✾ A-Bliss - Lee Chaeyoon || Chaeyoon || Main Vocalist

Lee Chaeyoon


180 x 225


→ Chaeng ⋮ just a shorter version of her name
→ Sleeping Beauty ⋮ Chaeyoon has the ability to sleep anywhere, thus earning this nickname

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ (01/12/94)
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Seoul, South Korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Seoul, South Korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Korean


→ Korean ⋮ native tongue
→ English ⋮ growing up in a very tourist friendly city, Chaeyoon's mom decided that Chaeyoon would be well off studying english. Starting at the tender age of 6, she can say that she is now fluent at the language.


→ 2014 ⋮ Chaeyoon auditioned for SM Ent and started training the same year

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Lovelyz' Mijoo
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Twice's Nayeon
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 50 kg , 170 cm

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Chaeyoon is a simple girl. She doesn't like dressing up a lot, instead preferring to dress in comfortable jeans and hoodies (or graphic shirts in the summer). A lot of the times, her obsessions show in her clothing. You would often find her sporting merch for different characters, shows, movies, books, and comic books.

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Chaeyoon is a fairly tall girl, standing at the height of 170 cm. She is also a very thin girl. Well, she is an idol, so why expect any less. Her skin is pale and smooth, thanks to her nightly skin regime. She has long brown locks. She generally keeps her hair down because she's too lazy to dress it up anyway.



Positive ; Selfless, Caring, Bubbly, Passionate
Neutral ; Dorky, Loud
Negative ; Blunt, Stubborn, Bossy, Impulsive

Chaeyoon is a very passionate girl. When she falls in love with something, she throws herself to it. That was the case when she started to sing, as well when she discovered comic books, books, musicals, and tv shows. She devotes nearly every second of her life to that certain passion. She is also caring and selfless, often putting other people's needs in front of hers. Not that it's too hard to do, as she is a very low-maintenance girl. She's also very bright and bubbly in nature. It's difficult to catch her without a bright expression on her face. She's kind of a dork, and she doens't even attempt to hide it. She's also talkative and loud. She absolutely loves talking, singing, and just generally making sounds with .

She's a stubborn girl. She's an only child so she's used to getting what she wants. When she doesn't get what she wants, she gets frustrated. She's very bossy in that regard as well. Maybe the word "control-freak" would do well at describing her. She tends to do things without much thought, which gets her into much trouble. Also she's very blunt, and doesn't sugarcoat her words.


Born the only child of single mother, Lee Jinyeon, Chaeyoon is essentially a modern-day princess. Her mother spoils her. She got what she wanted the moment she speaks about it. She grew up comfortably. Without siblings, she got very lonely, so she made a friend (Ahn Sungha) whom eventually became her twin brother from another mother. They were very close, and were often attached by the hip. Sungha eventually got interested in music, and Chaeyoon eventually got interested as well. That's when she started singing. Her mom noticed this, and signed her up for singing lessons. Her singing only improved from there. One day, the opportunity arrived for her to audition for SM, so she did, And guess what? She got in!


→ There's a black hole where her stomach should be
→ Pizza with garlic bread crust is her bae. She will literally fight anyone who takes it from her
→ Chaeyoon, like all the other idols have a very strict diet regimen, but most of the time she ignores it and goes on to eating her beautiful pepperoni pizza with garlic bread crust. Because of this, she often gets in trouble
→ She is a real big fan of comic books (but she can't choose between marvel and dc because she loves them both equally)
→ She's also a big book reader, and would often read a single book at least 5 times
→ She also loves musicals (Phantom of the Opera was her first love,and Hamilton is her most recent love)
→ She takes really long showers (think, 2 hours or more)
→ She doesn't actually know how to put on makeup so she often goes barefaced in her free time
→ She's severely nearsighted, and needs to wear glasses at all times. Though when she's performing, she wears contacts (she prefers wearing glasses though)
→ She can pretty much sleep anywhere. 



Mother, Lee Jinyeon ⋮ 50 ⋮ CEO ⋮ Caring, Honest, Smart ⋮ Chaeyoon is very close with her mother. After all, their all ewach other have. They don't have any other family in Korea, so they got very close to each other. Jinyeon would do anyting for her daughter, and often spoils her.


Childhood/Best Friend (twin brother from another mother works too), Ahn Sungha ⋮ 23 ⋮ University Student ⋮ Understanding, Smart, Selfless ⋮ Sungha is basically Chaeyoon's twin brother from another mother. They're so close, they know each other like the back of their hands. Sungha is the first person she calls when she has problems, and vice versa. Sungha is also Chaeyoon's number one fan, and was the one who kept Chaeyoon going when she was facing hardships in SM.


⟪ CHOSEN POSITION ⟫ Main Vocalist

⟪ YEARS OF TRAINING ⟫ 1 and a half

⟪ HOW DID YOU GET IN SME? ⟫ Chaeyoon auditioned

⟪ TRAINEE BACKGROUND ⟫ Yes, trainee life was hard, but Chaeyoon didn't care. She just pushed on. She was getting worried that she was getting too old to be an idol, but she pushed those thoughts to the back of her head, and continued on. The harsh criticism from the dance instructor was starting to hurt her self-esteem, but she just trained harder.

TL;DR she just kept on training regardless of the problems during training



⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ write here ⟪ AGE ⟫ write here
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ ( love interest's personality)

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ wheeeeeeee~

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ i just want a scene where Chaeyoon eats her precious garlic bread crust pizza

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Solar of Mamamoo



(what's your relationship with your love interest? and how do you guys interact with each other.)


( how you guys met)


(give a summary about his life or about him. * anything will do, even his facts and trivias*)



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