I would first like to start off this post cursing Ryan Higa and Wongfu Productions for being so rude and giving me such unnecessary stress. Like, excuse me. Who told you all to be so perfect and make such a beautiful kpop group? I can't, I just can't. I'm so done. Goodbye life. 

For those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about, BgA (Boys generally Asian) is a "kpop group" that Ryan Higa and Wongfu Productions collaborated on and made. This five member group consists of Ryan Higa, Phil Wong, Jun Sung Ahn, Justin Chon, and David Choi. Their "debut" music video was released a few days ago.

Ever since the music video came out, I've been listening to it on repeat for days. Is it bad that I've already watched the music video more times than necessary and have memorized the lyrics and dance already? Maybe.

Even though it's techincally a parody, they did their research so well. For instance, they dropped a teaser video. Then they released teaser images for each of the members. They also had a countdown till the release date. Then the music video came out, followed by a BTS of the MV. Then they released a dance version of the MV and a dance practice video. Then they released the BTS of the practice video. The video itself was so accurate. They had like 4 different sets, 3 costume changes, ridiculously styled hair, intense close-ups,and a dance break. The song itself is something a typical group would sing. 

As a Korean and a kpop fan, the MV was so much more enjoyable to watch. The ridiculous Korean lyrics were so funny to listen to and the video was filled with kpop references. It was beautiful.

Everyone, support BgA. If I don't see them perform in MAMA, I will be thoroughly disappointed. Come on, Korea, this is gold. 

You can watch the MV and the other videos on Ryan's channel (nigahiga) or Wongfu's channel (wongfuproductions). Follow @TheRealRyanHiga and @wongfupro for more. Also, use #BgA for some cool fanarts and fan input. 








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damn, ikr they're so rude.
likr how can j-lite be so perfect with his magestic and fabulous hair.
bias wrecker here!!!!!