
Hello. It's been a while since I updated this blog. I checked previous posts and saw useless things so I deleted them already kkk. I really don't visit the blog section of this site, as I have my personal blog, but I thought I could use this blog section to connect with my readers/visitors.

Recently I've been very busy, most likely at work- I'm a workaholic person and I admit that I'm not a multitasker, so I am sorry if I haven't updated some of my stories. When I do something, I tend to focus on it, completely ignoring the other work I have which in this case, work vs. writing.  But lately everything is going okay at the office, so now I have time to update my stories, and write to you guys this post.

As you all know what happened in the Blackjack fandom, our youngest Minzy already left 2NE1. And like many of the fans, I was devastated as well. Even now, though I have fully accepted the fact that there's only OT3 in the group, I still wonder how will 2NE1 pull this off without their best dancer and singer. From this thought, you guys might accuse me of being a fake supporter, but I am pretty sure there are other fans out there that has the same questions as mine. 

Based on the fics I write and from my profile, you can tell that I'm a full-pledged Minzy stan. I love her to death, that's what's my profile says. I am going to be honest, when I first read YG's statement about her not renewing her contract, my first thought was, "How will Minzy and 2NE1 pull their future careers off?" First, let's be real. Out of the 4 members Minzy is the least popular and her fanbase in her home country was quite weak compared to the three. Her strongholds are in Japan and in the Latin America, but especially in Japan like BigBang's D-Lite, which is a question bothering me until now: If YG has no plans to promote Minzy well in South Korea, why not promote her in Japan where her fanbase is the largest? She's supposed to debut in Japan in the first place. And to add to that, all her recent promotions- magazines, establishing her own dance studio, she did it all by herself. YG never even bothered to promote it.

The hope that we Blackjacks still grasping into is that YG has no plans to replace Minzy in the group and that they'll have a comeback by summer this year. I am of course hoping as well for a powerful comeback as I still believe in our girls, even though at the back of my mind, it can be quite different hearing their songs and seeing them perform as trio. Also, YG has a history of trolling not only 2NE1 fans but also fans from his other groups. I am thinking that he really has no plans for a comeback this year as he was focused on his male groups. But after the news broke, he immediately released a statement and a promised comeback to ease the raging fans' hearts. It's a good media play for his company.

If a comeback is really coming this summer, it only means one thing- CL's US debut will be delayed again, which will again cause the fandom and CL stans to hate the company. I truly understand if CL stans will get mad at this. Minzy stans have been waiting a solo single for 11 years!

If we cannot hear CL's US debut this year, then YG has to make sure 2NE1's comeback album would be the best, if not, the greatest. He's been giving us false hopes for too long now. I really don't have time for his freaking promises. As for me, until I see a teaser or an official album release, I'll doubt his promise. If in the coming weeks I see a teaser or an official release, then I'll be one excited Blackjack.

As for Minzy's solo career, I cannot wait for it. Actually I am very happy that she left YG, the company where she spent her teenage years with. I know it took her a long time to come up with the decision and to her this would be the right choice. If she releases her solo career in the future, I'd be willing to give her all my money for her album. 

I might need to work hard to earn more though, because I will now be supporting 2 sets of artists- 2NE1 and Minzy. 

Lurking on Twitter and Instagram these days, I see some people they call themselves fans talking trash on the remaining members, and some even talking trash on Minzy, calling her selfish and inconsiderate. 

First off, Minzy is an adult and can decide on how her career will grow.  CL, Dara and Bom have nothing to do with it so kindly stop blaming the other girls. 

Second, real Blackjacks will support all four of them. OT3 on stage, OT4 in our hearts. If you cannot support both, it's your choice. But just becase you don't doesn't give you the authority to talk trash on any of them. 

Finally, it all boils down to YG not being able to promote her artists properly. I hope this will serve him a lesson.

*UPDATE: So I just read he signed up Sech Kies to YG and will give BigBang-like treatment?! He can't even take care of his current artists!


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