How do you distract yourself/keep yourself busy?

Long story short;

I've been seeing a therapist, and my situation is heavy - to put it like that. I opened up about it to my brother and after a looooooooong talk he once again reminded me to keep myself busy. With hobbies and such. Thing is, through the years I've grown into some kind of mix between intro- and extrovert. I used to love going out, meeting up with friends, meeting new people. My social skills were fine. Nowadays I don't feel like doing anything. I go to school, head to bed, take some hours of a nap, make homework, sleep again. My brother says it's unhealthy (I haven't really mentioned anything to my therapist about that yet; my brother told me to be honest with her but it's hard man), and that I should find activities to distract myself. But I don't know what to do. Literally. I just don't know what I'd enjoy doing.


So what do you do that keeps you busy?


I'm 15 btw, and sure I know some of you will go 'lol just puberty' and yeah of course it plays a role in it, but please don't brush my issues off like that. It's deeper than that, and that's why I'm receiving help. And I'm asking you guise right now for a little help; to give me an idea or options to what I could possibly try doing. 


Thank you luvs


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hvnbns #1
I read and buy books. I read whenever i can, whatever i feel: hungry, sad, disappointed, angry, happy, bored. I just read. They take you to a different world and for a few pages and chapters. You're not you. You're a different person, you're a part of that book. When i read, i forget about reality. When i buy books, i leave my pockets and wallets empty and just go all out. I regret it sometimes but books help you. They don't distract you, but they consume you. I hope you can find time to read some hopeful, slice of life stories. If not through novels, then through here in aff. I read a lot of fanfics too :) i hope you feel better!
when i read this it was like reading something i wrote myself. i've been like this for years, let me tell you it is not puberty, and honestly it's rare i can keep busy, but when i do it's usually by talking to friends that will definitely get a laugh out of me and distract me (over the phone because the outside is my enemy), writing very imaginitive literature or even just writing out my thoughts or ranting lol, and even sometimes i just listen to music and think of something (a memory or so) that makes me happy. reminiscing often helps me out too. explore something you may or may have found interesting now or in the past and play off that or you might find something new.
KiannaAlexis3 #3
I can't say that I know how you feel but when I feel very sad and lonely I write. I write what I hate about the world, what I love about the world, and I write about my fantasies. What I want to happen to me. That is why I'm on AFF. If not, I watch videos to cheer me up. There's nothing better than seeing your bias smile brightly and having fun. I also do photoshop! Since I'm not the outdoor type of person, I like editing picture from outside my little room, where I lock myself in and make it more beautiful.
Do some meditation? it helps to relax and calm your mind... Or maybe play some sports since its healthy. You can learn another language or maybe have a pet to keep you occupied ... Or maybe go do some volunteering. Its meaningful .