is anyone willing to make a tumblr collage for me?

I know I said before that I was gonna go back on hiatus but that ._. I hate missing out on everything that happens on aff and it's a bother to catch up on everything so I'm still here LOL anyways, back to the main point of the blog post

I know there's software you can use to make tumblr collages that you can use as wallpapers and I've tried doing some myself but I'm not the most artistic person out there and I have a terrible sense of spacing and arrangement (is that even the right wording LOL) but basically, I can't organize things and make them fit next to each other very well ._.

there's so many out there and a lot of you have probably seen them before at one point, but there's examples HERE HERE and HERE in case you don't know what they look like:

I have yet to find one of Kyuhyun that I actually like... there's not too many out there because people tend to make these types of things for newer and more popular idols and Super Junior's pretty old and arguably not as popular as other groups out there today... I would really like one of those tumblr collages of Kyuhyun to use as my phone wallpaper and I was wondering if someone would be willing to make one for me.  the style should be similar to the examples I mentioned above, and it should be suited for iphones (I don't actually have an iphone oops O.o but iphone sizing/scaling works for me)

it would mean a lot to me if someone could make one of these for me... if it's any incentive, I'm willing to pay you in karma points?  you can also do it for free and be a nice human being LOL XD but if you want, I'm willing to give you karma points for it


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here's one I made and I don't need the karma points