not up to most of the antics of the group, instead preferring talking about sensible topics with chanhyuk and occasionally elkie.
×   zn - eight   ;   zn's favorite time of the day is when the warrios are summoned from the card, and they have the free will to do whatever they wat. zn often likes exploring different places either alone or in the company of one of the other warriors (usually elkie) zn is a girl who would often like an adventure. one time, she went missing for a few days, and eunchae has half-a-mind to destroy her card, but through nayoung's convincing, didn't. where was zn, you ask? oh she just went skydiving miles away from seoul. needless to say, she was not to go anywhere without a companion.
×   elkie - ten   ;   elkie is the responsible one, that's for sure. that's why she's more or less zn's bodyguard. she has a knack for pulling the girl from trouble. outside being zn's unofficial bodyguard, she likes having smart conversations with people, like chanhyuk and mijoo.
×   hani - five   ;   hani is the deck's resident troublemaker. she likes causing chaos, and is often the one putting the group to trouble. she also likes blowing up things. it's actually a surprise that 
×   sejeong - four   ;   if nayoung is basically eunchae's mom, sejeong is the mom of all ofeunchae's warriors. yes, that includes nayoung. sejeong is incredibly caring towards the other warriors, often checking their wellbeing. she's in charge of basically cheering up the group, along with mina and occasionally, suhyun. she is quite the chatterbox, so you would often find her telling amazing made-up stories to the warriors to keep them entertained.
×   mina - three   ;   mina is everyone's child. you know, figuratively. every single one of eunchae's warriors, including eunchae, feels rather protective of mina because of her refreshing innocence. mina is usually the one who starts up little games for the warriors to do when they're bored. though her games are much less chaotic than hani's version of games, everyone enjoys it. 
×   moonbyul - six   ;   moonbyul is the lazy one from the deck. she's similar to jessica, except that she prefers to nap outside her card. she's awfully honest. when someone asks for her opinion, she gives them what she really thinks without a trace of sugarcoating it. moonbyul likes jessica as her nap buddy, so she would often convince the girl to nap with her outside their cards. ;)

< / MAIN WARRIOR > : suhyun



< / FULL NAME > : last, first, include special characters
< / DOB & AGE  > : mm / dd / yyyy (#)
< / ETHNICITY  > : here


< / FACE CLAIM > : choi jinri is taken

< / BACKUP > : choi jinri is taken

< / PERSONALITY > : just like your own traits, format this how you like, equal pos & neg pls

< / HISTORY > : how u met them?? and how they became your sorta love interest idk what they are to you
< / INTERACTIONS > : how you and your bae act around each other? do they even notice you? idk

< / STATUS & ENDING > : go ahead and tell me whether you're dating, friends, buddies, etc. and how you want this to end, or leave it to senpai seok ;))


< // : QUOTE >

< / COMMENTS > : eunchae is just a quiet, genius, kid (or teen) who doesn't like people. she doesn't talk a lot. also her father is not dead, or eternally absent. he's just not too important for her travels a lot and eunchae doesn't get to interact with him anyway.
< / QUESTIONS  > : am i doing this right tho?
< / CONCERNS  > : i've been working on this since june fourth. rip me
< / SUGGESTIONS > : beep

< / SCENE REQUESTS > : uh aren't we a lil too big for scene requests, ya'll??

< / PASSWORD > : kim yerim







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