Behind The Scenes

lol jk . this blog is about bts & procrastination.  


so I'm becoming bts trash . some throw me away plz. 

ing Suga, why you gotta be so talented, into things I'm into and like ing adorable . gawd dammit .


anyways while I was trying to find bts fanfics, I realized something very important....


there are no good bts x oc fanfic, more or less ones that have Suga as the male protagonist.  noooooo. why is the Fandom filledd with young preadoslecent teenage girls (who also ruin the name of the Fandom)  .


ok, this is just two cents, but here it goes....


princessvivi is the best one out of the bts fanfic writers on aff. and that's saying something. like , I love her stories but there are so many more talented writers in the exo Fandom (she is talented af don't get me wrong. her stories are one of my top 10 tbh)  but gawddd I'm dying . 

come and disagree with me please and show me fanfics that I should give a chance lol 



the delima of me....

Suga destroys my life --> sees articles about army's do to other Fandom and is completely turned off --> Suga destroys my life --> tries to find fanfics that's are good, but there are none , so im turned away from the fandom again--> Suga destroys my life.....

and the cycle continues 


lol #BRB crying cause I got a final that I haven't studied for :') 


it's the TRUTTHHHHHHHHHHH  !!! YESSSS!! I'm Okey dokey nopeeeeeee 

-A song by a girl who's dying because she's an idiot :''''''')(((()))))



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Persont #1
Oh, yeah, I'm going to attempt to write a sugax oc fic, very soon. I have like 5 other fics that I have to do though. Also, try just searching the suga tag. There may be some there. You can exclude all the bts otps and then search, maybe that will help? Idk, if I find a good one I will tell you.
Hi! Sorry if I'm bothering you, but If you are an army, or if you like them at least, please vote for them in show champion >.< They are in second place right now and they're stuck there :/

Here is the tutorial for that: