littlemisstrouble. mai. 7/10. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
ahn boram
"just a girl trying to make it through the world of fake smiles and two-faced s."
 "at least i'm not a fake like you"
FULL NAME — ahn boram ; 안보람
ram + living most of her life in an english speaking country, boram probably should've elected herself an english name. well, she instead went with ram instead of a proper english name. she didn't want to have multiple names so she opted to just shorten her name. even though it sounds masculine, she likes it.
DOB + AGE — 05 • 05 (17)
BIRTHPLACE — perth, australia
HOMETOWN — perth, australia
ETHNICITY — korean 
english + living in perth for most of her life, she is more fluent in english than in any other language. when she speaks in english, she has a nice and prominent australian accent in contrast to wendy's obviously canadian accent.
korean + only having been in korea for nearly a year and a half, boram's knowledge in the korean language is not exactly stellar, but she gets by more or less. though she still makes the occasional grammar mistake and would often misunderstand korean terms, it's not the end of the world.
 "well look at that, underweight. shoud i be worried or happy?"
FACE CLAIM — ioi's doyeon
BACKUP — ioi's pinky
boram has a pretty face and nice figure. i mean, what else would you expect from sm which focuses more of looks than talent? her hair, dyed a dark brow, fall in naturally straight tresses to where her bra strap usually lies (you get me? idk how else to explain that lol) her chest is well developed enough for a seventeen year old, and her thin waist is what some girls would fight to have. she has long legs which are nicely sculpted as well, thank to genetics. granted, she isn't much gifted in the department, but really, nearly all koreans aren't naturally gifted in that area either. and yes, she did have some parts of her face sugically altered, but which sm artist has their faces untouched anyway?  she's just not actively denying it.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 172 cm ; 49 kg 
• to be honest, boram doesn't give two s on what she's wearing. when she's in charge of her own wardrobe (which is rare) she just pick the most comfortable clothing. when she's just in the dorm, she just wears pjs all day long. when she's out (and without the stylist's grasp) she just wears a cardigan, a plain shirt, and some leggings (if it's warm she ditches the cardigan). and she pretty much wears those while training as well.
• when she is styled by a professional stylist (her aunt basically) the story is different. she's often made to wear clothes that accents her assets, and makes her look good.
• her unstyled looks:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !!
• i guess you could guess why her aunt decided to personally style her, yeah?
PERSONALITY TRAITS — [ + ] charismatic, smart, calm, passionate  - ] blunt, opinionated, vulgar, judgemental [ = ] simple, boyish
like all girls her age, boram is quite a complex character of her own. but once you meet her, you can't disagree that this one trait that stands out. what's that trait, you may ask? why it's none other than her charsima. the girl has the ability to charm anyone and everyone with her sheer charisma. she entrances strangers with her well thought out words, and astounds with how she basically dominates every room. another thing that's good about boram; the girl is smart. like both book smart and street smart. she's always the top student of the grade (well in perth she was always the top student, but in korea she's like fifth. those damn smart koreans). and like i mentioned before, the girl is good with her words. she knows how to make a sentence sound like a work of art. she's eloquent (obv unlike me lol) and have a way with words. obviously, she's much better at this in her first language, english, but she can do it regardless. that said, she tends to never sugarcoat facts anyway. actually, forgot to mention, she's only this nicely spoken girl with stranger and with people she doesn't hate. have i mentioned, boram can be scarily calm at times. actually she's calm nearly 24/7. always one to keep her cool, she never loses her head unless you really up and piss her off bigtime. in that case, prepare for the boram version of the holocaust. i guess she's fairly patient as well, until you break the calm. also have i mentioned that this girl is passionate af. in anything and everything she does, she gives her 200%. why do you think she debuted just after a year of training? well, she likes to think that it's because the trainers saw how much rigor boram puts in training (but it's probably because of her looks, and her already present musical talent)

now to the bad side of things. well, boram swears excessively. mostly she just swears in english since she's more familiar of the said language, but occasionally she swears in korean too. of course, she doesn't swear in public. i mean, gotta keep that goody-two-shoes idol image right? not to mention, sm will kill her and leave her to rot in an alley somewhere if she s up her image. also, the kid is judgemental af. well, she secretly judges people. she's smart enough that she doesn't go prancing around judging people, but nonetheless she judges people very much. she's often really good at reading people, and how much of an people are. actually, she becomes really happy when people prove to be better than her initial judgement. gives her hope with humanity, and likewise if people turn out to be worse than her initial judgement, she loses a bit of her faith to humanity. also she's has opinions, and she isn't afraid to say said opinons. and did i mention that said opinions are very strong. for example, she wasn't afraid to tell seulgi off for manipulating yeri when she saw it happening, even though that clearly put a wedge in their relationship. she's pretty blunt too, i guess. she's not the type of person to sugar coat things. instead she prefers to stay silent instead of lying or sugarcoating her words. well, actually, it all depends on the situation. if she's more comfortable, and it doesn't ruin her public image that sm has so careflly crafted for her, she gets her opinion out.

little more to learn about her. some girls like to live lavish lifestyles, and some doesn't. boram is one of the few who doesn't. she's the type of girl who like to keep it simple. just look at her wardrobe that's basically just filled with sweatshirts and sweatpants. she's also not a girly girl. in fact, she's rather boyish. i mean, why do you think she has a masculine nickname?
from the moment she was born, boram's life already sounds like a k-drama. her dad might as well never existed to her because the jerk left when he found out that he got boram's mother pregnant, and her biological mom died in childbirth. wow such sob story boo-hoo. but you know what? boram does not give a . i mean, it's kinda sad that she never met her dad, and that her mom died bringing her to this world, but boram surprisingly didn't grow up with the angst that an orphan usually grows up with. it's probably because she didn't feel like much of an orphan. her aunt (her mom's sister) took custody of boram as soon as boram's mom died. and said aunt did a damn good job of raising her, if boram could say so herself. that said, she basically thinks of her aunt as her mother, after all, she did raise boram.

there were bad sides of her aunt mikyung raising her, though. mikyung spoiled boram to the core. anything boram wanted, mikyung provided. when boram wanted that obnoxiously large water bed, mikyung delivered. when boram wanted to learn how to play the piano, mikyung signed her up for lessons. when boram wanted that acoustic guitar, mikyung bought it for her. when boram somehow got the urge to learn how to sing, mikyung brought her to the best singing lessons in perth. why would mikyung spend so much on a girl that's not even her daughter, you may ask. well, mikyung earns a large sum being a fashion designer and professional stylist at the same time you know. not to mention, mikyung loves boram as if boram was her daughter.

growing up, boram didn't have a lot of problems. she did really well in school, made an acceptable amount of friends, and continued on with her vocal and piano lessons every week end. there was the occasional bully teasing her for her ethnicity or her high grades, but boram more or less shrugged it off. after all, everyone gets bullies, right?

how did she get to seoul, you may ask? simple. her aunt found love. hence the surname cho. boram and her uncle aint that close really, but you know. about a few months into her stay in korea, she got scouted by sm. she thought, why not? and she accepted the offer. that's where her training begins.
• aunt and basically her mother - cho mikyung (37) - fashion designer/professional stylist - friendly, caring, nice - mikyung and boram are really close. so close you won't even stop to consider that they should probably have a relationship reminiscent of a mother and daughter instead of a sister-like relationship. mikyung even styles boram professionally when boram goes out (well that's mostly because boram has zero sense of style and mikyung's heart hurts everytime boram dresses that badly). boram tells mikyung everything, and vice versa. 
"i mean, you should've seen her! i don't know how a like her is even in the industy!"
• best friend - emily williams (17) - student - bubbly, blunt, caring - boram and emily have been friends since they could both talk. they were neighbors back in perth, and always went to the same school. throughout her whole life, boram and emily have been attached by the hip, so when boram had to go to korea, both girls were distraught. the see between them didn't make them drift apart. the girls still keep a pretty solid correspondence. boram also tells emily everything and emily likewise. if boram has a problem, she runs straight to emily to vent, or even to cry. emily is basically boram's personal cheerleader.
"you know what em? you're the best. love you!"
• second cousin - kim yerim (17) - idol - naive, polite, nice - yerim is boram's second cousin (meaning boram's mom is cousin with yerim's mom lol) so boram has this urge to protect her. despite yerim being slightly older, yerim is still naive to the darkness in this world. boram is not as naive as yerim probably because boram grew up in a much less conservative environment. yerim and boram have gotten close once boram started living in seoul, and much much closer when boram started training. when boram saw how her sweet, but unfortunately naive yerim was being manipulted by seulgi, boram tried to put some distance between yerim and seulgi, but was unfortunately unsuccessful. yerim noticed that boram was doing this, but just wasn't sure why boram was trying to do it.
"yerim, stop listening to that seulgi. just for your own good, kay?"
friends - park sooyoung (19) - idol - social, neutral, secretive - sooyoung and boram are friends, thanks to sooyoung's friendliness and boram's charisma, but to be honest, boram's not even that sure of their title of "friends". boram knows how secretive sooyoung is. she knew since they've first met, but when sooyoung became her friend, boram was confused. and let me tell you, boram is rarely confused. sooyoung is one of the few characters that could confuddle boram, and boram would like to keep her close until she figures out the puzzle that is park sooyoung.
"you're on my side, right?"


• good friends - son seungwan (22) - idol - kind, caring, genuine - seungwan and boram became fast friends once boram was added to the line-up. the fact that they're both foreigners who came from english speaking countried drawn them together. boram knows she can rely on her seungwan-unnie because of their bond, and seungwan knows likewise. boram absolutely looks up to seungwan because of her awesome singing.
"unnie teach me your ways"


• enemy - kang seulgi (22) - idol - manipulative, two-faced, - boram hates seulgi's guts, and vice versa. at first, she thought that seulgi was actually sweet and kind, but no. she learned otherwise when she saw seulgi manipulating yerim. that's when all hell broke loose for boram. she went up and confronted seulgi, and was one step away from slapping the when yerim entered the room. of course, seulgi tells yerim to act like a to boram, but boram knows better.
"ya, stay away from my cousin if you know what's good for you."


• boram's idol - bae joohyun (25) - idol - independent, self-aware,  - from the moment she saw joohyun's face, boram was starstruck. how can someone be that pretty? now that they're in the same group, boram doesn't waste a minute to tell joohyun how beautiful she is. of course, joohyun gets a major confidence boost everytime boram tells her this, so joohyun cares for boram. what with the new member additions, there will be prettier girls than her, so it's nice having someone to tell you you're pretty.
"literally how can you be so pretty. gosh unnie are you sure you're not a goddess?!"

• tl;dr, boram is just the smart- to put seulgi in her place (or so boram thinks)
• she laughs loudly and with open. like so
• also have i mentioned boram is boyish? she walks very unladylike too
• boram currently goes to seoul science high school. she's kinda a special case, she only took an entrance exam (in which she only had one mistake in writing in korean)
• now that she's debuting, sm is thinking about transferring her to sopa or a school more friendly to idols
• boram has a weird sleeping schedule. she often sleeps the less among the members. meaning, she sleeps last but wakes up first
• boram is really good at all her subjects in school. save one. home-ec. why? well, let's just say you don't want to have boram near a kitchen. ever.
• she loves pasta and bread, and often ignore her diet for it
• she hates seulgi, if you didn't get that
• her assigned color is ruby-red to fit her stage name
• she has a big mouth, like a literally big mouth (i'm talking about the literal size of lol)
• she lives for game of thrones, but she watches it alone mostly. because you know, korea's really conservative
• her motto is, "why do something if you're not going to give you 200%?"
STAGE NAME  ruby the company didn't want her to use a korean name due to her hailing from an english speaking continent, so they assigned her this name. boram really doesn't like this name because she thinks it's too girly, but she lives with it. and she likes the color too.
ON SCREEN PERSONA  precious ruby  in public, boram knows to keep her bad side silent, though sometimes, in little doses, it peeks out to the outside world
POSITION  main vocalist, fotg (idk lol)

VOCAL   gfriend's yuju + omg's seunghee
DANCE   gfriend's yuju + lovelyz' kei

TRAINEE YEARS  1 year + july 2015 to august 2016
TRAINEE LIFE  she have always given her 200% in everything she does. training is not exempt from this rule. she worked hard, even though her chance of debuting is very slim. after all, sm had just recently launched it's latest girl group the year previous. really, boram didn't know why she was doing this, but nevertheless, she pushed through and trained harder. she was often criticised for not being all that good at dancing, but she shrugged it of and just worked harder to improve. also she was often in trouble for breaking her diet, but she also shrugs that off and continue eating her family size lasagna and giant slice of overload pizza. she can always work out later, right?


                 replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
HOW DO YOU FEEL JOINING RED VELVET — when i first heard that i was joining red velvet, i was speechless - boram giggles to herself, remembering the first time she heard the news - that alone should say a lot. i'm never speechless. like ever. of course it's an honor to work with these talented unnies - though not as honored now that i know how much of a one of my co-members are
WHO ARE YOU CLOSE WITH IN THE COMPANY AND RED VELVET? — i don't have a lot of close friends outside of rv because i'm new to korea, but in red velvet i'm really close to yeri and wendy-unnie.
DID YOU EVER THINK YOU WERE GOING TO DEBUT? — boram pauses for a moment to ponder on her answer - yes, actually. i knew that i was going to debut someday, but i didn't expect it to be this soon. 
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO, ALONE AND WITH OTHER MEMBERS? — eating - boram says not a moment later - i really like food, you know? - boram laughs, in spite of herself
DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE RED VELVET CAKE? — i like all kinds of cake. i don't discriminate.
IS THERE A SENIOR IN SM ENT THAT YOU LOOK UP TO? — yes, i really look up to snsd-sunbaenim. i wish that red velvet would have that much success in the future. i also look up to boa-sunbaenim. she's very cool
HOW DO YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS? — mm, i have a lot of confidence, and in this industry, i know that it will be a valuable asset
LASTLY, ANY WORDS TO YOUR FANS? — hi everyone! i hope you guys give red velvet lots of love! buy our album _____ ! i love you all! - throws kisses and hearts to the camera. that's right, boram knows this
 "i don't need anyone else to be happy."
LOVE INTEREST — last, first if you please, also please change the pink tinted icons down below to pictures of your love int! thank you !
BACKUP — because you can't always get what you want :-(
PERSONALITY — tbh it's up to you whether you wanna write traits or paragraphs or both !!!
• here is where you actually have to do some a ton writing!! yay!! just tell me what their relationship is, how it started, interactions, all that cute sappy , and how it ends !!!
RELATIONSHIP — are they friends? together? what??!?!?? also add what type— like if it's all skinshippy or like super awkward and how they interact with eahc other 
STATUS — are they single or taken or always on n off with a gf or like? ? ??w ht
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — basically just describe to me their kind of love in a phrase of yours, or like a qoute or a song??? it can be anything really
i hope boram wasn't too much of a weird character! i also hope that her story is not too sob lol.
also sorry for the swearing
• i want all the quotes in quotation marks to happen lol
• seulgi and boram fight for yerim and yerim being like "why do you always fight? pls stop." or smth
charismatic gmt +8 red velvet
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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