「Eclipse : Battle of the Sun and Moon」 Kim Dahee : Daisy

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birthname. kim, daisy       김일품
                      kim, dahee     김다희

 ❀   quokka :: a nickname made by the staff of the island of quokka island, she reminds them of quokkas as she always smiling and happy. her parents now use this nickname frequently at home and with friends.
 ❀   angel :: with her personality, it's hard not to find daisy to be an angel. no explanation needed after the first sentence.
 ❀  daihee :: it's a mix of her english name, daisy and her korean name, dahee. a younger student in the school once got confused between calling her daisy and dahee and called her daihee. it sticks with her as a litt

date of birth. june 2nd, 1999
birthplace. perth, australia
hometwon. perth, aus   ( 1999 - 2011 )
                       seoul, skr   ( 2011 - present )

ethnicity. korean
language spoken. 

 ❀   korean :: semi-fluent :: she had only had a few months of learning the basics of korean before moving to korea. whilst she was there, she was studying really hard to become fluent in the language and five years on, she's almost there. 
 ❀   english :: fluent :: studying the uk version of the english language because australia uses that version, this is daisy's mother tongue. sometimes it's strange for her to come to korea and the foreigners there use american styled english like : it's not mom it's mum!

faceclaim. kim sohye of i.o.i
backup faceclaim. yoo yeonjung of i.o.i
height & weight. 162 cm and 46 kg



daisy is a bit obsessed with flowers and that somehow managed to fit in her fashion style. she also has a fascination with the colours; grey and light blue so she often wears denim pants and shirts because of the palette she likes. daisy refuses to wear purses and hand-held bags, instead wearing floral backpacks. like her case with the bags, daisy refuses to wear high heels because they are more like high hell to her and she wears sneakers or lofts. half of her shoes are floral and denim. in summer and spring, daisy often wears flower crowns along with her outfits.

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   This is me

personality traits. 
pos. guileless, enthusiastic, lovable, modest, simple
           neg.  cowardly, hesitant, naive, timid, weak


daisy is known to be innocent and pure by many other people. her guileless trait came to be because she was often by herself but she enjoyed the moments by herself and she wasn't exposed to any deception on the way of her childhood. she's also enthusiastic when something happens and she's always looking interested at whatever is going on. daisy is also very modest and can underestimate herself because she thinks that she is lower and untalented than others; however she uses this as encouragement. as a person, daisy is actually quite normal and is simple and normal. she likes nothing extravagant and she likes the more simple sides of things. because of all these traits, daisy is a lovable person. she can relate to others quite easily because of her personality and likes and her simple, happy persona is easy for you to befriend her. 

however, as all people have, daisy has her negative sides too. she's quite cowardly when it comes to something that's dangerous-looking or that looks too adventerous. this also has to tie in with her hesitant trait; yes she gets excited over new things but as she gets closer to it, she becomes more hesitant by the second. also relating to another trait, her naiveness derives from her innocence and she can be blinded at times. sometimes daisy can't tell the difference from good and bad because she doesn't know the difference at times. daisy from a distance can be very energetic and a social butterfly but when she comes one on one with someone she doesn't know, she can get a little shy and she would try to overcome it. her last negative trait is that daisy is weak. a little weak-willed, a little weak-minded. 


daisy's parents were immigrants from south korea who moved to australia to live a better life. after recieving their australian nationality ten years later, daisy was born into their life. she recieved an english name and a korean name to go by with. daisy was an only child although her parents really wanted another child. daisy often spent her time with babysitters during the ages of three to five because her parents worked in an island not too far away from perth. she would often cry during her babysitting sessions which led to multiple babysitters getting fired. it was when daisy was five that her parents stopped the babysitting sessions and brought her to work with them instead of her going to preschool. 

daisy's parents worked in an island called quokka island where they were tour guides and worked in the cafes. daisy loved going there and whilst being on the island, she learnt how to be happy and cheerful without her parents because she was often playing harmlessly with the quokkas there. when daisy was able to go to primary school, afterschool her parents would pick her up and go to the island to continue with their work. daisy was well known with the staff there and she often assisted with feeding the quokkas from time to time with the staff. 

in 2011, her grandfather in korea was turning deathly ill and her parents wanted to go back to korea to be there for their family. so a few months after the news of their grandfather's illness, they moved to south korea. this was a major change for daisy as she had only learnt the basics of the korean language and now she was forced to live there for the rest of her life practically. 

a few years down the track, about three years, daisy finally got used to her life in south korea. she had school there and she had her best friends. it was 2014 and the biggest thing for people to do for her age was training and becoming an idol. of course, daisy wanted to join her friends in doing so. she auditioned for jyp, dsp, polaris and starship with her friends. most of her friends had gotten in with those four entertainments and daisy wanted to give up; but luckily her friends told her not to give up and so she auditioned again with nh entertainment. after her audition, the spokesperson had told her she had lots of potential and gave her the contract that would be the beginning to her trainee life. 

   Everything else


❀  flowers 
❀  bitter and spicy foods
❀  shopping
❀  australia 
❀  lemon tea
❀  pancakes 
❀  storytelling
❀  cherry blossoms
❀  anything cute



❀  sweet foods
❀  having period cramps
❀  not growing taller
❀  horror movies or anything relating to horror
❀  really hot weather
❀  empty spaces
❀  when things go faster than expected
❀  short clothes


❀  complimenting people or things
❀  writing stories or scenarios
❀  doodling flowers
❀  reading books about geography 



❀  fiddling her hands
❀  smiling in every situation
❀  puckered lips when bored
❀  humming random tunes 
❀  pretending her fingers are dancing and walking



  she has a lot of fans, though not as many as the others, because she can relate a lot to the audience and vice versa
❀  daisy was supposed to come out of her mother via a cesarean when she was born but her mother backed out
❀  her favourite girl groups are rainbow, t-ara and little mix
❀  if she doesn't become an idol, daisy plans on going to culinary school
❀  if the plan above doesn't work, daisy wants to become a florist
❀  daisy does not have a social media account
❀  her family goes back to australia during the holidays and sometimes to europe too when they have extra money
❀  daisy can make really good ramyun because her father is a ramyun chef
❀  unfortunately, that's the only food she's good at cooking with
❀  daisy excells at her english and geography classes
❀  she can withstand really spicy foods
❀  when daisy writes in english, she writes in cursive writing
❀  although she doesn't initiate it, daisy loves recieving skinship
❀  when someone confesses to her during school, daisy would sometimes mislead it for something else and friendzone them MERCILESSLY


 papa bear :: kim koosung (50) :: ramyun chef :: difficult, moderate, persuasive :: koosung loves his daughter with all his heart. he's a man with high intelligence and would often persuade daisy to do chores for him behind jinyoung's back. the two are incredibly close, like brother and sister and joke around with each other. koosung usually teaches daisy the best ramyun recipes he has in store whenever they have time.

  mama bear :: kim jinyoung (46) :: barista :: systematic, admirable, calm :: jinyoung is the man of the house. although people confuse her to be a boy, since her name is masculine, she has to scold them and tell them that jinyoung is a uni name. with that being said, jinyoung often scolds koosung and daisy a lot in a calm way.  daisy looks up to her mother a lot, like any child would do.

❀  lovey-dovey friend ::  oh taehyun (18) :: student ::  positive, genuine, fawning  :: taehyun was one of the boys that first fell in love with daisy but as always, daisy was oblivious and friendzoned him. but taehyun used that chance and became one of her close friends. he's still in love with daisy but he knows it's one-sided. either way, taehyun simply loves hanging out with her and often initiates skinship with her. taehyun often ruffles her hair and pecks her cheeks, forehead and head when he feels proud or happy for her and gives lots of hugs. from an outsider's point of view, you'd think the two were dating. if taehyun was told this, he'd chuckle and say  'i wish'. the two even have matching bff necklaces to taehyun's dismay.

  The trainee

stage name.  daisy

persona  blossoming bud  :  because she's quite young and her visuals are just beginning to shine ever so slowly, it's fitting for daisy to use this persona.

fanclub.  daisy chains  :  tied together by the stems, a daisy chain is very pretty and daisies also symbolise purity, which makes up most of daisy's personality and image. 


position. vocals, sub-dance

vocal twin  yein of lovelyz

dance twin.  yein of lovelyz


trainee years.  two years

trainee life.  

daisy had a hard time training in nh entertainment. during her first few months, she struggled to balance her school life and her training life. whenever she prioritised school, daisy was on the verge of being kicked out and when she focussed on her training life, she'd get extremely low grades. so daisy told the ceo and he lessened her training periods and moved her to lesser exerting training periods. the spokesperson of nh, the one who had accepted daisy into the training program was disappointed at her because she had dropped down her levels of dancing and vocals but the potential was still there. this potential was why daisy was chosen to be on the new survival program.


      ❀  eclipse competitor kim daisy dating? :: one of the students from daisy 's and taehyun's school saw the two after school hours and reportedly saw them showing affection to each other. the student who saw didn't know about their friendship but daisy had to go up to her afterwards and showed her their bff necklaces. 

      ❀  eclipse competitor kim daisy reported to have bribed to get into the survival show? :: a staff member had complained about the spokesperson making sure that daisy would get onto the show, not knowing that several reporters were nearby. the staff member didn't say anything else after finding out and daisy had recieved a large amount of hate afterwards. the staff member apologized shortly after but there was a bit of sarcasm in it.


   The interview

could you please introdce yourself.

daisy's smile grew as she hurriedly bowed to the staff hello! i'm daisy, my korean name is kim dahee!  she bowed again, her hands shaking as she tried to keep her shyness away please take care of me!

tell us a little about yourself, what is your role, how long have you been a trainee?

i'm a sub-dancer and vocalist she smiled nervously but i'm not as good as the others. daisy waved her hands around and gave a slight giggle i've been training for two years? not very long right!? i haven't improved at all!

how well do you think you will do in the show?

 i get along with everyone daisy paused hopefully and so i think i'll do average. she gave a smile and played with her hands i want to see everyone do their best so i'll have to do my best too!

how would you feel if you were not able to debut?

 daisy's face became quite blank but her timid smile stayed i wouldn't feel angry or upset, i think. i would be happy for the people who won of course! i'll cheer them on for the rest of my life! 

is there anything else you would like to add?

 daisy gave a deep bow once more and stayed in that position thank you for having me! let's have fun and smile a lot!

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daisy doesn't know how love actually works. she's an eighteen year old girl in south korean age, yet daisy can't figure out the logic of love. what was it? love at first sight? 

the one time she was asked that if she fell in love at first sight, she honestly answered and said yes. who did she fall in love with? her parents of course. 

   aimashou : tilda : 8 out of 10

last words.  i really like the idea of this story and i hope you like daisy. i really hope that i haven't forgotten anything because this is really rushed! i made daisy in a day! ;o;

scenes requests.

  the girls do the spicy ramyun challenge and daisy aces the challenge easily while the other girls struggles.
❀  showcase including all the trainees  as a surprise

password.  april's dream candy


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