Updates and Announcements.

As part of my last post, I've gotten a few PM from others saying that it would be great to put up blogs on this account, so I am doing so. I guess to start off with my post  I would like to share a few updates I would like to share with you guys.

My first update is that I am currently working on a new writing project - one that I have been working on for a couple of months or so. I can give you hints, nothing more nothing less:

1) just like all my stories, it is a BTS/OC fic (which memeber would be the main I cannot tell you, not yet anyway heh). There may be mentions of other idols, maybe as just cameos in a couple of chapters or so.

2) It's sort of a new genre outside of most of my mystery/crime/romance/fluff genre(s) I usually write under, specifically this fic will be a slice of life.

3) It is at least (still working on it currently so it may change) 30+ chapters, so this is probably my second longest chaptered story I've written (first being Gone Missing).

But yup, that is it for updates in terms of my AFF really. I do have an announcement, which isn't too great... and that would be I am going to be on hiatus for this month. Well, semi-hiatus because I still will log on from time to time, but I won't put any new chapter updates on my stories and whatnot. I have only a few weeks of my semester left and so I would be extremely busy studying for finals. Fun.

So, I deeply apologize for the last minute news. I promise to make it up to you as soon as I'm off school, promise! Well, I'll be heading off. Those who are also studying for finals or still trying to get through these couple of weeks, I wish the best of luck to you all! We got this! :)



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