레드벨벳_RED VELVET  ✕  김정순

AIMASHOU. TILDA. 8/10. 積読本.
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kim jeongsun
"she's never really gotten the sporlight on herself. from almost being in the 'it' girl group of kpop to changing her appearance for no one to even notice. this seemingly innocent, baby-faced senior is ready for her moment to shine."
 "don't judge me until you get to know me"
FULL NAME  kim, jeongsun + 김정순
jeonggie + a nickname created by one of the rap instructors to make her seem less...forceful for others. because jeongsun seems a bit rude at the start, the instructors use this to make her seem more friendlier.
mini sunshine + used by seohyun and heechul, jeongsun actually never fails to make the two smile and therefore they call her sunshine.
stick figure + the younger trainees call this behind her back, because jeongsun truly does resemble a stick figure. she's very skinny and under sm's strict eating diet, it's no wonder she's like that. 
DOB + AGE  02 • 21 • 91 (#26)
BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN  gangnam, seoul, skr
korean + this language is her native language and mother tongue. she speaks smoothly and flawlessly, wich contributes to her rapping skills
english + she had started to learn this language in her sixth year of training in sm entertainment. jeongsun was more forced to learn it and is now at an intermediate level of speaking english.
 "i want youth. i want to be pretty and actually be noticed for it. notice me."
FACE CLAIM  park chorong
BACKUP  kim namjoo
there was always something off about jeongsun. as she grows older, the woman seems to grow younger. her cheeks remain soft and her wrinkles are never there. jeongsun's hair is always long and silky, always a natural looking shade of brown to complement her pale skin. she's fairly skinny. the most prominent parts of which you can tell that jeongsun is clearly underweight is her wrists and ankles. 
jeongsun is known as the 'baby-faced sunbae' in the sm trainee program as she is one of the oldest running trainees in sm and she's obviously baby-faced. her cute appearance is due to plastic surgery. jeongsun has done double eyelid surgery, a little botox, skin whitening and a slight nose job and nothing far beyond that extend. 
HEIGHT & WEIGHT  166 centimetres, 44 kilograms
• white blouses, big sweaters, fluffy socks, tight jeans and leather boots are her go to outfit. most of jeongsun's outfits are pretty modest and often hide her skinniness. though jeongsun enjoys wearing sportwear because it's much more comfortable. her bags are mostly totebags since they are easy for jeongsun to use. she often uses lots of woolly scarves and gloves during winter and thin cardigans in autumn.
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pos. captivating, efficient, prudent,
neu. skeptical, non-competitive, passive-aggressive
neg. deceitful, blunt, unappreciative
on and off stage, jeongsun is a captivating woman who's bloomed to her full potential. for someone who has been trained for more than a decade in a company like sm, it's obvious that someone with her experience would hold such charisma where ever she goes. since her childhood, jeongsun had wanted to be like her sister to be noticed by her parents. she tried to be efficient, working only for things that would benefit herself and others and getting things done. same with her prudent trait. jeongsun only wanted the best for her future and for other's too.
also another trait that she had developed in her childhood, jeongsun was always skeptical of others and only believed them if they had prove or evidence to convince her. during her twelve years of training, jeongsun grew very non-competitive after being in the line-up of multiple groups and not debuting. she still remained in sm entertainment but she's in it for the fun. because of her non-competitiveness, jeongsun grew into a passive-aggressive type of person. she's often passive-aggressive to those who doubt or dislike her. the main victim of jeongsun's aggressiveness is seulgi, though the younger girl fights back. 
when jeongsun wants something for the benefit of herself, she's not afraid to be decietful to get her way. she's rarely like this in real life, but when she's on camera, jeongsun is as deceitful as seulgi is. jeongsun is also very blunt and critical of others. however, she uses this in a good way but the reception is not alway clear and it may seem that jeongsun was rude. another trait that was attributed by the non-competitiveness trait, jeongsun is not very appreciative of others and things. though sometimes she'll value things like true friendships and achieved goals, jeongsun rarely shows appreciateiveness. 
jeongsun was born into a pretty wealthy family. she lived in gangnam as her parents worked in the higher-ups for a well known company. she was the second child to the family and wasn't appreciated as much as her older sister. this was probably when jeongsun had started to develop the personality she has in present day. she tried to be effecient and prudent as her sister that jeongsun had become like that but had grown a much passive-aggressive and unnappreciative personality due to her parents and sister. 
despite coming in second place to her older sister, dabin, jeongsun was well adapted to places and was quite intellectual for growing up wealthy. her family also indulged in music quite often and dabin actually auditioned for sm entertainment but failed. her parents were dissapointed, as dabin failed something but jeongsun saw this as a chance. she auditioned for sm entertainment like dabin but this time, the youngest kim was accepted. jeongsun's parents were estatic and started noticing jeongsun more. though, not by a lot. 
jeongsun's training life interrupted her education by a milestone as jeongsun was more concerned about training than learning about maths. however, jeongsun never failed but earned a slightly above average mark rather than her usual a+. during her training, jeongsun lost all her competitiveness and grew less concerned over prizes and goals. in 2012, jeongsun felt like she wasn't as beautfiul enough like the newer trainees and went ahead to get small surgeries. after, she felt much better though no one really noticed the change. 
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•   seo 'seohyun' juhyun (26) - idol - everything that jeongsun isn't. seohyun is literally the polar opposite of jeongsun yet they are the best of friends. jeongsun and seohyun first became friends as they were training in sm entertainment at the same age. seohyun was always there to hold jeongsun back whenever she had her anger spurts and is probably why seohyun has a motherly nature. after seohyun was chosen for snsd, jeongsun had to admit that she had grown more hostile due to her best friend's departure but as the years go by, seohyun and jeongsun's relationship never deteriorated and grew more closer. jeongsun attends most of seohyun's musicals and fans heard of her, making jeongsun's innocent facade more and more larger and harder to break down.
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•   kim hechul (33) - idol - a sunbae-dongsaeng relationship formed during the time of snsd's line-up changes and planning back in 2006-7. once jeongsun had found out that she was no longer in the line-up for the group, she ran and found herself crying outside the girl's toilets, since the toilets were closed. heechul found her crying and cheered her up. at the time, jeongsun didn't know who he was because he was wearing a face mask because of a flu he had, but once he took it off, jeongsun was surprised that a senior and idol like himself would help a pitiful crying girl. they are close friends.
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•   kim 'key' kibum (25) - idol - everyone knows that key would most likely throw shade to the next person he sees and that's exactly what he did to jeongsun. they met as in a sunbae-dongsaeng relationship and key kept on making snark comments about her and jeongsun retaliated. the two got on good terms after that fiasco. the two remain close friends, though not as close as seohyun or irene is with jeongsun. jeongsun relies on key for backup. whenever jeongsun tells key of something that has happened to her, key would often get upset and confront the person who did. 
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•   bae 'irene' joohyun (26) - member of red velvet -  same aged friends, jeongsun and irene met the same way the jeongsun and seohyun met. they were in the same rap class and they were assigned as partners. irene helped jeongsun through her hostile stage in her trainee life and soon became close friends. when irene was to debut with red velvet, she'd always come to jeongsun to vent about the stresses of working with seulgi and this fueled jeongsun's hate for seulgi even more. the two are often seen together every where, except when jeongsun has her own business to attend to. but even so, irene prefers to be at the side of jeongsun rather than seulgi because jeongsun is a bit less ier than seulgi.
"honestly joohyun. stand up for yourself for once. it seeing you getting trampled by that and you're the leader. get a grip."
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•   kang seulgi (23) - member of red velvet - it seems like seulgi had wanted to surpass jeongsun in terms of being the latter. jeongsun had originally bullied seulgi a little back when she had started out training and seulgi had always wanted revenge since then. how better than to be in the same group? except that seulgi had to 'respect' jeongsun during broadcasting. in the dorms, seulgi always fights with jeongsun, threatening her until jeongsun would blackmail her. 
"you may have the company's love, but guess what? i had more fans way before you debut and the fans love me more. so think about that and actually pay attention for once, seulgi."
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•   son 'wendy' seungwan (23) - member of red velvet - jeongsun always wonders how such an optimistic person remains the same after joining the group of chaos. she's seems like the only level-headed person of the group, yet the strangest due to her derpish personality. the two usually remain silent once they are left together but often exchange small smiles and short comments. it's this type of relationsip that jeongsun most enjoys and the two mutually agree to keep it that way.
"seungwan, how do you get along with everyone else here so fine? there's nothing wrong with you, i swear. seungwan i really need to make you imperfect."
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•   park 'joy' sooyoung (20) - member of red velvet - it's hard for jeongsun to decifer joy. she seems bipolar, from what the older girl noted as she watched joy during training. jeongsun has never wanted to get close to joy and still seems to be partly avoiding joy because of her personality alone. on camera, they act like they're new friends, wanting to get to know each other even more and are friendly to each other but in real life, they ignore each other blatantly. whenever red velvet gets into another unfair fight, jeongsun would always approached joy.
"are you okay there? who's side are you on? irene's or seulgi's? you better be on neutral and not mess around with our reputations because of your selfish options.
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•   kim 'yeri' yerim (18) - member of red velvet - not that jeongsun actually cares but she feels sorry for the young girl. having been put into red velvet and to see that seulgi was literally playing with her mind, making yeri side with the . she treats yeri very well and grew close to her. the only thing that stops jeongsun from fully liking yeri as a friend is that sweet little yeri is on seulgi's side. jeongsun would always remind yeri that she doesn't have to be seugi's follower but jeongsun knows it's hard for the teenager to do so. jeongsun treats her like an actual human.
"yerim, don't follow her. you may think that she's the great regina george of this group but you can be the cady heron of red velvet by getting out of that witch's trap."
• jeongsun likes : healthy foods, music, travelling, planes, trains, writing, rapping, reading comments and fan letters
• jeongsun dislikes : the sun, sports, chocolate, school, y people, bucket hats and beanies, greasy foods
• jeongsun has a habit of clucking her tongue
• she already had a small fanbase from being known as seohyun's best friend
• she has a habit of kicking her legs to stop numbness
• her name means 'quiet beauty'
• jeongsun actually has trouble eating due to her skinny body
• not many people know that she has had plastic surgery
• it's even harder to prove since the changes made to jeongsun are hardly noticeable.
• she loves anything lemon related including foods
• her favourite colour is light green or mint

• jeongsun likes jogging but not sprinting
• her instagram and snapchat is both the same, [email protected]
• she's an expert on natural looking makeup and does her makeup in the morning before anyone else uses the bathroom
• her rapping is aggressive despite her cute appearance

STAGE NAME  jeongsun
ON SCREEN PERSONA  red velvet's fairy princess
POSITION  main rapper, vocalist

VOCAL   gfriend's sinb + apink's chorong
RAP    fiestar's yezi + f(x)'s victoria
DANCE   bestie's hyeyeon + apink's chorong

TRAINEE YEARS  # 12 + june 2004 to august 2016
TRAINEE LIFE  this girl was only fourteen years old, korean age, when she started training. having more experience than most of the members and the entire trainees in the trainee program, you can say that jeongsun has seen it all. from being in the line-up of one of the best girl groups in the world then only to find out you've been replaced by your best friend. to starting fights between other trainees and having them kicked out because jeongsun has evidence that they had started them. you can even say she's worse than seulgi. only that no one has actually cared or noticed. at least she cares about other people and the future.
she first audition for sm entertainment at the age of fourteen in a public audition in her local area. jeongsun was accepted on the first trial and was soon accepted into the training program. there, she met seohyun and became best friends despite their differences. so obviously, jeongsun found it hard as a young girl to train in such a harsh environment.
jeongsun was constantly in and out of group line-ups that sm had planned, even being in girls' generation's first line up before being replaced by seohyun herself. jeongsun was even considered for f(x) but sm thought that the general concept of the new group was not jeongsun's style. eventually, sm planned to put her in smrookies but decided against that because she was training for so long and was not even a 'rookie' anymore. instead, they wanted to put her in red velvet but jeongsun was injured during the time of debut and it was wrong to put her into the group after yeri had joined.


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HOW DO YOU FEEL JOINING RED VELVET  delighted. jeongsun answered briefly. it's nice to join red velvet but only if we had debut in another group than a pre-existing group. to be frank, jeongsun doesn't want to be around seulgi and partly joy. 
WHO ARE YOU CLOSE WITH IN THE COMPANY AND RED VELVET?  hmmm, i guess everybody~ jeongsun smiles and tilts her head as if she really was close with the members of red velvet  though i'm best friend's with seohyun. we've been together before girls' generation began. with red velvet, i guess i'm irene's best friend too? maybe seulgi? by this point jeongsun begins to act suspicious at seulgi's name. you know, we've been with each other for so long that we're starting to act like sisters. we fight over the stupidest things! jeongsun laughs 'happily', trying to make it seem that seulgi and her were actually friends so the fans wouldn't suspect things.
DID YOU EVER THINK YOU WERE GOING TO DEBUT?  of course i did. jeongsun bitterly answered, remembering 2007 very clearly the company always had good ideas for me but they always thought i didn't fit in the concepts they did, so sm held me back. 
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO, ALONE AND WITH OTHER MEMBERS?  i just enjoy the peace not like there was any in the first place and quiet. the members are often tired and overworked so i don't want my dongsaengs' to exert themselves. instead i just sit and make them feel at home. mainly with wendy though

DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE RED VELVET CAKE?  it's my favourite cake she beams seohyun always buys me red velvet cake for my birthday. i usually just eat red velvet cake on special occasions.

IS THERE A SENIOR IN SM ENT THAT YOU LOOK UP TO?  boa? jeongsun ponders boa? i think boa-sunbaenim is my top idol in this entertainment and she's the most talented. sunbaenim is considerate and kind to others too. that's the type of person that i aim to be at her age. jeongsun immediately thinks of her becoming like seulgi and immediately cringes.

HOW DO YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS?  a pretty woman jeongsun laughs and calms down shortly after i'm pretty, yes, but i'm so much more than just a baby faced woman. i'm not that lively, not that introverted too. maybe i'm just like the unnie or noona you can always look up to. she tilts her head and nods as the words fit in her mind

LASTLY, ANY WORDS TO YOUR FANS?  she makes a heart out of her hands and kisses the air thank you for supporting me so far and even before i debut, thanks to seohyunnie. please continue to support red velvet because they wouldn't be here unless you guys were there to help them!
 "i have no time for you"
jeongsun has no love interest. she literally has no time for any potential partner and prefers to be that one person who doesn't bother to have a guy.
yay y characters
and this is the true - long ride. wink wink.
sorry if i made her training years too long, i wanted to make a character that would seem superior to seulgi.
also i hope there isnt anything missing. jeongsun is so rushed.
• seulgi once again threatens jeongsun, except this time, seulgi has proof of jeongsun's plastic surgery
plastic or fake // gtm+10  // it used to be jessica but now it's sooyoung <3
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