Plagiarism Issue

Today is one of those days I'm super disappointed in the fandom.

I see one of my fav fics that I've found a few weeks ago being plagiarised. 

She obviously changed some things here and there, but it is obvious that she was /inspired???/ by it. I immediately went to the original fic to find ways to let the author know and to my relief I wasn't the only one who realised that her fic was being plagiarised. We commented on it and gave her the link. 

The original author commented on the fic itself, and she herself thinks that there is some parts that are very similar. (tbh she was too nice, bc to me not some parts are similar but basically the whole concept of the fic is a 100% copy of her fic)

However instead of replying to the original author's comment, she made a chapter to explain that it was only a "coincidence", that she knew the original fic "existed" but still decided to went a long with it.

Firstly, if you knew the fic existed, if the plots are similar please at least change the whole scenario or at least let the author know that hey, we have a similar plot, do you mind if I post my version of it? I see many fics who did this, and clarify it on the foreword page and had consent from the author to post it. Also, I see many different arrangedmarriage!aus and mama!aus and many super cliche af plots but they are still different.

However in this case, it is quite clear that the underlying plot is the same (even some scenes, it's honestly super obvious to me) that not only myself, but many others think that it is too similar to the original fic and I am almost 100% sure that she plagiarised it but claimed it to be a coincidence. 

What I'm more appalled is that the her subscribers are begging for her to not delete the fic and continue it. Some of them even admit that the plot is similar, but they still didn't want her to delete it and was hoping for her to continue it. Some even tried to support her, saying it's the same, but slightly different and hope that she will continue writing it. 

PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you think you will feel if someone copies something for you, taking everything for credit even though you were the one who started it, and seeing so many people supporting that someone else.

Honestly, I know why these readers wanted her to continue it. Because the original author wrote the fic as a oneshot, however this other author is writing what happens next after the /oneshot/ so people wants to read what happens next because the original author didn't.

In addition, my friend even commented, telling her to at least discuss things with the author first because continue to post but not surprisingly, she ignored it and continue to update the fic like no one's business. And her readers are totally ignoring the issue and supporting her new chapters.

This is why there are so many authors who have stopped writing in this platform. This is why our fav authors stopped writing. Because you all are taking this lightly. Just because the original author is not as popular or as huge as some authors, yall don't care. 

I also want to add in that the original author is super friendly and nice. She was very confused on what to do since her fics have not been plagiarised and I felt so upset because her fic was so wonderfully written and for someone to just mindlessly taking the plot and making it hers without making the effort to even change some scenarios and is even running away from this issue is really super heartless.

I'm out.


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can i know what is the title of the story?
I saw who it was and its quite obvious the author is playing the guilt card. The author is involving his/her subscribers into this mess and in hopes of getting some kind of post ive response that will make her not take down the story. or at least change the plot, god damn.
It doesn't look like the author will take down the story judging from the comments, but this is just not right.

I'm surprised. is the sekai tag really in a drought? I haven't written sekai in months and haven't noticed.
well, I think that you should just report her story...
Whose story is this -.-