My fear

Okay so lemme tell you guys something about me for once.So my fears?I'm afraid of the dark but I'm not scared of the dark itself.I'm scared of whatever lurks in the dark.

November 2014,my grandfather died.I forgot the exact date tho anyway,one of our relatives KNEW he died without us telling him.He said he'd seen my grandfather outside his window and he told him that he was murdered.How did he die you ask?Truthfully,I don't know much and I'd rather keep it that way.He was murdered with a gun.My grandma and him were just supposed to have breakfast but we had this kind of machine used to plow and we put it in our garage.So our servants who helped and were there witnessed it but they were scared to say anything,afraid that they'll also be murdered but then there was no need for the people who murdered him are dying one by one.

I had this relative.She's the sister of my grandma and she lived with my family and she took care of my siblings and I as a child.What's so important about her?She got cancer and she died at the same day my grandfather died.Creepy right? 

Then a few months later,we thought everything would be okay then one of our relatives died again.This time his illness was diabetes.Really freaky stuff.

I forgot to mention this but a family friend also died a few days after my grandpa but he was also ill of something and it's getting pretty weird.Also,there's one of my cousins.He died at the same year because of a motorcycle incident.So that's what my fears are.



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Be careful ;-;
I've been scared of mountain lions since I was very small. DX I live where there's lots of them
I think u should pray .