【 Idol Academy ✧ 】IM MISEUL + The Rising Phoenix





→ My Little Monet ⋮ Haein's pet name for Miseul is a reference to the fact her name means "art"
→ Nickname ⋮ explanation

🔥 BIRTHDAY 🔥 July 17, 1997
🔥 BIRTHPLACE 🔥 Seoul, South Korea
🔥 HOMETOWN 🔥 Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

🔥 ETHNICITY 🔥 Korean


→ Korean ⋮ Her native language


No ⋮ Miseul isn't offered any contracts this time, and while she's upset she realizes she's not totally ready for the real world yet. Though she does joke, "If I miss again next year, I may just make my own company and debut myself at that point!"

🔥 FACE-CLAIM 🔥 WJSN's Eunseo
🔥 BACK UP 🔥 T-Ara N4's Dani
🔥 WEIGHT, HEIGHT 🔥 162cm, 53kg

🔥 FASHION STYLE 🔥 Miseul dresses like a stereotypical American rapper. Baggy clothes, normally with the sleeves cut off, snapbacks put on backwards, and high top converse to complete the looks. She's not a tomboy necessarily since she does own some very nice dresses that she'll happily wear to formal gatherings, but if there isn't a dress code then she wants as few layers as possible as loose as possible. Without it being inappropriate, of course. Miseul says that she values the freedom that comes with the loose clothing, but really she just thinks it makes her look "swag".

🔥 APPEARANCE 🔥 Miseul is pretty average in every aspect of her physical appearance. wide nose, tan skin, black hair and flat everywhere. The only thing that could be marked as different are her double-lidded eyes, which she was not born with. Miseul honestly thinks she looks fine as she is though, and says she's never going to get any more surgery done.


(+) Determined, Open-Minded, Confident
(/) Melancholic, Friendly
(-) Mistrustful, Materialistic, Dependent

Miseul is a very hard worker, and is always ready and willing to accept help when it's offered. She doesn't fancy herself above anyone, so any condescension is accidental, though surprisingly common. Her humor is a bit off-kilter, so when she's joking around it sometimes seems like she's putting others down and calling herself the best. Those who know her know it's unintentional though. She's a very open and loving person, and definitely doesn't seem to see herself as better than anyone else. This isn't exactly true, though.

Underneath the outer layer of sweet, determined friendliness, Miseul is actually a very different person. She's a bit of a conundrum really, as she values material wealth more than emotional connections, but simultaneously becomes quite depressed if she doesn't get enough social interaction. What this means for her is that she doesn't go out of her way to meet people or keep friendships, but she requires the exact friendships she lets rust to stay happy and productive. If she doesn't get a certain amount of human contact within a certain amount of time, she becomes very moody and unmotivated, which she calls "spiraling". For the most part she has enough people around her to prevent this, though.

As stated earlier, Miseul is a very materialistic person. She places a high value on physical things, and is thus a bit of an impulse spender. She believes that stuff equals money, and money equals power and happiness, two concepts she sees as one and the same. Not to say she looks down on people who don't have a lot of things, but rather she feels sorry for them because they surely can't be happy. Ironically she herself doesn't really take her happiness from physical things at all, though she doesn't really realize that.

Miseul has a hard time letting go of the past. She often lingers on bad decisions for months, even years after they've been made, constantly asking herself "what if". She sometimes lets herself be so blinded by the past she forgets to worry about the future, which in turn ends up leading to more poor decisions that she lingers on. However her tendency towards melancholy isn't all bad. It may stop her from always seeing the present, but she definitely never makes the same mistake twice.

Miseul's general indifference towards keeping friendships alive stems from a mistrust of humanity in general. She always assumes people have ulterior agendas beyond just wanting to be friends (honestly she herself doesn't, but she sees herself as an exception rather than the rule. She is a touch egotistical in this way). It's very difficult for her to believe that people don't have hidden agendas, and even when she is convinced she labels them as 'fellow exceptions'. These people she does usually try to keep in contact with, though she's really, really bad at it.


Miseul was born the second daughter of a lower-middle class family. She came as a surprise to her parents - they hadn't thought they'd be able to have any more children - who happily accepted their new little girl. However, the new family member put an even bigger financial strain on the Ims, who had been struggling with just Yooseul. Hwanhee was almost never home thanks to the overtime he had to put into work just to keep them afloat, and Ahri also had to take longer sifts at her retail job, so the girls were often left with babysitters in their early years. By the time Miseul was 11 though, Hwanhee was earning enough to be able to take him family out more often. And Ahri worked her way up the corporate ladder and became the owner of the retail store when Miseul turned 12. This marked the start of the family's financial success. The Ims moved to a larger house on the high end of Seoul, and became much more relaxed about spending. A few months into their new wealth, they were scammed by a pest control company, losing over 3.5 million won before wising up. They were less trusting after that, realizing that some people only hung around because they had money.

Miseul absolutely adored the new house in Seoul. Sure she missed her friends, but she could always make new ones - Miseul had always been good at socializing - and she got a big room all to herself, which in and of itself made the entire experience the best one she'd had in her 12 years of life. She also got to buy more things, which was extremely exciting for the girl who'd previously only gotten gifts on her birthday and Christmas. With the move she started getting an allowance for doing her chores, which she could spend on whatever she wanted. It was a new freedom that she enjoyed abusing greatly. She almost always paid for everyone when she went out with friends, and soon everyone wanted to hang out with her. After her parents were scammed, they warned their daughters about spending too much. Yooseul hadn't been buying much anyway, but Miseul reluctantly decided to cut back considerably to make her parents happy. Upon learning that she wouldn't be paying anymore, many of her "friends" abandoned ship, leaving Misuel with a mere shadow of her old friend group. Among those left was Tania Oh, a Korean girl who had moved from America earlier that year, making her Misuel's fellow new girl. The two ended up becoming best friends by default, and when at 14 Tania decided to start dace lessons Miseul found herself dragged along for the ride.

Miseul has always loved singing. Her parents signed her up for her first voice lessons when she was just 6 years old (and had been begging for them for almost two years at that point), and she kept them up through the move. It was a big cornerstone of her life, something that remained consistent even if nothing else did. And although she wasn't a terrible student, singing was always the thing Miseul loved the most and was best at. It was actually her mother (an ex-White Angel) who suggested that Miseul consider singing as a career path. Initially Miseul wasn't enthralled by the idea of being an idol - she'd have to learn how to dance, which she was untrained in - but then Tania happened. Tania already had some dance experience from America, and she managed to persuade Miseul to attend one dance rehearsal with her "just to try it out". Miseul ended up really enjoying herself, so she ended up joining the dance team full-time. She wasn't a natural dancer, but she improved with time, and come her 17th birthday she found herself reconsidering her mother's idol suggestion after being a runner-up at a dance competition.

Tania was the one who discovered SIA and excitedly suggested she and Miseul try to audition in. Miseul was all for it and the two put together a routine that summer. They were accepted and started at SIA that fall. They didn't see much of each other outside of lunch and dance classes, since Tania had never really gotten the hang of singing and thus decided on training in rap instead, but they remained very close and agreed to group up for the year end evaluations. However, during one of the monthly evaluations, Miseul met Kim Haein, an upperclassman rapper whom she immediately got along with. Tania didn't mind their blooming friendship at first, and often asked Haein for rap tips, but when she noticed that Haein seemed to be trying to stop Miseul from spending time with her she became wary of the older girl. But before she could voice her concerns to Miseul, her friend announced with no small amount of excitement that Haein had asked her out. Tania couldn't bring herself to burst her friend's bubble, but as she feared, them dating meant Miseul spent less and less time with her. When Miseul announced that she was going to perform with Haein at the year-end instead of Tania, the two got into a huge argument that ended with Tania storming off. After the performance, YG scouts offered both Miseul and Haein contracts, but a few days after signing they changed their mind about Miseul, much to her confusion. She was upset of course, but Haein encouraged her to go another year at SIA and keep honing her talent, so Miseul returned the following year, determined to be picked up in the spring no matter what.


Although Miseul is pretty much out of the closet at school, her family still doesn't know concretely that she's gay (though her sister definitely has her suspicions)

Miseul's phone has a bad habit of going off in the middle of class. She still hasn't learned to put in in silent mode.

She's definitely a dog person, and thinks cats are evil

Though she can't really understand or speak English, she can sing it pretty well in terms of pronounciation - she just has no idea what she's saying

She's ambidextrous, but was born left-handed

She's a huge fan of fantasy novels - she's even read all the Game of Thrones novel

She doesn't cry very easily, so when she does you know she's really pissed/upset/happy

She really hates when Hani knocks on her door without a reason beyond "can I help you with anything?"

She thinks Spanish is a really pretty language and wants to learn it, but her lingual skills are nonexistant so she hasn't had much luck so far.

She's a HUGE Wonder Girls fan and has a ton of their merchandise in her dorm room.



→ Mother, Kim Ahri ⋮ 43 ⋮ Store Owner ⋮ Engaging, Fussy, Honest, Impatient ⋮ Miseul and her mother get along about as well as any parent and child do. They love each other, but both get annoyed with the other as well. Miseul doesn't like that her mother still treats her like a child (which of course she is, but Miseul's hard-headed like that) and Ahri is frustrated that her daughter won't accept any advice or help.
→ Father, Im Hwanhee ⋮ 48 ⋮ Financial Consultant ⋮ Loud, Charismatic, Sensistive, Gullible ⋮ Hwanhee and Miseul are honestly a bit awkward, and he's always been closer to Yooseul. Not to say he doesn't try to bond with his youngest, but they don't have very much in common in the way of interests, so they generally just love each other from a distance.
→ Sister, Im Yooseul ⋮ 21 ⋮ University Student ⋮ Clever, Emotional, Reserved, Practical ⋮ Yooseul and Miseul actually get along really well, especially since they stopped living together. Yooseul is always happy to listen to Miseul's rants about whatever new drama is happening at school, and Miseul returns the favor by listening to Yooseul talking about her university courses (which Miseul knows nothing about. She still can't fathom why Yooseul would go into finance "with all that math" but if it makes her happy).


→ Estranged Best Friend, Tania Oh ⋮ 19 ⋮ Student at SIA ⋮ Clever, Honest, Outgoing, Fussy, Insecure, Too Optimistic ⋮ Tania and Miseul are two peas in a pod. They've been insperable best friends since grade school and no one thought anything could tear them apart. However, after getting into a fight over Miseul "ditching" Tania to perform with Haein, the two have been very awkward with each other. Both of them want to move past the incident, but neither want's to apologize as they both feel they were in the right.
→ Friends, Kurosawa Ryuuto ⋮ 22 ⋮ Student at SIA ⋮ Here ⋮ The two met during a vocal class they had together and Miseul found Ryuuto to be a highly amusing and interesting person. As such she made it her mission to get to know him, which wasn't hard with how chatty he is. The two very much have an in-school friendship, but they're still undeniably friends despite that.
→ Friendly, Song Sumin ⋮ 23 ⋮ Student at SIA ⋮ Here ⋮ Miseul knows Sumin through Ryuuto, and she thinks the older girl is pretty cool and fun to hang out with. Though she'd never spend time with her without someone else there, Miseul does consider Sumin to be someone she enjoys spending time with. Even if she only trusts her as far as she can throw her.



The Rising Phoenix (Though she was accepted and then rejected by a company during the previous spring, Miseul isn't letting that stop her)


She really likes performing rock-pop songs as it lets her show off her dancing, though her voice is far more suited to power ballads. Her voice is in the awkward limbo area between soprano and mezzo-soprano, so she has a rather limited range. She makes up for it with a powerful belting voice.


Singing: Purfles' Eunyoung
Dancing: GFRIEND's Eunha


I'm going to be Korea's next sweetheart!

Kim Mihoon

🔥 BRACKET 🔥 Performance 🔥 AGE 🔥 23
🔥 BACK UP 🔥 Lee Hwanhee (Up10tion) 🔥 BACK UP 🔥 Hyun Seunghee (Oh My Girl)



Mihoon is this ball of confidence that doesn't give a damn about how anyone feels about her, she's just going to do her thing and that's that. She can be rather harsh in her dismissive attitude towards other people's feelings, she really only cares about those that she's close to and everyone else is inconsequential.

Mihoon is very protective of her friends. She will defend them to the ends of the earth no matter if they deserve criticism or not. She's loyal to a fault and will stand by you forever if you're her friend. Unfortunately she doesn't have many friends. Her tough and brash personality is rather intimidating and scares most people away, and her amazing voice does the rest. She's got an excellent bull radar, she sees right through your lies and she has no time for any of it. She's got no problem calling anyone out on it either.

She's daring and often likes to perform on the more risque side of things, except it's because she actually enjoys it. Honestly if there's anyone who will laugh in the face of convention and do whatever the hell she wants, it's Mihoon's life and everyone else can gtfo. She's got a very sarcastic and dry sense of humour, and is very down to earth and realistic.

Yes this is the same person from Monkey's app, she graciously let me borrow her for my dumb teen :P

🔥 WHY ARE THEY RIVALS? 🔥 Honestly a huge part of Miseul's one-sided rivalry with Mihoon stems from jealousy. Though Miseul has skills, somehow Mihoon always comes out above her during evaluations, and it drives Miseul crazy. It also doesn't help that Mihoon and Haein were never on very good terms prior to the latter's graduation. Basically, Miseul is being a petty child and Mihoon is ignoring her.

🔥 INTERACTIONS 🔥 Mihoon isn't unaware of Miseul, but the younger student never really piqued her interest so she never paid any attention. And with everything going on with Juna, she honestly still doesn't really pay any attention to Miseul. However, for her part Miseul is hyper-aware of Mihoon's existence. She's constantly checking how Mihoon is doing in class and in evaluations, trying to garner rumors about her and just generally spends more time obsessing over what Mihoon is doing than is probably healthy. She has an intense fixation on out performing the older girl.

🔥 PASSWORD 🔥 Bruh (Tania/Haein would do the rapping)


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NAME: Kim Haein (OC) (FC; Rania's Hyeme)
AGE: 22
BRACKET + TALENT: Ex-Performance + Rap

(+) Dedicated, Steady, Loyal
(-) Possessive, Proud, Sensitive
(/) Protective, Compulsive, Dependent

On the outside, Haein seems to be mostly stable. She sticks to her routines and does her best to reach any and all goals set for her, whether by the company or by herself. She's steady, never chaging despite the constant swirl of chaos around her. She likes her methods so she sticks with them. And when she's decided she likes a person she'll stick with them as well. She's often called a rock, and it's a pretty accurate metaphor. She's always willing to listen, yet she never asks a thing in return. As long as she's being helpful, it seems she's content.

Or at least that's how she presents herself. In reality, below the exterior calm Haein is a whirlwind of pride, jealousy, and over dependence. Her dedication to her friends is in a large part due to her need to constantly be surrounded by people. She has a deep-seated desperation to be the center of attention wherever she goes, but she doesn't want to be seen as an attention either. So when she makes friends she clings to them, doing everything in her power to be the perfect friend so that they like her the best and give her the most attention. Going along with this, she's very possesive of her friends, not wanting to share them with anyone else, even each other. She's very much the jealous type and is quick to get insulted when she feels she's being ignored, even if there really isn't a reason. When feeling insulted, Haein gets very sulky and quiet, and won't tell anyone why. She's an overly proud person and doesn't like feleing like she needs help from anyone. As such she often bottles up her emotions and problems until it's far too late to fix them. She sees needing help as being weak, and she refuses to be weak.

Despite the jealousy and the lack of opening up, Haein is not a bad person to keep around. She's definitely loyal due to her fear of being abandoned, and she's quite protective of he friends as well. She can and will punch people if she needs to to keep her friends and loved ones safe. She doesn't always think through her actions, reacting on muscle memory and habit rather than strategy or logic, which can get her into trouble if said muscle memory results in her punching something. However, don't mistake her complusions for impulse, because she is really not an impulsive person at all. Haein is reactive not proactive, letting a situation occur and then adjusting to make herself the center in whatever way she knows how.

🔥 RELATIONSHIP 🔥 Dating (7 months)

Haein and Miseul's relationship jump ropes over the line of adorable and unhealthy on a regular basis. Miseul often seems to be putting a lot more into the relationship from an outside perspective as she spends nearly every moment not at school texting Haein or visiting her girlfriend at the YG building. She'd unquestioningly drop anything if Haein asked her to and treats the other's opinions as if they were the word of god. She's extremely infatuated, arguably to the point of obsession, with her girlfriend and takes anything said against Haein as a personal attack. Miseul has been utterly infatuated with Haein since Tania first introduced them during Miseul's first year at SIA, and her near-worship of the other girl never faded. And Haein is fully aware of her girlfriend's devotion, often using it to manipulate Miseul into doing what she wants, and the latter never realizes it, being blinded by her infatuation.

That's not to say there aren't good thing in the relationship, though. It could never really work if Miseul was the only one trying. For her part, Haein really does like Miseul - she would have never asked the youger girl out if she didn't - and she's always happy to drop almost anything to help when Miseul has a problem. She lends a sympathetic ear whenever Miseul needs one and has driven to the SIA dorms in the middle of the night before when her girlfriend was freaking out about exams. Haein is actually far more dependent on Miseul being around than vice-versa, so she does everything in her power to keep Miseul interested in the relationship and away from people who could potentially steal her away. This generlly entils randomly showing up with flowers or chocolate and plans for the evening that result in Miseul having to sneak back onto campus after curfew. Not that Miseul minds one bit.



Up to you ultimately. I feel like Miseul can't really grow until she moves away from Haein though, this girl is a terrible influence on her OTL



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eue waits for this to finish. monkey's too.