ㅤㅤㅤㅤ#SUNSET / 毛李丽 ㅤ⋮ㅤ position #8


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birthname. mao, li li  ::  毛李丽 :: 마오는 리리

 octomao :: deriving off the month lili was born in and her surname, this nickname technically means 'october cat' since mao in chinese is cat and is also her surname and octo is from october. this is used as a cute nickname by the fans. 

second generation ice princess :: because of her fairly bitter personality and her habit of glaring, she's dubbed as the ice princess by fans and also because of her surname, because jessica's nickname is also mao.

date of birth. october 7th, 1998
birthplace. jinan, china
ethnicity. chinese
nationality. south korean
language spoken. 

 basic mandarin :: fluent :: it is her native language and mother tongue. she speaks mandarin at home with her mother and other relatives.
 korean :: fluent :: she learnt it after she moved to south korea and learnt it very quickly. she's quite fluent at it from studying the language very vigourously. 


   so you think i kinda like you

personality traits. 

pos. brilliant, honest, persuasive, perceptive.
neg. blunt, critical, apathetic, impatient.

personality.  lili is a smart and perceptive girl. she can notice the little details quite easily and has a very smart common sense and intelligence. she's also honest, believing that honesty is really the best policy. lili can also be very persuasive, using arguments and baits very easily due to her cunning and perceptive ways.

however, lili is blunt. because she's quick to be honest, lili's words are blunt and very critical. however, when someone points it out, lili would apologize as she doesn't know her honesty gets her in trouble. most of the time, lili can get very apathetic. she doesn't show interest in things that the other members would do and would sometimes lie to make her seem more friendly on camera, under the company's orders of course. lili's last negative trait is that she's impatient. since she was often alone in her childhood, lili does things at her own fast pace and is not used to others, even with three years of training at sm.


background.  lili was born in jinan, china as an only child as influenced by the one child policy. her father was quite strict but her mother was the complete opposite. lili used to spend her younger days with her mother, forced to study and learn to become bright in terms of knowledge. lili didn't have many friends but she really didn't care. lili had outstanding grades at school, effectively making her parents proud and she continued to do so. her parents often fought at home on whether lili should've been studying more or having an atual childhood with friends.

it was when lili turned eleven that her father brought up the discussion of marriage. of course, lili's mother protested and the fight continued for a few months before the couple eventually divorced. lili was taken by her mother and they relocated to south korea. lili was once again forced to study, only this time it was a new language but she learnt it fairly quickly in a span of two years. lili had to attend an international school due to her lack of understanding the korean language. three years after they relocated, lili and her mother obtained korean nationalities, leaving their chinese nationalities behind. 

she then auditioned for sm entertainment because someone had reccomended that her group of friends to and she was accepted. for three years, lili had balanced her school life and trainee life evenly.

   think you can get me?

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likes :: studying, books, school, music, mathematics, warm clothes, hot weather, spicy foods, traditional foods, hats and beanies
dislikes :: the cold, fashion, shopping, sports, science, dancing, chocolate, western foods, nuts, makeup
hobbies :: reading, star-gazing, walks, making tea
habits :: twirling her hair, glaring at nothing, puffing up her cheeks

 – she was chosen as the face of the group because she's popular with the chinese fans and she communicates with the chinese fans often
– she usually goes to the gym with the other members
– lili reads on the way to music shows
– she doesn't like going outside and prefers the indoors
– lili has a pet cat but it stays with her mother
– the name of the cat is 'mao mao'
– she usually gets iced tea on the way to schedules
– lili is allergic to nuts
– her favourite books are the harry potter series
– she wears lots of woolly stuff in the airport and plane
– is dubbed as the 'second generation jessica' 
– she usually stands at the back for interviews
– lili idolises the fairytale character, odette from swan lake
– her favourite animal is the swan
– her 'dere' typing is tsundere and she is refered to that by japanese fans
– lili has the most haters because some people say that's she's overrated and some hate her because she seems rude


 mother :: mao daiyu (58) :: bartender :: kind, adventerous, gentle :: daiyu and lili are as close as peas in a pod. they tell each other everything and often go out walking in the park often. she makes sure that lili is used to everything and does what lili wants without any complaint. 

   oh, it can't be!

faceclaim.  cheng xiao of cosmic girls

back up faceclaim.  mei qui of cosmic girls

appearance and style.  lili is 167 centimetres and has a weight of 48 kilograms. she has pale, smooth skin. her hair is a natural shade of dark brown and is wavy at the ends. she has the wispy, korean bangs. 

her style is very modest; having sweaters and long pants. she's not a big fan of skirts and dresses. lili often wears baggy tshirts and sneakers with thick socks, as her feet get cold quite easily. 


plotline.  #8

position.  maknae, face #2, sub-vocalist

desired position.  vocalist

talent twins. 

            vocals  ::  sana of twice
            dance  ::  yunjeong of i.o.i


persona.  sunset's little swan  

lili chose this persona because although she is not a dancer in the group, her movements are graceful and light. lili aspires to be like the herione of swan lake, odette. also, the members say she has a temper of a swan.

fanclub name and colour.  ducklings &  #e6e6ff 


trainee duration.  three years

trainee life. lili took training very seriously, as she did with most things. she started to hate dancing because of her harsh training but she still does it because she has to deal with it in order to debut.


predebut.  none

post debut.  none

scandals.  mao lili of sunset acts rude towards running man cast members? she was on running man with the sunset members when they were playing a game. lili, who was not very interested as usual started commenting on how kwangsoo was failing the game harshly. she soon apologized off screen because the staff had a little talk with her. 


   i toss and turn in bed all night

what's one thing you're excited about for the comeback? i don't really like the outfits but i'm excited for performing the song because it has good lyrics. the album has really good songs too. so i'm sure the audience and the fans enjoy it.

how do you feel about always being compared to the girls' generation? i don't take it very well, to be honest. i dislike it because as sunset, we are not trying to be or replace our seniors. sure we look up to them and are in the same company but i don't think it's reasonable to compare us. 

what are your personal goals in the upcoming years? i don't really have a personal goal. maybe go to university and graduate? i personally don't know and i'll just follow the road.

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  apple pies  

lili does not have a love interest. she believe's she's too young to be romantically involved with someone at her age and that she's already living her career. 


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   aimashou : tilda

last words.  sorry i used the old app layout and changed the 'oh it can't be' section. hopefully i didn't miss anything!

scenes requests.

– the girls make fun and tease lili playfully because of her personality and lili just blows up and leaves the dorm



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