Summer Tag Post

Summer 2016 Tag - (Original by LauLau95)

tagged by LauLau95

Info Section:


Is English your mother tongue?



How old are you?

I am 18...soon to be 19 in about a month.


Where were you born?

Iowa, US. The land of corn and soy beans lol.


Your biggest fear?

Spiders are the worst. Like seriously not okay.


Your Relationship Status?

Good question. I don't know tbh. I have this "thing" with this guy...but he's in India for the I guess I'll find out when he gets back hahaha >>



Would you rather section :


Would you rather have a one night stand with your bias or have a long lasting relationship with your bias wrecker?

Putting this into my night stand with Jimin...or long lasting relationship with Taehyung. So bias wrecker in this situation. Jackson...or long lasting with Mark....bias wrecker again for me. BIAS WRECKER IT IS


Would you rather date a younger boy/girl  or an older one?

So the guy I'm having a "thing" with is one year younger...but it doesn't really matter to me that much. As long as our maturity levels match pretty well.


Would you rather live in a dumpster close to your idol’s home or a palace worth millions on the other side of the globe?

The palace. Because if I have enough money to buy a palace, I have enough money to see oppa.


Would you rather do sport every day or gaming on your computer overnights?

Depends what sport...maybe golf, ping pong, raquetball, or birdie. If anything else....meh. Probably computer overnight haha smh.


Would you rather speak any languages or travel anywhere in the world for free?

Languages of course. That'd be so freakin cool. #goals



Ranking Section :


Your personality out of 10?

I think I'm like an 8. I'm pretty easy to get along with and pretty nice (from what people say)~


Your dating potential/wife material out of 10?

Lower than my personality cuz my cooking is ehhhh. dating skills are ehhhh. So probably like a 5 or 6.


Your naughtiness out of 10?

 Depends what kind of naughtiness we're talking about here. If we are talking drugs...not really. Drinking...sometimes....ual things? Writing ty fics? I'm your girl! I'll give myself an 9.5 on that one.



Your motherly vibe out of 10?

I'm more of the baby of the group tbh. like a 3 or 4.


Your physic out of 10?

Most of me is good besides my love I'll say like an 8 cuz i'd date me lol .


Your sense of adventure out of 10?

Probably 9.


Your imagination out of 10?

I feel as though it's pretty high for me. I'll say an 8.5.


Your compatibility with your ultimate bias out of 10?

Me and Kevin from Ukiss?? Eh...never really though about us dating. He's like family to me lol. But idk probably a 4


Your celebrity potential out of 10?

Depends what kind of celebrity. If we talking about singing and's like a 2. If we talking about acting it's like a 6. If we talking like internet famous or something....i'd say an 8~~~ ^^


Your craziness out of 10?

​10. duh.


Yes/ No Section:


Ever wished to live in another country?

Yeah....I really wanted to try high school in Japan at one point...then I graduated high school lmao


Had regrets about your appearance?

I used to not like how small my mouth was because I thought it made me look like a creepy doll.


Lied to a close one?



Dressed like a fashion killer?

When I was younger in the 90's and early 2000's....YOU BET I WAS. I blame my parents for dressing me like that. screw them.


Cheated on your lover?

Nahhh. I don't cheat if we're official. But if I'm having flings/fun with people....>>


Remained in love with an ex for a long period of time? was lame.


Broke up with someone?

Yeah I try. Gotta do what ya gotta do.


Got broken up with?



Gave birth?

*laugh* my parents would've killed me. I wouldn't be typing this rn.


Imagined you were in a relationship with an idol that will most likely never know you?

But of course. Me and Taehyung in a relationship....I can see it now...*imagines* I even told some of my coworkers once that I was dating Mark from GOT7 lmao. Even one of my friends refers to Mark as my boyfriend haha


Had a crush on a teacher?


My teachers were never young and cute no


Tripped in public?


Did you mean....every day of my life?


Had a nosebleed while looking at an idol?


​Nahh but I had one on a flight to Spain while reading fanfic lmao. COINCIDENCE?!


Had a car accident?


Nope. Don't want one either.


Ditched school?


High school? No. I've skipped a couple of lecture though in University...that's about it #angel.


Acted like a ?


​Pfffttt we all have those moments.


Lost a pet?




Made a joke so bad that everyone feels awkward?


Yeah...I realized that I'm not a very funny person lmao (at least not when I try to be) I've come to accept my fate.


Ate a whole pizza by yourself?


No, actually. I can usually only eat up to 2 slices until I'm full..


Cheated on your bias?


With Taehyung?!? What, who said that.....



* There is a Rated M section. Don't read/answer it if you don't feel comfortable. *



Rated M Section:


What is your favorite ual kink?

There's a lot...which should be unhealthy. I like ...catau (yas), pretty much anything that isn't normal. Wait...are we talking fanfic or irl cuz this is fanfic hahahah (or is it lmao)


Your ultimate ual fantasy?

I really want to have in the pool...or a hot tub...or a shower...idk. I want water...and I want it to be y. yas


The idol you would bang anytime?

TAEHYUNG SRSLY. that red hair had me slain


Are you top or bottom?

probably bottom because I'm too lazy to top.


What drives you insane?

idols. kpop. ya know, usual. TONGUES. LOWER BACKS. THIGHS. BELLY BUTTONS. wait wut






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